View Full Version : Official: Trick or Treat Simucoin Event

10-08-2020, 09:32 AM
Preface: There are 5 Tiers of prizes with every Tier 5 having a small chance to becoming a jackpot (Tier 6)

From Discord:

Haliste - Wrapped candy is gonna be a treat! All you gotta do is TWIST it to unwrap it, and presto. You get a piece of candy. Like, you might get "a small chocolate drop", or you might get "a candy stick".

There are 5 groups of candy. Each group has 5 tiers.

you will BUNDLE your candy to get to higher tiers.

So in that chocolate drop group, a Tier 3 candy looks like this: a powdered chocolate drop with lemon rind sprinkles

It takes 3 pieces of the same candy to "bundle up" to the next tier.

I'm not going to go into the prizes, but you will know *exactly* what you can turn your candy in for. It will take ONE candy to claim that tier's reward. Once you claim the reward, the candy is gone.

So there's no guessing. The ONLY random element here is what candy you get when you unwrap it. And it's random between those 5 groups...all have the same chance.

So let's say you have a piece of Tier 2 candy with 2 bites.
and you have a Tier 2 candy with 1 bite in your other hand and bundle them....

You will now have a Tier 3 candy with 1 bite.

So, in short you need 3 Tier 1’s -> 1 Tier 2, 3 Tier 2’s->1 Tier 3, 3 Tier 3’s ->1 Tier 4 so forth.

You get 1 piece of candy for 1 prize entry. There are 5 groups which cannot be interchanged in terms of bundling therefore...

*If you are playing Trick or Treating NEVER bundle your candy until you have TRADED with other players for like candy groups.*

You will theoretically need 81 of the same candy groupings to create 1 tier 5 candy of that group to turn in for a Tier 5 or potential jackpot. If my math serves.

10-08-2020, 09:55 AM
I'm not going to go into the prizes, but you will know *exactly* what you can turn your candy in for.

This is a remarkably stupid approach.

"First you pay us, then you can find out what you might be able to win."

10-08-2020, 09:55 AM
What is this even

10-08-2020, 10:05 AM
This sounds like an upkeep hassle

10-08-2020, 10:26 AM
Wyrom on the officials

We are (re)introducing Trick-or-Treat (ToT) back into EG with some new twists. ToT will be taking the place of EG's companion event that uses SimuCoin entries, similar to Deep Sea Diving and Delirium.

The premise is pretty simply, you'll enter the area and then KNOCK on the doors. Each entry will earn you up to ten "treats." After you've knocked on a door, you won't be able to know on the same one for thirty seconds. That means you'll need to move around the area to get all your knocks in. The area may be a bit familiar, but it's an old location that is now beached on the shores of Caligos.

You'll also get "tricks" from time to time. These will not impact your ten treats. By tricks, I mean angered spirits that want to make you like them! You'll need to dispatch them before being able to knock again. The area is not instanced, however we are deploying a new tactic with creatures that will debut this run. The person who knocks will be the only person the undead can attack. Anyone else can attack it though, so if you need help, get a friend to come join you! In fact, we recommend you explore the area in pairs or small groups to stay safe. If you run away, it will follow you and immediately try to strike you. If you end up leaving the area without releasing the undead, it will wait around for you in a special area. If it ends up killing you, it will be satisfied and you'll be able to knock again once you're back up on your feet.

When you knock, you'll get one of the following treats:
* Seashells (80%)
* a pair of species (10%)
* a piece of candy (10%)

The species are the quest item this year. The candy is an all new collectible. We'll be posting details on the candy shortly. The candy can either be eaten (yum) or be traded in for prizes.

So no, not one piece of candy per entry. Is that possible, sure.

The main prize is obviously seashells, which was mentioned to be a slightly higher rate than what DsD generated.

You will also get candy, which when collected and tiered up by bundling, you can work toward a series of prizes that will be announced before (or around that time obviously, let's be honest, this is still Simu). If you don't like said prizes, you're still getting mostly seashells and I'm sure you can probably trade your candy for someone else's seashells.

This sounds like an upkeep hassle

You can get a bag that will be character attuned that helps you organize your candy.

10-08-2020, 10:32 AM
I'm curious about the social distancing rules here, and will everyone be wearing a mask?

10-08-2020, 10:44 AM
I'm sure someone can cast undisease on you.

10-08-2020, 10:49 AM
I'm not sure I understand. I don't know what I can turn the candy in for at all?

10-08-2020, 10:53 AM
I'm not sure I understand. I don't know what I can turn the candy in for at all?

No one knows yet until Thandiwe posts the list, which she said she would before it starts. You will know before you start collecting candy.

10-08-2020, 11:13 AM
I'm sure someone can cast undisease on you.

This is a new disease. Like red rot. That spell didn't work on that either.

10-08-2020, 11:13 AM
Wyrom on the officials

So no, not one piece of candy per entry. Is that possible, sure.

The main prize is obviously seashells, which was mentioned to be a slightly higher rate than what DsD generated.

You will also get candy, which when collected and tiered up by bundling, you can work toward a series of prizes that will be announced before (or around that time obviously, let's be honest, this is still Simu). If you don't like said prizes, you're still getting mostly seashells and I'm sure you can probably trade your candy for someone else's seashells.

You can get a bag that will be character attuned that helps you organize your candy.


10-08-2020, 11:16 AM
Seems like they recycled the old trick or treat system from EG's past. I know that with Feywrot Mire, it was a swamp that you searched, but while free, your searches were limited to x/hour or something like that. Looks like they did away with the timer and added a price tag. With the swamp there, it was also tied to the games feeder, so there was an infinitesimally small chance that you could actually pull at T5 (back when there was no T6).

10-08-2020, 11:18 AM
I don't see that quote in the EG forum, which is where I was checking. But your original post made it sound like you were only getting a piece of candy per entry, and didn't mention seashells.

10-08-2020, 11:23 AM
There is combat involved with this event however. I would imagine mostly non-corp undead. Unlike DSD and past similar simucoin events.

The big take home message is: *Do not pre-bundle your candy before having all your component parts complete, the candy is tradeable. You’ll be doing a disservice to yourself and others if you do. You’ll be helping out Simu I guess if you’re into that. :)

10-08-2020, 11:34 AM
Seems like they recycled the old trick or treat system from EG's past. I know that with Feywrot Mire, it was a swamp that you searched, but while free, your searches were limited to x/hour or something like that. Looks like they did away with the timer and added a price tag. With the swamp there, it was also tied to the games feeder, so there was an infinitesimally small chance that you could actually pull at T5 (back when there was no T6).

I liked it for the eggs you could throw at people.

10-08-2020, 11:35 AM
I don't see that quote in the EG forum, which is where I was checking. But your original post made it sound like you were only getting a piece of candy per entry, and didn't mention seashells.

Yeah, my focus was on the prizes I assumed everyone knew they would be getting seashells or whatever ancillary prizes like in every past simucoin EG event.

Since we’re on the topic of ancillary prizes one thing to note is:


So yes on RPA orbs.

What Haliste meant by “know exactly what you can turn in your candy for” is the big question mark.

10-08-2020, 11:59 AM
Yay (sarcasm). What used to be a fun break from crowded merchant rooms that you took with your friends, has been turned into yet another RNG game slog. We needed another one of those....

10-08-2020, 12:09 PM
Yay (sarcasm). What used to be a fun break from crowded merchant rooms that you took with your friends, has been turned into yet another RNG game slog. We needed another one of those....

I guess I don't see the comparison. With mini-games giving you RNG type results and you're basically just pulling a slot lever over and over, trick or treat is pretty much guaranteed to give you higher amount of seashells and you have to fight off the occaisional (or not so occaisional, not sure of the spawn rate) ghost, in addition to building your candy loot toward what we hope will be worthwhile prizes.

10-08-2020, 12:11 PM
I guess I don't see the comparison. With mini-games giving you RNG type results and you're basically just pulling a slot lever over and over, trick or treat is pretty much guaranteed to give you higher amount of seashells and you have to fight off the occaisional (or not so occaisional, not sure of the spawn rate) ghost, in addition to building your candy loot toward what we hope will be worthwhile prizes.

I think the gripe is more that it used to be a fun free game. Now it is monetized.

10-08-2020, 12:24 PM
I think the gripe is more that it used to be a fun free game. Now it is monetized.

Oh! As compared to what ToT used to be. I thought we were comparing to DsD. I see what you're saying. Well, Wyrom is opening up the Necropolis for dungeon crawls.

10-08-2020, 12:27 PM
I guess I don't see the comparison. With mini-games giving you RNG type results and you're basically just pulling a slot lever over and over, trick or treat is pretty much guaranteed to give you higher amount of seashells and you have to fight off the occaisional (or not so occaisional, not sure of the spawn rate) ghost, in addition to building your candy loot toward what we hope will be worthwhile prizes.

But there are 5 different groups of candy that will drop randomly and each group of candy can only be bundled with a candy from the same group, so that’s a lot of randomness right there. Not to mention a chance of getting a critter instead of a great at all and only a 10% chance of getting a piece of candy.

I don’t know though, maybe the main draw here is the seashells. I’m not too familiar with the value of seashells.

10-08-2020, 01:05 PM
This seems like a terrible event to buy into, but we'll see once prizes are released.

10-08-2020, 02:25 PM
I'm curious about the social distancing rules here, and will everyone be wearing a mask?

I'm sure someone can cast undisease on you.

Just 113 and 114 everyone you come anywhere close to, and then make sure to 113 and 114 yourself before you get back into your hunker-safe-distances-bunker!

10-08-2020, 03:11 PM
More in-depth details about ToT!
http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20Sim uCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/thread/1928644

Knock, knock!

Who's there?

Oh - it's you!

Here's the low down on Trick or Treating at Ebon Gate! And by the way, we hope to carry this forward to future EG events. The prizes could change (though they are NOT expected to at this time) for future runs, but the base functionality of the activity itself and how the collectible works will remain constant.

Each entry to the TorT area (and by the way, I totally want to call it TorTe: trick or treat event, hehe) will require a key (purchaseable at the SimuCoin store). For each key, you have 10 knocks. You are guaranteed one piece of wrapped candy, one quest item, creatures (which give experience), and seashells.

The Trick or Treat Candy drops come in 5 different groups, and each group has 5 Tiers. In terms of rewards for the candy, the groups have been named as follows:

Group 1=QUEST
Group 2=LOCKER
Group 5=GUILD

Tier 1 candy does not provide a reward, so you're only option there is to BUNDLE it with another of the same group. It takes 3 candies of the same group to progress a piece to the next tier. So, if you have 3 Tier 1 candies and bundle them, on the 3rd bundle the candy will auto-convert to 1-bite of Tier 2 candy for that group. At that point, you can continue to bundle (it takes 3 Tier 2 candies to get 1 Tier 3 candy of the same group), or you can take the reward for Tier 2 in that group. Tier 5 candy will only provide a reward and cannot be bundled.

All candy can be WAVEd to turn it into edible food. However, this removes the collectibility of the item and is an irreversible change. You will receive confirmation upon doing this.

Following is a list of candy and associated prizes. You can HUG your candy to see this list, and there will be a monsterbold asterisk next to the prize corresponding to the piece of candy that you are holding.

One piece of Tier 2 through Tier 5 candy can be turned in to receive one of the following. (Specific candy results in a specific item.)

-- GROUP 1 (QUEST) --
some sugar-dusted dried fruit | a blue feather-shaped charm (6 charges)
some sugar-dusted dried fruit dipped in chocolate | an enruned gold ring (60 charges) *
a chocolate-laced fruit coated in nonpareils | a swirling nexus orb (1 entry)
a nonpareils-coated chocolate filled with fruit syrup | a warmly glowing orb (30 entries)

-- GROUP 2 (LOCKER) --
a swirled green candy | an urchin guide bond (60 days)
a swirled green candy drizzled with caramel | a locker runner contract (60 items)
a chocolate-dipped green candy topped with apple bits | a silvery blue potion (1 sip)
a caramel-filled apple candy covered in milk chocolate | a locker expansion contract (10 items)

a powdered chocolate drop | a birth certificate parchment (1)
a powdered chocolate drop with lemon rind sprinkles | a squat pale grey crystal bottle (10 pills)
a lemon-infused dark chocolate drop | a thick stability contract (20 uses)
a lemon-infused dark chocolate truffle | a shimmering blue orb (1)

a caramel and cream square | a muscular arm token (100 uses)
a caramel and cream square with chocolate corners | a bulging muscular arm token (90 days)
an orange cream caramel square with chocolate corners | a swirling yellow-green potion (3 charges, 30 days each)
a creamy orange caramel square dipped in chocolate | a potent yellow-green potions (4 charges, 1 month each)

-- GROUP 5 (GUILD) --
a cherry candy stick | an Elanthian Guilds voucher pack (10 uses)
a cherry and vanilla candy stick | an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack (40 uses)
a swirled cherry-vanilla stick with chocolate tips | An Adventurer's Guild task waiver (60 days)
a chocolate-tipped cherry-vanilla stick with peppermint crumbles | a Guild Night form (3.5 hours)


In order to assist with storage and maintenance of the candy inventory, I've created a sack to use to hold all of your TorT candy! This container can be worn on your belt, and it has no limit to how many pieces of candy you can drop into it. There are a few details worth mentioning, however.

- You can only remove one piece at a time.
- You can put in bundled candies and it will add the "bites".
- The container will not auto-bundle candy placed inside.
- One container will hold every type of candy.
- While the container will hold wrapped candy, you cannot bundle wrapped candy.

The containers are fully alterable, provided it remains a paper bag of some sort that you could wear on a belt due to open/close messaging.

Containers will become attuned the first time you drop candy into it.


Creatures will be of the NCU (non-corporeal undead) variety, and they will not drop loot. Normal experience gains will apply. Creatures will range in level

If you get "tricked" and get a creature-greeter at the door, you are responsible for cleaning up your creature mess! This creature will not take kindly to your attempts to flee, and it will always come back to get you (and only you). Creatures should only care about the knocker, and will (hopefully?!) avoid others in the area.


If you do not have a quest item (chelioboros bracelet), you can purchase one from the temple at the top of the island. (I believe these are 250k silver.) These are limited to one per character, and if you have one from a previous year, you only need to participate in the quest/storyline to progress the item to the next tier. It is completely possible to catch up even if this is your first year participating in Ebon Gate, and many times, players are happy to share their quest items with others. Be aware this year, however -- the quest items cannot be dropped on the ground. They can, however, be handed to another player. The original "finder" of the item receives a favor bonus, as do favor items received through the Trick or Treat activity.

What have I left out? Did I forget anything? Do you have any specific questions? Ask away -- I'll do my best to answer all the things!

Have fun!

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

10-08-2020, 03:15 PM
Simu can blow this event out their ass. Sadly, with all the shit Simu will be pushing out, folks are still going to be sifting through it, looking for those candy pieces.

10-08-2020, 03:24 PM
More in-depth details about ToT!
http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20Sim uCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/thread/1928644

Hard fuckin pass on trick or treating for a birth date change cert and seashells suck cuz there is nothing to buy with them from like 3000-300000 except autoflares

Stanley Burrell
10-08-2020, 05:15 PM
Woah. Okay, so...Need more caffeine.

10-08-2020, 07:47 PM
More in-depth details about ToT!
http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20Sim uCoins/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/thread/1928644


10-09-2020, 10:12 AM
Spend your simucoins for a chance at getting enough of the same candy to redeem for an item you could have just spent those simucoins on directly.


10-09-2020, 12:06 PM
Spend your simucoins for a chance at getting enough of the same candy to redeem for an item you could have just spent those simucoins on directly.


Classic gacha shit. Obfuscate the true cost of an item behind several layers of premium currency and RNG.

10-09-2020, 12:25 PM
The one thing I like about this is that those who participate will be selling stuff they don't want here, for less than the Simustore price.

10-09-2020, 12:52 PM
Classic gacha shit. Obfuscate the true cost of an item behind several layers of premium currency and RNG.

Wow, I didn't even think about that. With the leveling up of the prizes this is 100% a gacha game.

10-09-2020, 12:57 PM
Anyone buying in to win simustore items is a fool.

That is not the main objective of the system. You can argue subjectively about the value of seashells but that is obviously the main reward.

10-09-2020, 01:29 PM
Next EG!

Pumpking smashing!

1 SimuCoin Ticket per entry.
Each ticket provides you with 10 pumpkins you can smash OR carve!
Each smashed pumpkin provides the following chances:
90% seashells
8% the smashed pumpkin morphs into an angry scarecrow that you need to kill.
2% 1 random pattern piece

Smashing a pumpkin - there is a small chance you will find an item pattern from each pumpkin you smash. Otherwise you will find seashells.
There are many different patterns to collect. Here are some examples:
OHE pattern
Wand pattern
Shield pattern
Leather Breastplate pattern
UAC Boot pattern
....and many, many more!

Carving Pumpkins!
Instead of smashing pumpkins, you can decide to carve them!

Take one of the pumpkins and GUT it. Upon a successful gut, there is a small (2% chance) you will find 1 random pattern piece, otherwise you will find seashells.

A successfully gutted pumpkin can now be CARVED into a scary face!
Carve your pumpkin. There are 6 levels of carving a pumpkin that are decided simply by RNG.
1) Failure, you break the pumpkin (morphs into a scarecrow that you need to kill)
2) Child-like skill - a baby could probably carve something better (reward = a piece of edible candy)
3) Beginner skill - probably better then what most children could do (reward = some seashells)
4) Intermediate skill - you're no grand artist, but you manage to impress the kids (reward = 2% for random pattern piece, otherwise some seashells)
5) Advanced skill - That's pretty impressive. You've managed to startle some ghouls with your talents (reward = 2.1% for random pattern piece, otherwise seashells)
6) Mastered skill - You scare everyone and the undead for miles! (reward = 2.15% for random pattern piece, otherwise seashells)

Here's how the pattern pieces work!
Each pattern requires 4 pieces per Tier 1 level. Once you have a completed Tier 1 pattern, you can trade it in for a random enchant/property version of that pattern for that Tier level. The higher the Tier level, the more impressive the item's properties are.

There are 5 Tier levels total.

Tier 1 requires 4 pieces of the same item pattern, bundle them to make a T1 pattern.
To create a Tier 2 pattern of that item, you need to collect 4 more pattern pieces and bundle them for a T1 item. Now you simply bundle the two - Tier 1 patterns and you have a Tier 2!
To create a Tier 3 pattern, you need to build 3 - Tier 2 of the pattern and combine them again.
To create a Tier 4 pattern, you need to build 4 - Tier 3 of the pattern
To create a Tier 5 patter, you need to build 5 - Tier 4 of the pattern
Tier 1 requires 4 pattern pieces total (combine 4 pattern pieces to get a T1 pattern)
Tier 2 requires 8 pattern pieces total (build 2 - T1 patterns to combine to T2)
Tier 3 requires 24 pattern pieces total (build 3 - T2 patterns to combine to T3)
Tier 4 requires 96 pattern pieces total (build 4 - T3 patterns to combine to T4)
Tier 5 requirs 480 pattern pieces total (build 5 - T4 patterns to combine to T5)
Complete number of pattern pieces needed to build a T5 pattern = 612.

If you wanted a T5 shield, you need to find and combine 612 pieces of a shield pattern.
If you wanted a T5 runestaff, you would need to find and combine 612 pieces of a runestaff pattern.

Pattern pieces are not interchangeable. Meaning you cannot combine different pattern pieces together. For example: a shield pattern and a broadsword pattern, you cannot combine them.

Oh, and don't you fret none! We'll provide you with a container that can help you sort all your pattern pieces automatically. To acquire one of these containers you will need to SMASH or CARVE pumpkins to locate 4 magical bag pattern pieces!

Have fun everyone!

(I so should sell this idea to Simu!)

10-09-2020, 01:45 PM
This looks like shit and sounds hella unfun.

10-09-2020, 02:51 PM
I almost felt like this was an official teaser for next year's EG.

Then I realized they would never provide information like this so far in advance.

10-09-2020, 03:08 PM
This looks like shit and sounds hella unfun.

A useless event you pay for and get stupid stuff in return or requires so much effort and money that only Simu wins! What more could you ask for?

10-09-2020, 07:21 PM
This is dumb

Stanley Burrell
10-09-2020, 08:28 PM
I cannot, in good faith, read this and not post this:



Stanley Burrell
10-09-2020, 08:29 PM
Damn, I really needed even more coffee. Egads! :embarrassed:

10-09-2020, 09:24 PM
I cannot, in good faith, read this and not post this:



10-15-2020, 07:03 PM