View Full Version : a faded leather jacket t2 wounded wear

05-09-2020, 12:36 AM
holds huge amount


You analyze your leather jacket and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

* Welcome to Wounded Wear *

Your wounded wear item is a clothing line that changes messaging depending on your wound level
and provide messaging accordingly. Please see the notes at the bottom for alteration
guidelines. Only a rare and skilled merchant can unlock this clothing line.

Your jacket is currently unlocked to tier: 2
You currently have access to the following verbs on your jacket:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover

Additional Features
Tend my jacket to use your first aid skill and apply a tourniquet through your jacket.
Your jacket will also ambiently bleed at random. You must be bleeding for this to happen.

The item currently thinks it is at wound level: 2

Your item is currently setup as follows

Base item description: a faded leather jacket lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 1: a faded leather jacket with numerous scuff marks.
Long with a rank 2: a faded leather jacket lightly stained with blood.
Long with a rank 3: a faded leather jacket drenched with blood.
Extra SHOW no wounds: It appears to be of wonderful craftsmanship and in excellent condition.
Extra SHOW rank 1: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and slightly scuffed.
Extra SHOW rank 2: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and lightly stained with blood.
Extra SHOW rank 3: It appears to be of masterful craftsmanship and drenched with blood.

Alteration Guidelines:
This must remain full-length jacket, cloak, longcloak, or something similar.
All of the clothing in this line must be of a fabric variety, no metal.
For general alterations, you can prepare a 15/15/15 base description.
These cannot be customized unless they are unlocked to the first tier.
Your current base item is: a faded leather jacket.
Second, prepare a LONG, this would be appended to it. So if we wanted our jacket
to be jacket covered in frilly pink lace, you would supply the 15/15/15 and the long.

05-09-2020, 12:50 PM