View Full Version : The Dark Shadows Are Coming for You!

09-01-2020, 09:44 AM
Last night, Trump went on Ingraham's show on Fox News and revealed a new threat to America. An organization called "Dark Shadows" is controlling Biden. They ride on planes and wear black clothes. It's under investigation. Next time you're on a plane, look around and see if there's a Dark Shadow lurking near you.

Laura Ingraham: Who do you think is pulling Biden's strings? Is it former Obama officials -- [Crosstalk]

Donald Trump: People that you've never heard of. People that are in the Dark Shadows. People that -- [Crosstalk]

Laura Ingraham: What does that mean? That sounds like conspiracy theory. Dark Shadow, what is that?

Donald Trump: No. People that you haven't heard of. They're people that are on the streets. They're people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They're on a plane.

Laura Ingraham: Where -- where was this?

Donald Trump: I'll tell you sometime, but it's under investigation right now, but they came from a certain city, and this person was coming to the Republican National Convention, and there were like seven people on the plane like this person, and then a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage. They were coming for -- [Crosstalk]

Laura Ingraham: Planning for Washington?

Donald Trump: Yes, this was all -- this is all happening.

More... (https://factba.se/transcript/donald-trump-interview-laura-ingraham-fox-news-august-31-2020)

09-01-2020, 10:03 AM
I used to watch Dark Shadows. I hope these Dark Shadows will be better than the one with Depp in it.

09-01-2020, 11:29 AM
I used to watch Dark Shadows. I hope these Dark Shadows will be better than the one with Depp in it.

That movie had Eva Green in it and she is immensely hot and that makes that movie better than the series. End of story. Period.

09-01-2020, 01:00 PM
NBC reports that people were worried about Dark Shadows on planes back in June of this year..

The claim about the flight matches a viral Facebook post from June 1 that falsely claimed, “At least a dozen males got off the plane in Boise from Seattle, dressed head to toe in black.” The post, by an Emmett, Idaho, man, warned residents to “Be ready for attacks downtown and residential areas,” and claimed one passenger had “a tattoo that said Antifa America on his arm.”

More... (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-s-plane-loaded-thugs-rumor-matches-months-old-facebook-n1238962)

Some armed Americans took to town squares in several towns to fight off fictitious busloads of Antifa in June, spurred by false rumors on Facebook pages. Seven days after the original Idaho rumor went viral on Facebook, armed men stood guard over protests in Missoula, Montana, worried about the planeloads of Antifa supporters.

Trump says he got his information straight from the person who witnessed it, and the witness was somebody you all know. He is going to ask permission from the witness to let they press know who it was so that the press can interview him. I'm sure the release of that name is imminent. I had planned to go out for a walk today, but I'm just going to sit here and wait because I sure don't want to miss it when Trump reveals the name of this real person who saw the Dark Shadows.

Asked about his comments before boarding Air Force One bound for Kenosha, Wis., on Tuesday morning, Mr. Trump was hardly any clearer about where he was getting his information.

“I could tell you that I can probably refer you to the person and they could do it,” he told reporters. “I would like to ask that person if it was OK. The person on the plane said there were about six people like that person or more or less and what happened is the entire plane filled up with the looters, the anarchists, rioters, people looking for trouble. The person felt very uncomfortable on the plane. It is a person you know. I’ll see whether or not I can get that person to speak to you.”

More... (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/01/us/politics/trump-conspiracy-theory-thugs-plane.html)

09-01-2020, 03:20 PM

Dude is losing his freaking mind.

09-01-2020, 04:30 PM
Don't piss off the Grand Pumbaa

09-02-2020, 12:30 AM

Dude is losing his freaking mind.

People said the same thing when he mentioned that Sweden was being over run by refugee criminals and then guess what?

People said the same thing about Alex Jones talking about the water making frogs gay and then people caught on to the issue of our water system not filtering out female hormones from birth control causing all kinds of problems in both humans and animals.

It could be a hoax, it may be true. Pretty sure he has access to a lot more information than you or I do.