View Full Version : Official: Encumbrance Training

12-01-2020, 11:53 PM
And just in, under the headline of never say never:


12-02-2020, 12:05 AM
Cannot delete the first post in a thread to remove duplicate threads? Nod to Donquix

12-02-2020, 07:18 AM
You can now train to reduce your encumbrance. The Physical Fitness skill now reduces encumbrance by 1 pound for every 10 skill bonus. For example, someone with 10 ranks (50 skill bonus) will see a 5 lbs reduction.

Additionally, a new Ascension Skill has been released at the Common tier:
Name: Porter [porter]
Type: Passive Buff
Other Requirements: None
Available to: All
Prerequisites: 10 ascension ranks combined between Strength and Physical Fitness.
Ascension Ability Points:
CEIL(Rank / 5)
Mechanics: Decreases encumbrance by 2 pounds per rank

GameMaster Oscuro

For people that don't want to visit their shitastic forums.

12-02-2020, 11:24 AM
Then the game went down for maintenance, probably to increase the weight of everything in the game.

12-02-2020, 11:33 AM

Tsk Tsk
12-02-2020, 11:50 AM
Encumbrance is 100% the reason I've never played a tiny person race. Happy to see this change.

12-02-2020, 12:23 PM
The point is though this change is a massive buff to small races that I frankly think they did not need.

My Giantman doesn’t really need an extra +40 lb carrying capacity, he fries or finishes his bounty long before he hits encumbrance issues. A Halfling on the otherhand I would guess this update is life-changing.

But why? They get a ton of other benefits.

12-02-2020, 12:24 PM
The point is though this change is a massive buff to small races that I frankly think they did not need.

My Giantman doesn’t really need an extra +40 lb carrying capacity, he fries or finishes his bounty long before he hits encumbrance issues. A Halfling on the otherhand I would guess this update is life-changing.

But why? They get a ton of other benefits.

Balance through player annoyance is not good balance, IMHO.

12-02-2020, 12:25 PM
The point is though this change is a massive buff to small races that I frankly think they did not need.


My takeaway is that if you QQ enough on the officials, you get something good. At least, that's clearly what appeared to have happened here, based on the rampant QQing about poor halflings and the new SMR changes.

12-02-2020, 12:26 PM
The point is though this change is a massive buff to small races that I frankly think they did not need.

My Giantman doesn’t really need an extra +40 lb carrying capacity, he fries or finishes his bounty long before he hits encumbrance issues. A Halfling on the otherhand I would guess this update is life-changing.

But why? They get a ton of other benefits.

Encumbrance is stupid and they should just remove it from the game entirely.

12-02-2020, 12:51 PM
The point is though this change is a massive buff to small races that I frankly think they did not need.

My Giantman doesn’t really need an extra +40 lb carrying capacity, he fries or finishes his bounty long before he hits encumbrance issues. A Halfling on the otherhand I would guess this update is life-changing.

But why? They get a ton of other benefits.

You'd be wrong. What other benefits are you getting at here?

You mean the +40 elemental TD that is helpful but not really a game changer at all whatsoever?

Please elaborate as the benefits for giants are many:

1) Overall net gain with SMRv2 changes - can mitigate the dodging roll equation AND retains bonuses to being hit
2) Encumbrance bonuses - don't need to alter how you hunt and do not have to pay RL $'s for encumbrance potions
3) Reach bonuses - ambush head, nuff said
4) High HP so even when a dodge fails they can take the blood loss. CON bonuses provide crit padding as well
5) Prime beneficiaries of new ascension as they already have bonuses in areas small races couldn't do anything about. This is more in balance with the recent change and was very much needed

Shoring up encumbrance, a change which also benefits large races as well, was a good move and puts things in more alignment.

12-02-2020, 12:57 PM
Encumbrance is stupid and they should just remove it from the game entirely.

Instructions unclear; Now wizards add 1 pound of encumbrance for every bolt spell cast that is EBP'd.

12-02-2020, 01:03 PM
The point is though this change is a massive buff to small races that I frankly think they did not need.

My Giantman doesn’t really need an extra +40 lb carrying capacity, he fries or finishes his bounty long before he hits encumbrance issues. A Halfling on the otherhand I would guess this update is life-changing.

But why? They get a ton of other benefits.

Heh, my troops don't come home until their containers are full and they have a box in both hands. I would walk a mile if I could shut experience off mid 40's.

12-02-2020, 02:14 PM
1) Overall net gain with SMRv2 changes - can mitigate the dodging roll equation AND retains bonuses to being hit.

Was this an update with a rundown somewhere? Or do you mean that SMRv2 from the beginning was just like this?

12-02-2020, 02:24 PM
Was this an update with a rundown somewhere? Or do you mean that SMRv2 from the beginning was just like this?

It's on the Test server now. Here's the info on it:


There's an official forums post somewhere but I can't be fucked finding it.

12-02-2020, 02:58 PM
1.) They don’t retain the bonuses to being hit that all got moved to the post roll.
2.) Encumbrance has now been fixed.
3.) Who cares about reach when I’m too damn big and get the “couldn’t find an opening” message which according to Naijin halfings don’t get.
4.) HP is almost meaningless in this game, almost.
5.) Same for small races especially in the all mighty agi/dex department.

1) Giants get a bonus to their roll. It's +10
2) It has been fixed and all races get benefit. Giants still get more encumbrance bonuses than small races. The change brought things more into balance
3) Now you're just splitting hairs. Reach does matter - halflings can't ambush heads on a lot of critters out there. It's helped with acrobat's leap but that is only rogue/monk specific
4) HP isn't meaningless. Total HP should be more weighted towards profession than anything else
5) Up until this encumbrance change, small races couldn't mitigate some of the hard penalties. Giants still come out ahead here but hopefully more ascension skills are released to balance things out

Stanley Burrell
12-02-2020, 03:32 PM
Pretty tight. Hopefully they'll do something with Resists allowing the unlocking of more Common/Uncommon Ascension skills, or something along those lines.

12-02-2020, 03:44 PM
1.) +10 to the post damage mitigation roll after they fail the initial roll where they get zero benefits and halflings get anywhere from +5 to +12 points over a giant depending upon skill training. Also that +5 to +12 gets added onto the post roll. halflings are actually double-dipping their bonuses. I don’t think you fully comprehend what Naijin was saying.

2.) Again I hunt for exp not loot grind so I can sell shit here for mucho dinero.

3.) Depends on profession.

4.) HP is not totally meaningless but it’s not like it’s vital either.

5.) Ascension is going to be a shitstorm because the devs will have no way to “balance” any of that shit.

They're not looking for balance. They're looking for more P2W masquerading as balance.

12-02-2020, 06:25 PM
1.) +10 to the post damage mitigation roll after they fail the initial roll where they get zero benefits and halflings get anywhere from +5 to +12 points over a giant depending upon skill training. Also that +5 to +12 gets added onto the post roll. halflings are actually double-dipping their bonuses. I don’t think you fully comprehend what Naijin was saying.


12-02-2020, 07:33 PM
1.) +10 to the post damage mitigation roll after they fail the initial roll where they get zero benefits and halflings get anywhere from +5 to +12 points over a giant depending upon skill training. Also that +5 to +12 gets added onto the post roll. halflings are actually double-dipping their bonuses. I don’t think you fully comprehend what Naijin was saying.

2.) Again I hunt for exp not loot grind so I can sell shit here for mucho dinero.

3.) Depends on profession.

4.) HP is not totally meaningless but it’s not like it’s vital either.

5.) Ascension is going to be a shitstorm because the devs will have no way to “balance” any of that shit.

1) You're better off taking the hit. I tested this out with a halfling vs. giant. All races benefited from this change. With the higher HP and post damage mitigation bonus, giants come out ahead.
2) Not sure what you are getting at here. You said encumbrance was fixed. I agreed but mentioned that this wasn't a halfling only fix. All races get benefits here.
3) Wrong. It depends on weapon-type and there is a clear bonus that giants get in ambushing the head.
4) Point is giants get a bonus to HP. It's not profession based. It's race based. I hope they changed this next.
5) I'll wait for this storm you speak of. So far it's good and rolling in encumbrance benefits was a good step to take too.

12-02-2020, 08:23 PM
Let’s not kid ourselves the damage is almost meaningless. I ran a few hours of tests too. I actually notice that my halfling is dodging more but don’t feel much difference in the damage between giant and half. same armor same exact stat bonuses and exact skill training and profession.

It was a mega fucking buff for the midgets this go around. Stop pretending.

You're wrong but hey, I don't need to convince you. Glad dev saw reason and made the encumbrance change.

Things are more balanced now.

12-03-2020, 06:14 AM
I'm more interested in the FoF change to SMR. I haven't been on the test server yet. Anyone seeing anything scary? I'm thinking this may make soloing RFD much more difficult, especially past 25ish rounds.

12-03-2020, 10:15 AM
Let’s not kid ourselves the damage is almost meaningless. I ran a few hours of tests too. I actually notice that my halfling is dodging more but don’t feel much difference in the damage between giant and half. same armor same exact stat bonuses and exact skill training and profession.

It was a mega fucking buff for the midgets this go around. Stop pretending.

It was fun when he was testing it. And he was like "see no change!" and then linked a bunch of shots where he had like 80 or 90 more defense then he would have on the same shots on live. Because he's a fucking dipshit.

12-03-2020, 08:05 PM
It was fun when he was testing it. And he was like "see no change!" and then linked a bunch of shots where he had like 80 or 90 more defense then he would have on the same shots on live. Because he's a fucking dipshit.

You sound mad.

Sorry u mad.