View Full Version : A few choice DR enhancive finds - neck slot only

09-01-2020, 03:21 PM
1. a chased gold necklace
Rechargeable: Yes
Activation: tappable
Charges: 8
Spell: Call Wind
Enhancive bonus: 6 to Stalking and Hiding Bonus (Level 14 required)
Enhancive bonus: 6 to Perception Bonus (Level 14 required)
Enhancive bonus: 4 to Ranged Weapons Bonus (Level 10 required)
Charges remaining: quite a few
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Persists on magical charge: Yes
Empowered: Yes for up to 174 charges
MB: 3M
Buyout: 8M

2. an aquamarine studded gold necklace
Enhancive bonus: 6 to Blunt Weapons Bonus (Level 21 required)
Enhancive bonus: 6 to Max Health (Level 14 required)
Enhancive bonus: 2 to Dexterity Base Stat (Level 3 required)
Enhancive bonus: 1 to Mana Recovery (Level 4 required)
Charges remaining: quite a few
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes
Wearable location: neck
MB: 3M
Buyout: 8M

3. a polished mithril aventail
Enhancive bonus: 1 to Spell Aiming Ranks (Level 2 required)
Enhancive bonus: 9 to Intuition Base Stat (Level 18 required)
Enhancive bonus: 7 to Dexterity Base Stat (Level 17 required)
Enhancive bonus: 1 to Constitution Base Stat (Level 1 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Persists on enhancive: Yes
Wearable location: neck
MB: 3M
Buyout: 8M

5. a step-cut chrysoberyl torc
Rechargeable: Yes
Enhancive bonus: 2 to Ambush Bonus (Level 3 required)
Enhancive bonus: 3 to Stalking and Hiding Bonus (Level 4 required)
Enhancive bonus: 2 to Combat Maneuvers Bonus (Level 3 required)
Charges remaining: quite a few
Persists on enhancive: Yes
Persists on magical charge: Yes
Blank imbeddable: holds average amount of mana
Wearable location: neck
MB: 1M
Buyout: 4M

09-01-2020, 03:27 PM
Seems like there is a typo because 3&4 have the same stats/description

09-01-2020, 03:28 PM
Thanks. I'll fix that.