View Full Version : Enhancive Auction: Neck

10-26-2020, 03:59 AM
This auction has ended.

Contact me via DM on Discord @ Alastir#9661 for pickup.

| Description | Enhancive: | Enhancive: | Enhancive: | Enhancive: | | MB/CB:
* 1 | a bejewelled platinum torc. | 4 to Strength Base. | | | | Crumbly |
* 2 | a serpentine alexandrite talisman. | 2 to Strength Bonus. | | | | Crumbly |
* 3 | a carved aquamarine necklace. | 2 to Strength Bonus. | 9 to Climbing Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 100 sitka
* 4 | an elegant pink sapphire necklace. | 1 to Strength Bonus. | 3 to Mana Recovery. | | | Crumbly | 100 zephyrii
* 5 | a petal-cut blue sapphire pendant. | 4 to Aura Base. | 4 to First Aid Ranks. | | | Crumbly |
* 6 | a burnished gold alloy torc. | 2 to Aura Bonus. | 7 to Survival Bonus. | 1 to Health Recovery. | | Persists | 200 nocturnix
* 7 | a chased gold torc. | 3 to Aura Base. | 3 to Harness Power Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 100 sitka
* 8 | a delicate red sunstone neckchain | 3 to Aura Base. | 3 to Constitution Base. | | | Crumbly |
* 9 | an engraved beryl necklace. | 3 to Aura Base. | 2 to Thrown Weapons Ranks. | 2 to Stalking and Hiding Ranks. | | Crumbly |
* 10 | an elegant pewter torc. | 2 to Aura Base. | 1 to Armor Use Bonus. | 2 to Mental Lore - Manipulation Bonus. | | Persists | 100 nocturnix
* 11 | a star-cut ruby talisman. | 1 to Aura Bonus. | 4 to Arcane Symbols Bonus. | | | Crumbly |
* 12 | a coral inset pewter talisman. | 1 to Aura Bonus. | 2 to Arcane Symbols Ranks. | 2 to Magic Item Use Ranks. | 2 to Agility Bonus. | Persists | 250 Donut
* 13 | a princess-cut peridot torc. | 1 to Aura Base. | | | | Persists |
* 14 | a beveled fire opal torc. | 2 to Logic Bonus. | 1 to Agility Bonus. | 5 to Mental Lore - Telepathy Bonus. | | Crumbly | 100 Tarquine
* 15 | a filigreed sterling silver torc | 3 to Logic Base. | | | | Persists | 200 nocturnix
* 16 | a cushion-cut white starstone medallion. | 1 to Logic Bonus. | | | | Persists | 100 Tenser
* 17 | a jade-inlaid mithril alloy necklace. | 2 to Wisdom Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 200 Tsalin
* 18 | a rune-etched smoky topaz torc. | 2 to Wisdom Bonus. | 1 to Armor Use Ranks. | 2 to Spell Aiming Ranks. | 1 to Spiritual Lore - Blessings Ranks. | Crumbly | 500 Messi
* 19 | a radiant-cut star emerald neckchain | 4 to Wisdom Base. | 1 to MIU Ranks. | 1 to First Aid Ranks. | 2 to ML: Transformation Ranks. | Crumbly | 350 zephyrii
* 20 | a pink pearl studded bronze torc. | 3 to Wisdom Base. | | | | Crumbly | 100 Messi
* 21 | a turquoise-set copper pendant. | 3 to Wisdom Base. | | | | Crumbly | 100 Messi
* 22 | a beveled pink sapphire neckchain | 3 to Wisdom Base. | 1 to Armor Use Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 150 zephyrii
* 23 | a star sapphire inset platinum torc. | 2 to Wisdom Base. | | | | Persists | 200 nocturnix
* 24 | an oval-cut red sunstone torc. | 1 to Wisdom Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 100 Messi
* 25 | a bejewelled copper torc. | 6 to Combat Maneuvers Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 125 gs4Pawn
* 26 | a pearl studded pewter torc. | 5 to Combat Maneuvers Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 200 Nordred
* 27 | a blue diamond inset pewter necklace. | 5 to Combat Maneuvers Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 200 Nordred
* 28 | a fire pearl studded bronze medallion. | 5 to Edged Weapons Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 200 Nordred
* 29 | an engraved silver alloy necklace. | 6 to Ranged Weapons Bonus. | 3 to Agility Base. | 7 to Survival Bonus. | | Crumbly | 600 Ralk
* 30 | a silver and bloodjewel torc. | 5 to Ranged Weapons Bonus. | 4 to Disarming Traps Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 600 Ralk
* 31 | a brilliant red sunstone torc. | 5 to Ranged Weapons Bonus. | 7 to Picking Locks Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 600 Ralk
* 32 | a glyph-etched platinum torc. | 3 to Ranged Weapons Bonus. | | | | Persists | 100 Tenser
* 33 | a princess-cut aquamarine pendant. | 5 to Stamina Recovery. | 6 to First Aid Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 100 sitka
* 34 | a bone-inlaid pink tourmaline torc. | 4 to Stamina Recovery. | 6 to Physical Fitness Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 100 sitka
* 35 | a green garnet inset mithril talisman. | 6 to Magic Item Use Bonus. | 5 to Perception Bonus. | | | Crumbly |
* 36 | a filigreed platinum necklace. | 4 to Magic Item Use Bonus. | 3 to Dexterity Base. | 1 to Edged Weapons Bonus. | | Crumbly |
* 37 | a green garnet inset platinum pendant. | 4 to Magic Item Use Bonus. | | | | Crumbly |
* 38 | an opal and star sapphire talisman. | 6 to Spell Aiming Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 750 coldd
* 39 | an enruned aquamarine necklace. | 6 to Spell Aiming Bonus. | 5 to Mental Lore - Transformation Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 500 coldd
* 40 | an elegant ruby necklace. | 5 to Spell Aiming Bonus. | 5 to Spirit Mana Control Bonus. | | | Persists | 3500 nocturnix
* 41 | a burnished platinum neckchain | 5 to Spell Aiming Bonus. | 4 to Harness Power Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 1000 coldd
* 42 | a rune-etched platinum necklace. | 4 to Spell Aiming Bonus. | | | | Crumbly | 100 sitka
* 43 | a fine blue sapphire medallion. | 4 to Elemental Lore - Water Bonus. | 3 to Elemental Lore - Air Bonus. | 8 to Survival Bonus. | | Crumbly | 100 sitka
* 44 | a tooled gold necklace. | 4 to Elemental Lore - Water Bonus. | 3 to Elemental Lore - Earth Bonus. | | | Crumbly | 100 sitka

10-26-2020, 04:54 AM

10-26-2020, 07:13 AM
500k each on 40, 41

10-26-2020, 09:54 AM
MB 17 through 24

10-26-2020, 10:40 AM
MB on #32
MB on #15
MB on #16

10-26-2020, 11:00 AM

10-27-2020, 12:10 AM
MB on 29, 30, 31 please

10-27-2020, 12:29 AM
MB #14

10-27-2020, 01:38 AM
MB on 6, 25, 33, 38, 42

300k on 18, 19

10-27-2020, 04:11 AM
mb on - 10, 12,32

200k on - 6,15,23
600k - 40

10-27-2020, 06:58 AM
1m - 40

10-27-2020, 09:48 AM
MB on , 6, 29, 30, 33, 38

150k - #17,
350k - #18
350k - #19

10-28-2020, 04:26 AM
1.2m 40

10-28-2020, 07:05 AM
500k on 18

10-28-2020, 07:23 AM
1.5m - 40

10-28-2020, 07:33 AM
250k on 12

10-28-2020, 08:09 AM

10-28-2020, 08:18 AM
#4 MB
#22 - 150k
#29 - 150k
#38 - 150k

10-28-2020, 09:30 AM
300k on 29. 30 and 31
200k on 26, 27, and 28

10-28-2020, 09:50 AM
200k on 17 and 38

10-28-2020, 10:18 AM
400k on 29, 30, 31

10-28-2020, 11:52 AM
2m - 40
1m - 41

10-28-2020, 02:38 PM
MB on 3, 7, 26, 27, 34, 43, 44

10-28-2020, 08:25 PM
500k on 29,30, and 31

10-28-2020, 10:53 PM
600k on 29, 30, 31

10-29-2020, 05:49 AM
40 - 2.2m

10-29-2020, 11:51 AM
2.5m on #40

10-29-2020, 12:08 PM
3m - 40

10-29-2020, 04:15 PM
500k on 38

10-29-2020, 04:29 PM



10-29-2020, 06:28 PM
3.5 on 40

10-30-2020, 12:42 AM
^ Updated

10-30-2020, 12:51 PM
38 - 750k
39 - 500k

10-30-2020, 08:25 PM
All items now marked sold.