View Full Version : Spell Preps! From you know! EG! Ceck them out and emjoy

10-15-2020, 03:58 PM
GENERAL SPELL PREPS!!!! Please keep bids at even 50k + values. I am around a lot if you wish to bid here you can if you give me a bid in game I will post here and with your name. Thank you and enjoy

You analyze your sand-filled jar and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Blink (1215) of fine white sand. At this time, redemption of this customization will permanently disable default messaging of this spell. Please remember you must be able to cast this spell on your own in order to use the customization and that this sand-filled jar does not grant you the spell."

First Person:
A momentary eruption of fine white sand engulfs you, obscuring your vision behind a dazzling veil. As the particles shift and scatter, double images of the world sway dizzingly around you before regaining solidity.

Effect Ending: Sparkling granules of fine white sand drift from you, pooling at your feet before scattering to the four winds.

Third Person:
A momentary eruption of fine white sand emanates from Taulramil's hand and engulfs him, swirling about in a dazzling cloud. As the particles shift and scatter, double images of Taulramil shiver slowly together into solidity.

Effect Ending: Sparkling granules of fine white sand drift from Taulramil, pooling at his feet before scattering to the four winds.
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge.

REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.

You analyze your white marble epitaph and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Miracle (350) involving divine energy."

First Person: Through force of will and sheer determination, you draw the power of your patron to you. It infuses your spirit and your dead flesh, binding them together once again. With a final surge of divine energy, your heart stutters to life, and you suck in a deep breath of air.

Others' View: Taulramil's dead flesh begins to take on a faint glow. The glow gradually intensifies until fitful sparks seep from every pore and ascend in wavering trails. With a final surge of divine energy, his eyes open wide and he sucks in a deep breath, once again among the living.

You analyze your gold-inked palimpsest and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Invoking this gold-inked palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: A wicked grin crosses your face as you hiss the words for [Spell Name] at an incomprehensibly rapid pace...
Third Person: A wicked grin crosses Taulramil's face as he hisses a magical phrase at an incomprehensibly rapid pace.
Hidden or Invisible: Somewhere nearby, a man hisses a magical phrase at an incomprehensibly rapid pace.

You analyze your gossamer vellum and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Invoking this gossamer vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: With graceful motions, your fingers weave gossamer threads of energy into a weblike sigil for [Spell Name].
Third Person: With graceful motions, Taulramil's fingers weave gossamer threads of energy into a weblike sigil.
Hidden or Invisible: Gossamer threads of energy weave into a weblike sigil.


Tokens for spell cosmetics! Look Fancy Pants!

You analyze your feather token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hand of Tonis (505) spell as such:

You exhale between your fingertips and loose an airy swirl of iridescent feathers at a giant rat!

View:: Taulramil exhales between his fingertips and looses an airy swirl of iridescent feathers at a giant rat!


You analyze your swirl-etched token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Steam (1707) spell as such:

You loose a jet of scalding steam at a giant rat!

View::Taulramil looses a jet of scalding steam at a giant


You analyze your murky green token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:

You viciously fling a turbid globule of phosphorescent green acid at a giant rat!

View:: Taulramil viciously flings a turbid globule of phosphorescent green acid at a giant rat!


You analyze your frost-scribed token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Cold (907) spell as such:

You fling a spiraling spray of fractal frost at a giant rat!

View:: Taulramil flings a spiraling spray of fractal frost at a giant rat!



The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111)

Firework of: a cloud of wispy smoke filled with flashing points of silvery light.

Firework Description: a cloud of wispy smoke filled with flashing points of silvery light

You must have knowledge of this spell to use it. At this time, redemption of this customization will PERMANENTLY disable default messaging of this spell."

Invoking this paint-spattered hide will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: You wave your index finger in the air like an artist's brush, wordlessly painting the symbols to cast [Spell Name]...
Third Person: Taulramil waves his finger in the air like an artist's brush, with the fabric of reality as his canvas.
Hidden or Invisible:

Spell Circle Restrictions: Minor Spirit

You analyze your sheet of vellum and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Invoking this sheet of vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: You hum the tune for [Spell Name] under your breath.
Third Person: Taulramil hums a nearly inaudible tune.
Hidden or Invisible: You can just barely hear a faint, breathy hum coming from somewhere nearby.
Spell Circle Restrictions: Bard Base


Invoking this bright blue paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: You hum a jarringly off-key measure as you prepare [Spell Name] and clench your fist with a wrenching motion.
Third Person: Taulramil hums a jarringly off-key measure and clenches his fist with a wrenching motion.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a jarringly off-key measure.
Specific Spell Restriction: 1002

Invoking this marbled ecru paper will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: Anger and rage consume you as you prepare [Spell Name] and command great powers beyond the valences to do your bidding...
Third Person: Taulramil's face contorts with anger and rage as he commands great powers beyond the valences to do his bidding.
Hidden or Invisible: An unseen man's voice commands great powers beyond the valences to do his bidding.
Specific Spell Restriction: 718

You analyze your mossy cypress trinket and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "grant the ability to cast a customized Major Sanctuary (220.)

You must have knowledge of the Major Sanctuary spell (220) to use it. At this time, redemption of this customization will PERMANENTLY disable default messaging of this spell."

Entry message: Warm mist rolls over you, carrying the smell of decaying vegetation as it wraps you in near-stifling humidity.

Exit message: As you slog through the darkened mire, it fades into obscurity, and the mists disperse from your vision.

Note: Messaging is first person only. Third person messaging does not change.

Room Name: Mire of Tears

Room Description: Thick streamers of mist wind through the heavy air and swirl through the trees, distorting your view of the surrounding swamp. The gnarled root of an aged cypress, densely blanketed by vivid green moss, emerges from the murky water and provides a natural perch upon which to sit. Devoid of chirping insects, the shadowed slough is eerily quiet and calm, though you can just barely make out the faint, distant echo of weeping.

You analyze your tangled briar trinket and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "grant the ability to cast a customized Major Sanctuary (220.)

You must have knowledge of the Major Sanctuary spell (220) to use it. At this time, redemption of this customization will PERMANENTLY disable default messaging of this spell."

Entry message: You push through a barrier of phantom prickling that snags insistently at your garments.
Exit message: The thorny thicket grows restless, the hollow among the briars writhing closed behind you as you depart.
Note: Messaging is first person only. Third person messaging does not change.

Room Name: Among the Briars

Room Description: Woody, whip-like tendrils heavily laden with cruel, hooked thorns form a tangled thicket around you, with only this curved hollow left free of encroachment. The bushes wear their saw-toothed leaves like a sprawling, if patchy, mantle. Clusters of dark purple berries are suspended within the barbed vines and branches, the plumpest shaded by leaves and hanging tantalizingly out of reach.

You analyze your feathery relic and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Well of Life (308) of: you feel the sensation of thousands of feathers dancing across your skin. You must have knowedge of this spell to use it. At this time, redemption of this customization will PERMANENTLY disable default messaging of this spell."
Sensation: you feel the sensation of thousands of feathers dancing across your skin.

You analyze your coin-shaped relic and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Well of Life (308) of: you hear the tinkling sounds of coins pouring into a bowl. You must have knowedge of this spell to use it. At this time, redemption of this customization will PERMANENTLY disable default messaging of this spell."
Sensation: you hear the tinkling sounds of coins pouring into a bowl.

You analyze your raindrop-etched relic and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Well of Life (308) of: the petrichor scent of the jungle after a morning rain washes over you. You must have knowedge of this spell to use it. At this time, redemption of this customization will PERMANENTLY disable default messaging of this spell."


You analyze your inscribed tombstone and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant the ability to cast a customized Raise Dead (318 or 1640) of the caster pondering the worth of life and then imploring the deceased to be worthy of it."

Raiser's view: Standing at Taulramil's head, you stare down into his vacant eyes and ponder the life cycle of a man. "What is their worth, their weight, their value," you wonder. Bending low, your eyes never leaving his eyes, you whisper, "Be worthy of this." As you straighten, you release the divine energy that has been stored within you into Taulramil.

Deader's view: Standing at your head, Taulramil stares down into your vacant eyes and seems to be pondering some profound mystery. He bends low, his eyes never leaving the gaze of your lifeless one, and whispers, "Be worthy of this." As he straightens, you feel divine energy flow into you from him.

Others' view: Standing at Dead Person's head, Taulramil stares down into his vacant eyes and seems to be pondering some profound mystery. He bends low, his eyes never leaving the gaze of Dead Person's lifeless one, and whispers, "Be worthy of this." As he straightens, divine energy seems to flow into Dead Person from Taulramil.

SORCERERS!!! Nightmares in TSC!

Invoking this scorched pell will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: Your vision goes dark for a moment as you hiss out the words for [Spell Name].
Third Person: An oily black film fleetingly obscures Taulramil's deep golden-hued eyes as he hisses out a malediction.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a hissed malediction from the shadows.
Specific Spell Restriction: 702

CB 50kTwo plus ONE - THREE TIMES

Invoking this aubergine parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: You mutter the incantation for [Spell Name], and for an instant your hands are as insubstantial as fog...
Third Person: Taulramil mutters a magical incantation, and for an instant his hands seem as insubstantial as fog...
Hidden or Invisible: A man's voice mutters a magical incantation somewhere nearby.
Specific Spell Restriction: 704


Invoking this hole-riddled palimpsest will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: As you spit out the words for [Spell Name], the world around you spins for a moment...
Third Person: Taulramil spits out a spiteful curse, and one of his glaring eyes oscillates wildly.
Hidden or Invisible: Someone spits out a spiteful curse from the shadows.
Specific Spell Restriction: 717


You analyze your half-torn parchment and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Invoking this half-torn parchment will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: A tense and powerful whine pierces the air as you intone the words for [Spell Name], only growing louder as the very space before you ripples and shifts...
Third Person: A tense and unbearable whine pierces the air as Taulramil intones, only growing louder as the very space before him ripples and shifts...
Hidden or Invisible: A tense and unbearable whine pierces the air as a voice intones somewhere nearby.
Specific Spell Restriction: 720


WIZARDS!!! Any wizzies for a spell up?!

You analyze your faenor-traced disk and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511).
At this time, redemption of this customization will permanently disable default messaging of this spell.

Please remember that this faenor-traced disk does not grant you the spell.

Description: the faenor Taulramil disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet
LOOK description: None.

CB 50k Three times

You analyze your note-etched urn and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

Invoking this opalescent vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: Elemental mana gathers around your hand, slowly branching into wispy fractals of crystallized ice as you prepare [Spell Name].
Third Person: Elemental mana gathers around Taulramil's hand, slowly branching into wispy fractals of crystallized ice.
Hidden or Invisible: Elemental mana gathers into branching, wispy fractals of crystallized ice.
Specific Spell Restriction: 907


The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom TAP message for the Tremor Spell (909)."

TAP First Person: You tap out a rapid staccato upon the ground with your staff and are immediately greeted by a deep, resonating rumble that travels up your body.

TAP Third Person: Taulramil taps out a rapid staccato upon the ground with his staff and instantly, the ground issues a deep, resonating rumble in response.

You analyze your poorly traced vellum and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Invoking this poorly traced vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: As you murmur the words for [Spell Name], your ghostly doppelganger flickers in and out of an unstable existence beside you.
Third Person: As Taulramil murmurs an incantation, his ghostly doppelganger flickers in and out of an unstable existence beside him.
Hidden or Invisible: A ghostly humanoid form flickers in and out of an unstable existence.
Specific Spell Restriction: 918

RANGER!!!! Don't get lost!!!

You analyze your twisting creepers and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Tangleweed (610) of twisting creepers.
At this time, redemption of this customization will permanently disable default messaging of this spell.
Please remember you must be able to cast this spell on your own in order to use the customization and that this twisting creepers does not grant you the spell.
Damaging vine: some rapidly twisting creepers with tiny bright red flowers
Thorns: spiny stems
Non-damaging vine: some rapidly twisting creepers covered in spiny stems


You analyze your coarse brown tumbleweed and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Tangleweed (610) of coarse brown tumbleweed.

At this time, redemption of this customization will permanently disable default messaging of this spell.
Please remember you must be able to cast this spell on your own in order to use the customization and that this coarse brown tumbleweed does not grant you the spell."

Damaging vine: a whipping coarse brown tumbleweed with tiny green leaves
Thorns: elongated sharp spines
Non-damaging vine: a whipping coarse brown tumbleweed with elongated sharp spines

You analyze your gooseberry vine and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Tangleweed (610) of gooseberry vine.

At this time, redemption of this customization will permanently disable default messaging of this spell.
Please remember you must be able to cast this spell on your own in order to use the customization and that this gooseberry vine does not grant you the spell."

Damaging vine: a burnished gooseberry vine dimpled with fragrant blossoms and red berries
Thorns: flame-hued gooseberry vines
Non-damaging vine: a burnished gooseberry vine of flame-hues sporting sharp spines

You analyze your golden capybara trinket and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Invoking this golden capybara trinket will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: You issue a guttural streak of grunts punctuated with high-pitched squeaks as you summon your [Spell Name].
Third Person: Taulramil issues a guttural streak of grunts punctuated with high-pitched squeaks.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a series of guttural grunts and high-pitched squeaks but cannot place the source.
Specific Spell Restriction: 630

You analyze your leash trinket and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

CB 100k SOLD

The creator has also provided the following information:
Invoking this leash trinket will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: You throw your head back and loose a crescendo of yips and howls as you summon your [Spell Name].
Third Person: Taulramil throws his head back and looses a crescendo of yips and howls.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a series of loud yips and howls but cannot place the source.
Specific Spell Restriction: 630


Invoking this pink vellum will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells.
It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: Your forehead wrinkles in concentration as you haltingly stammer out the words to prepare [Spell Name].
Third Person: Taulramil's forehead wrinkles in concentration as he haltingly stammers out a phrase.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear someone haltingly stammer out a phrase.
Profession Restrictions: Warrior only


You analyze your yellow vellum and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Your vellum is of the Ghezresh Custom Flare Messaging variety and has a fanged ethereal dragon eel Custom Flare Messaging. Using it will give a weapon or armor that already has plasma flare on it the customized messaging.
A crimson and yellow vellum can not be altered in any way.
To use the vellum, you will need to RAISE your yellow vellum while holding your weapon, armor, or runestaff in the other hand.

You analyze your silver vellum and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Your vellum is of the Ghezresh Custom Flare Messaging variety and has a spine-maned dragon eel Custom Flare Messaging. Using it will give a weapon or armor that already has vacuum flare on it the customized messaging.
A pale silver vellum can not be altered in any way.
To use the vellum, you will need to RAISE your silver vellum while holding your weapon, armor, or runestaff in the other hand.

Please keep bids very big thank you!

10-15-2020, 04:09 PM
You should probably give these numbers to make it easier to bid on them.

10-15-2020, 04:22 PM
50k each on the gossamer vellum and the sheet of vellum (4 &11)

10-15-2020, 04:40 PM
First Person: You throw your head back and loose a crescendo of yips and howls as you summon your [Spell Name].
Third Person: Taulramil throws his head back and looses a crescendo of yips and howls.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a series of loud yips and howls but cannot place the source.
Specific Spell Restriction: 630

100k on this one please

10-15-2020, 04:55 PM
You should probably give these numbers to make it easier to bid on them.

For what it's worth, I agree with this as it is very hard to read as is.

Having said that, I bid 50K on each of the 4 sorcerer spell preps: 702, 704, 717 and 720

10-15-2020, 06:38 PM
yeah I though I had some on there I even forgot my minimum bid on it but I got it up and will honor it. was asking the general and special to be mb 250k and the others 50k. sorry

10-15-2020, 06:39 PM
IF you want to just number down 1 on down I can work with that sorry folks! I got them numbered for you!

10-15-2020, 10:44 PM

10-16-2020, 01:11 AM
MB on 18 please.

10-16-2020, 01:36 AM
MB on 5, 6, 7, 8, 24, 25.

10-16-2020, 08:54 AM
Three times !!

10-16-2020, 09:57 AM
mb 28

10-17-2020, 06:24 PM
SOLD to those that are at three times and the other please let me know when you are available i'm on all a lot send me a thought!

10-17-2020, 06:40 PM
Mb on 32

10-17-2020, 06:40 PM
6) 100k
10 and 19 Minimum bid

10-18-2020, 12:39 PM
100K on #11, #19 and #28 please

50K on #2 and #3

10-18-2020, 04:27 PM
If you have bid on an item please find me in the game and pick them up, due to circumstances I can not commit time to properly auction. I apologize and I will honor any bids currently there

10-23-2020, 08:28 PM
MB on 9 please