View Full Version : unique illusion pin

06-15-2020, 10:47 PM
A dark shadowy glass pin
75 mil min
95 mil buyout

You analyze your shadowy glass pin and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The shadowy glass pin is an Illusion Prop that will project minor illusions around you when worn. It is set to:

Replaces the appearance of your inventory with "Dark shadows swirls about him, concealing his clothing."

You get the distinct impression that the shadowy glass pin itself may freely be altered by almost any merchant, but not the illusions that it creates.

You see Kawhi.
He appears to be a Dwarf.
He is short. He appears to be very young. He has golden eyes and black skin. He has raggedly cut, auburn hair.
He is in good shape.
Dark shadows swirls about him, concealing his clothing.