View Full Version : Random DR Stuff - most will probably make it to the pawnshop

09-04-2020, 06:30 AM
Min Bid for all of these is 40k.

Auction will be once/twice/sold and will update in the mornings when I wake up

I can do pickup in WL/IMT/SOL/RR area and I do not tend to be on late in the evenings EST. Have some more things to add once I get them sung too and will update accordingly.

3. a malachite and peridot bracer - +1 combat maneuver ranks, (4 trains) +2 dodging ranks (10 trains) blank imbed crumbly crumbly

7. lapis-inlaid pewter crown - +4 intuition base (7 trains) +2 to edged weapon ranks (10 trains) crumbly enhancive with a side of persistance on the blank imbed.

8. tear-cut beryl earring - Imbedded with 20 charges of spirit warding II, +1 to perception ranks (3 trains) +1 to spiritual lore - Religion ranks (6 trains) crumbly and wait...yep another side of crumbs for ya. - empowerable to 321 charges

9. soulstone studded bronze necklace - +2 health recovery (10 trains) blank imbed sides of dust on the enhancive, but persistance on the imbed.

13. tooled ora torc - +2 to max mana (3 trains) imbedded with elemental defense II, with 6 charges empowerable up to 321 and its suuuper persistant

14. green garnet inset gold talisman - +1 to mana recovery (4 trains) persistant as ever and blank imbed

15. a beveled sunstone tiara - +2 elemental mana control ranks, +3 dex base, crumbly. blank crumbly on magic

16. a gleaming pink sapphire tiara - MR blank crumbly, +3 climbing ranks +2 disc bonus crumbly

17. petal cut blue diamond torc - MR blank persist, +1 arcane symbols bonus +1 agility bonus persist

19. elegant gold torc - blank persist magic, +6 max health, +4 swimming bonus, crumbly

20. - vultite mace - 4 pounds, 4x, temp crit weight, earth flares

21. - fine witchwood runestaff - +17, fire flares, +2 aura bonus


5. heart-cut aquarmine buckle - +2 dex bonus (11 trains) and a blank imbed - crumbles 2 times -- 400k Derex SOLD

6. gold and star ruby buckle - +1 wisdom base (2 trains) + 2 dex base (3 trains) a blank imbed - persists on both MB to Lupine SOLD


10. a white opal studded silver necklace - +4 to max mana (10 trains) + 3 to max stanima (6 trains) crumbly, ooooh fancy imbed of cloak of shadows with 10 charges, tap activated and persisting on that one - mage rechargeable -- 40k

1. tooled copper band - +2 to agility bonus (11 trains) + 5 to first aide(10 trains) and persist. - 40k

4. malachite inset silver buckle - +5 max mana (15 trains) +5 logic base (10 trains) crumbly enhancive, persisting blank imbed. 500k

2. glittering platinum bracer - Blank imbed, +2 to lockpicking ranks (7 trains) +1 to max stanima (1 train) crumbly enhanicive persisting magic. -- 40k

18. enruned gold torc - +2 inf bonus, +1 spirit lore religion ranks, +2 spirit lore summon ranks, +1 spirit mana control ranks, crumbly -- 40k

12. long-cut red dreamstone stickpin - crumbly +6 to physical fitness bonus (14 trains) +2 to mana recovery (10 trains). -- 40k

11. a pink topaz studded ora pin - +3 dex base (6 trains) +2 to shield use ranks (10 trains) +2 to ambush ranks (10 trains) + 3 to stamina recovery (6 trains) blank imbed that is persistant, and its crumbly, must be ashamed at how much its over compensating for -- 75k

09-04-2020, 08:58 AM
Mb #4&11

09-04-2020, 12:53 PM
It's, uh, stamina....

09-04-2020, 04:48 PM
It's, uh, stamina....

Appreciate the contribution I will make sure to edit that right away!

09-04-2020, 05:21 PM
mb on 10

09-04-2020, 08:41 PM
Mb 5

09-05-2020, 12:14 AM
4 - 100k
5 - 100k
12 - MB

09-05-2020, 07:08 AM
morning bid update

09-05-2020, 08:18 AM
#4 150k plz

09-05-2020, 09:16 AM
4 - 200k

09-05-2020, 10:15 AM
4- 300k

09-05-2020, 11:24 AM
75k on 11

09-05-2020, 03:04 PM
added the last bit of items

09-05-2020, 03:56 PM
4 - 400k

09-05-2020, 04:06 PM

09-05-2020, 05:44 PM
4 - 500k

09-06-2020, 07:53 AM
daily bid update - hopefully I didn't miss any bids!

09-06-2020, 05:55 PM
MB 2 and 18

09-06-2020, 06:13 PM
5 200k

09-06-2020, 08:41 PM
5 - 300k

09-07-2020, 06:34 AM
Daily bid update - moved two items to Sold Pending Pickup

09-08-2020, 10:42 AM
bids updated and some items sold

09-08-2020, 09:29 PM
MB #6

09-08-2020, 09:37 PM
400 on 5

09-09-2020, 04:34 PM
updated bids and move some items to SOLD

09-10-2020, 07:58 AM
bids updated

09-11-2020, 06:42 AM
All items with bids have sold. Will give it another 24-48 hours and then anything without a bid will go to the pawnshop.