View Full Version : about RPA's

09-17-2003, 11:17 PM
alright, so i understand some of the things they are awarded for, but i would like to satisfy my couriosity...i heard in another post that when you get an RPA you get something like an exp modifier? What exactly does this mean...and are there any other perks to getting an RPA?

09-17-2003, 11:22 PM
Uhm ... to get a RPA just roleplay silly! and the exp thing, hopefully i'm saying this right... your mind never goes clear, you don't even hunt, you just sit there and gain exp... very cool if you ask me

09-17-2003, 11:24 PM
eh....thats the greatest thing ive ever heard...gah...i want, too bad i suck at roleplaying

09-17-2003, 11:26 PM
well don't talk OOC, and don't try *to* hard, i've roleplayed amazing at times, but i got screwed 'cause no GMs were on duty, *laugh* but its better to roleplay with a merchant, they really reward you big time...

09-17-2003, 11:27 PM
Yes you do, Garr.

And RPA's give exp muliplier. You gain up to 2x exp per pulse, depending on the level of RPA you get. They put exp in your head to start off, but it does wear out. You have to get exp by hunting, healing, picking, etc. in order for it to continue. It's also time based, so it wears off 12-24 hours after you get it or so, I think.

09-17-2003, 11:40 PM
RPAs can go up to 4x experience. They last a predetermined amount of time. The time counts down based on whether or not you have any unabsorbed experience. I've had some that lasted for up to a couple weeks before, but then, my character doesn't do a whole lot of hunting anymore. I imagine if I had powerhunted it would have worn off much faster.


09-17-2003, 11:50 PM
There used to be a few different types of RPA awards, I'm guessing there still are.

One is a flat exp award, such as just plain 1000 exp added to your current "total til level".

Another is the 2-4x modifier, with a time limitation whereby it will cease to exist after a certain time has passed (a week, a day, whatever gets assigned).

A third is a 2-4x modifier, which expires a certain time after you first start to make use of it. Meaning, it will stay dormant on your character's code, until you start hunting or doing anything else that gains you experience (such as throwing a chest in the waste barrel). Once it starts, the clock starts ticking and you'll continue gaining that 2-4x experience over the usual while you're doing experience-gaining activities until the clock stops ticking.

There was a fourth too, but I can't remember what it was. And there was also a debate on whether or not RPAs were stackable. I don't remember if there was ever an official answer. I do remember though, that the one-shot flat exp award could be stacked with a timed award.

So you could get 1000 exp points, PLUS a 2-4x modifier. I just don't remember if you can have more than one 2-4x modifier running at the same time (equalling 4-8x instead or whatever). I'm pretty sure that any new modifier would cancel out the old and reset the clock, but again, I don't remember if there was an actual official answer on that.

09-18-2003, 12:33 AM
Yes, some RPA's are stackable...

09-18-2003, 03:39 AM
"i've roleplayed amazing at times, but i got screwed 'cause no GMs were on duty,"

Lame. How did you get "screwed?" I wish for the love of fuck that people would RP for RPs sake once in a great while instead of doing it to get RPAs or GM attention. It does happen. Just not enough.

"*laugh* but its better to roleplay with a merchant, they really reward you big time... "

WHY???? Why why why. The most happy I've ever been getting an RPA were the times I had no clue what it was for specifically, I was just going on my merry way having fun. GS is a ROLEPLAYING GAME. There are a million aspects to it besides RPing for an award. Sometimes I wish they would just trash RPAs all together so shit like this would stop.


09-18-2003, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Sometimes I wish they would just trash RPAs all together so shit like this would stop.

Amen! I've heard people whine when they don't get one at merchants, quests, weddings, or just every day.

If you want to get RPAs, don't be a twit, don't spend all your time dueling with people, don't be annoying, don't get into stupid conflicts about stupid things, and don't spend the rest of your time cyber sexing in a private room!

09-18-2003, 07:23 AM
Garr, I think you've annoyed the staff too much to ever have any hope of getting an RPA.

09-18-2003, 07:52 AM
Here's a thought Atheana, stop RPing just to suck up or for the Exp modifier, and do it because it makes the game better. Hell, it still baffles me as to why folk even come here if it is not to RP. To each their own I guess.

09-18-2003, 11:09 AM
My first RPA I got last week, I got it for acting how I always act. Nothing special on my part I didn't see that staff was on duty so I started RP'ing I just continued to play how I always do.

They are right you didn't get screwed. What you did was make the game better for a minute then when you didn't get rewarded you reverted back to whatever it is you consider non-RP.

09-18-2003, 11:41 AM
RPA's come for a lot of things.

If a GM is playing their PC and you're doing a good job of just RPing an dthey see it, you can get an RPA.

If there's a special event, sometimes they give out mass RPA's.

If you're involved in a quest or something, you can get an RPA.

One of my characters got an RPA once for freaking out during a storm, and demanding somene make a sacrifice to Charl.

It's a reward for those who are consistent, not a reward for those who RP when they know someone's watching. If someone was watching all the time, I'm sure no one would ever be OOC or squabble.

09-18-2003, 12:00 PM
I got 2 once for decaying during an event :)

1 was a level 4 (best), and one filled my head.

Think the GMs for got about the event though.

09-18-2003, 12:25 PM
So far nobody but Bestatte has a clue what they're talking about.

<<well don't talk OOC, and don't try *to* hard, i've roleplayed amazing at times, but i got screwed 'cause no GMs were on duty, *laugh* but its better to roleplay with a merchant, they really reward you big time...>>

Ah, another "I just RP when I think I'll get a reward for it" person. Don't know where you ever got that idea about the merchants. Most of the time they're too busy filtering through all the idiot scroll that anything rewardable would fly right past them. And how did you get screwed for not getting an RPA? If everyone got an RPA when they thought they were RPing "good", everyone would have one running all the time. And just because it showed no GMs on duty doesn't mean that there's no GMs watching. There's almost always far more GMs just hanging around doing whatever when they're not on duty than there are GMs actually on duty.

Yeah it is more likely you'll receive one during some kind of event when GMs are present, but it's no guarantee and there's no reason to cry foul when you don't get one. From what I've seen of you you're not exactly an IC person to begin with, though I'll admit my only interaction with you so far that I can recall was when I outbid you on something some guy at a table was selling, and your response was "that's fucked up!" (aloud) as you walked out. So yeah don't expect to get any RPAs like that.

Anyway back to the topic....the "other" RPA that Bestatte couldn't recall is a multiplier that's set for X amount of experience, and slowly dwindles down the closer you get to that. For example you might get a 2x multiplier that's worth 20,000 experience. For say the first 10k exp, you're absorbing 2x as much as you normally would per pulse, then for the next few thousand it'll be 1.75x, then 1.5x, etc. until it slowly dwindles down to the normal rate when you hit 20k experience.

These are just example numbers I'm using to explain how those kind work, not raw data on their mechanics.

This seems to be how the majority of the ones I've gotten have been.

And unfortunately, RPAs do not stack. If you have a 2x one running and gain another 2x, it will just be refreshed. If you have a 3x one running and someone gives you a 2x, I know the 2x won't replace the 3x, but I don't know if it actually refreshes the 3x or not.

09-18-2003, 12:34 PM
There'd be 5, I guess, from what Methaias said.

There's another that starts out as a 4x modifier for 4 hours, then drops to a 3x for 3, then a 2x for 2, then completely drops.