View Full Version : Value on a few items

07-23-2020, 03:33 PM

First, I want to thank you folks for helping value some of my gear. I was gone for so long, market values have certainly changed since I left.

I've almost completed going through my lockers, and have a few items I'd like an appraisal on that I cannot find any comparative sales on when searching this forum.

All of these items were auction items purchased between 1995 and 2006.

+8 db cloak. No pockets. This was an auction item, and I do not believe it is listed on the wiki. I remember that is was fur of some sort, that I had altered to be a Faendryl cloak. In any event, HSN probably 1997.

+40 Trollbane longsword. Nice lore song. Locates trolls and troll kin. Longsword grows hot as you swing it, fire runs up and down the blade, flares generally kill. Waving it or tapping it locates creatures. Draw it in combat and hear elven voices urging you to kill. Which is kind of fun, and creepy.

3x day blessing sheath. 35 swings per rub.

2x day strength item (509)

Elven cloak of shadows. Max depth, max light, auto hide cloak. Cool lore song. Just rub or pull, and you are hidden. Not sure what the timer is, as I'd need to actually test it. Makes a big diff I know, and I'll log in and mess around with it.

Leather backpack. Weighs 6, holds 200. Tap to store 150,000 silver weightlessly.



07-23-2020, 03:43 PM
Zero. They go to your ambassador for safe keeping.

07-23-2020, 04:31 PM

First, I want to thank you folks for helping value some of my gear. I was gone for so long, market values have certainly changed since I left.

I've almost completed going through my lockers, and have a few items I'd like an appraisal on that I cannot find any comparative sales on when searching this forum.

All of these items were auction items purchased between 1995 and 2006.

+8 db cloak. No pockets. This was an auction item, and I do not believe it is listed on the wiki. I remember that is was fur of some sort, that I had altered to be a Faendryl cloak. In any event, HSN probably 1997.

+40 Trollbane longsword. Nice lore song. Locates trolls and troll kin. Longsword grows hot as you swing it, fire runs up and down the blade, flares generally kill. Waving it or tapping it locates creatures. Draw it in combat and hear elven voices urging you to kill. Which is kind of fun, and creepy.

3x day blessing sheath. 35 swings per rub.

2x day strength item (509)

Elven cloak of shadows. Max depth, max light, auto hide cloak. Cool lore song. Just rub or pull, and you are hidden. Not sure what the timer is, as I'd need to actually test it. Makes a big diff I know, and I'll log in and mess around with it.

Leather backpack. Weighs 6, holds 200. Tap to store 150,000 silver weightlessly.



The DB cloak was probably a frost giant skin cloak originally, I'm guessing? Probably 50m+. People go crazy for DB items even more than they used to, but cloak is an awkward spot. Does the trollbane sword cycle? Most of them were 3x-7x as they were swung. I sold a 5x/day 509 item for 60m last year. The 2x/day is probably worth 25-30. I'd give you 30m, in fact, so take that as an MB if you want. The elven cloak sounds like the old hiding/camo cloak -- as I recall, it had two separate timers, one for auto-hide, one for camo, but it was nerfed in some way after Tsin (I think) used it to hide in a consolation lounge. The value depends a bit on some of the specific abilities, but these are all high-end.

07-23-2020, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the info Briarfox. No..the cloak was originally some cloak with a fur collar. It was god awful ugly if I remember, at least to me. Hah. I do remember getting it altered that night. I think it was green. And yes, it's not a good spot for a DB item, given that it has no pockets.

I'm not putting anything up for sale right now, but I'll keep you in mind if I want to move the strength 2x day, thanks for the offer :)

The Troll sword does not cycle, it's a flat +40. I never had it altered, it is a soulstone-pommeled elven longsword. Again, a HSN auction item I though I bought on Tens, but after more thought, probably on my paladin, which would make it 1995 or so.

If anyone recalls this blade...the description is..."Tiny wisps of smoke rise from the elven longsword's blade. Beautifully crafted and well balanced, you are not quite sure you have ever seen a longsword so finely made. Obviously elven workmanship, this longsword has ancient elven runes running the length of the blade. Alas, not being an elf, you can't make out what knowledge they seek to impart."

When read as an elf, which Tens is, you can understand the runes on the blade. Since it's not on Tens right now, I don't have that messaging.

Oh, and the cloak does hide, and I guess it is camo as well, since the messaging is different on pull or rub. It can still hide me anywhere though, even if it was nerfed, no matter who is in the room. But I'm not going to get pulled into a lounge to test that, heh.

07-23-2020, 04:51 PM
I would say the cloak was not a frost giant one, but that's immaterial to its value. People do pay a lot for them, even at low levels like +8. I'd probably guess a little higher than Briarfox on that one, but it's tough to tell.

The 3x per day bless is unusual these days and probably fetches 5m or so.

A couple of the backpacks have sold recently. A little research will turn up the prices. I don't think I'd sell one for less than 150m.

Strength items are much more common today. I'd take Briarfox's mb.

07-23-2020, 04:53 PM
405 may tell your the timer on the cloak.

07-23-2020, 05:40 PM
I think the last 150k coin backpack sold for 150mil ish but don't quote me on it!

07-23-2020, 06:15 PM
The DB cloak was probably a frost giant skin cloak originally, I'm guessing? Probably 50m+. People go crazy for DB items even more than they used to, but cloak is an awkward spot. Does the trollbane sword cycle? Most of them were 3x-7x as they were swung. I sold a 5x/day 509 item for 60m last year. The 2x/day is probably worth 25-30. I'd give you 30m, in fact, so take that as an MB if you want. The elven cloak sounds like the old hiding/camo cloak -- as I recall, it had two separate timers, one for auto-hide, one for camo, but it was nerfed in some way after Tsin (I think) used it to hide in a consolation lounge. The value depends a bit on some of the specific abilities, but these are all high-end.

Cool looking sword and love the hide cloak

07-23-2020, 06:15 PM
Quoted wrong person I'm dumb