View Full Version : Official: Some Nerfs...

09-18-2020, 08:20 AM
Hi everybody,

I've released an update that will prevent spells (302, 519, 717, 720, 1106, and 1115) from instantly killing a creature if a GM has decided that they shouldn't be killed by them. This applies to minibosses and bosses from the boss creature system now and may apply to other special creatures in the future.

Also, the damage done by Cold Snap and Pain when they do their percentage-of-health damage is capped at 200, in all situations. Normal creatures (including packs/minibosses/bosses) don't have enough health for that to matter, but it could matter for special event creatures.


This message was originally posted in Combat, Magic, and Character Mechanics, Magic. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


09-18-2020, 08:36 AM
Hi everybody,

I've released an update that will prevent spells (302, 519, 717, 720, 1106, and 1115) from instantly killing a creature if a GM has decided that they shouldn't be killed by them. This applies to minibosses and bosses from the boss creature system now and may apply to other special creatures in the future.

Also, the damage done by Cold Snap and Pain when they do their percentage-of-health damage is capped at 200, in all situations. Normal creatures (including packs/minibosses/bosses) don't have enough health for that to matter, but it could matter for special event creatures.


This message was originally posted in Combat, Magic, and Character Mechanics, Magic. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


Gotta love the plan to reduce player power and capabilities in an attempt to make the new hunting grounds "harder".

Not surprising this is coming from the guy that brought us boss creatures that spawn and when you kill them your reward is some acantha leaf.

09-18-2020, 09:13 AM
Hi everybody,

I've released an update that will prevent spells (302, 519, 717, 720, 1106, and 1115) from instantly killing a creature if a GM has decided that they shouldn't be killed by them. This applies to minibosses and bosses from the boss creature system now and may apply to other special creatures in the future.

Also, the damage done by Cold Snap and Pain when they do their percentage-of-health damage is capped at 200, in all situations. Normal creatures (including packs/minibosses/bosses) don't have enough health for that to matter, but it could matter for special event creatures.


This message was originally posted in Combat, Magic, and Character Mechanics, Magic. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


I wonder how this will impact DR since it sounds like this also applies directly to DR bosses

09-18-2020, 09:17 AM
Also, the damage done by Cold Snap and Pain when they do their percentage-of-health damage is capped at 200


09-18-2020, 09:44 AM
That Cold Snap nerf was completely overkill imho. There is so much setup and lores to make it work, it deserves a higher cap.

09-18-2020, 10:16 AM
The damage cap would be OK if creatures had the same HP pool as players get but since they don't it's pretty lame.

09-18-2020, 10:42 AM
That Cold Snap nerf was completely overkill imho. There is so much setup and lores to make it work, it deserves a higher cap.

That spell should just result in death if someone goes through all that stupid bullshit and still have to roll dice on it actually happening.

200 water lore ranks for a 100% chance to do 50% health after CHANNELing 505/510 and hoping you get a rank 5+ crit, but only after stacking 2 512's on the target.

Or just cast Minor Steam once or twice and do even more damage.

This dev team is retarded beyond belief.

What's even dumber is that they felt the need to nerf this, despite the fact that nobody uses it, but left 711 alone which also does percentage based damage.

3 casts of 711 to kill just about anything = No problem

200 ranks of water lore + 2x 512 + rank 5 crit on a CHANNELed 505/510 for 50% of their HP = overpowered and needs nerfed

The only silver lining is that nobody uses that trash Shatter shit because the requirements are beyond insane.

09-18-2020, 10:44 AM
That spell should just result in death if someone goes through all that stupid bullshit and still have to roll dice on it actually happening.

200 water lore ranks for a 100% chance to do 50% health after CHANNELing 505/510 and hoping you get a rank 5+ crit, but only after stacking 2 512's on the target.

Or just cast Minor Steam once or twice and do even more damage.

This dev team is retarded beyond belief.

What's even dumber is that they felt the need to nerf this, despite the fact that nobody uses it, but left 711 alone which also does percentage based damage.

3 casts of 711 to kill just about anything = No problem

200 ranks of water lore + 2x 512 + rank 5 crit on a CHANNELed 505/510 for 50% of their HP = overpowered and needs nerfed

The only silver lining is that nobody uses that trash Shatter shit because the requirements are beyond insane.

They did include 711 and capped that at 200 as well.

09-18-2020, 11:01 AM
They did include 711 and capped that at 200 as well.

Did he forget to mention it in the post or something? Or am I blind today?

EDIT: Nevermind I see it next to cold snap. I'm a noob.

09-18-2020, 11:08 AM
I'm a noob.


09-18-2020, 11:17 AM


09-18-2020, 11:23 AM
Does this go for critters insta-killing us with 720?

09-18-2020, 11:36 AM


09-18-2020, 12:08 PM
Does this go for critters insta-killing us with 720?

I would assume no, but that would totally be fair

09-18-2020, 12:30 PM
To be fair, you had to see it coming.

They sell all this OP gear for a fortune suddenly the game because far less challenging so what do...?

The only thing I just don’t understand is why they still after literal decades won’t touch Bards. There must be clause in StormFront and Simu’s contract forbidding Bard nerfs.

09-18-2020, 12:34 PM
To be fair, you had to see it coming.

They sell all this OP gear for a fortune suddenly the game because far less challenging so what do...?

The only thing I just don’t understand is why they still after literal decades won’t touch Bards. There must be clause in StormFront and Simu’s contract forbidding Bard nerfs.

Yep, been saying it since they started pushing SMRv2 at folks and won't tell us how the system functions so we can min/max our efforts as best as possible against and open RNG system.

SMRv2 is great with 917 when used on creatures. Sucks when used on players. Too many variables to fully understand how to best defend against SMRv2.

Any new spells or current spells that get put on SMRv2 for players means creatures will have them too. So, go ahead and keep buying all those fancy AS/AD/CS/TD items at events....they're finding ways to shift out some of the instant-kill to slow down combat and then shift more and more to the RNG system.

09-18-2020, 03:22 PM

Yes, that was my score vs. you.


09-18-2020, 03:23 PM
To be fair, you had to see it coming.

They sell all this OP gear for a fortune suddenly the game because far less challenging so what do...?

The only thing I just don’t understand is why they still after literal decades won’t touch Bards. There must be clause in StormFront and Simu’s contract forbidding Bard nerfs.

They've been talking about nerfing 1030 to require spell aiming recently I think. And probably nerf how hard it hits too knowing how retarded Simu is.

09-18-2020, 03:28 PM
I wonder how this will impact DR since it sounds like this also applies directly to DR bosses

exactly what I thought too but my concern was more reim bosses...The wording of that statement is weird because it mentions that the percentage but also the damage cap? Is he changing their HP too, I doubt it and that'd be nerfing the whole idea that it's a percentage, If so why not write it out just like that.

09-18-2020, 03:35 PM
I wonder what other nerfs are coming between now and next DR, despite Simu's claims that they don't make mechanics changes based on DR.

Stanley Burrell
09-18-2020, 03:47 PM
https://www.andersonkenya1.net/uploads/monthly_2017_09/noob2.thumb.gif.355f325eae95df681a6a0664c5f14eff.g if

Seriously, Tabias Boon's Noob Saibot was the only way I could beat the last dude with the ghost power that couldn't be blocked and still let you fuck shit up.


09-18-2020, 03:58 PM
I wonder what other nerfs are coming between now and next DR, despite Simu's claims that they don't make mechanics changes based on DR.

Don't worry! All you will have to do is buy the handy-dandy Spell Amplifier for 25k bloodscrip to restore the spells to their former power!

09-18-2020, 04:14 PM
I wonder what other nerfs are coming between now and next DR, despite Simu's claims that they don't make mechanics changes based on DR.

I would bet the farm that either 515 or 950, maybe both, will be coming at some point. New dev team really hate haste effects.

09-18-2020, 04:15 PM
I would bet the farm that either 515 or 950, maybe both, will be coming at some point. New dev team really hates players having fun with their characters.
