View Full Version : question about attribute-based critical weighting

01-04-2021, 01:33 AM
There was a discord discussion about how wisdom and intution provide crit weighting for ranged weapons.

Was it stated whether this works for bolts too?

01-07-2021, 10:50 PM
Dev says bolts use the same weighting. Discussion is in discord on 3/26/2020.

In regard to:
"is range and thrown the same? int and wisdom?"

Dev replies:
"I don't know about hurling"
"Actually, yes I do, it's the same as ranged and bolts."

01-07-2021, 11:07 PM
lol I had no idea that intuition and wisdom added to crit weighting to bolts or ranged or hurling after all these decades.

01-08-2021, 01:14 AM
Thanks Ralk!

01-08-2021, 07:22 AM
If weighting on ranged only helps with aiming what effect does it have on bolts since they can't be aimed?

01-08-2021, 07:30 AM
The character's perception and intuition traits help aiming roll. This has no impact on bolts as you point out.

The character's intuition and wisdom stats add critical weighting stats are used to determine phantom damage onto the damage calculation, to determine crit rank of the hit. This effects ranged and bolts.

01-08-2021, 08:29 AM
The character's perception and intuition traits help aiming roll. This has no impact on bolts as you point out.

The character's intuition and wisdom stats add critical weighting stats are used to determine phantom damage onto the damage calculation, to determine crit rank of the hit. This effects ranged and bolts.

I guess noone here would know the formula for this?

01-08-2021, 08:31 AM
Ahh so along with their dex bonuses that does really make Halflings and Dark Elves fantastic bolters.

01-08-2021, 08:34 AM
I guess noone here would know the formula for this?

(wis bonus+int bonus)/6

01-08-2021, 08:41 AM

(wis bonus+int bonus)/6

Verrry interesting. And by bolt we mean like Holy bolt (306) or (910) ? and not the crossbow kind?

01-08-2021, 08:59 AM
I'm guessing that crossbows fall under ranged and bolts are bolt spells.

01-10-2021, 11:32 AM
Verrry interesting. And by bolt we mean like Holy bolt (306) or (910) ? and not the crossbow kind?

Both ranged weapons and spell aiming use the same.