View Full Version : Revon.... the Isle's biggest wuss
04-03-2005, 06:49 AM
Whats the deal with Revon? He talks shit then doesnt expect to die? I had a lil experiece with him earlier.... he talked shit and I killed him. then while hes dead he talks more shit. When he gets raised he warns me of interaction. Then talks more shit. I just needed a place to vent about the biggest moron on Teras since my in game options are limited. Id love to hear more stories about him getting killed. Oh and here.... ill post my slaughter of the wuss for all to enjoy:
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a vaalor-spiked mithril alloy warmace at Revon!
AS: +415 vs DS: +240 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +90 = +299
... and hit for 80 points of damage!
Mighty swing separates head from shoulders.
* Revon drops dead at your feet!
The deep blue glow leaves Revon.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Revon.
The light blue glow leaves Revon.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Revon.
The dim aura fades from around Revon.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Revon suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Revon's sonic barrier dissipates.
Revon seems a bit less imposing.
Revon becomes solid again.
04-03-2005, 06:57 AM
As far as I know, YOU are the one that talks the shit and kills people when they have something to say back to you. You also went way OOC telling people how he used different accounts to attack you and was saying how he has many different zombies like Alfue, Mijunkin, Xealot, Massiveman and me. You are an ass to everyone at Teras that is younger than you he did the right thing by warning you of interaction. Even the clerics and empaths dont like you.
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by Dionisius]
04-03-2005, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by Dionisius
As far as I know, YOU are the one that talks the shit and kills people when they have something to say back to you. You also went way OOC telling people how he used different accounts to attack you and was saying how he has many different zombies like Alfue, Mijunkin, Xealot, Massiveman and me. You are an ass to everyone at Teras that is younger than you he did the right thing by warning you of interaction. Even the clerics and empaths dont like you.
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by Dionisius]
HAHAHA pwned.
04-03-2005, 07:04 AM
he is quite a neusance...better on the isle with his cronies then in the landing...couldn't get a moments peace with him and his goons....
04-03-2005, 07:05 AM
as far as Dionisius... Ive heard from 3 or 4 of my friends that you are in fact Xealot..... and also i do not pick on young ones. I pick on stupid fucking morons like Revon. If anyone wants to know how stupid Xealot and Revon are ask any of the "real" isle folks. Bronnwyn will back up my story. I have lived on the isle fer 2 years. I have never had to deal with such morons until you fucks showed up.
04-03-2005, 07:10 AM
I don't know what the deal is with Xealot and Revon, but they sure seem to be getting in trouble with a couple of folks on the island. Chalandrah has been residing in Teras for a while now, and is quite a bit younger then Asben, however, not once has he been an ass to me, nor has she seen him be anything but nice to all of but a handful of people there. Chalandrah is also an empath and has no problem with Asben.
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by ChalaRoque]
04-03-2005, 07:10 AM
why is it, that all the fools that are the morons of the landing all decide to flock to the isle, like they are wanted there. the Isle is a tight, community based town that really doesnt like outsiders. specially ones that like to come over and start acting a fool, for no reason. i say... PWN his ass more offen. maybe it would send his ass back to the sewers (landing) where they belong.
04-03-2005, 07:13 AM
I couldnt agree with you more deadheat
04-03-2005, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Asben
as far as Dionisius... Ive heard from 3 or 4 of my friends that you are in fact Xealot..... and also i do not pick on young ones. I pick on stupid fucking morons like Revon. If anyone wants to know how stupid Xealot and Revon are ask any of the "real" isle folks. Bronnwyn will back up my story. I have lived on the isle fer 2 years. I have never had to deal with such morons until you fucks showed up.
First off, I am neither Revon nor Xealot and the fact that you were telling everyone out loud that you said me and a few other people are Revon pissed me off. I havent said anything to you because of the fact that I dont want to have to put up with your bullshit in game.
You also talk like Revon and Xealot were the only ones you had some trouble with. The other night you killed almost everyone at the statue because they disagreed with how you were behaving. You even threaten empaths and clerics that try to help people you dont like. Sounds like you are the one that needs to go back to the landing and stay there.
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by Dionisius]
04-03-2005, 07:19 AM
04-03-2005, 07:19 AM
Going OOC about a moron is as equally moronic as the moron you're bitching about.
04-03-2005, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Going OOC about a moron is as equally moronic as the moron you're bitching about.
04-03-2005, 07:21 AM
Read the first reply in the thread Keller.
04-03-2005, 07:24 AM
now see what i dont get Dionisius is how you know what happened the other day since you wernt in the room... Let me tell you what happened. Alfue said i should rob Revon... i said that i wasnt a thief... next thing i know i get ambushed. He gets a lil 2 round stun on me. I get out of my stun and i leg him then revon drags him away... he comes back and i take his arm off and he dies.... then Mijunkin who i never talked to jumps out and ambushes me so i killed him... one swing too, jes like the wuss. Then some other guy attacks me and i legged him. And as far as threatening empuffs and clerics.....? Id like to know which ones i threatened cause i was unaware that i threatened anyone. I had words with one healer but i never threatened her. Also Dion id like to know how you know so much about tonight since once again.... you were not there.... Hmm funny how Xealot and Revon were on.
04-03-2005, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Read the first reply in the thread Keller.
It reads to me like a defensive pussy-cat backed into a corner, lashing out at everything and anything at all. But I doubt he is Revon, no -- it is just coincidental.
04-03-2005, 07:27 AM
You know whats funny? I was right there watching the entire thing. Wizards have this nice little spell called invisibility meaning you dont have to see me to know im there. Another thing, I hunt and rest at the statue most of the time so I saw all your stupid shit. If you remember correctly, after your first little fight at the statue, I casted some massies so CLEARLY I was there watching. I wouldnt have anything to say about you but the fact that you called me and a few others tools pissed me off.
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by Dionisius]
04-03-2005, 07:31 AM
The funniest part of that was that when it was all going down.... i did a lil thing:
>find dion
There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.
The usage for this command is: find {player1} {player2} ... {player9} and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are questing.
hmmm i guess you really were there.... my Mistake
04-03-2005, 07:32 AM
04-03-2005, 07:32 AM
WOW, I was right there! You are REALLY an ass.
04-03-2005, 07:38 AM
If you were there youd know what really happened. And since you dont.... i think it speaks for itself.
04-03-2005, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Dionisius
....If you remember correctly, after your first little fight at the statue, I casted some massies so CLEARLY I was there watching....
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by Dionisius]
Guess it wasnt so clear after all.
04-03-2005, 07:41 AM
jes cause you were there after dun mean you were there during... dumb ass
04-03-2005, 07:44 AM
How could I have missed it? The word of your stupidity spread throughout the Isle in mere seconds.
04-03-2005, 07:45 AM
hey look, someone let the hens out.
04-03-2005, 07:48 AM
It really is funny that the only people who think im stupid are... Xealot, Revon, You, Alfue... and thats all ive heard that from where as I have plenty of friends on the isle which i can name if youd like who seem to find me a good person. So i dunno where you get this idea.... Maybe its because you are infact..... Xealot? And somehow if im wrong about this..... which i was told by several friends...... then you must be one of his lil "buddies" cause your 4 idiots are the only ones who make that claim
04-03-2005, 07:48 AM
the isle is very small....
word does get around like wild fire.
even I, although being currently in the sewers, hear about it shortly after it happened.
when you do shit there... it gets around fast...
(gosip, the isle's whore)
04-03-2005, 07:50 AM
As far as I know Chalandra is the ONLY person that said you were a good person so you can take that last post and shove it up your ass cuz its bullshit.
:stfu: :monkey: s
Do people really post with NOTHING but a smiley and get away with it? Well I guess so.
04-03-2005, 07:54 AM
We shall see after tomarrow.... when isle folks are awake... what they think of your cronies.... I know im loved on the isle since like i said... the only one who claim im a moron are the 4 of you.
04-03-2005, 07:56 AM
4? It was more like everyone except Chalandra.
04-03-2005, 08:10 AM
Ummm just cause thoes people arnt awake to post their responses dun mean that it was everyone except her.... And actually i have quite a few friends on the Isle... here let me name a few.... theres..... Chal, Bronnwyn, Gib, Wyxer, Admiration, Kapera, Akiromora, bllkhawk, Myre, Kaly, Palooka, Mythala, Raggler, Saryann, Seagrave, Xrothgar.... i can name quite a few more if you really want me to.....
04-03-2005, 08:26 AM
Well why dont you wait till tomarrow you ugly lil *edited* and see what people say about you.... Cause ive been talking to some of my friends on the isle and its clear that they dont like you..... But anyways lets see what people say tomarrow when they are AWAKE
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by HarmNone]
04-03-2005, 08:34 AM
there is at least one now, that is awake... i havent had any issues... LATELY with Asben... although there had been a misunderstanding as to the beaf we had before, that has since been cleared up. as i know it, I havent seen Asben start anything, only finish things that was started with him. though, yeah, i am not currently on the isle, but as i said before... word gets around fast
04-03-2005, 10:36 AM
anymore to say?
04-03-2005, 10:42 AM
Landing net a while back:
Asben [subdued]: "::tenses as cum explodes from my cock::"
04-03-2005, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Asben
Well why dont you wait till tomarrow you ugly lil *edited* and see what people say about you.... Cause ive been talking to some of my friends on the isle and its clear that they dont like you..... But anyways lets see what people say tomarrow when they are AWAKE
he says, while zwick-zwicking his pleasure rod.
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by HarmNone]
04-03-2005, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Landing net a while back:
Asben [subdued]: "::tenses as cum explodes from my cock::"
Also, Asben is full of shit. All his claims that Dio = Xealot/Revon are all bullshit. Revon is a dumbass, but not Dio. Also, since Asben reminds me of a 10 year old in a dick measuring competition, I'm gonna have to believe Dio over him in this (although Dio isn't a whole lot better).
04-03-2005, 11:20 AM
gs's soap....
Ooh he used a bad word!!!!11 Where are the PC police?!!11
04-03-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Asben
It really is funny that the only people who think im stupid are... Xealot, Revon, You, Alfue... and thats all ive heard that from
Just because they are the only ones who have said anything, please dont think they are the only ones who think that way.
I can safely say I think you are incredibly fucking stupid, based upon your little outburst here. I cant begin to think I am the only one who thinks that way.
When you are being beaten in a battle of wits by Dionisius, you really are thick.
p.s. Well spotted Dave.
04-03-2005, 12:27 PM
<<When you are being beaten in a battle of wits by Dionisius, you really are thick. >>
Nien - 2019897
Asben - 0
04-03-2005, 01:53 PM
Wait wait wait... this is my favorite part!
Originally posted by Asben
The funniest part of that was that when it was all going down.... i did a lil thing:
>find dion
There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.
Followed very quickly by a post saying:
Originally posted by Asben
jes cause you were there after dun mean you were there during... dumb ass
Asben, you're making yourself look even dumber than before, which is, in fact, impressive! Dionisius is without a doubt not Xealot and as far as i've known not Revon either, but if you want to go on that as your only thing, by all means!
04-03-2005, 02:17 PM
I missed most of what happened between Revon and Asben, I got there just in time to have a little fun.
Asben was being a complete douche to just about everyone that was at the statue when I walked in and he was saying how he was going to kill Revon and Xealot.
I made the comment that it may be more fun to just empty their pockets and let them go on their way. Apparently he doesn't like thieves because at this is where he started making threats to Alfue so at that point I waited for him to come out of hiding and I ambushed him.
I missed of course and layed down, waited for the retaliation. He cut off my leg... I got dragged away...came back, layed down again and he took off the arm.
He's big and bad, watch out.
[Edited on 4-3-2005 by Alfster]
04-03-2005, 02:39 PM
Why not just post a log?
04-03-2005, 02:46 PM
Because I don't log my GS time
04-03-2005, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by rupa
:stfu: :monkey: s
Do people really post with NOTHING but a smiley and get away with it? Well I guess so.
Hee! Sometimes, a smiley gets the job done just as well as, we allow them, to an extent. :D
04-03-2005, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Asben
Ummm just cause thoes people arnt awake to post their responses dun mean that it was everyone except her.... And actually i have quite a few friends on the Isle... here let me name a few.... theres..... Chal, Bronnwyn, Gib, Wyxer, Admiration, Kapera, Akiromora, bllkhawk, Myre, Kaly, Palooka, Mythala, Raggler, Saryann, Seagrave, Xrothgar.... i can name quite a few more if you really want me to.....
I'm sorry but this cracked me up!
Do we really care as to who your friends are? My thoughts would be no. I know I sure don't give a shit who tolerates you.
04-03-2005, 04:30 PM
This is what I encountered when I first logged in today. The only thing I edited out of this was whispers from Revon and Ayamei
Sounds to me like he read this thread and thinks I'm a liar...then brings it into game.
*** PsiNet client version beta 13 build 32 running.
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[Dragonspine and Krodera]
You notice the Ces disk, a sand leopard, the Xrothgar disk, a forest wolf, a ruffed lemur (sitting), a lava tube, a wrought iron sign, a red granite statue and a wooden table with some stuff on it.
Also here: Great Lord Asben, Lord Onmiste (prone), the body of Revon (prone), Ayamei, Spendel, Ces (sitting), Xrothgar, Magsme, Keyren (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Asben glances at you.
Xrothgar seems a bit less imposing.
!>roll eye
Asben removes a black rolaren heater from in his rolaren repair-kit.
You roll your eyes.
Asben removes a vaalor-spiked mithril alloy warmace from in his rolaren thigh-sheath.
* Vaylicve just bit the dust!
Elehnor just arrived.
Asben says, "You lil liar....."
The ghostly voice of Revon deeply asks, "No empaths?"
Your mind extends outward in an attempt to link with the PsiNet, but fails.
(Client will attempt reconnection every 5 minutes. You may disable this by typing PSINET UNLINK.
Spendel asks, "Any empaths about?"
* Cesara just bit the dust!
Elehnor put a fine vultite greatsword in his threaded harness.
!>'who's lying?
You ask, "Who's lying?"
You hear someone calling upon the powers of the elements...
Xrothgar just went west.
Proudfoot fades into visibility.
You hear someone chanting an arcane phrase...
Proudfoot sits down.
Asben says, "You."
Asben nods to you.
You hear someone reciting a series of mystical phrases...
A stout dwarven priestess wanders in, moving slowly.
You ask, "Me?"
Elehnor just went south.
!>'what the heck did I lie about, I just woke up
You say, "What the heck did I lie about, I just woke up."
!>laugh asben
You laugh at Asben!
Ayamei smiles at Proudfoot.
Proudfoot smiles at Ayamei.
The ghostly voice of Revon deeply says, "I just want some healing."
Speaking squeakily to Ayamei, Proudfoot says, "Hello's."
Speaking to Proudfoot, Ayamei asks, "Do you think you could spare some stength maybe?"
* Taar just bit the dust!
The ghostly voice of Revon deeply says, "Being dead is a bad thing."
The voice of Asben asks, "Shall we see how good of a rogue i really am Alfue?"
Ces begins to breathe less deeply.
Proudfoot nods to Ayamei.
Proudfoot works his way out of some crimson double leather.
Ayamei says, "Helps me a lot with my bow."
Proudfoot recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Proudfoot gestures at Ayamei.
Ayamei looks considerably more imposing.
!>'if you want
Proudfoot recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
You say, "If you want."
Proudfoot gestures at Ayamei.
Ayamei looks considerably more imposing.
Ayamei beams happily at Proudfoot!
Spendel just left.
The ghostly voice of Revon deeply says, "Alfue, ignore him."
Proudfoot recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Proudfoot gestures at Ayamei.
Ayamei looks considerably more imposing.
Proudfoot recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Proudfoot gestures at Ayamei.
Ayamei looks considerably more imposing.
The ghostly voice of Revon deeply says, "It kind of helps."
!>'I can't say I understand what I just lied about though
You say, "I can't say I understand what I just lied about though."
You shrug.
04-03-2005, 09:22 PM
I dont think so. The way Deadheat writes shows he has some form of education whereas Asben sounds like he's still roleplaying a dumb illiterate giant in GS. But hey, I could be wrong.
[Edited on 4-4-2005 by Dionisius]
04-04-2005, 05:45 PM
While Xealot does have multiple characters on the Isle, I can verify that Dionisius is not one of them.
04-05-2005, 01:09 AM
You're also wrong, as Xealot removed all other characters when creating his paladin.
04-05-2005, 02:34 AM
Try them out sometime, FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD.
04-06-2005, 11:35 AM
please, i am FAR from Asben, though i had been taking his side on this issue...
doesnt mean i completely agree with him. there are actually to many things i DONT like about him. and the words i would use are deffinantly not suitable for me at this time.
nor is it on this topic. though i may start another thread just for that alone.
but.... just to restate myself...
i have some class. and a hole hell of a lot more taste
Okay there, Asben.
- Arkans
04-06-2005, 12:37 PM
Heh, wow. Uhm, I guess to get on topic, my character was in the park when she saw Revon attacking Alarke. So she steps in to guard Alarke, and Revon starts getting all pissy because Alarke is her friend and she's fiercly loyal to the well-being of said friends.
So, Revon kept pushing and she finally shot at him. Not killing him, mind you, but merely stunning the hell out of him. So he comes back, stuns me and then warn interacts me. :rolleyes: Honestly, the whole thing could have been good rp if he wasn't taking it to the extreme with the warn.
Although, I found it really amusing that I'm in the park and then some other guy starts doing the same thing, and my character has the same reaction. So what does the other character do? Interact with her and gets her arrested. So she pulls the same trick and gets him arrested. Come to find out, it's the same player that controls Revon, that starts this new stufff with my character. :rolleyes:
Warn interacted again. Clearly, the player of Revon is all about starting trouble and can't roleplay anything else besides being a warn whore.
[Edited on 4-6-2005 by Divinity]
04-06-2005, 01:33 PM
Well, I think its time that I clarify a few things up. In response to Divinity's post, I think I am right in assuming that you are Aurawyn since you are one of the two people I have warned of interaction in GS4.
First, I was attacking Alarke in the park because we were playing. I am not old enough to harm Alarke and he knows that. I have known him ever since I made Revon and he is a good friend of mine.
Also, i'd like to point out a few lies in your post. Aurawyn tried to shoot me with an arrow/bolt but she never actually connected so basically you never stunned the hell out of anything. I also never attacked you because Alarke told me not to. If I had attacked you then you would have surely died seeing as how I never leave a job half done.
Another thing, I warned Aurawyn because of the fact that you were using the ACT verb to do things that you normally cant. I also joined you in the abuse of the ACT verb just to have a little fun but then you announced on Psinet that you reported me to the GM's because of this abuse (the same abuse you were doing).You also continued to annoy me in game and on Psinet. I couldnt even talk to Alarke without you threatening me and the fact that he didnt want me to kill you just aggrivated me. You took advantage of this and annoyed the hell out of me.I saw Aurawyn as more of a pest than anything and in order to get rid you, I warned you.
Sorry for the long post folks but I really hate liars. And for the record, Revon isn't my only character. I have a ranger named Solusyn in Vaalor that I rarely play so all these notions of me using other characters to attack people is garbage.
[Edited on 4-6-2005 by Revon]
04-06-2005, 01:45 PM
Bottom line is that Revon and Xealot are both jackasses.
04-06-2005, 03:40 PM
Why would you say that? The only reason I believe people think Xealot and I are jackasses is because we dont really put up with most of the crap that people give us. I RP Revon to be a very proud guy that always starts off a bit cold towards people. I dont, however, start trouble with anyone but some people tend to get the wrong idea because of the way Revon reacts to them. The one thing Revon has never done and will never do is swing/cast first. Every conflict Revon has been in was initiated by the other person.
We have tons of friends everywhere and just a handful of enemies. If a situation gets out of hand then I warn people so it doesnt ruin my RP experience and get me in trouble. I have warned only two people in the game yet that makes me a warn whore. I just wish this game brought more fun instead of complaints.
04-06-2005, 03:53 PM
Hmm, the bolt did hit you and it surely did stun you, but okie dokie. As for using the act verb, she told you not to touch her, so she slapped your hand away when you did. I didn't abuse it, I know how to use it and I did it just fine. Thanks for the criticism
As for the other character you play, I didn't know it was you until someone told me a bit afterwards, then it made sense why you acted so dumb.
Then for the "playing with Alarke," I was roleplaying it out. Alarke is a friend of hers as well, and all she saw was some schmuck trying to hurt him. He asked her for help, and she gave it. Then when he told her that it was alright, she backed off.
Roleplay your damn character and stop getting mad for ig stuff when everything I did was purely ic. Or you can just go cry about it, whatever.
04-06-2005, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Revon
If a situation gets out of hand then I warn people so it doesnt ruin my RP experience and get me in trouble.
Hey everyone... it's Warclaidhm Jr.!
If something like this is going to ruin your experience.. perhaps you should stick with single player games.
04-06-2005, 04:13 PM
We should start a fund to give that as a consoliation prize to all those that fail at playing GS.
[Edited on 4-6-2005 by Divinity]
Consolation prize.
Buy it here for only $19.99!!!oneoneone (
04-07-2005, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by Divinity
Heh, wow. Uhm, I guess to get on topic, my character was in the park when she saw Revon attacking Alarke. So she steps in to guard Alarke, and Revon starts getting all pissy because Alarke is her friend and she's fiercly loyal to the well-being of said friends.
So, Revon kept pushing and she finally shot at him. Not killing him, mind you, but merely stunning the hell out of him. So he comes back, stuns me and then warn interacts me. :rolleyes: Honestly, the whole thing could have been good rp if he wasn't taking it to the extreme with the warn.
Although, I found it really amusing that I'm in the park and then some other guy starts doing the same thing, and my character has the same reaction. So what does the other character do? Interact with her and gets her arrested. So she pulls the same trick and gets him arrested. Come to find out, it's the same player that controls Revon, that starts this new stufff with my character. :rolleyes:
Warn interacted again. Clearly, the player of Revon is all about starting trouble and can't roleplay anything else besides being a warn whore.
[Edited on 4-6-2005 by Divinity]
Sounds like Klaive and Kurapira
04-07-2005, 09:23 AM
Asben and Revon sounds like they're both a couple of ::monkey2:
04-07-2005, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Originally posted by Divinity
[Edited on 4-6-2005 by Divinity]
Sounds like Klaive and Kurapira
Let's avoid making ignorant comments like that.
04-07-2005, 01:10 PM
How is that ignorant, you fucking knobhead?
That is EXACTLY what Klaive and Kurapira do/did.
That Kurapira's player is calling someone else on doing EXACTLY what she does is hysterical.
That you think there was something wrong with my comment, is sadly predictable.
04-07-2005, 03:35 PM
That you think you know exactly what happened while being nowhere near the situation is sadly predictable. You're taking one side to the story and running with it, knowing nothing about what you're actually saying.
04-07-2005, 07:17 PM
That you have no comprehansion skills is sadly predictable also...
I will pull out the important part for you:
Warn interacted again. Clearly, the player of Revon is all about starting trouble and can't roleplay anything else besides being a warn whore.
Posted by Kurapira's player.
Irony or hypocrisy at its choose.
'Nuff said.
I say sink the whole damn island...
PS. Saryann, that should motivate you and your beau to come visit Illistim...
04-08-2005, 07:00 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
That you have no comprehansion skills is sadly predictable also...
I will pull out the important part for you:
Warn interacted again. Clearly, the player of Revon is all about starting trouble and can't roleplay anything else besides being a warn whore.
Posted by Kurapira's player.
Irony or hypocrisy at its choose.
'Nuff said.
Actually, I'm usually the one being warned. I rarely warn people. If I warn someone, it's usually because they are just killing me without any interaction at all.
04-08-2005, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Divinity
Actually, I'm usually the one being warned. I rarely warn people. If I warn someone, it's usually because they are just killing me without any interaction at all.
You and Klaive were tag-teaming with warn interactions.
Selective memory or what?
04-08-2005, 07:21 AM
Heh. Sort've like ewaving people with no interaction at all?
04-08-2005, 08:33 AM
When the hell was I tag-teaming with warn interactions?
As for ewaving, I always have an excuse. Since it is an area-effect spell, people get caught in the crossfire. Friendly fire, if you will.
10-05-2005, 01:02 PM
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a wicked sylvan-crafted axe at Revon!
AS: +450 vs DS: +269 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +71 = +285
... and hit for 75 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes Revon's face from his skull!
Interesting way to die.
* Revon drops dead at your feet!
Revon returns to normal color.
The dim aura fades from around Revon.
The powerful look leaves Revon.
Revon seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Revon suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Revon.
Revon's sonic barrier dissipates.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Revon.
The deep blue glow leaves Revon.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Revon.
The light blue glow leaves Revon.
Revon glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Revon becomes solid again.
The bright luminescence fades from around Revon.
The guiding force leaves you.
A young halfling scurries off screaming, "Vitruvian has committed murder!"
10-05-2005, 02:14 PM
...arguing over the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win..your still retarded
Sean of the Thread
10-05-2005, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Andrath
...arguing over the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win..your still retarded
Andrath FTW.
10-05-2005, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Vitruvian
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a wicked sylvan-crafted axe at Revon!
AS: +450 vs DS: +269 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +71 = +285
... and hit for 75 points of damage!
Wild upward slash removes Revon's face from his skull!
Interesting way to die.
* Revon drops dead at your feet!
Revon returns to normal color.
The dim aura fades from around Revon.
The powerful look leaves Revon.
Revon seems a bit less imposing.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Revon suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Revon.
Revon's sonic barrier dissipates.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Revon.
The deep blue glow leaves Revon.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Revon.
The light blue glow leaves Revon.
Revon glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Revon becomes solid again.
The bright luminescence fades from around Revon.
The guiding force leaves you.
A young halfling scurries off screaming, "Vitruvian has committed murder!"
You desperately seek approval dont you? No matter what your still a :loser:
10-06-2005, 11:55 AM
10-06-2005, 11:58 AM
He hasn't bothered me much, But at least he got Pwned! Now to get you to take care of people like Sixbits ROFL
10-06-2005, 02:07 PM
[Revon (subdued)]: "Xealot!"
01-07-2006, 09:15 PM
wow that was 5 minutes of my life ill neer get back
01-07-2006, 09:20 PM
Meh, I don't know Lord Revon personally. I saw him in Ta'Vaalor the other day and I just didn't like the fact that he took the name of a famous Sith Lord from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
EDIT: By the way, that was a fucking stupid bump there, Athanecia. :lol:
[Edited on 1-8-2006 by Ebondale]
01-08-2006, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Ebondale
Meh, I don't know Lord Revon personally. I saw him in Ta'Vaalor the other day and I just didn't like the fact that he took the name of a famous Sith Lord from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
EDIT: By the way, that was a fucking stupid bump there, Athanecia. :lol:
[Edited on 1-8-2006 by Ebondale]
The funny thing is that I am not a fan of star wars and I found out about that AFTER I created Revon.
01-08-2006, 12:30 AM
Also, it has already been proven that the log Vitruvian posted of killing Revon is fake. He just made it up because he kept getting his ass handed to him in Icemule.
01-08-2006, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Revon1
Originally posted by Ebondale
Meh, I don't know Lord Revon personally. I saw him in Ta'Vaalor the other day and I just didn't like the fact that he took the name of a famous Sith Lord from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
EDIT: By the way, that was a fucking stupid bump there, Athanecia. :lol:
[Edited on 1-8-2006 by Ebondale]
The funny thing is that I am not a fan of star wars and I found out about that AFTER I created Revon.
Well can't blame you for that. Lord Revon does have a certain ring to it. Probably why LucasArts used it.
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