View Full Version : Two non auction quality tents with custom colors

Grim Reaper
12-21-2020, 10:53 PM
Selling a folded shadowy black tent and a folded dirty canvas tent for 1mil each. Both custom merchant altered colors different then what was sold off the rack. Your own portable resting spot. Critters can knock them down and like weeble wobbles the tent will fall down so be mindful where you pitch the tent.

Update: The shadowy black tent is sold. The dirty canvas tent remains. I'll toss in a bottle of manure scented oil so you can smell like shit. Just remind me! Permify it at Ebons Gate and be a stinker all year long.

Create your own tent city in front of someone's property. Be the mother in law that never leaves!

Example below:

[Nightshade Cemetery, Lawn]
Honeysuckle and wild rose vines twine around the high iron fence surrounding the lawn, moonlight glinting off the sharp barbs lining the top. Thick wild grass carpets the ground, and a single tombstone sits off to one side under a broad canopy tree. A small pathway of crushed white seashells leads from a thick iron gate to a white marble crypt. Near the far corner of the crypt is an elongated mound of earth. You also see a dirty canvas tent.
Obvious paths: none

>go tent
[Stinkey's Tent]
The interior of the tent is pretty sparse. A faint mildewy smell permeates the air. Bits of sand and dirt are scattered across the floor. You also see a tent flap.
Obvious exits: none

Knock tent:
You hear a faint thudding and notice a disturbance against one of the tent's canvas walls, as if someone outside was trying to attract your attention.

12-21-2020, 11:22 PM
It's there, I'm blind

Grim Reaper
01-07-2021, 08:28 PM
The shadowy black tent is sold. The dirty canvas tent remains. I'll toss in a bottle of manure scented oil so you can permify it at Ebon Gate and be a stinker all year long!