View Full Version : Rare horse mount: fiery-eyed nightmare steed

06-20-2020, 10:12 AM
This is a rare tier mount, available at the 2019 Rumor Woods, and is not available at the event this year.

MB: 100m

Auction will go once, twice, SOLD and will be updated daily.

>l steed
You see a fiery-eyed nightmare steed.
She stands just over 18 hands at the withers. She has a muscular body with a sleek ebon coat. She has a gaunt face, a black-streaked forelock, and perky ears. She has a wild mane woven of moonlight-silver, and a long flowing tail.
She has nothing at this time.

some scorched leather reins (This is your summoning device. Don't lose this)

>anal rein
You analyze your leather reins and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a summoning item and will currently summon: a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:

Height: just over 18 hands
Face: a gaunt
Ears: perky
Forelock: a black-streaked
Body: a muscular (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article)
Coat: a sleek (Optional)
CoatClr: ebon (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective)
Mane: a wild
ManeQrk: woven of moonlight-silver (Optional)
TailQrk: a long
TailClr: flowing
Unique: None set

This summoning item cannot be altered in any way.

USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)

Mounts cannot be:
- summoned while inside.
- ridden inside or in water.
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.

Mounts will:
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.
a fiery-eyed nightmare steed.

>wave rei
You wave your leather reins through the air, and a fiery-eyed nightmare steed appears by your side.

>mount steed
You affix your reins to a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's bit, and with a firm push off the ground, you swing astride the steed and settle comfortably onto her bare back.

(mounted) >hug steed
Feeling suddenly weary, you lean forward against a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, your arms encircling her neck in a hug.

(mounted) >kick steed
Holding tightly to some scorched leather reins, you dig your heels into your steed's sides, causing her to buck wildly and nearly throw you off!

(mounted) >push steed
Issuing a subtle command, you pull lightly on your reins and a fiery-eyed nightmare steed drops gracefully to one knee in the equivalent of an equestrian bow.

(mounted) >pull steed
You tug on some scorched leather reins and raise your fist into the air with a victorious shout!

>(mounted) smooch steed
Clicking your heels against your nightmare steed's side, you smack your lips and urge her forward. Stubbornly, she remains in place and glances over her shoulder at you with a tilt of her head.

You climb down from a fiery-eyed nightmare steed and carefully detach some scorched leather reins from her bit.

>hug steed
Stepping close to a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, you throw your arms around her neck and hug her. In response, the steed lays her chin against your back and pulls you closer.

>rub steed
Exhaling slightly, a fiery-eyed nightmare steed opens her closed nostrils and seems to luxuriate in the rub-down that you are giving her.

>tickle steed
You lightly brush your fingers against your nightmare steed's sleek ebon coat.

>nud steed
You attempt to nudge a fiery-eyed nightmare steed hoping that she will move out of the way, but she ignores you completely.

>poke steed
You poke a fiery-eyed nightmare steed in the ribs, causing her to glare about. With a disgusted snort, steam billowing out of her nostrils, she turns her head away.

>slap steed
You slap a fiery-eyed nightmare steed firmly on her hindquarters.

A fiery-eyed nightmare steed stares blankly into the distance, her eyes glowing a brilliant red. She balks loudly, rears back with her forelegs high off the ground, and then takes off, disappearing without further incident.

>smooch steed
Grabbing a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's bit, you pull her head down and smooch her on the forehead.

>dust steed
You raise an arm and lean toward the nightmare steed, playfully making a dusting motion in her direction.

>pinch steed
You dart out with your fingers and try to pinch at a fiery-eyed nightmare steed. Feeling brave, or just stupid

You can customize each of the features listed in the analyze up to the Rare tier offerings available at Rumor Woods. Offerings are available at Ostler's Den; talk to the groomer in the Ostler's shop for the full list of customizations, some of which are unique to this tier.