10-31-2020, 02:52 PM
fixstat potion 22.5m or $112.50
1. silk-strung oiled sephwir yumi with verdigrised copper nocks 6x(10pointsweighting) LONGBOW 11m kerythen SOLD
You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Niima's Fancy
2. You analyze your indigo satchel and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. This indigo satchel allows you to OPEN, CLOSE, PUSH, and REMOVE it discreetly. It could be further unlocked. Any alteration must keep in mind that the messaging involves a flap over the satchel's opening. You can tell that the satchel's pockets could not possibly get any deeper, but you might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the indigo satchel for you. (60-69)
some tattered matte indigo robes - >anal robe You analyze your matte indigo robes and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. This UpSleeves garment conceals up to two small weapons, one up each sleeve, and supports daggers, darts, fist-scythes, hook-knives, and katars. It is currently Tier 3 and fully unlocked. It has the following available: FLIP, PULL, PUSH, FOLD, RAISE, RUB, BOW, POINT, SNAP. It may be altered freely, but it must remain something with long sleeves (implied or otherwise). You can tell that the robes is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper. also included 2 5x slashers(katars) (5 points of crit weighting on both) 5m mb
4. some cloth robes +25, spell aim +5 bonus +5 harness power bonus (giant) torso only 2m mb
5. a slim rose gold case etched with geometric patterns 500k mb
This case can hold only lockpicks. You will receive special messaging on WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, and CLOSE. There are no unlockable tiers. It can be altered with a long or a show description, but the reference to the velvet compartments will always be a part of the show.
Show: You see nothing unusual.
Inside: In the rose gold case you see a thin glaes shard, a blued steel corkscrew and a pearl-tipped veniom hatpin
1. silk-strung oiled sephwir yumi with verdigrised copper nocks 6x(10pointsweighting) LONGBOW 11m kerythen SOLD
You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads: Niima's Fancy
2. You analyze your indigo satchel and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. This indigo satchel allows you to OPEN, CLOSE, PUSH, and REMOVE it discreetly. It could be further unlocked. Any alteration must keep in mind that the messaging involves a flap over the satchel's opening. You can tell that the satchel's pockets could not possibly get any deeper, but you might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the indigo satchel for you. (60-69)
some tattered matte indigo robes - >anal robe You analyze your matte indigo robes and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions. This UpSleeves garment conceals up to two small weapons, one up each sleeve, and supports daggers, darts, fist-scythes, hook-knives, and katars. It is currently Tier 3 and fully unlocked. It has the following available: FLIP, PULL, PUSH, FOLD, RAISE, RUB, BOW, POINT, SNAP. It may be altered freely, but it must remain something with long sleeves (implied or otherwise). You can tell that the robes is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper. also included 2 5x slashers(katars) (5 points of crit weighting on both) 5m mb
4. some cloth robes +25, spell aim +5 bonus +5 harness power bonus (giant) torso only 2m mb
5. a slim rose gold case etched with geometric patterns 500k mb
This case can hold only lockpicks. You will receive special messaging on WEAR, REMOVE, OPEN, and CLOSE. There are no unlockable tiers. It can be altered with a long or a show description, but the reference to the velvet compartments will always be a part of the show.
Show: You see nothing unusual.
Inside: In the rose gold case you see a thin glaes shard, a blued steel corkscrew and a pearl-tipped veniom hatpin