View Full Version : Sidekick appreciation post

04-08-2005, 08:21 PM
Oh yes... Hot Sauce!!! Internet, speakerphone, e-mail, aim, camera, games, my phone is so sexy it hurts.

04-08-2005, 08:32 PM
while I appreciate things like that, I regret blowing a bunch of money on stuff like that freshman and sophmore years in college....

04-08-2005, 08:34 PM
Yeah, once you start saving money looking towards buying an engagement ring, and eventually a house, the nifty things ain't so nifty anymore.

04-08-2005, 08:36 PM
no engagement ring for me!! thank you!!! how dare you swear at me ;)

mostly I'm looking at reallocation $$ when I move to a warm climate

04-08-2005, 08:48 PM
Very nice

- Arkans

04-08-2005, 08:55 PM
Having money saved also comes in handy when you need emergency dental work.

04-08-2005, 08:56 PM
That's a big phone......

04-08-2005, 10:49 PM
Thanks for the advice Miss. Rosehastobenegative. Thanks for everyone concered but I did get my wisdom teeth out and omg I can spend my money however I goddamn please. Regardless, thanks for the compliments... It is an awesome phone I would recommend to anyone and everyone!

04-08-2005, 10:51 PM
Also I do have a savings account set up now that I made a plan to save a certain amount each month for such situations. Considering somone had to be an asshole and make a comment, I just thought I'd inform them.

04-08-2005, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Thanks for the advice Miss. Rosehastobenegative. Thanks for everyone concered but I did get my wisdom teeth out and omg I can spend my money however I goddamn please. Regardless, thanks for the compliments... It is an awesome phone I would recommend to anyone and everyone!

Aww hon don't mind TRL she has a habit of spouting off stupid non-constructive remarks, I think its her way of making herself feel better :lol:

04-08-2005, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Thanks for the advice Miss. Rosehastobenegative. Thanks for everyone concered but I did get my wisdom teeth out and omg I can spend my money however I goddamn please. Regardless, thanks for the compliments... It is an awesome phone I would recommend to anyone and everyone!


I heard those things raise your iq by X points where X is the number of tattos on your body.

p.s. how much the phone costed?

04-08-2005, 11:05 PM
Wow, Jenisi, take a breather, go get a massage or something. The only negativity I read here was yours.

Yep, that's a cool toy, I'm sure you enjoy it a lot.

04-08-2005, 11:09 PM
Haha, I had the original black and white, then bought a color. T-Mobile is great for international, and the Sidekick is a great product...


Unfortunately I had problems with both. SIMM card not readable errors. Bad reception on the phone, not the internet which worked really well I have to say.

Now? I need signal, and, despite missing having a real keyboard, I have to say if I really need to find something there is 411, and if I am sitting somewhere bored, I have no trouble finding mischievous means to entertain myself. ;)

04-08-2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Having money saved also comes in handy when you need emergency dental work.

:break: If you've never been in any kind of emergency your whole life that you were short on funds for then you were born(or married) into $$ & need to stfu :asshole:

Jen I love your phone, I'd probably wind up dropping mine & crashing it on accident 2 seconds after I got it so I'll just admire yours


04-08-2005, 11:24 PM
Teehee, I have insurance. And I don't need a massage, I just felt like being a bitch cuz I'm sick of retarded comments that people try and make just to make themselves feel better (Or whatever reason they have). Regardless... X I will be getting more tattoo's and I don't really give a shit what you think I get them for. My IQ is just fine considering I'm going to college for physics. Find yourself a better hobby then visiting message boards to attempt proving you are smarter/cooler then anyone else. And the sidekick is only $250 (with a mail-in rebate) <3

[Edited on 4-9-2005 by Jenisi]

04-08-2005, 11:25 PM
We want pics of the new tat btw.

04-08-2005, 11:26 PM
I gave a new pic of the new tat!

04-08-2005, 11:31 PM
Oh yes, I bet you wish you had these digits.

04-08-2005, 11:34 PM
Girls are allowed to get those too? :/

04-08-2005, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Oh yes, I bet you wish you had these digits.

who is that tattooless girl?

04-08-2005, 11:47 PM

04-09-2005, 12:15 AM
Yo, bob!!11!!11oneoneONE

04-09-2005, 12:24 AM
Crack kills.

04-09-2005, 12:25 AM
Then stop smoking it, girly.

Your tattoos/piercings are enough proofs that you are a big girl, WE BELIEVE YOU!:?:

04-09-2005, 12:30 AM
Please take a long walk off a short cliff (non fatally of course)

04-09-2005, 12:52 AM
A short cliff as little as in 1 centimeter?

04-09-2005, 12:53 AM
Yeah, kinda like the size of your penis.

04-09-2005, 12:56 AM
Your exageration is not funny, as a 1 centimeter penis would not be big enough to piss, it would be, in fact, dangerous to the male having it.

P.S. Thanks for caring about my penis, I am very proud of my penis BUT it is not of your business.

Please leave my penis out of our "conversations".


p.s. Too many inks = bouish

Killer Kitten
04-09-2005, 10:09 AM
That's a really neat looking phone.

I think I'm old, technology sails right over my head and vanishes into the great beyond. Mike had to make me diagrams and charts (complete with xeroxed pictures) so I could turn on the TV and use the DVD player.

I'm like that guy in the TV commercial, I walk around with my cell phone practically inserted in my ear canal bellowing, 'Can you hear me now? Sorry didn't get that, talk louder!'

But it is a cool looking phone. I could spend a year with it and still not know what most of the buttons were for.

04-09-2005, 11:11 AM

Here's a few words for you. I was not cutting on you for buying a phone, I was however agreeing with the others that when you are young you tend to spend money foolishly and then end up in tight situations. It's a shame that you took that the way you did, it was simply a reminder that having a "cool phone" is not nearly as important as having money for emergencies.

I'm happy to hear that your teeth are in good shape. Yes, you are capable of spending money in any fashion that you desire, I did find it amusing that it was my post that garnered all the venom.

04-09-2005, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady

Here's a few words for you. I was not cutting on you for buying a phone, I was however agreeing with the others that when you are young you tend to spend money foolishly and then end up in tight situations. It's a shame that you took that the way you did, it was simply a reminder that having a "cool phone" is not nearly as important as having money for emergencies.

I'm happy to hear that your teeth are in good shape. Yes, you are capable of spending money in any fashion that you desire, I did find it amusing that it was my post that garnered all the venom.

People that defensive are people knowing they did something bad and regrets it.

Worse, she's treating her body in a wrong way as a way to punish herself.

That's really bad when you think of it:(

04-09-2005, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady

Here's a few words for you. I was not cutting on you for buying a phone, I was however agreeing with the others that when you are young you tend to spend money foolishly and then end up in tight situations. It's a shame that you took that the way you did, it was simply a reminder that having a "cool phone" is not nearly as important as having money for emergencies.

I'm happy to hear that your teeth are in good shape. Yes, you are capable of spending money in any fashion that you desire, I did find it amusing that it was my post that garnered all the venom.

Probably because you didn't make yourself clear enough? :lol:

04-09-2005, 11:21 AM
Regardless, that's how I am naturally (if you haven't figured it out from my posting style over the years) And I wouldn't consider my posts "vicious" Just me telling you my thoughts on your posts how I perceive them. And "riled" up isn't the word either, they are just thoughts on a message board, not me pulling my hair out or getting emotionally upset etc.

04-09-2005, 11:26 AM
WTF. There were 4 posts about saving money before TFL said anything, and she's the mean one? Fucking Christ. Why are people so hostile and defensive today? Something in the air?

04-09-2005, 11:28 AM
Animal (people unable to control their emotions) people are affected by the moon

04-09-2005, 11:28 AM
Oh yes, must be that.

04-09-2005, 11:28 AM
Your really damn cute kitty icon makes me hostile, CT. Rrr.

04-09-2005, 11:30 AM
I thnk when someone tells someone else to be more clear in their posting style, then proceeds to drop a snide remark gets called on it <regardless if it was snide or not> then says well this was what I MEANT, she deserves to be called on it.

04-09-2005, 11:34 AM
Just get another ink, you'll feel better

04-09-2005, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I thnk when someone tells someone else to be more clear in their posting style, then proceeds to drop a snide remark gets called on it <regardless if it was snide or not> then says well this was what I MEANT, she deserves to be called on it.

But you WERE unclear to whom you were referring to in the other thread. That wasn't a jab, just an observation. And TFL wasn't snide, she made a comment just like others did. I was just wondering why she was singled out here is all.

Hey Jenisi, those are neat, how much did that cost you? My fiance won't pay to get me a cool phone cause he keeps yapping that phones are only for making calls, why would you want to do anything else on it, blah blah blah. :D

04-09-2005, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Kyra
If you've never been in any kind of emergency your whole life that you were short on funds for then you were born(or married) into $$


or you just manage your money well and have a good sense of priorities.

This is a general comment, not directed at any specific person here, as I have no idea how the people here spend their money.

Cool phone.

[Edited on 4-9-2005 by xtc]

04-09-2005, 05:04 PM
I don't have enough friends to warrant getting a nifty toy like that. :(

I still have the ancient Nokia Gold series or something like that. I tried to make it look spiffier by putting a pearlescent apple-green cover on it, but it still sucks with its black and white screen. :crie:

And since we're all bitching about being clear on what who our intended remarks are for:

Bratt, lay the hell off it. You're just as guilty as she is about being "unclear" in your posts as she is, and even I am for that matter.

04-09-2005, 05:06 PM
T-Mobile sucks because my company partners with them and we have to deal with so much BS. I'll tell you one thing, you better NEVER EVER break that phone, because they'll give you a shittier one. Half of the reports I read are all complaints. Baby that sidekick like it's your first born. Cute cell anyway.

04-09-2005, 05:31 PM
Bratt, lay the hell off it. You're just as guilty as she is about being "unclear" in your posts as she is, and even I am for that matter.

Exactly my point, which is why I made it seeing as she had JUST made that remark to me.

04-09-2005, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525

Aww hon don't mind TRL she has a habit of spouting off stupid non-constructive remarks, I think its her way of making herself feel better :lol:

I found what TRL said to be painfully truthful, and at the same time hilarious. It was perfect.

Bratt, seeing you are very much an aged version of Jenisi with far too much sun exposure, it only makes sense that your attention whoring self feels a strong connection to her... hence the need to defend her.

Your puppies, kids, and horses are her tattoos and webcam photos.

You're both pathetic, just one of you has aged more.

P.S. Sweet Phone! :duh:

[Edited on 4-9-2005 by longshot]

04-09-2005, 05:49 PM
Aww I have missed you Longshot great too see you post from time to time.

04-10-2005, 12:57 AM
I have one of those phones, and it's damn nice
and you all need a hug

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-10-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525

Aww hon don't mind TRL she has a habit of spouting off stupid non-constructive remarks, I think its her way of making herself feel better :lol:

What would you call this?

04-10-2005, 03:50 PM
A hypocrite?

04-10-2005, 07:25 PM
Ding-ding, CT is A WINNER! What do we have for her, Johnny!?


[Edited on 4-10-2005 by SpunGirl]

04-10-2005, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
A hypocrite?

Yep thats me a hypocrite, 110% hypocrite.

Oh and SG your awesome and cool! :lol:

04-10-2005, 08:05 PM
Hey Brattt, why don't you go drink yourself into oblivion. Then you can be super-duper cool and complain about your hangover here tomorrow!


04-10-2005, 08:06 PM
I want to vomite

04-10-2005, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Hey Brattt, why don't you go drink yourself into oblivion. Then you can be super-duper cool and complain about your hangover here tomorrow!


Sure thing SG but while I pour myself a drink here let me pour you a big mug of STFU.

04-10-2005, 08:09 PM
Oh I can't wait for the reply after this. :popcorn:

04-10-2005, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
Oh I can't wait for the reply after this. :popcorn:

Me either.:D

04-10-2005, 08:20 PM
yeah, spun is very witty when it comes to come backs.

04-10-2005, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525

Originally posted by SpunGirl
Hey Brattt, why don't you go drink yourself into oblivion. Then you can be super-duper cool and complain about your hangover here tomorrow!


Sure thing SG but while I pour myself a drink here let me pour you a big mug of STFU.

Real question: who is the cutest?

a 100 based answer.

p.s. For each extra pound the participant has, 1 point is removed from their score.

p.p.s Any negative score will be put at 0.

04-10-2005, 08:25 PM
That I agree with Shalla, SG is very witty and quick I wish I could snap out remarks the way she has.

04-10-2005, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
yeah, spun is very witty when it comes to come backs.

Thank you dear. However, I'd hate to dash your high expectations, so I'll just sit here and drink a nice non-alcoholic beverage. I do, after all, have work in the morning.


04-10-2005, 08:31 PM
Well it would appear that someone has difficulty getting along with a number of people.

Pass me some of what you are drinking Spun, I also have to work tomorrow.

(Is this phone provided by one particular cellular company?)

04-10-2005, 08:33 PM
Most people I know with Sidekicks have T-mobile. I want a blackberry.

I also have dental insurance.


04-10-2005, 08:36 PM
Bratt, did you read Jenisi's wisdom tooth thread?

04-10-2005, 08:37 PM
i.p. alert, i.p. alert.

04-10-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
Bratt, did you read Jenisi's wisdom tooth thread?

I read it, and posted in it, I just went back and checked.


[Edited on 4-10-2005 by Brattt8525]

04-10-2005, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I want a blackberry.
-K Me too. I've just been a lazy ass and held off getting one for quite some time. This may be my motivation.

on topic: nice phone... doesn't seem very bulky either.

04-10-2005, 09:12 PM
Through the valley we ride, full of glory we soar where the fights will be raging for now and for more. When united we come and divided they fall, tonight you will witness it all.

04-10-2005, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by DeV

Originally posted by SpunGirl
I want a blackberry.
-K Me too. I've just been a lazy ass and held off getting one for quite some time. This may be my motivation.

on topic: nice phone... doesn't seem very bulky either.

What exactly is Blackberry? Is it an IP on the go type of thing? Can you run AIM on phones with it?

04-10-2005, 09:30 PM
Product details

BlackBerry 7230™ provides a secure, encrypted solution for sending and receiving corporate e-mail. This tri-band handheld uses the world’s largest all-GSM/GPRS network covering more than 9,000 cities in North America and over 100 countries around the globe. This vast network gets you the information relevant to you and your business at speeds up to 56kbps.

Designed for corporate environments using Microsoft® Exchange or Lotus® Domino™, the BlackBerry from T-Mobile is what you need for a complete, end-to-end wireless e-mail solution.

BlackBerry offers two different e-mail solutions, BlackBerry Web Client and BlackBerry Enterprise Server. See Technical Specifications for more information.

Basic info:

Size: 4.4 x 2.9 x 0.8 inches
Weight: 4.8 ounces
Included battery: Removable/rechargeable Lithium cell
Talk time: Up to 4 hours
Standby time: Up to 10 days
International phone: Tri-band (1900, 1800, 900 MHz)

Included accessories:


BlackBerry Desktop Software


Hands-Free Headset

Handeld Stand

Plastic Swivel Holster

SIM Card

Travel Charger

USB Cable

Color display

Manage email accounts

Organizer and Web Browser

International phone for travel in over 130 countries

Organizer with PC synchronization

Integrated speaker and microphone
Full-color screen with easy-to-use icons

WorldClass international handheld (tri-band: 900, 1800, & 1900 MHz) for travel in over 100 countries

Easy-to-use keyboard and backlit screen

Wireless calendar synchronization for easy access to your address book, task list, and memo pad

Tri-band frequencies to access e-mail and make calls overseas

Easily exchange text messages

Integrates with existing e-mail mailboxes and addresses

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-11-2005, 01:05 AM
I have a blackberry. It's great for webmail, IM's I hear (not much desire or need to IM 24/7 though, so I haven't done that yet), links to my outlook for appointments, tasks, notes, address book, email. Also does the nextel walkie talkie thing.

I actually liked my simple phone better, but it does a lot of stuff for work that nothing else does... so I use it.

04-11-2005, 04:20 AM
Ah-hah! Now to convince my work to pay for my Blackberry....


04-11-2005, 09:57 AM
Feel the love!

That phone looks like fun, but I would end up leaving it at home or in my car all the times since it's so freakin HUGE! But definitely a neat second unit since it's got a sim card... T-Mobile you say?


04-11-2005, 09:59 AM
I got all the info off the T-mobil website. There are a few different models, one that's a little more streamlined with a different keyboard design.
