View Full Version : Cleaning out my lockers - Dutch Auction Part 2

10-19-2020, 03:01 AM
Current price for each item: 500k silver pieces

Clearing out my lockers and I have no idea what this stuff is worth, if anything at all, and I'm much too lazy to do a traditional auction, so we're gonna have a mass Dutch Auction!

Everything will start off at 5 million silvers each and every day I'll drop the price for each item. How much will the price drop each day? Who knows! All you have to do is be the first person to say you want an item at the current price and it's yours!

Delivery to Icemule or Landing only.

The stuffs:

1) a deathstone studded silver torc

Enhancive bonus: 5 to Sorcerous Lore - Demonology Bonus (Level 25 required)
Enhancive bonus: 2 to Discipline Base Stat (Level 3 required)
Enhancive bonus: 4 to Constitution Base Stat (Level 10 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Persists on magical charge: Yes
Blank imbeddable: holds average amount of mana


2) a faceted garnet torc

Rechargeable: Yes
Enhancive bonus: 5 to Influence Base Stat (Level 10 required)
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Crumbly on magical charge: Yes
Blank imbeddable: holds average amount of mana
Wearable location: neck


3) SOLD to gs4Pawn for 300k!
a gold filigree red sunstone earring

Enhancive bonus: 5 to Blunt Weapons Bonus (Level 15 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Persists on magical charge: Yes
Blank imbeddable: holds average amount of mana
Wearable location: ear


4) a moonstone studded ora stickpin

Rechargeable: Yes
Enhancive bonus: 3 to Ambush Bonus (Level 6 required)
Enhancive bonus: 5 to Discipline Base Stat (Level 15 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Persists on magical charge: Yes
Blank imbeddable: holds average amount of mana
Wearable location: anywhere


7) SOLD to gs4Pawn for 300k!
a chiseled ruby bracelet

Rechargeable: Yes
Activation: tappable
Charges: 7
Spell: Thurfel's Ward
Enhancive bonus: 1 to Spiritual Lore - Summoning Bonus (Level 2 required)
Enhancive bonus: 5 to Spell Aiming Bonus (Level 15 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Crumbly on magical charge: Yes
Empowered: Yes for up to 401 charges
Wearable location: wrist


11) an ivory-inlaid pewter torc

Enhancive bonus: 11 to Climbing Bonus (Level 22 required)
Enhancive bonus: 3 to Aura Base Stat (Level 12 required)
Enhancive bonus: 2 to Mana Recovery (Level 10 required)
Charges remaining: quite a few
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Wearable location: neck


14) SOLD to gs4Pawn for 300k!
a pink topaz studded gold brooch

Rechargeable: Yes
Enhancive bonus: 5 to Strength Base Stat (Level 20 required)
Enhancive bonus: 1 to Shield Use Bonus (Level 1 required)
Charges remaining: quite a few
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Persists on magical charge: Yes
Blank imbeddable: holds average amount of mana
Wearable location: anywhere

10-19-2020, 06:40 PM
You all know you want this stuff.

10-19-2020, 10:04 PM
Never heard of a douche auction before, sounds like a good idea

10-19-2020, 10:07 PM
Never heard of a douche auction before, sounds like a good idea

Well that's mean :(

10-19-2020, 10:16 PM
Never heard of a douche auction before, sounds like a good idea
I've heard of douche-canoes, as well... is that what you're trying to be?

10-20-2020, 02:38 PM
Current price for each item: 2 million silver pieces

How far will the price drop tomorrow? Who knows!

See an item you want? Better grab it now before someone else does! Everything is super cheap!

10-20-2020, 11:45 PM
Tgo01 - didnt mean it that way, lots of good items in this auction people should bid on them. Fun to try something new too. I'll take 12 for 2m if still available

Catlady - meeeow! retract those claws! I like cats too by the way :)

10-21-2020, 12:02 AM
Tgo01 - didnt mean it that way, lots of good items in this auction people should bid on them. Fun to try something new too. I'll take 12 for 2m if still available

Catlady - meeeow! retract those claws! I like cats too by the way :)

I think it's because you said "douche" auction and not "Dutch" auction :p

I'm assuming that was a phone auto-correct thing :p

But I'll gladly accept your apology bid of 2 million for number 12! Sold!

10-21-2020, 12:14 AM
Totally, it was phone auto correct thing, I think was because of "cleaning out" in the title ... ill send you message in game on 12

10-21-2020, 02:26 PM
Current price for each item: 1 million silver pieces

How far will the price drop tomorrow? Who knows!

See an item you want? Better grab it now before someone else does! Everything is super cheap!

10-22-2020, 10:27 PM
Current price for each item: 500k silver pieces

How far will the price drop tomorrow? Who knows!

See an item you want? Better grab it now before someone else does! Everything is super cheap!

10-22-2020, 11:35 PM
I'll take 8, 10, and 13.

10-22-2020, 11:39 PM
I'll take 8, 10, and 13.

and SOLD!

10-23-2020, 04:55 PM
I will take 5 6 and 9 please

10-23-2020, 04:57 PM
I will take 5 6 and 9 please

and SOLD!

10-24-2020, 03:04 PM
Current price for each item: 300k silver pieces

How far will the price drop tomorrow? Who knows!

See an item you want? Better grab it now before someone else does! Everything is super cheap!

10-27-2020, 12:31 AM
300k is the final price! Whatever doesn't sell is going to the pawnshop so buy buy buy!