View Full Version : A few OHBs to Finish My Collection

06-02-2020, 02:33 AM
I've just about finished my OHB collection of fancy scripts, rare materials, fancy flares, etc, but I'm still missing a few things. If you happen to have one of these, let me know!

-A gem eating OHB (don't care what the base is)
-Haste flares (crowbill last owned by Solfar, I believe)
-Permanent, "True" mech flares. (The original mech flares that always hit the same spot the weapon hits...I've already got the type sold at DR the last few years)
-"Bloodlust" (6x VHCW 1x/hour V'Tull's Fury via raise I believe)
-Either Berg OHB (I sold one years ago and regret it- Burning Invective. But King's Fury works too)
-Greater Lightning Flares
-Spirit Vial flaring Cudgel
-Stovel flares

06-02-2020, 03:15 AM
Your list is missing plumbing supply oriented blunt weapons.

06-02-2020, 06:31 AM
Your list is missing plumbing supply oriented blunt weapons.

Is it though?

06-02-2020, 10:32 PM

Stanley Burrell
06-03-2020, 05:40 PM
Why not wait for DR to see if you can get some GEF lightning certs for a blunt weapon of yours that will accept them?

Also, what happened to you scouring around trying to find one of those really, really old morning stars that were 0x with Exceptional weighting, errr?

06-03-2020, 05:43 PM
Why not wait for DR to see if you can get some GEF lightning certs for a blunt weapon of yours that will accept them?

Also, what happened to you scouring around trying to find one of those really, really old morning stars that were 0x with Exceptional weighting, errr?

I think they said the GEF certs were going away (am I wrong on that?). Also services tend to be much more expensive than the end product- so it's probably cheaper to get a premade one!

I looked for like a year and a half! Nothing! Makes me really sad to think about that poor OHB wandering around without a Vishra to care for it.

06-08-2020, 08:23 PM