View Full Version : The positive aspects of Covid19

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-04-2020, 09:24 PM
I figured I should focus on the positive things that have come about as a result of Covid 19.

1) I've put about 100 miles on my truck since mid February. So no gas bills, not a lot of maintenance, lower mileage on the pickup ultimately

2) I get to work from home (also a con, but I'll keep this glass half full right now) all the time

3) I get to spend time in the twilight years of my dogs (all turning 14 by the EOY)

4) I actually talk more to my family than I have in years past

5) In the past few weeks, I've come to realize that while I'm working from "home", this really means I can work from ANYWHERE that has internet. I'm spending a month in Texas visiting family this December.

6) I cook more, and I cook healthier than eating out

I'm sure there's more, but that was top of mind.

08-04-2020, 09:27 PM
I’ll add to this.

1. Cities are empty, was able to walk around London, Rome and Lisbon, with literally no tourist.
2. Pollution has gone down
3. Wildlife is making a comeback(not sure how to word that correctly)
4. I’ve been getting more exercise.
5. Definitely eating healthier!

08-04-2020, 09:44 PM
I am much worse off eating wise. :(

08-04-2020, 09:53 PM
1. Cities are empty, was able to walk around London, Rome and Lisbon, with literally no tourist.

Are you back overseas again? I thought I remember you saying you went from China to Italy to the US at the beginning of this.

I dropped someone off at the airport the other day and I was literally the only person at the departure terminal. No cars, nobody waiting outside. Zombie movie stuff.

08-04-2020, 10:03 PM
Are you back overseas again? I thought I remember you saying you went from China to Italy to the US at the beginning of this.

I dropped someone off at the airport the other day and I was literally the only person at the departure terminal. No cars, nobody waiting outside. Zombie movie stuff.

Yup, back overseas! With the pandemic raging in the states, spoke to my friend that works at the US embassy in Moscow, he told me to get the fuck out of the states if i have any intention to get back to my wife and daughter any time soon. Literally booked a ticket right afterwards and was on a plane 12ish hours later.
Now, i'm just chilling in Lisbon, waiting and working.

yeah, JFK was a ghost town when i was there in June. Lisbon has been a ghost town as well, it's just starting to come back to life now.. slowly

08-04-2020, 10:43 PM
Masks mean less plucking is necessary.

Not that I have a hairy upper lip.

Fuck off.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-04-2020, 10:47 PM
Tisket has a molestache.

Also, I can recommend some beard oil if you are interested.

08-05-2020, 01:01 AM
My wife and I have said that I think we should, for one month a year, shut everything the fuck down.

08-05-2020, 07:29 AM
Masks mean less plucking is necessary.

Not that I have a hairy upper lip.

Fuck off.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tisket again......:lol:

08-05-2020, 09:37 AM
I am not in a car 3 hours a day to commute and I am not waking up at 430AM to have to start said commute.
I see my kids more and my wife and dogs/goats/alpacas.
I am an outgoing introvert so I am living my dream of just being at home all the time and when needed/able having 1-2 people over and socializing that way

08-05-2020, 10:58 AM
Masks mean less plucking is necessary.

Not that I have a hairy upper lip.

Fuck off.

HAHA, my wife says the same thing. That and she hasn't had to wear lipstick in months.

08-05-2020, 12:52 PM
I figured I should focus on the positive things that have come about as a result of Covid 19.

1) I've put about 100 miles on my truck since mid February. So no gas bills, not a lot of maintenance, lower mileage on the pickup ultimately

2) I get to work from home (also a con, but I'll keep this glass half full right now) all the time

3) I get to spend time in the twilight years of my dogs (all turning 14 by the EOY)

4) I actually talk more to my family than I have in years past

5) In the past few weeks, I've come to realize that while I'm working from "home", this really means I can work from ANYWHERE that has internet. I'm spending a month in Texas visiting family this December.

6) I cook more, and I cook healthier than eating out

I'm sure there's more, but that was top of mind.

#3 is the most important.

08-05-2020, 12:57 PM
I am not in a car 3 hours a day to commute and I am not waking up at 430AM to have to start said commute.
I see my kids more and my wife and dogs/goats/alpacas.
I am an outgoing introvert so I am living my dream of just being at home all the time and when needed/able having 1-2 people over and socializing that way

You are now obligated to post dog/goat/alpaca pics.

08-05-2020, 01:18 PM
You are now obligated to post dog/goat/alpaca pics.

Ill take some pics and send them your way.

08-05-2020, 01:24 PM
Ill take some pics and send them your way.
Doooo eeeet!

08-05-2020, 04:54 PM
I can’t attach pictures for shit I’ll try again later but they always are sideways for me

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-05-2020, 08:35 PM
My wife and I have said that I think we should, for one month a year, shut everything the fuck down.

The recent "working from home" environment has aligned me with your crazy idea. I'm down.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-05-2020, 08:35 PM
I can’t attach pictures for shit I’ll try again later but they always are sideways for me

Where is the dog?!

08-05-2020, 09:55 PM
Humankind is evolving rapidly. We're re-examining how we work, how we approach education, health care, social services, socializing, monetization, and how society operates from the ground to the top and how every member of it is as important as the other. Technology is advancing with information travelling faster than ever to keep up with our new needs. The environment is flourishing. We can see that our effect on it has been detrimental and that we don't need to pollute as much to accomplish everything we were accomplishing before the pandemic. Suddenly stimulus checks, unemployment benefits, forgivable loans, and grants are being thrown around without crashing the stock market. Universal basic income does not seem so crazy now. Its almost as if nature said to us, "Woah there! Slow it down and enjoy it."

08-05-2020, 11:56 PM
Humankind is evolving rapidly. We're re-examining how we work, how we approach education, health care, social services, socializing, monetization, and how society operates from the ground to the top and how every member of it is as important as the other. Technology is advancing with information travelling faster than ever to keep up with our new needs. The environment is flourishing. We can see that our effect on it has been detrimental and that we don't need to pollute as much to accomplish everything we were accomplishing before the pandemic. Suddenly stimulus checks, unemployment benefits, forgivable loans, and grants are being thrown around without crashing the stock market. Universal basic income does not seem so crazy now. Its almost as if nature said to us, "Woah there! Slow it down and enjoy it."

The champion has returned!

08-06-2020, 10:35 AM
Humankind is evolving rapidly. We're re-examining how we work, how we approach education, health care, social services, socializing, monetization, and how society operates from the ground to the top and how every member of it is as important as the other. Technology is advancing with information travelling faster than ever to keep up with our new needs. The environment is flourishing. We can see that our effect on it has been detrimental and that we don't need to pollute as much to accomplish everything we were accomplishing before the pandemic. Suddenly stimulus checks, unemployment benefits, forgivable loans, and grants are being thrown around without crashing the stock market. Universal basic income does not seem so crazy now. Its almost as if nature said to us, "Woah there! Slow it down and enjoy it."

So far in 2020, we have borrowed 5 trillion dollars to pay for keeping the economy going.

How long do you believe that should continue?

Welcome back though.. I sincerely have missed you.

08-06-2020, 10:38 AM
So far in 2020, we have borrowed 5 trillion dollars to pay for keeping the economy going.

How long do you believe that should continue?

Welcome back though.. I sincerely have missed you.

Spending needs to change or taxes need to go up. Or a combination of the two. The debts out of control

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-06-2020, 10:59 AM
Spending needs to change or taxes need to go up. Or a combination of the two. The debts out of control

I don't see a situation where spending goes down anytime in the near term (2 years). Really the answer is taxes go up, unfortunately.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-06-2020, 11:00 AM
I don't see a situation where spending goes down anytime in the near term (2 years). Really the answer is taxes go up, unfortunately.

Oh, and for it to actually impact things, that means taxes go up on the middle class. The rich can't pay for this.

08-06-2020, 12:04 PM
If we don't start soon, no one will be able to pay for it. The next ten years will be interesting

08-07-2020, 10:25 AM
I can’t attach pictures for shit I’ll try again later but they always are sideways for me


08-07-2020, 10:32 AM
Oh, and for it to actually impact things, that means taxes go up on the middle class. The rich can't pay for this.


08-10-2020, 04:30 PM
Masks mean less plucking is necessary.

Not that I have a hairy upper lip.

Fuck off.

i was really excited about this too since i'm not great at shaving my face but it turns out i'm mostly bad at shaving my neck so, alas, it hasn't really made a big difference for me

on the other hand my going gray is accelerating for obvious reasons and if that could matriculate down to my facial hair i think the change from brunette would really help

My wife and I have said that I think we should, for one month a year, shut everything the fuck down.

the neat thing about flu season is there aren't 0 flu cases outside of it and the CDC keeps extremely scrupulous records going back years, so we can see how effective the various shutdowns have been at slowing it down:


we were having a much worse than usual flu season compared to the last three years and one month of shutdown cut it from ~150% to ~5%, and even after everyone started lifting we only went from a trough of 2% to a peak of 10%, so it doesn't appear that it would bounce right back either even in the deep midwinter. i don't know if a full month is feasible but it seems like a planned national one week winter shutdown is at least worth trying for a few years. combine that with what i know for a fact will be permanently continued mask wearing from me and presumably others too and we could plausibly cut influenza deaths to 1/10th their yearly toll in perpetuity

and help the environment or whatever :hippie: