View Full Version : Tier 2 Parasite Talon Sword w/ Retser Customization!

09-22-2020, 10:24 PM
Description - Unsummoned] A Pair of Black Gloves - Hand Worn.

[Description - Summoned] A crystallized green talon sword with a tentacle-wrapped hilt.

>raise my glove
You stretch out your left arm, watching several translucent tentacles spread out from your black gloves. They painfully burrow under your skin, spiraling up and down your arm. Gradually they move into the palm of your hand as they begin to wrap around themselves. A sentient voice whispers, "I took what I needed to materialize, my host. Blood of my blood, body of my body, our wills are one." The undulating translucent liquid in the palm of your hand rapidly hardens as it stretches upward. You watch as the translucent half-crystallized liquid from your gloves slowly takes shape into a green talon sword. Beads of translucent liquid drop from its form as the last of your sword crystallizes.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

>clench my sword
The sickly green crystalline formations surrounding your green talon sword begins to dissolve, beads of translucent liquid reverse directions, traveling up your arm. Several tentacles appear, latching onto your flesh as they burrow beneath. As the tentacles burrow deeper, the last of your sword dissolves into a pool of translucent and sickly green hues. The liquid entity spirals across you with snake-like movements before returning to your black gloves. A faint voice enters in your mind, "... and so I return. Do not leave me here too long..."
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Some Verbs
>push my sword
As you push your hand against your green talon sword, several tentacles wrap around it.
>pull my sword
You draw a hand across your green talon sword, a single tentacle follows it.
>rub my sword
As you rub your green talon sword, a series of translucent tentacles snake out, coiling between your fingers and caressing your palms.

As Sylvino pushes his hand against his green talon sword, several tentacles wrap around it.
Sylvino draws a hand across his green talon sword, a single tentacle follows it.
A single translucent tentacle crawls its way out from Sylvino's sword, pointing ahead.
Sylvino pushes his finger into his green talon sword, a slender tentacle coalesces around his finger.
A collection of tentacles burrows into Sylvino's flesh from his green talon sword.
>rub my glove
As you rub your black gloves, a series of translucent tentacles snake out, coiling between your fingers and caressing your palms.
As Sylvino rubs his black gloves, a series of translucent tentacles snake out, coiling between his fingers and caressing his palms
[The Mechanics]
At this level, the weapon will not drain any blood from you and the flares are extra strong. You can also KISS the weapon for the next strike to drain blood from your target and restore your health.

You swing a crystallized jade spikestar at an Ithzir scout!
AS: +501 vs DS: +364 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +39 = +206
... and hit for 43 points of damage!
Beautiful head shot!
That ear will be missed!
The Ithzir scout is stunned!
You wince as the jade spikestar draws upon your blood as it strikes.
** A slender jade and crimson tendril lashes out from a crystallized jade spikestar and slashes an Ithzir scout's throat! **

... 35 points of damage!
Gruesome slash to the Ithzir scout's throat!
That stings... for about a second.
The Ithzir scout falls to the ground in a crumpled heap.

You swing a crystallized jade spikestar at an Ithzir champion!
AS: +451 vs DS: +310 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +3 = +181
... and hit for 26 points of damage!
Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*.

** Necrotic energy from your jade spikestar overflows into you! **

You feel reinvigorated!
You wince as the jade spikestar draws upon your blood as it strikes.
** A slender jade and crimson tendril lashes out from a crystallized jade spikestar and slashes an Ithzir champion's right leg! **

... 20 points of damage!
Banged the Ithzir champion's right shin.
That'll raise a good welt.

MB: 1 Coin CB: 18 Mil Geralz from LNET BO:45 mil!

09-22-2020, 10:40 PM

09-22-2020, 10:41 PM

09-22-2020, 11:50 PM
lol i know right? :lol:

09-23-2020, 09:39 AM
I’ll go 19 mil on this.

09-23-2020, 03:31 PM
I’ll go 19 mil on this.

Yay I’m only losing 31 million now! :lol:

09-24-2020, 07:11 AM
Bump! Current bid 19 mil! if someone can bid 20 mil I can lose just 30 mil and I shall be satisfied!:medieval:

09-25-2020, 10:59 AM
19 mil going once! A 50k BS item with Retser customiztion!

09-27-2020, 07:40 AM
Bump, going twice by end of today just 19 mil for now! Costs 50k Blood to make + the full alter! Do I hear 20 mil so my bf doesn’t make frowny faces!

09-28-2020, 03:32 PM
Going TWICE for just 19 mil! Do I hear a 19.5 ? I think I see someone with their paddle up in the back! Was that a 19.5 sir?!