View Full Version : Is it RP or idiocy?
09-19-2003, 04:52 AM
People that do actions on the amulet annoy me. The only thing that annoys me as much as that, might just be this.
The hawk squawks, "::laughs::"
The hawk squawks, "no wonder my rouge still cant get em"
The hawk squawks, "::coughs::"
[Edited on 9-19-2003 by Maimara]
09-19-2003, 04:58 AM
Blech! There is nothing more annoying than this kind of garbage.
If you cannot roleplay any better than that, please, please, please play Doom! You will love it. It is a great game. Go there. You will find others of like... errmmm... well, mind (presupposing, of course, that you have a mind).
HarmNone does not understand why these people are not playing other games
09-19-2003, 05:11 AM
Doom or Checkers. Either way, Elanthia wins.
09-19-2003, 06:01 AM
If there's one constant in Gemstone, it's the perennial misspelling of "rogue" as "rouge"
Dighn Darkbeam
09-19-2003, 08:01 AM
Having a creature say Laugh is the equivelent of someone putting Laugh over the amunet. If it doesnt give you a laugh option, dont make your own.
09-19-2003, 08:24 AM
Of course there's a laugh option. It's called: "Ha ha!"
You hear the thoughts of Bestatte, "Ha ha!"
You hear the thoughts of Bestatte, "Heh..hee hee..tee hee! Tee hee hee!!"
That would be a chuckle, turning into a full-fledged giggle.
A sense of profound amusement and tickle of the funny-bone of the brain, transmitted through the aether to the thought-waves of anyone who's tuned in.
Why is that so difficult for people to do?
09-19-2003, 09:23 AM
I agree with Bestatte. It's not that hard to tee hee instead of ::giggle::. Makes more sense to me.
I can almost let the ::laugh:: action go in inappropriate places. The person just didn't seem to think things through before typing. (being nice here)
I can't stand it when people post crap like smile, punches you in the head, tickles and so on.....dinks.
09-19-2003, 09:54 AM
Generally a "Heh!" or a "Heh." will work just fine. I've seen some people, like Tierus, do a great job of working someone ACTion like things into thoughts.
It'd go something like this.
Tierus: "Is that so?" You hear the distant sound of a mental chuckle. "To each his own..."
Or something like that. It's not really that difficult to do. It takes some creativity though.
Note... I made that 'thought' up. I'm sure Tierus would do a better job, but I'm very tired.
[Edited on 9-19-2003 by Maimara]
09-19-2003, 11:36 AM
I've tried in the past to do stuff like that but they simply don't get the hint. I tried again last week I think it was when this blackaura (sp?) guy was asking on the net if 29302 (fictive number) was a lot of fame. I said "29302 what? victorious battles?" it flew right over his head and probably over the head of a lot of people watching because I got absolutely not backup whatsoever.
09-19-2003, 11:46 AM
Must not be too hard on em
Some people don't understand the concept of roleplaying...
When saying i have X fame, those people think they rp.
It's simu's fault, they should force people to rp, but they won't
Dighn Darkbeam
09-19-2003, 12:10 PM
I usually just will think "I find that amusing" Or "Quite comical". Something like that.
Dighn Darkbeam
09-19-2003, 12:13 PM
As a side thought, would it be so hard to have coded specialized Amunet messaging for things like laughter, chuckling, yelling, ect? Perhaps include a longer RT for such activities.
Just as the example of Tierus it would be something of the effect of The muted ripples of Tierus's amusement can be felt through your amulet. Or so on. It could be abused, though the nets are monitored.
09-19-2003, 12:22 PM
That has been my pet peeve for so long, you realy just wanna slap them, it was funny, I talked to an SGM about it, they said everytime someone does it report them, I ended up sending like 90 or so reports every few hours, boy did the Gms get pissed
09-19-2003, 12:40 PM
I think its sad when people do visible emotes over the amulet.
09-19-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
I've tried in the past to do stuff like that but they simply don't get the hint. I tried again last week I think it was when this blackaura (sp?) guy was asking on the net if 29302 (fictive number) was a lot of fame. I said "29302 what? victorious battles?" it flew right over his head and probably over the head of a lot of people watching because I got absolutely not backup whatsoever.
Because what you did was make the situation worse. When someone makes a stupid comment, don't say anything. When someone says over the amulet that "Oh wow! The invasion critters have a 900AS!" Then 10 people say "What the hell is an AS?" It's causing a bigger problem out of the situation. Ignore the stupid comments instead of dwelling on them. Talking about someone being a moron and talking OOC makes the situation worse.....
Whoever's hawk that is should take lessons from Timeroc's familiar, or Ekrem's. I like it when people play their familiars as having seperate personalities of their own.
09-19-2003, 03:54 PM
I disagree Sintik and here is why. Ignoring the person does not tell them they are doing something wrong. When I know that they know it's OOC and still choose to do it, then I do ignore them. However in this case, I got the feeling this was a new player and new players should be helped, not ridiculed or ignored.
Now there are two ways to tell this person that what they are doing is OOC. I can go OOC myself and send them a thought saying "hey, what you're doing is OOC. Don't pay attention to the fact that I'm OOC myself for saying this. Just do as I say not as I do." Or I can stay in character and try to give them a hint and lead by example.
Some people care enough to try to help. I consider myself one of them.
09-19-2003, 04:05 PM
Send it to them privately. Expanding on a OOC thing does make it worse, at least I think. If you want to explain to this person what they are doing is OOC, then think to them and tell them. Saying it outloud isn't accomplishing anything. They aren't going to pick up on that comment, and now you're bring up a OOC thing but trying to make it IC. IE LAG/weather, GM's/Gods. It's still refering to an OOC comment even if you are pretending to not understand them. A new player isn't going to have ANY idea what you are talking about, just like in this case you poster. They are going to be like, what the hell is this lady talking about? Give them a thought and be nice. "Hey, I just thought you should know talking about fame on the amulet is OOC and you shouldn't be doing it, just a little hint for a future reference. Talk about it in whispers or direct thoughts." That gets the point across, they can choose whether to accept it or ignore it. However thinking to them keeps everyone from having to deal with it. I get more annoyed with the people who think and say "What the hell is an AS" as to the people who made the original thought.
Trying to change a OOC comment into an IC comment doesn't work.
09-19-2003, 04:13 PM
I stand by my opinion that whispering OOC is well, OOC. Part of my reason for saying it out loud was to remind the rest of the people listening that they're being pulled into OOC'ness in answering "2302 is not bad but 2303 is better." I meant to kill two birds with one stone.
09-19-2003, 04:16 PM
I think it's fighting water with a sword, an useless combat.
If you come into gs to be an ass, it's not people that will make you stop, it's either yourself or gms
If you come into gs to be OOC, it's the same crap..
Just look at warclaidhm and Bobmuthol, both of them are the same in game as they are here. The first is annoying and the second is simply, well, teen.
They should force roleplaying for EVERYONE or let it goes like it is now.
[Edited on 19-9-03 by Xcalibur]
09-19-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
I stand by my opinion that whispering OOC is well, OOC. Part of my reason for saying it out loud was to remind the rest of the people listening that they're being pulled into OOC'ness in answering "2302 is not bad but 2303 is better." I meant to kill two birds with one stone.
Well of coarse whispering is OOC. However it is alright to keep OOC things in whispers right? If you don't believe that, we just disagree on what is acceptable and what isn't. I just get extremely annoyed when people start talking about OOC comments made by others. Your's was a little different, but I still think it's better to keep it private and not talk about it outloud to the people who don't want to hear anymore about it.
09-19-2003, 04:23 PM
I agree with Sintik here. Whispers are GS3's answer to an OOC channel. I always found it worked much better to whisper to people I hoped to help. They appreciated not having their gaffe made public, especially if they were new to the game, and often it made me a new friend. :)
09-19-2003, 04:24 PM
I do this sort of thing very rarely. I have done it less than a dozen times in Adhara's life total. It's usually in the Landing and one-on-one in a room. At most, a couple other people usually hear it. I've had good comments about it in the past. But like I said, I only do this when I suspect it's a new player. I don't waste my breath on the rest.
Maybe it was a mistake to say it on the amunet though. I'll settle for that.
As for whispering OOC, I agree that it's alright but I try to not do it with new players. With my friends I'll do it because I now know that they can RP but a new player, I wouldn't want them to get the impression that they should use that all the time. I want to hint at the fact that it should be avoided at all costs.
09-19-2003, 04:24 PM
All I've ever noticed, is when you say something out loud, either it goes over their heads completely, or they fight back. And get worse. The ol 'You arent a god, you cant tell me what to say' attitude.
And either way, it's useless. Where a whisper or thought to MIGHT work without embarassing the person who truly did NOT know any better.
Acolyte Kurili
09-19-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
As for whispering OOC, I agree that it's alright but I try to not do it with new players. With my friends I'll do it because I now know that they can RP but a new player, I wouldn't want them to get the impression that they should use that all the time. I want to hint at the fact that it should be avoided at all costs.
With new people who seem amenable to learning, I found that taking them someplace private (like my home), where we could talk OOC and not be interrupted, gave me a chance to answer their questions, give them hints as to how to best get along in Elanthia, and generally make them feel welcome. It takes time, but it is well worth the effort.
HarmNone likes people anyhow
09-19-2003, 04:39 PM
Perhaps I am a bit of an extremist in wanting to keep even my whispers in character. Oh well. Extremist I will be.
09-19-2003, 05:35 PM
Whispers were meant to be used as an OOC means to speak about such things. Keeping whispers as roleplaying tools as well will only make things more difficult.
You can always preface your whisper with [OOC] so that the person will know that you will not be roleplaying and thus there will no miscommunications.
09-19-2003, 05:54 PM
Thats exactly what I do CT.
09-19-2003, 06:27 PM
And the amulet isn't a chat room!
Aside from that, maybe there ought to be a chat room on the official site, so people can get it out of their system.
09-19-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Whispers were meant to be used as an OOC means to speak about such things. Keeping whispers as roleplaying tools as well will only make things more difficult.
You can always preface your whisper with [OOC] so that the person will know that you will not be roleplaying and thus there will no miscommunications.
I do not think Adhara wishes to do that, CT. It sounds like she, perhaps, loses her sense of fantasy if she does so. I have known others who feel the same. To my mind, these people should probably leave the teaching of new players to others who can use whispers without losing the fantasy feeling.
09-19-2003, 06:32 PM
I don't like the idea of any sort of OOC comunnication being acceptable in GS, although I think you're right about whispers CT.
If OOC comunnication is allowed IG.. then that opens the door, thus requiring an OOG response to it. And what about harassment?
09-19-2003, 07:08 PM
It is not that I lose my sense of fantasy, Harmnone. I can switch back and forth at will. It is that I want to make OOC talking/whispering a *rare* occurrence. I wish people would show restraint in its use. It would be very easy to whisper OOC every time something IC doesn't go well.
[OOC] By the way my char doesn't like when people kill roltons...
This is perhaps an exaggerated example but if all OOC talk/whisper was discouraged we would see, in my opinion, a lot more RP around Elanthia. Going OOC is easy. It's like going to McDonald's instead of making yourself a nice healthy dinner. It's easy, lazy and unhealthy. Nobody will prevent you from eating fast food, like nobody will prevent you from going OOC. It's all in motivation and discipline. Of course it also depends on your values and priorities.
If I see that a new player needs a lot of information regarding mechanics and all that, I could take them to my house like you said. It is specifically said that houses can be used for OOC talk. I, however, will prefer to ask for the person's IM or other out of game communication device. A chat room on the official website, as Maimara brought up, is a great idea and goes along with my vision of keeping *any* OOC out of game.
I hope this clarifies my point of view.
09-19-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
It is not that I lose my sense of fantasy, Harmnone. I can switch back and forth at will. It is that I want to make OOC talking/whispering a *rare* occurrence. I wish people would show restraint in its use. It would be very easy to whisper OOC every time something IC doesn't go well.
[OOC] By the way my char doesn't like when people kill roltons...
This is perhaps an exaggerated example but if all OOC talk/whisper was discouraged we would see, in my opinion, a lot more RP around Elanthia. Going OOC is easy. It's like going to McDonald's instead of making yourself a nice healthy dinner. It's easy, lazy and unhealthy. Nobody will prevent you from eating fast food, like nobody will prevent you from going OOC. It's all in motivation and discipline. Of course it also depends on your values and priorities.
If I see that a new player needs a lot of information regarding mechanics and all that, I could take them to my house like you said. It is specifically said that houses can be used for OOC talk. I, however, will prefer to ask for the person's IM or other out of game communication device. A chat room on the official website, as Maimara brought up, is a great idea and goes along with my vision of keeping *any* OOC out of game.
I hope this clarifies my point of view.
I understand what you are saying, Adhara, and I agree that OOC whispers can be over-used. I found them helpful in some situations, but used them only when I felt it to be the best alternative. If a new player needed a lot of help, my house was my choice. IMs, perhaps, are yours. I found that opening AIM or ICQ got me such a deluge of messages that I was unable to give the new player the attention he/she deserved, though. ;)
HarmNone agrees that OOC needs to be cut down across the board
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