View Full Version : Dumb and Dumbest.

03-28-2005, 02:57 AM
For a little background, Amberain and this chick Whillow are getting into a small tiff in the park regardin this guy Yean (Or something to that effect). Anyhow, Amberain goes off with her short-bus behavior and I figure I might start making myself known with my little Ivas cleric.

Needless to say, another reaffirmation that if Amberain is really over the age of 12 in real life, something is seriously wrong here.

Amberain softly says, "Whillow and Litzen sittin in a tree."
Amberain softly says, "Kissing."
Amberain giggles.
>glance amber
You glance at Amberain.
Amberain softly says, "I was makin a song up."
You hear someone mutter annoyingwarrior.
Amberain softly says, "Annoyincoward."
>'You sound like a child.
You say, "You sound like a child."
Amberain softly says, "So do you."
Amberain nods to you.
>lean rune
You lean on your runestaff.
Amberain softly says, "Eek."
Amberain softly says, "Yer hair is the worst cut i have ever seen."
Amberain cackles!
Amberain glances at you.
Amberain snickers.
>'I am overpowered by your biting wit. Please, do continue.
You say, "I am overpowered by your biting wit. Please, do continue."
>cover my heart
You place a hand over your heart.
Krizzelle gazes in awe at you.
Whillow shrugs at Amberain.
Amberain softly says, "No ..yer jus an ugly wench."
Krizzelle says, "Somehow it fits her though."
Amberain nods to you.
Amberain softly says, "Thats all."
Amberain shrugs.
Krizzelle looks over at Amberain and shakes her head.
>'There it goes again.
You say, "There it goes again."
Krizzelle says, "Is just different is all."
Amberain softly says, "Jus stay outta my business."
Amberain no longer appears to be listening intently.
Amberain softly says, "I dont even know you..and you are tryin to get into my arguument that is over with."
Amberain glances at you.
>'I wasn't in it in the first place, you mindless git. I simply stated you sounded like a drooling brat.
Binjo just arrived.
You say, "I wasn't in it in the first place, you mindless git. I simply stated you sounded like a drooling brat."
You shrug.
Amberain softly says, "You have a horrible hair cut..it isnt the end of the world."
Litzen amusedly says, "Git."
>'In my opinion, I've found myself to be correct.
You say, "In my opinion, I've found myself to be correct."
Amberain softly says, "Yer such a baby."
Aringarosa begins to meditate on his lot in life.
>smile amber
You smile at Amberain.
Amberain softly says, "That your an ugly baby who cant mind their own business."
Amberain smiles at you.
Viccar says, "As in snivelling rat-faced git."
>'Do you always make yourself sound like sunce a dunce or is this a special occasion?
You ask, "Do you always make yourself sound like sunce a dunce or is this a special occasion?"
Amberain softly asks, "Who are you?"
Amberain glances at you.
Amberain softly says, "I never seen ya before..you dont know me..so shut yer pie hole."
>'You seemed so disinterested in me that you call me a baby and yet you wish to know my name?
You ask, "You seemed so disinterested in me that you call me a baby and yet you wish to know my name?"
Amberain nods to you.
>'I'm truely flattered.
You say, "I'm truely flattered."
You bat your eyelashes.
Amberain softly says, "You are ugly and stupid."
Sandlot nods to Krizzelle.
Xeremon slides a gold ring off his finger.
You gasp.
Amberain attempts to kick you!
MB: 193 vs MB: 95 = 98 -- Gain advantage!
Gained good position.
THT 84, d100 roll: 84, modified: 182
and hits for 39 points of damage!
... +2 extra hits. Kick to side.
Lady Amberain just went north.
Krizzelle exclaims, "Stop that!"
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.
You ponder.
Krizzelle shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
You say, "Well."
Sandlot deeply says, "Very brave."
Sandlot deeply says, "Kick and run."
Sandlot grins.
Litzen nods to Sandlot.
The appearance of great calm leaves Aringarosa as he looks up and glances around.

Aringarosa traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Krizzelle says, "She was kind of mean."
Deemunus just arrived.
Krizzelle frowns.
Viccar says, "I love it."
Litzen amusedly says, "It might be that time of the month."
>'Maybe she'll pull my hair next time too, just to add that extra oomph of immature idiocy.
Litzen nods to Krizzelle.
You say, "Maybe she'll pull my hair next time too, just to add that extra oomph of immature idiocy."

03-28-2005, 03:41 AM
Just when you thought we were safe from Amberain. Sorry you had to endure that, Jesae, but she's probably on life support or in the ICU or something again...


[Edited on 3-28-2005 by SpunGirl]

03-28-2005, 07:56 AM
So let me get this straight...You know you don't like Amberain so you go out of your way to interact with her? That's pretty fucking dumb.

03-28-2005, 08:23 AM
Dude I totally want to start up GS for stuff like that.

Though I'd probably end up banished from Landing again.

03-28-2005, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
So let me get this straight...You know you don't like Amberain so you go out of your way to interact with her? That's pretty fucking dumb.

Falgrin used to interact with stupid people everyday and post some of them here.

03-28-2005, 10:18 AM
You should accuse her of assault.

03-28-2005, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Mistomeer
So let me get this straight...You know you don't like Amberain so you go out of your way to interact with her? That's pretty fucking dumb.

Falgrin used to interact with stupid people everyday and post some of them here.

Yeah, but there's thread after thread by Spun, with Jesae posting in alot of them, about how much Amberain sucks. And she goes out of her way to provoke her so she can come here, post the log, and talk about how dumb she is?

Obsessed with Amberain much?

03-28-2005, 10:50 AM
If Warclaidhm walked into "Falgrin's Park", do you believe it would be IC for Falgrin not to fuck with him? Does that mean that I believe Warclaidhm is somehow not retarded?

03-28-2005, 10:59 AM
I think we view this differently. I think that provoking someone you don't like in GS for the sole purpose of posting the logs in an effort to belittle that person is childish.

Okay, we get it, Spun and Jesae, among others, hate Amberain.

A cleric of Ivas and someone that RP's owning the park are two different things. If you wanted to RP it out, Ivas is the goddess of Seduction, and she could have tried to seduce Yean to piss off Amberain. What she did, however, was just start calling her names so she could come post it and bitch about how dumb Amberain is?

03-28-2005, 11:49 AM
Yeah, but there's thread after thread by Spun, with Jesae posting in alot of them, about how much Amberain sucks.
Jesae has made 3 posts ever containing the word Amberain, including this one.

03-28-2005, 11:53 AM
I see nothing wrong with bitching about how stupid people are.

- Arkans

PS: I would have killed her

03-28-2005, 11:55 AM
No matter who instigated it, the facts are there:

Amber was being childish
Amber couldn't dispute the claims, so she repeatedly made comments about Jesae's hair and then pulled the "Kick & Run"

Just as much as Amber has a right to talk like a child in public, Jesae has the right to comment on it in public.

03-28-2005, 12:30 PM
<<I think that provoking someone you don't like in GS for the sole purpose of posting the logs in an effort to belittle that person is childish.>>

Completely childish! Its like tattling basically. No one gives two shits about your role-playing experience!!

03-28-2005, 12:33 PM
In an IC manner according to how I roleplay that character, she would have reacted just as so. It appeared (to my character, and myself) that Whillow was flirting with Yean and Amberain was being rather childish about it. My Ivas cleric was disgusted because there are much, much better ways to go about bringing seduction out in the open other than singing a childish song. (Which also happened to be OOC to me)

Furthermore, if I had wanted to really piss her off (because according to Mistomeer, that was my goal) I would have accused her of assault, brought in my stronger character, beheaded her, etc. Instead, I took it as an amusing roleplay opportunity.

I like to provoke many people in the park, aside from Amberain. Dozens of people on these boards can attest to that. Clearly Mistomeer is free to express his opinion, just as I did mine.

Opinions are just like assholes-everybody's got one.

03-28-2005, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Opinions are just like assholes-everybody's got one.

... and most of them stink.

03-28-2005, 01:16 PM
People are actually getting on Jesae's back here?

I'm glad she posted it.

03-28-2005, 01:27 PM
More like "person".

I'm sure plenty of people have found themselves roleplaying a situation with someone knowing beforehand that they are stupid or ignorant. Sometimes you just can't help yourself or you'd wind up not roleplaying with anyone after a while. They are part of life just like anything else and should be dealt with once in a while to get a taste of their own medicine.

He who is without sin cast the first stone.

03-28-2005, 01:30 PM
I counted two people.

03-28-2005, 01:34 PM
That bitch is crazy.

03-28-2005, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
People are actually getting on Jesae's back here?

I'm glad she posted it.

I didn't think I was really getting on her back...

I just don't get the whole idea of knowing someone sucks, so you go out of your way to interact with that person, only to turn around and post about how much that person sucks. I mean, what was the whole point of engaging that person to begin with?

To make sure they still suck?
So you can post a log about how much they still suck?
Because you thought that person might have changed it would been a rewarding experience for both of your characters?

03-28-2005, 01:51 PM
I'm under the impression that everyone has the opportunity to change. God knows I was a freaking OOC idiot up until two years ago and I also know other characters that have amended their behavior over the years. Amberain was being in-character and behaving herself in a manner I figured I could initiate rp with.

Clearly I was wrong.

I'm sure that in another four months or so I'll attempt to interact with her again, who knows.

03-28-2005, 01:59 PM
Maybe the 10th time is the charm?

03-28-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by DeV
That bitch is crazy.
Crazy is an understatement.

03-28-2005, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Snapp

Originally posted by DeV
That bitch is crazy.
Crazy is an understatement. I was trying not to be too harsh.

03-28-2005, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer

Yeah, but there's thread after thread by Spun, with Jesae posting in alot of them, about how much Amberain sucks.

I have posted two threads about Amberain's idiocy. TWO, in the almost two years I have been registered here. That hardly constitutes "thread after thread." And if Jesae and I happen to agree on that subject, what the fuck do you care? Please research your statements before you start throwing shit around. A better plan would be to just STFU.


03-28-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I have posted two threads about Amberain's idiocy. TWO, in the almost two years I have been registered here. That hardly constitutes "thread after thread." And if Jesae and I happen to agree on that subject, what the fuck do you care? Please research your statements before you start throwing shit around. A better plan would be to just STFU.


You have to expect gross exaggerations when some people have a point to prove, but don't have any basis to prove it. If you need examples, toss me a U2U.


03-28-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Ivas is the goddess of Seduction

Ivas, the Seductress
Goddess of Desire, Lust and Passion

Direct from the play.net site and their Arkati documentation.

03-29-2005, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
Dude I totally want to start up GS for stuff like that.

Though I'd probably end up banished from Landing again.

Ditto...but minus the banished part. I remember someone saying Amber was kinda koo koo, but Yean I remember, oh gosh. You still play Jesae, I thought you went to WoW?

03-29-2005, 01:06 AM
No, Jesae is long-gone but I quit WoW due to the inability to design my own stuff, and there really wasn't a great deal of roleplay going on.

My main's now are Nalina and my cleric.

03-29-2005, 01:11 AM
Nalina is fun, I liked her. Well, if she's the one you played a hard core bizzatch, that be the character, heh.

03-29-2005, 01:59 AM
Nice to see you back Lalana.

PS. Is that your stomach in the avvy, Caramia?

03-29-2005, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Nice to see you back Lalana.

PS. Is that your stomach in the avvy, Caramia?

I was never really...gone. You just haven't been paying attention to me. :P

03-29-2005, 05:27 AM
Wow, that whole log makes me glad all I do anymore in GS is power hunt around dull market times.


03-29-2005, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl

Originally posted by Mistomeer

Yeah, but there's thread after thread by Spun, with Jesae posting in alot of them, about how much Amberain sucks.

I have posted two threads about Amberain's idiocy. TWO, in the almost two years I have been registered here. That hardly constitutes "thread after thread." And if Jesae and I happen to agree on that subject, what the fuck do you care? Please research your statements before you start throwing shit around. A better plan would be to just STFU.


The third thread on how much one person sucks? The Amberain R helpful thread is 6 fucking pages, with you posting about 10 times in it, about how much she sucks. But clearly I'm exaggerating your amount of bitching about her.

Okay, so you don't like her, so you go out of your way to interact with her?

It's like touching an electric fence over and over to make sure that it will still hurt you.

03-29-2005, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Originally posted by SpunGirl
I have posted two threads about Amberain's idiocy. TWO, in the almost two years I have been registered here. That hardly constitutes "thread after thread." And if Jesae and I happen to agree on that subject, what the fuck do you care? Please research your statements before you start throwing shit around. A better plan would be to just STFU.


You have to expect gross exaggerations when some people have a point to prove, but don't have any basis to prove it. If you need examples, toss me a U2U.


Quit taking shots at me and concentrate on finding a way to provide for your family.

03-29-2005, 08:26 AM
You folks can be total bastards.

[Edited on 3-29-2005 by Drayal]

03-29-2005, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Quit taking shots at me and concentrate on finding a way to provide for your family.

:wtf2: That was uncalled for. But I guess you have to do what you have to do to get back at him for... who the fuck knows anymore.

03-29-2005, 09:05 AM
now now CT Tsa'ah wouldent spare anyone else

03-29-2005, 09:19 AM
Unless I just didn't notice, I haven't seen Tsa`ah hit below the belt and insult personal and family issues over board crap. He may insult, but he keeps it to what is discussed here.

I digress. Amberain has done more damage to herself than anything that may have been said by others here. She needs to grow up a little.

03-29-2005, 09:29 AM
A flame war isn't always filled with chivalry and nice , polite manners.
You'll find that once it escalates into telling someone to STFU . .
They don't.
I my honest opinion, the person first to resort to 'personal flaming' is the designated loser.
Not insinuating Mist is the loser - I use his script to get into the Rift . . constantly :heart:

03-29-2005, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Quit taking shots at me and concentrate on finding a way to provide for your family.

You must be one of those special needs people to think that was a pot shot. Hell, it was even pointed out to you that your remark was way off the mark.

In regards to my ability to provide for my family ... well .... let's just say I could remain unemployed for several years doing nothing but twiddling my thumbs, while not spending a dime of my wife's salary, and my family would not go without. Both children already have college paid for, in about 4 years we'll be the deed owners of our home with 50 wooded acres (total package appraised at 564k last week) for the grand total of 98 grand.

Consider the above before you decide to make remarks about me providing for mine, also consider I've been employed for a few months now ... just because I didn't advertise the fact does not negate the fact.

Should you choose to post comments pertaining to the thread, feel free. Should you choose to make yet another "Tsa`ah" thread, feel free as well ... don't clutter up other threads with the bull shit though.

Originally posted by Dave
now now CT Tsa'ah wouldent spare anyone else

Spare members? Not at all.

Spare those that are uninvolved? All of the time.

Do me a favor and take a few dozen more shots to the head with a rifle butt.

[Edited on 3-29-2005 by Tsa`ah]

03-29-2005, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
The third thread on how much one person sucks? The Amberain R helpful thread is 6 fucking pages, with you posting about 10 times in it, about how much she sucks. But clearly I'm exaggerating your amount of bitching about her.

Uh, quit trying to backpedal. Your claim was that I posted "thread after thread." I have posted TWO, which does not equal "thread after thread." It doesn't matter how many pages one thread runs to, it is still.....ONE THREAD. Add up the TOTAL number of pages and it is still only TWO THREADS.

Now, what was that about thread after thread again?


[Edited on 3-29-2005 by SpunGirl]

03-29-2005, 05:27 PM
You own 50 acres Tsa`ah?

I'm jealous. My uncle bought a house with like two acres (somewhat near the city, so it's worth a fair amount, in the range of your house) and I was loving that.

Hopefully I have the means to buy a house in the mountains or nearby with a lot of land when I'm working.

03-29-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl

Originally posted by Mistomeer
The third thread on how much one person sucks? The Amberain R helpful thread is 6 fucking pages, with you posting about 10 times in it, about how much she sucks. But clearly I'm exaggerating your amount of bitching about her.

Uh, quit trying to backpedal. Your claim was that I posted "thread after thread." I have posted TWO, which does not equal "thread after thread." It doesn't matter how many pages one thread runs to, it is still.....ONE THREAD. Add up the TOTAL number of pages and it is still only TWO THREADS.

Now, what was that about thread after thread again?


[Edited on 3-29-2005 by SpunGirl]

Actually, by defniition, thread after thread would really only take two. It means repeatedly, just so you know. So yes, by posting 2 threads it would meet the definition.

As far as intent of that post is concerned, I wasn't as clear as I should have been. I meant to express that the two of you have bitched quite a bit about her already and I don't quite understand why anyone would go out of their way to interact with someone they don't like.

03-29-2005, 05:58 PM
please just stfu

03-29-2005, 06:41 PM
Mistomeer, this particular section of the PC is for exactly that- people bitching about people they don't like, can't stand, etc. It is not up to you to "understand" why interactions take place. In fact, if you don't like people bitching about others, maybe you should just avoid the "complaints" section all together. I, for one, am getting tired of "post after post" from you, trolling through my or Jesae's complaint threads, telling us to stop complaining about people.

What... the fuck... is your point? You don't like complainers? Look in the mirror, pal.


03-29-2005, 06:55 PM
What, so everyone has to agree with your complaints?

If you're so worried about everyone agreeing, then don't post it.
No reason to bitch just because someone disagrees with you.
Interacting with people you know you don't like then bitching some more about how you don't like them is redundant.

I have about 1400 posts..most of which are in Off-Topic, so I'm not really following you on the whole trolling complaint threads thing, but whatever.

03-29-2005, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
What, so everyone has to agree with your complaints?

If you said, "I disagree and think Amberain is OK/not crazy/sexy because..." that would be one thing.

Repeatedly telling people they are stupid for complaining about her is not the same. And you've done it before, you're doing it again, and it's getting old. Again, if you don't like reading the complaints, just skip the entire section!


03-29-2005, 07:02 PM
But if he is complaining, isn't he in the right folder <tongue firmly imbedded in cheek>

03-30-2005, 12:31 AM
Yes, He is in the right folder, but since we're being technical, he is off topic, because this particular thread is a complaint regarding amberain and not jesae or spun.

03-30-2005, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

Do me a favor and take a few dozen more shots to the head with a rifle butt.

See what I mean CT.

03-30-2005, 12:58 AM
Haha, that was funny. Wrong, but funny.

Not to take any sides, but if you post information on these threads (like having a rifle butt hit you in the mouth, for example, or a mom who drinks and smokes weed, etc...) expect to have it used against you in the future.

Now that we are all so badly off topic, lets try to discuss the topic-at-hand here. If Mistomeer wants to start a thread about how much myself, or Spun, for that matter, sucks...he is welcome to do so.

*I just hope that he has something decent to back it up with. :D

[Edited on 3-30-2005 by Jesae]

03-30-2005, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by Dave
See what I mean CT.

No she probably doesn't and neither do I.

How many times must it be explained to you ... oh ... never mind. Taking a few more in the head for the team would probably make you more tolerable in a concussion induced vegetative state.

My words were for you and not your family or anyone else uninvolved with these forums.

Go pose for more pictures now glam boy.

03-30-2005, 09:10 AM
Jesae, if he posts information about him being jobless, don't be surprised if somebody uses it against him. I don't really care what Tsa'ah says about me it got old a long time ago. Most of his posts are attacks on people, if it makes him feel more important, more power to him.

Edit: also if you go off topic don't waste your time trying to say we should get back on topic, especially when you decided to continue with off topic comments. The thread is already derailed, its not going back.

[Edited on 3-30-2005 by Dave]

03-30-2005, 09:17 AM
Hey it's about dumb people. Pretty much on topic, I say. *hides*

Speaking of dumb people, one of my coworkers wasn't paying attention when she went to pump gas into her car and wound up putting diesel instead of unleaded. She had to call a towing company to get it to a mechanic and have the gas flushed out and refueled.


[Edited on 3/30/2005 by CrystalTears]

03-30-2005, 03:57 PM
Perhaps I need to point this out to you, but I wasn't defending Tsa'ah in the least. I was playing devil's advocate to be perfectly blunt. I even managed to take a shot at myself for added effect.

And this is my damned thread, if I wanna tell people to get back on topic, they damned-well better! (Obviously to be taken in jest, since some people are a bit testy today)

03-30-2005, 04:02 PM
I think this describes well the degeneration of this thread...

03-30-2005, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Dave
Jesae, if he posts information about him being jobless, don't be surprised if somebody uses it against him.

I love it when people throw the jobless insult out. So many assumptions about me being unemployed and unable to provide ... rather comical.

I don't really care what Tsa'ah says about me it got old a long time ago.

This is why you constantly respond to me. Way to not be obvious.

Most of his posts are attacks on people, if it makes him feel more important, more power to him.

Yep ... most of my posts are attacks ... not responses to attacks and poster children for birth control and abortion. Go back a few pages and read my comment about exaggerations and trying to prove a point you have no basis for. Man you are dense.

Edit: also if you go off topic don't waste your time trying to say we should get back on topic, especially when you decided to continue with off topic comments. The thread is already derailed, its not going back.

I can fix it if you persist.

03-30-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

I love it when people throw the jobless insult out. So many assumptions about me being unemployed and unable to provide ... rather comical.

I was not insulting you, just using the example that people were bitching about.

This is why you constantly respond to me. Way to not be obvious.
The same reason you constantly respond to me there big guy? It's a good way to get my anti-Liberal aggression out.

Yep ... most of my posts are attacks ... not responses to attacks and poster children for birth control and abortion. Go back a few pages and read my comment about exaggerations and trying to prove a point you have no basis for. Man you are dense.
You're right, let me change the wording to "many of his posts."

I can fix it if you persist.
That's up to you, though I would expect you to do it in every other thread with every off topic post. That is your job as a MOD after all, to enforce TOS.

[Edited on 3-31-2005 by Dave]

03-30-2005, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Dave
I was not insulting you, just using the example that people were bitching about.

If by people you mean Dave, Mistomeer, and Tamral then you are indeed correct.

The same reason you constantly respond to me there big guy? It's a good way to get my anti-Liberal aggression out.

I am not the one that stated "I don't care". If by "I don't care" you mean "I'm going to reply to everything, often, and not make sense" ... then your statement is true.

You're right, let me change the wording to "many of his posts."

If you mean posts in response to bullshit addressed to me and moronic statements made by moronic people ... then yes ... "many" would be an accurate statement in regards to those specific responses.

That's up to you, though I would expect you to do it in every other thread with every off topic post. That is your job as a MOD after all, to enforce TOS.

Tsa`ah does not care what Dave expects, Tsa`ah never has. Tsa`ah does not take orders from Dave, nor does Tsa`ah accept Dave's interpretation of Tsa`ah's responsibilities. Tsa`ah will moderate the folders that fall under his responsibility in a manner that enforces the TOS as Tsa`ah understands it and as Kranar deems necessary. Dave and his assinine logic can get bent when it comes to this.

Take anymore headshots today? We know you posed, but I'm wondering if you took my advice and stood very still for the incoming rifle butt.

03-31-2005, 02:21 PM
On-topic: Amberain is still retarded. The jury is out on the rest.


03-31-2005, 03:44 PM
I'm trying to figure out where I ever said something negative about you not having a job Tsa'ah. Pleas in your infinite wisdom point that out to me

03-31-2005, 04:11 PM
Let's cut the in-fighting and get back on topic. If you really need to battle this out, take it elsewhere.