View Full Version : A few things

12-14-2020, 07:54 PM
I'm trying to get a feel for the following items values.

2 5 sip mastery brews for enchanting
~850 enchanting essence infused into potions (so an instant 45-50 enchant)

I'm not sure if I should sell these bundled as an offering of 850k essence on max player enchantable projects (maxed out post cap enchanting + 1 mastery brew for around ~1300 projects), or separately.


12-14-2020, 07:55 PM
50m+ each for the enchanting potions. 5m maybe on the pants.

12-15-2020, 01:46 PM
Do you mean that you have two, 5-sip “viscous opalescent brew” (from spellbound), plus additional tempering potions infused with 850k of your own mana from the old version of enchant?

If so, the tempering potions are bound to you. You can still sell your essence, but the potions cannot be used by anyone else.

12-15-2020, 02:05 PM
Do you mean that you have two, 5-sip “viscous opalescent brew” (from spellbound), plus additional tempering potions infused with 850k of your own mana from the old version of enchant?

If so, the tempering potions are bound to you. You can still sell your essence, but the potions cannot be used by anyone else.

Yes I have both the brews and additionally tempering potions infused with 850k of my own mana. I realize the tempering potions are bound.

The question I'm trying to solve is this: Is it better to split all of these items apart and sell them individually, or is there a gain to be had by bundling.

If a person had a 1100+ difficulty 45 weapon and a brew, they would still have to potentially pay an enchanter for 10 fixskills on top of the essence to get from 45-50, and it would potentially take longer.

If I offer a 45-50 instant service for an enchant on items up to ~1300 difficulty. (this would take the tempering potions and one of the brews) would that be worth more than just selling off the stuff separately. Or would I be wasting my time waiting for that particular of a buyer.

12-15-2020, 04:13 PM
Since infused potions counted toward one's weekly limit up until last week, the possibility of a 'speed enchant' under the current system is something new.

The question I'm trying to solve is this: Is it better to split all of these items apart and sell them individually, or is there a gain to be had by bundling.

Regardless of bundling, you're looking at the higher-end market for both the potions and the enchants, where prices are more variable. Considering a 9x-10x enchant would take 18 weeks with one wizard (or the hassle of finding multiple wizards), there's probably some value in offering a speed enchant. Whether it's enough to make extra is hard to say, but I'm guessing it will likely save you time selling it all to one person.

I'd probably post them together in High End Valuables. Sell the brews separately, and bundle the essence into a 9x-10x speed enchant. You could try auctioning it to see if there's interest; set the MB for whatever you'd charge normally for that essence, and see if folks want to bid it up. You could also offer a slight discount for someone who wants to buy potion and the essence together. Good luck!

12-16-2020, 09:21 AM
I was told by the GMs that only the person who infused the potions can drink them to get the essence, so you can't just hand them the potions as far as I know and you'll have to do the enchant. Unsure if that changed or if that was your original intent.