View Full Version : MCW 20 CER Battle Axe with stunning skull

04-23-2020, 02:48 AM
a bloodstained executioner's axe bearing a single large squared-off blade

It imparts a bonus of +10 more than usual.
It appears to weigh about 5 pounds.
It is masterfully weighted to inflict more critical wounds than a normal weapon of its type.

It requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively.
It has been mainly crafted out of steel.

The executioner's axe has a ruby-eyed ivory skull mounted upon it. The ivory is mottled brown and green and exudes a foul odor. The cracked teeth with the jaw are set crookedly, but someone took the time to sharpen them to a razor edge. The faceted rubies stuck within the eye sockets seem to follow you when you glance at the skull.

A silver and pale green label secured around the haft of the executioner's axe reads, "+10, MCW 20 CER 0/100, Zested with stunning skull."

You analyze your executioner's axe and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
The base and the "long" description of the axe may be altered, but the "showy" part may not be!

You can RUB, TAP, POKE, and WAVE the axe.

You can tell that the axe is as light as it can get.

>rub axe
Dropping its jaw in an exaggerated yawn, the skull on your executioner's axe says plaintively, "Back in my day, a simple dagger to the neck was all it took."

>tap axe
You drum your fingers upon the skull of your executioner's axe. The eyes of the skull alight in a blazing crimson glow and flash ominously before becoming quiescent.

>poke axe (Stunning zest)
As you poke your axe, the mouth of the skull gapes open and bites your finger hard! The pain shoots straight up and stiffens your spine! That hurt!

S>wave axe
As you wave your executioner's axe, the mouth of the skull gapes open! A long, warbling wail issues forth! The eyes on the skull flash once, then go still. The jaws snap closed with a *click*.

10 million takes it!

04-23-2020, 03:06 AM

04-23-2020, 03:21 AM
So what was conveniently left out of the listing is that this axe is anti-magic, and can't be enchanted or ensorcelled. Apparently everyone knew about this but me. I guess I'll throw it down a tube so nobody falls for this again.

04-23-2020, 05:35 AM
May be that if you buy a script removal and take off the stunning skull you'll be able to improve it. 20 CER is a high bar for both enchant and ensorcell though to begin with so maybe not.

04-23-2020, 09:06 AM
Has nothing to do with the script gm’s said it’s meant to be that way and will never change

04-23-2020, 09:07 AM
Has nothing to do with the script gm’s said it’s meant to be that way and will never change... also get your money back those absolutely no other reason to buy this besides rogue reps and cheaper stunning weapons can be found

04-23-2020, 12:25 PM
Yeah, let them know it was messed up right after the sale, they wouldn't take it back.

04-23-2020, 01:12 PM
Its not that I WOULDNT take it back.... I met him at FWI bank and he was worried that the weighting was temp and not perm. I told him it was perm weighting and we did the transaction. He then sang to it to confirm and seen that it was. I said Thanks and I took off to get a Booklet for RoL. He then messaged me after about it being anti magic (which i was not aware of or it would of been listed in the post. I dont check for that sort of thing) the coins was already spent and I COULD NOT offer a refund which I told him because i already spent the coins on a book or i WOULD take it back. I never mislead the auction or gave any FALSE truth about it being enchantable or ensorceable. I had a weapon and its basic information everyone standardly looks for. I put it up for sale for what I had into it. He immediately shot before asking questions when i posted it for sale on LNET instead of asking questions before shooting and unfortunately due to bad timing shot himself in the foot during the process. Believe me, if I intended on using the weapon and checked it and it WAS enchantable/ensorcellable I wouldnt be selling it for 10 million coins. Im not a noob. I didn't care to check it because I knew only a mutant wizard would be able to enchant it or a very old sorc could ensorcell it considering how much weighting it had and I dont have that kind of coin to warrant that expense.

[Merchant]-You: "MCW CER 20 battle axe with stunning skull for sale -----> http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?124333-MCW-20-CER-Battle-Axe-with-stunning-skull"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " are you the seller?"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "yeah"
[help]-GSIV:Sylvarillion: "I think so, but I think U"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " I'll take it if it's not a temp weighting"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "its perm"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " meet in fwi bank?"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "landing bank or fwi?"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "k"
Went to my locker to get the axe and went to the FWI bank
[Mist Harbor Bank, Bank Windows]
You notice an intricately carved maoral arch and a banking assistant.
Also here: Ryjex, Lord Zaigh
Obvious exits: east
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
Zaigh just left.
Ryjex nods in greeting to you.
The assistant slips a piece of candy to a small child with a wink.
Garvath just arrived.
>greet ry
[help]-GSIV:Sylvarillion: "Agi, Str & Dex."
You nod to Ryjex in greeting.
Ryjex just gave you 10000000 coins which you quickly pocket.
>give ryje
You offer your executioner's axe to Ryjex, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Ryjex has accepted your offer and is now holding a bloodstained executioner's axe bearing a single large squared-off blade.
[help]-GSIV:Feudal: "ugh this is painful"
[help]-GSIV:Sylvarillion: "Pick 2, that's your combat style."
Ryjex says, "Thanks."
>say enjoy
You say, "Enjoy."
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
* Frittz just turned his last page!
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
[Merchant]-GSIVhairn: "50ct RoL cards. 9m while I'm here to pull them out of my shop."
Garvath just left.
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
>say its labled too
You say, "Its labled too."
Ryjex nods.
Ryjex renders a sharp salute with his executioner's axe.
Ryjex reaches for his arrowhead and vanishes as soon as his fingers touch it!
[Merchant]-You: "axe sold!"
You have 10000000 coins with you.
>turn my arm
You close your eyes and sense a sudden disconnect from your body. A warm breeze now rushes across your face, and the moist scent of sea water fills your nostrils. You open your eyes to find yourself soaring in a thick, fog-like haze over an open sea. A circling flock of seagulls accompanies you on your voyage. With a sense of natural instinct you cry out a resonating, "Swah!" to your fellow gulls and thrust your feathered wings outward. Suddenly, the miasma becomes thicker, and your surroundings obscure and shift before your eyes. You find yourself once again standing upon solid ground, and with a bemused gaze, you slowly lower your outstretched arms.
went and deposited the coins got a note bought the book
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " it's anti magic?"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "no idea i took it in on a trade"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " yea."
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "its steel based"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "i know that much"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " can't be enchanted or ensorcelled"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "might have to have the script stripped?"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " nah it's permanently gimped"
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "bug item?"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " people tell me this axe is known and can't be fixed"
[Private]-GSIV:Ryjex: " don't suppose you're open to trading back? I kind of feel this was something that should've been mentioned in the listing."
[PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ryjex: "I would but i already used the coins on cards. I listed everything i was told about it and what found out about it self inspecting"
End of it all there Till the reply here and the bad rep comment on Feedback...

04-23-2020, 02:05 PM
I mean, by same logic that one time I accidentally sold an attuned enhancive I should've kept the money also, since I didn't know it was attuned either, as I just found it in a locker of a char I bought. Instead, I gave them their money back when they reached out to me like days later. But whatever, I've already sold this axe at a loss to someone who graciously agreed to buy it, knowing full well what they were buying, so I'll move on and not gonna spend days arguing about it.

04-23-2020, 11:04 PM
I’m with ryjex shoulda gave him his coins back you sold something you didn’t know was fucked up and it was shoulda made good or else it sounds like you’d pull the same bullshit in another situation which is sounds like you would it’s like a lemon law everything wasn’t full disclosed

04-24-2020, 12:06 AM
Ya you just do a refund

04-24-2020, 12:38 AM
No harm no foul... no harm requires a refund though ;)

04-24-2020, 01:40 AM
Sold in 15 minutes for a bargain price, even if it can't be enchanted. I'm inclined to cut the seller a little bit more slack, since we're talking about a pretty cheap price for anything with 20 points of crit weighting. You could have asked the question. If you did and I missed it, then I think you deserve a refund. I'm sure they'd have no trouble finding another buyer.

04-24-2020, 03:35 AM
It's gone to a new home. Also, can't recall seeing a common metal item with no special scripts completely neutered like that. As a point of curiosity, why not just use a claidhmore?

04-24-2020, 03:47 PM
Well, the real question is, how much is a 2x MCW weapon worth, that isn’t anti magic?
More than 10m?

04-24-2020, 04:28 PM
neimanz did the same thing to me, sold a cheap faenor waraxe from DR and specifically left out that it couldn't be enchanted/ensorcelled. While I don't think Divepirate knew it couldn't be enchanted I'm fairly sure Neimanz did, but who knows. Luckily I got the GMs to change them and all turned out well.

04-24-2020, 04:33 PM
neimanz did the same thing to me, sold a cheap faenor waraxe from DR and specifically left out that it couldn't be enchanted/ensorcelled. While I don't think Divepirate knew it couldn't be enchanted I'm fairly sure Neimanz did, but who knows. Luckily I got the GMs to change them and all turned out well.

well there was a reason i sold it for 10 mil when it was sold ots for 25k bs or whatever and pretty sure i stated that was the dr version.


04-24-2020, 04:42 PM
neimanz did the same thing to me, sold a cheap faenor waraxe from DR and specifically left out that it couldn't be enchanted/ensorcelled. While I don't think Divepirate knew it couldn't be enchanted I'm fairly sure Neimanz did, but who knows. Luckily I got the GMs to change them and all turned out well.

and I'm positive you didn't come asking me for a refund , obviously you bought it because it was an exceptional deal

04-24-2020, 04:42 PM
well there was a reason i sold it for 10 mil when it was sold ots for 25k bs or whatever and pretty sure i stated that was the dr version.


Saying its the DR version =/= saying its anti-magic. I'll take that as you specifically knew though and left out that info. Thanks.

04-24-2020, 04:44 PM
and I'm positive you didn't come asking me for a refund , obviously you bought it because it was an exceptional deal

Like I said I went another route and got the GMs to make the DR versions NOT anti-magic. So yes I did profit quite nicely from it, but thats just luck. Who knows if you would have given a refund. It's still shady to leave out info to try and help your sale.

04-24-2020, 06:37 PM
I doubt Neimanz purposely did anything like that, the only time he accidentally forgot to tell me something like 5 years ago he immediately refunded when I brought it up, its hard to keep all that shit straight when you are dealing with billions of silvers in items.

If you all collectively complained about how stupid this flag is and the way GMs get to toggle it whenever they feel like (even for items with the same description, like what the actual fuck is that) instead of tearing each other apart over 10m or whatever, you'd probably do the game a bigger service.

04-24-2020, 07:52 PM
Goodness, can I just buy it from whomever for the same price and we can end all this?

04-24-2020, 08:05 PM
it is powerfully fucking stupid that GMs just slap a 'hey this is anti magic, because reasons' tag on items randomly. god damn

Mr. Dallas
04-24-2020, 08:06 PM
Malvadere - I was about to say the same thing. And I also would give Neimanz a +1 - he's always been straight with me.

04-24-2020, 08:37 PM
Malvadere - I was about to say the same thing. And I also would give Neimanz a +1 - he's always been straight with me.

+1 for Neimanz in my book too

04-24-2020, 08:40 PM
Neimanz is a straight shooter but this thread is bullshit, Aar/Divepirate guy ripped Ryjex off and then acted like he didn't know better when the customer asked for a refund. Even if you spent the silvers, you could have made it right later. You obviously knew and were just trying to get rid of it, I for one won't be dealing with this broke ass chump who needs to lie for $45 in silvers.

04-24-2020, 08:41 PM
I will also get in line to buy this axe for 10m if the original guy doesn't want it. PM me

04-24-2020, 09:42 PM
Neimanz is a straight shooter but this thread is bullshit, Aar/Divepirate guy ripped Ryjex off and then acted like he didn't know better when the customer asked for a refund. Even if you spent the silvers, you could have made it right later. You obviously knew and were just trying to get rid of it, I for one won't be dealing with this broke ass chump who needs to lie for $45 in silvers.

Z, you are so much sexier when your angry! You really get my splintered driftwood pecker going! Hold on and let me switch hooks so I can savor this moment you sexy beast you! :jerkit::aww:

04-24-2020, 09:51 PM
Anyone who isn't a bitch ass scammer would have said "I spent it but I will get you back the 10mil asap", sorry kung flu has devastated you so much that you need to lie and cheat for $45, I hope things turn around soon.

04-24-2020, 10:00 PM

04-25-2020, 03:48 AM
These are the exact reasons I don't deal with neimanz1 unreal business situations.

Lord Orbstar
04-25-2020, 05:11 AM
I would’ve offered a refund when I could afford it. 10m however was a reasonable price for a fucking mcw weapon with a stunning skull to boot. As for the other, I’m sure Neimanz would’ve given you a refund although he should’ve listed what he knew about it.

04-25-2020, 09:21 AM
LOL @ not being able to offer a refund of $45. What a retard.

04-25-2020, 02:27 PM
Not once did I tell Ryjex I WOULD NOT refund his money. I said I COULDNT because i spent the 10 mill on a book. I only had 2 mill in my bank prior to the exchange. 2mill plus 10 mill minus 10 mill equals 2 mill... He never once suggested that maybe once I get coins I do a refund then. He just stopped private messaging me and bitched about the deal on here. Its all there as shown in the log that is posted you twits.
Guess what, I could refund him now cause I ended up buying 30m since my TRUMPBUX came in. Thanks Trump!
He sold the damn weapon quickly afterwards anyways. He got his money back. END OF STORY.
Ill make sure now that i check to see anything i sell is magic resistant or not so you all dont flood PC Forums with your bitch tears.

04-25-2020, 02:30 PM
Not once did I tell Ryjex I WOULD NOT refund his money. I said I COULDNT because i spent the 10 mill on a book. I only had 2 mill in my bank prior to the exchange. 2mill plus 10 mill minus 10 mill equals 2 mill... He never once suggested that maybe once I get coins I do a refund then. He just stopped private messaging me and bitched about the deal on here. Its all there as shown in the log that is posted you twits.
Guess what, I could refund him now cause I ended up buying 30m since my TRUMPBUX came in. Thanks Trump!
He sold the damn weapon quickly afterwards anyways. He got his money back. END OF STORY.
Ill make sure now that i check to see anything i sell is magic resistant or not so you all dont flood PC Forums with your bitch tears.

im just suprised you havent started crying and quit playing gemstone again

04-25-2020, 02:48 PM
I am glad to see justice being served for Neimanz1. That guy is almost as shady as Helsfeld.

04-25-2020, 03:26 PM
Can confirm that niemanz guy is extremely shady, every time I deal with him I end up broke.

04-25-2020, 08:44 PM
Not once did I tell Ryjex I WOULD NOT refund his money. I said I COULDNT because i spent the 10 mill on a book. I only had 2 mill in my bank prior to the exchange. 2mill plus 10 mill minus 10 mill equals 2 mill... He never once suggested that maybe once I get coins I do a refund then. He just stopped private messaging me and bitched about the deal on here. Its all there as shown in the log that is posted you twits.
Guess what, I could refund him now cause I ended up buying 30m since my TRUMPBUX came in. Thanks Trump!
He sold the damn weapon quickly afterwards anyways. He got his money back. END OF STORY.
Ill make sure now that i check to see anything i sell is magic resistant or not so you all dont flood PC Forums with your bitch tears.

You're that poor that you couldn't paypal $45 bucks to Ryjex? LOL @ not being able to offer a refund of $45.

04-25-2020, 09:40 PM
You're that poor that you couldn't paypal $45 bucks to Ryjex? LOL @ not being able to offer a refund of $45.

Actually yeah I am... I had to sell my big splinter off my wooden peg leg to pay for this months Simu bill. So now I walk funny. Want to bash me on that too?:pirate:

04-26-2020, 01:14 AM
I doubt Neimanz purposely did anything like that, the only time he accidentally forgot to tell me something like 5 years ago he immediately refunded when I brought it up, its hard to keep all that shit straight when you are dealing with billions of silvers in items.

I mean....except he literally said he did exactly that just a couple posts before yours....

I'm not stressing over it, I ended up making a ton off it. I just wouldn't do business with him again but thats not really a loss for either of us.

04-26-2020, 01:46 AM
I mean....except he literally said he did exactly that just a couple posts before yours....

I'm not stressing over it, I ended up making a ton off it. I just wouldn't do business with him again but thats not really a loss for either of us.

dude why don't you ask your gm friend why that information wasn't provided when it was sold off the shelf? what makes me obligated to provide you that information? and if you weren't happy with the purchase you should have said something? am i suppose to check up and see if you were happy with your purchase the next day? you want to come in and call me shady 2 years after the fact? what information in the post was misleading? wasn't it not everything i said it was? i provided more info that what it was sold off the shelf. so you need to miss me with that bs

04-26-2020, 09:42 AM
Nobody cares about your non related sale from years ago that wasn't even really the same thing Drauz, stfu already whiny bitch

04-26-2020, 09:50 AM
Haha how does that convo with the GMs go exactly:

Player: hey I got this weapon but it has a no enchant flag on it, can you change it?
GM: is it like a really old item, that maybe is just messed up?
Player: naw, I just got it off a guy who bought it from DR just now.
GM: oh well, you know the stuff released there have those tags for a reason, it goes through a whole QC process. Not much that can be done. You want it for a character to use?
Player: no bro, I got it off a guy cheap and want to resell it for a bunch of money.
GM: yeah that wouldn’t be super fair to the other players really, yeah.
Player: I mean I could send you $40 PayPal if that’s cool, yeah?
GM: yeah you know what, maybe that flag isn’t necessary cool, will DM you.

04-26-2020, 11:21 AM
dude why don't you ask your gm friend why that information wasn't provided when it was sold off the shelf? what makes me obligated to provide you that information? and if you weren't happy with the purchase you should have said something? am i suppose to check up and see if you were happy with your purchase the next day? you want to come in and call me shady 2 years after the fact? what information in the post was misleading? wasn't it not everything i said it was? i provided more info that what it was sold off the shelf. so you need to miss me with that bs

I just made a forum post asking them to change it, not some special GM friend.

Look, you know what you did was shady. You purposely left out info that may have hurt the sale. Simple as that. I'm leaving it at this, this isn't going anywhere productive.

04-26-2020, 11:22 AM
Nobody cares about your non related sale from years ago that wasn't even really the same thing Drauz, stfu already whiny bitch


04-26-2020, 11:40 AM

04-26-2020, 11:44 AM
I just made a forum post asking them to change it, not some special GM friend.

Look, you know what you did was shady. You purposely left out info that may have hurt the sale. Simple as that.

Hahahahaha...LOL @ Drauz arguing from some sort of moral superiority when he was part of the corrupt HoA coraesine enchant gang.

04-26-2020, 12:02 PM
Why won't this thread just die already?

04-26-2020, 12:04 PM

04-26-2020, 12:07 PM
Hahahahaha...LOL @ Drauz arguing from some sort of moral superiority when he was part of the corrupt HoA coraesine enchant gang.

Still funny people think the HoA were the problem there. Coase was fired over his asshattery, and Wyrom paid Helsfeld back for all the bloodscrip he paid players to enchant his coraesine from 4->7x, despite the GM's saying no one was being reimbursed.

04-26-2020, 12:09 PM
Coase was fired over his asshattery

Can you confirm this

04-26-2020, 12:17 PM
Still funny people think the HoA were the problem there. Coase was fired over his asshattery, and Wyrom paid Helsfeld back for all the bloodscrip he paid players to enchant his coraesine from 4->7x, despite the GM's saying no one was being reimbursed.

Elaborate. What exactly did Coase do? Your post alludes to special treatment from Wyrom on reimbursing players for cheating. I'm not surprised considering HoA has a good majority of the whales.

04-26-2020, 12:54 PM
Insane he would fire a dev to please a whale. If he’s willing to fire a dev who’s been with Simu for decades over whale $$$; nothing is really sacred, what would he do next Insta-Cap potions in the simustore?

04-26-2020, 01:03 PM
I don't have some special insider knowledge about Coase, but him deciding to troll the HoA wasn't the first time he did such a thing (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?123623-What-will-Simu-do-without-the-whales&p=2139759#post2139759), just ask Methais

I doubt he was nixed because of this specific incident, more that he always seemed to have an increasingly standoffish tone with players and his coworkers and didn't feel the need to justify anything he did to anyone (like stealth nerf trolling Methais).

04-26-2020, 01:40 PM
This is getting good! Tell me more about how HOA gets special treatment.

04-26-2020, 01:57 PM
I don't have some special insider knowledge about Coase, but him deciding to troll the HoA wasn't the first time he did such a thing (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?123623-What-will-Simu-do-without-the-whales&p=2139759#post2139759), just ask Methais

I doubt he was nixed because of this specific incident, more that he always seemed to have an increasingly standoffish tone with players and his coworkers and didn't feel the need to justify anything he did to anyone (like stealth nerf trolling Methais).

Nice way to walk back on your words.

04-26-2020, 02:00 PM
I have nothing to add to this thread, I just find it interesting and want to post in it so I get notifications when people post to this thread.

04-26-2020, 02:06 PM
I have nothing to add to this thread, I just find it interesting and want to post in it so I get notifications when people post to this thread.

Go do a spellup

04-26-2020, 02:16 PM
I have nothing to add to this thread, I just find it interesting and want to post in it so I get notifications when people post to this thread.

Definitely worth the popcorn!

04-26-2020, 02:23 PM
When you buy a MCW weapon that is enchantable for 10m and then the seller finds out it's worth way more do you return it?

04-26-2020, 02:25 PM
When you buy a MCW weapon that is enchantable for 10m and then the seller finds out it's worth way more do you return it?

That’s not the same as purposely withholding information to make a sale.

As a seller, you are responsible for supplying ALL information about said item. If you misrepresent an item, that’s called scamming. if you sell something for cheap that has more value then what you asked for, that’s your fault, not the buyers.

If you misrepresent an item that you are selling, that you weren’t aware of, you should 100% offer an Immediate refund. No excuses.

04-26-2020, 02:30 PM
That’s not the same as purposely withholding information to make a sale.

It all boils down to that though right? If I am not a wizard, nor have one, how could I possibly know if something could be further enchanted? Is there any evidence that the seller KNEW it couldn't be enchanted and was trying to pass it off without mentioning it? Or is that just a wild accusation? I know if I found that thing in my locker I would know zero about that script preventing enchanting, or whatever the reason was. Does that mean I'm a con trying to rip someone off?

As a side note, I would always offer a refund to the buyer if something weird like this happened, but its everything else about this thread that makes me question when its scamming and when its just a mistake based on something the seller didn't know.

04-26-2020, 02:35 PM
It all boils down to that though right? If I am not a wizard, nor have one, how could I possibly know if something could be further enchanted? Is there any evidence that the seller KNEW it couldn't be enchanted and was trying to pass it off without mentioning it? Or is that just a wild accusation? I know if I found that thing in my locker I would know zero about that script preventing enchanting, or whatever the reason was. Does that mean I'm a con trying to rip someone off?

As a side note, I would always offer a refund to the buyer if something weird like this happened, but its everything else about this thread that makes me question when its scamming and when its just a mistake based on something the seller didn't know.

Of course. You’re right in this fact, if the seller is unaware, than his intent wasn’t to scam, if new information comes to light about said item, then a refund should be issued.
If you sold an item from your locker that you have no information about. If you clearly post that. “Selling X item, I don’t shit about it” that’s on the buyer not you.

Going by his previous post, he buys and sells quite often, I’m sure he knows the value of items. Selling a 2x MCW weapon for 10m seems extremely cheap, it looks like he purposely withheld this information to make a sale.

04-26-2020, 02:43 PM
HoA are a bunch of elitist fucks. They rejected my fresh capped paladin because he ,”doesn’t do enough damage.” They kicked my ambushing rogue mid-Reim because apprently he “sucked”.

Giant fucking pieces of shit.

04-26-2020, 02:50 PM
HoA are a bunch of elitist fucks. They rejected my fresh capped paladin because he ,”doesn’t do enough damage.” They kicked my ambushing rogue mid-Reim because apprently he “sucked”.

Giant fucking pieces of shit.

That’s disappointing. I had hoped when I capped to try a capped run with them but if they are going to be like that then why even do it?

Luckily also plenty of welcoming groups even if not reim

04-26-2020, 02:50 PM
HoA are a bunch of elitist fucks. They rejected my fresh capped paladin because he ,”doesn’t do enough damage.” They kicked my ambushing rogue mid-Reim because apprently he “sucked”.

Giant fucking pieces of shit.

Are you sure it had nothing to do with your sparkling personality?

04-26-2020, 02:54 PM
HoA are a bunch of elitist fucks. They rejected my fresh capped paladin because he ,”doesn’t do enough damage.” They kicked my ambushing rogue mid-Reim because apprently he “sucked”.

Giant fucking pieces of shit.

We actually ask people to do less damage, not more, so that everyone can get hits in, and "sucking" is not a reason why we'd remove someone mid-Reim. The only reason that would happen would be if you missed two or more rare spawns in a given area and were not responsive when we checked in with you. In that case, we would leave your zombie character at the nearest vortex (protected exit).

04-26-2020, 03:06 PM
We actually ask people to do less damage, not more, so that everyone can get hits in, and "sucking" is not a reason why we'd remove someone mid-Reim. The only reason that would happen would be if you missed two or more rare spawns in a given area and were not responsive when we checked in with you. In that case, we would leave your zombie character at the nearest vortex (protected exit).

I’ve had good dealings with you and if you are part of HoA I’ll try to catch a run at cap in a year haha

04-26-2020, 03:06 PM
On top of it. All he did after this information came to light was excuses on why he couldn’t give a refund. Instead of... I spent the coin, let me get some coin together and refund you.

04-26-2020, 03:14 PM
On top of it. All he did after this information came to light was excuses on why he couldn’t give a refund. Instead of... I spent the coin, let me get some coin together and refund you.

Im definitely not going to refund someone if they instantly resort to hate bashing on a forum right after the deal goes wrong. I said i WOULD do a refund BUT no longer had the coins. He never gave me a chance to clear up the situation he just went straight here and called me a scammer or whatever. So now what? Im gonna let you bad mouth me and then bow down to your every wishes when your little princess world doesn't go to plan? F-that!

04-26-2020, 03:28 PM
Im definitely not going to refund someone if they instantly resort to hate bashing on a forum right after the deal goes wrong. I said i WOULD do a refund BUT no longer had the coins. He never gave me a chance to clear up the situation he just went straight here and called me a scammer or whatever. So now what? Im gonna let you bad mouth me and then bow down to your every wishes when your little princess world doesn't go to plan? F-that!

You can come up with whatever excuse you want. Doesn’t change the fact. You sold a misrepresented item, you fucked up. Where exactly did he “hate bash you” right after the deal? Because I don’t see it. Him saying “ it was conveniently left out...” is hate bashing now?

04-26-2020, 03:42 PM
HoA are a bunch of elitist fucks. They rejected my fresh capped paladin because he ,”doesn’t do enough damage.” They kicked my ambushing rogue mid-Reim because apprently he “sucked”.

Giant fucking pieces of shit.

I'll take "Things that never happened" for $800, Alex.

04-26-2020, 03:51 PM
I'll take "Things that never happened" for $800, Alex.

You don't Jeopardy much do you? You do straight down to $1000 with that stuff! :)

04-26-2020, 03:53 PM
I'm hunting for a Daily Double!

04-26-2020, 04:03 PM
You can come up with whatever excuse you want. Doesn’t change the fact. You sold a misrepresented item, you fucked up. Where exactly did he “hate bash you” right after the deal? Because I don’t see it. Him saying “ it was conveniently left out...” is hate bashing now?

Even IF i did knew it was anti magic AND I decided NOT to mention it in the sale wouldn't there be a BIG RED flag if someone is selling a MCW weapon for only 10 mill FLAT? Hell, I know that and Im a piss ant merchant in comparison. Why wouldnt he? He out of all people that plays this game being the big whale merchant should be like :thinking: Hmm MCW battle axe with a stunning skull for 10 Mill flat? This doesnt seem right.. This guy is either a complete idiot and doesnt know what he has and Im gona score BIG or there might be something wrong with this?

Now, I dislike Zaoloo and he sells stupid shit nobody wants for dumb prices but If he was on that night he would of said..... Hey can i check it out first before i buy it? And i would say sure go ahead here you go. >give axe to Z-boy. He would accept and Id say What else do you want to know. Then Z-boy would say I want to see if its enchantable! He would cast 925 at it or have someone else do it. Then if its anti magic he would hand it back to me and tell me to go fuck a goat or something BUT then if it did take the cast and he got a reading on it he would say sorry fucker this is mine now and hand me 10 mill and he have it up on merchant for 200 million and i STILL would of went and bought a book with it and not cried that i sold a MCW weapon for 10 mill.

Now maybe im giving Z more credit than he needs but the point is... IF Ryjex is THAT good of a merchant... Then he should of known better.

He didnt even ASK me WHY I'm selling it for so cheap. His e-peen got so hard he almost put it through his screen probably when he seen my Merchant post.

Anyways im done with this thread. Ive trolled with you long enough and I got more shit to sell. This hasn't hurt my merchandising at all other than several people who i dont deal with anyways saying they wont buy from me... WOOPIE! /lnet ignore Aar while your at it too please!

May a lesson be learned for all of us from this... Next time you see a deal thats too good to be true ... A) Inquire more about it. B) Take the gamble but dont cry about it if you lose on the other end and C) Dont forget to ask if the item is enchantable or not IF YOU DONT HAVE A F-N CLUE!

Also i PROMISE ill check EVERY SINGLE ITEM i sell now to see if its anti magic or not and ill be sure to tell you F-tards NO REFUNDS! Also Ill be using EXCHANGE verb ONLY because once you EXCHANGE your AGREEING to the deal REGARDLESS of what written or unwritten rule you "so called merchants" come up with. Im a mudda f-n Pirate! I go by my OWN merchanting rules!

:pirate: :kiss: :thanx:

04-26-2020, 04:05 PM
Even IF i did knew it was anti magic AND I decided NOT to mention it in the sale wouldn't there be a BIG RED flag if someone is selling a MCW weapon for only 10 mill FLAT? He out of all people that plays this game being the big whale merchant should be like :thinking: Hmm MCW battle axe with a stunning skull for 10 Mill flat? This doesnt seem right.. This guy is either a complete idiot and doesnt know what he has and Im gona score BIG or there might be something wrong with this?

Now, I dislike Zaoloo and he sells stupid shit nobody wants for dumb prices but If he was on that night he would of said..... Hey can i check it out first before i buy it? And i would say sure go ahead here you go. >give axe to Z-boy. He would accept and Id say What else do you want to know. Then Z-boy would say I want to see if its enchantable! He would cast 925 at it or have someone else do it. Then if its anti magic he would hand it back to me and tell me to go fuck a goat or something BUT then if it did take the cast and he got a reading on it he would say sorry fucker this is mine now and hand me 10 mill and he have it up on merchant for 200 million and i STILL would of went and bought a book with it and not cried that i sold a MCW weapon for 10 mill.

Now maybe im giving Z more credit than he needs but the point is... IF Ryjex is THAT good of a merchant... Then he should of known better.

He didnt even ASK me WHY I'm selling it for so cheap. His e-peen got so hard he almost put it through his screen probably when he seen my Merchant post.

Anyways im done with this thread. Ive trolled with you long enough and I got more shit to sell. This hasn't hurt my merchandising at all other than several people who i dont deal with anyways saying they wont buy from me... WOOPIE! /lnet ignore Aar while your at it too please!

May a lesson be learned for all of us from this... Next time you see a deal thats too good to be true either A) Inquire more about it or B) Take the gamble but dont cry about it if you lose on the other end. Ohh and C) Dont forget to ask if the fucking item is enchantable or not IF YOU DONT HAVE A F-N CLUE!

Also i PROMISE ill check EVERY SINGLE ITEM i sell now to see if its anti magic or not and ill be sure to tell you F-tards NO REFUNDS! Also Ill be using EXCHANGE verb ONLY because once you EXCHANGE your AGREEING to the deal REGARDLESS of what written or unwritten rule you "so called merchants" come up with. Im a mudda f-n Pirate! I go by my OWN merchanting rules!

:pirate: :kiss: :thanx:

That’s right! It’s the customers fault!

04-26-2020, 04:08 PM
That’s right! It’s the customers fault!

Isn’t it always?!

04-26-2020, 04:08 PM
Even IF i did knew it was anti magic AND I decided NOT to mention it in the sale wouldn't there be a BIG RED flag if someone is selling a MCW weapon for only 10 mill FLAT? He out of all people that plays this game being the big whale merchant should be like :thinking: Hmm MCW battle axe with a stunning skull for 10 Mill flat? This doesnt seem right.. This guy is either a complete idiot and doesnt know what he has and Im gona score BIG or there might be something wrong with this?

Now, I dislike Zaoloo and he sells stupid shit nobody wants for dumb prices but If he was on that night he would of said..... Hey can i check it out first before i buy it? And i would say sure go ahead here you go. >give axe to Z-boy. He would accept and Id say What else do you want to know. Then Z-boy would say I want to see if its enchantable! He would cast 925 at it or have someone else do it. Then if its anti magic he would hand it back to me and tell me to go fuck a goat or something BUT then if it did take the cast and he got a reading on it he would say sorry fucker this is mine now and hand me 10 mill and he have it up on merchant for 200 million and i STILL would of went and bought a book with it and not cried that i sold a MCW weapon for 10 mill.

Now maybe im giving Z more credit than he needs but the point is... IF Ryjex is THAT good of a merchant... Then he should of known better.

He didnt even ASK me WHY I'm selling it for so cheap. His e-peen got so hard he almost put it through his screen probably when he seen my Merchant post.

Anyways im done with this thread. Ive trolled with you long enough and I got more shit to sell. This hasn't hurt my merchandising at all other than several people who i dont deal with anyways saying they wont buy from me... WOOPIE! /lnet ignore Aar while your at it too please!

May a lesson be learned for all of us from this... Next time you see a deal thats too good to be true either A) Inquire more about it or B) Take the gamble but dont cry about it if you lose on the other end. Ohh and C) Dont forget to ask if the fucking item is enchantable or not IF YOU DONT HAVE A F-N CLUE!

Also i PROMISE ill check EVERY SINGLE ITEM i sell now to see if its anti magic or not and ill be sure to tell you F-tards NO REFUNDS! Also Ill be using EXCHANGE verb ONLY because once you EXCHANGE your AGREEING to the deal REGARDLESS of what written or unwritten rule you "so called merchants" come up with. Im a mudda f-n Pirate! I go by my OWN merchanting rules!

:pirate: :kiss: :thanx:

Nah, shit like this will make people not buy from you.

04-26-2020, 04:09 PM
Caveat Emptor

04-26-2020, 04:21 PM
Even IF i did knew it was anti magic AND I decided NOT to mention it in the sale wouldn't there be a BIG RED flag if someone is selling a MCW weapon for only 10 mill FLAT? Hell, I know that and Im a piss ant merchant in comparison. Why wouldnt he? He out of all people that plays this game being the big whale merchant should be like :thinking: Hmm MCW battle axe with a stunning skull for 10 Mill flat? This doesnt seem right.. This guy is either a complete idiot and doesnt know what he has and Im gona score BIG or there might be something wrong with this?

Now, I dislike Zaoloo and he sells stupid shit nobody wants for dumb prices but If he was on that night he would of said..... Hey can i check it out first before i buy it? And i would say sure go ahead here you go. >give axe to Z-boy. He would accept and Id say What else do you want to know. Then Z-boy would say I want to see if its enchantable! He would cast 925 at it or have someone else do it. Then if its anti magic he would hand it back to me and tell me to go fuck a goat or something BUT then if it did take the cast and he got a reading on it he would say sorry fucker this is mine now and hand me 10 mill and he have it up on merchant for 200 million and i STILL would of went and bought a book with it and not cried that i sold a MCW weapon for 10 mill.

Now maybe im giving Z more credit than he needs but the point is... IF Ryjex is THAT good of a merchant... Then he should of known better.

He didnt even ASK me WHY I'm selling it for so cheap. His e-peen got so hard he almost put it through his screen probably when he seen my Merchant post.

Anyways im done with this thread. Ive trolled with you long enough and I got more shit to sell. This hasn't hurt my merchandising at all other than several people who i dont deal with anyways saying they wont buy from me... WOOPIE! /lnet ignore Aar while your at it too please!

May a lesson be learned for all of us from this... Next time you see a deal thats too good to be true either A) Inquire more about it or B) Take the gamble but dont cry about it if you lose on the other end. Ohh and C) Dont forget to ask if the item is enchantable or not IF YOU DONT HAVE A F-N CLUE!

Also i PROMISE ill check EVERY SINGLE ITEM i sell now to see if its anti magic or not and ill be sure to tell you F-tards NO REFUNDS! Also Ill be using EXCHANGE verb ONLY because once you EXCHANGE your AGREEING to the deal REGARDLESS of what written or unwritten rule you "so called merchants" come up with. Im a mudda f-n Pirate! I go by my OWN merchanting rules!

:pirate: :kiss: :thanx:

Ehhh bard song and assess maybe, people don't normally test enchant items to check.

04-26-2020, 04:51 PM
Ehhh bard song and assess maybe, people don't normally test enchant items to check.

>say enjoy
You say, "Enjoy."
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
* Frittz just turned his last page!
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
[Merchant]-GSIVhairn: "50ct RoL cards. 9m while I'm here to pull them out of my shop."
Garvath just left.
Ryjex sings something with a rich baritone in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The executioner's axe seems to respond to the magic of Ryjex's song.
>say its labled too
You say, "Its labled too."
Ryjex nods.
Ryjex renders a sharp salute with his executioner's axe.
Ryjex reaches for his arrowhead and vanishes as soon as his fingers touch it!
[Merchant]-You: "axe sold!"

04-26-2020, 05:10 PM
wouldn't there be a BIG RED flag if someone is selling a MCW weapon for only 10 mill FLAT? Hell, I know that and Im a piss ant merchant in comparison. Why wouldnt he? He out of all people that plays this game being the big whale merchant should be like :thinking: Hmm MCW battle axe with a stunning skull for 10 Mill flat? This doesnt seem right.. This guy is either a complete idiot and doesnt know what he has and Im gona score BIG or there might be something wrong with this? ...but the point is... IF Ryjex is THAT good of a merchant... Then he should of known better.

So, you knowingly sold it that way then? My issue actually was that you didn't even try to make it right after the fact, but good to know.

04-26-2020, 05:20 PM
Even IF i did knew it was anti magic AND I decided NOT to mention it in the sale wouldn't there be a BIG RED flag if someone is selling a MCW weapon for only 10 mill FLAT? Hell, I know that and Im a piss ant merchant in comparison. Why wouldnt he? He out of all people that plays this game being the big whale merchant should be like :thinking: Hmm MCW battle axe with a stunning skull for 10 Mill flat? This doesnt seem right.. This guy is either a complete idiot and doesnt know what he has and Im gona score BIG or there might be something wrong with this?

Now, I dislike Zaoloo and he sells stupid shit nobody wants for dumb prices but If he was on that night he would of said..... Hey can i check it out first before i buy it? And i would say sure go ahead here you go. >give axe to Z-boy. He would accept and Id say What else do you want to know. Then Z-boy would say I want to see if its enchantable! He would cast 925 at it or have someone else do it. Then if its anti magic he would hand it back to me and tell me to go fuck a goat or something BUT then if it did take the cast and he got a reading on it he would say sorry fucker this is mine now and hand me 10 mill and he have it up on merchant for 200 million and i STILL would of went and bought a book with it and not cried that i sold a MCW weapon for 10 mill.

Now maybe im giving Z more credit than he needs but the point is... IF Ryjex is THAT good of a merchant... Then he should of known better.

He didnt even ASK me WHY I'm selling it for so cheap. His e-peen got so hard he almost put it through his screen probably when he seen my Merchant post.

Anyways im done with this thread. Ive trolled with you long enough and I got more shit to sell. This hasn't hurt my merchandising at all other than several people who i dont deal with anyways saying they wont buy from me... WOOPIE! /lnet ignore Aar while your at it too please!

May a lesson be learned for all of us from this... Next time you see a deal thats too good to be true ... A) Inquire more about it. B) Take the gamble but dont cry about it if you lose on the other end and C) Dont forget to ask if the item is enchantable or not IF YOU DONT HAVE A F-N CLUE!

Also i PROMISE ill check EVERY SINGLE ITEM i sell now to see if its anti magic or not and ill be sure to tell you F-tards NO REFUNDS! Also Ill be using EXCHANGE verb ONLY because once you EXCHANGE your AGREEING to the deal REGARDLESS of what written or unwritten rule you "so called merchants" come up with. Im a mudda f-n Pirate! I go by my OWN merchanting rules!

:pirate: :kiss: :thanx:

That's a LOT of fucking words to say you're a dishonest unreliable merchant but go off king

04-26-2020, 05:24 PM
So, you knowingly sold it that way then? My issue actually was that you didn't even try to make it right after the fact, but good to know.

Not really no. If he grabbed your silvers and ran out of there then perhaps. But he stayed with you until you did your due diligence then you both left amicably. Only after the fact you discovered that the primary motivation for buying the object (because let’s face you saw that 10 mil price tag on a MCW weapon and got trigger happy) was foiled you whined for a refund.

DivePirate is 100% in the right here.

04-26-2020, 05:27 PM
Not really no. If he grabbed your silvers and ran out of there then perhaps. But he stayed with you until you did your due diligence then you both left amicably. Only after the fact you discovered that the primary motivation for buying the object (because let’s face you saw that 10 mil price tag on a MCW weapon and got trigger happy) was foiled you whined for a refund.

DivePirate is 100% in the right here.

wow someone FINALLY sees it for what it is and not what other people want to see it as!

04-26-2020, 05:29 PM
wow someone FINALLY sees it for what it is and not what other people want to see it as!

Lol not sure you want macguyver in your corner but you shoulda offered a refund when you came up with more silver probably.

04-26-2020, 05:29 PM
Not really what? He says everyone should automatically know that there's something wrong with it based on his price of 10M, so presumably that includes him since he was selling it. So he knew, but choose not to disclose it in the listing. Or he didn't know, and chose to list it for 10M, thinking it was a reasonable price. Can't have it both ways.

04-26-2020, 05:34 PM
Not really what? He says everyone should automatically know that there's something wrong with it based on his price of 10M, so presumably that includes him since he was selling it. So he knew, but choose not to disclose it in the listing. Or he didn't know, and chose to list it for 10M, thinking it was a reasonable price. Can't have it both ways.

Like you said it goes both ways. So, you’re definitely not a newb around here so the first thing you should’ve thought was ,”OK what the fuck is wrong with this thing.” But I’m almost certain you were thinking ,” Heh this moron selling this for 10 mil, I’ll buy it get at least to 4x with my wiz then sel it for 50 mil a year later. hehhhehhehee gimme gimme!!!!!”

04-26-2020, 05:35 PM
Like you said it goes both ways. So, you’re definitely not a newb around here so the first thing you should’ve thought was ,”OK what the fuck is wrong with this thing.” But I’m almost certain you were thinking ,” Heh this moron selling this for 10 mil, I’ll buy it get at leas to 4x with my wiz then sel it for 50 mil a year later. hehhhehhehee gimme gimme!!!!!”

I thought of actually doing like 5-6x and probably T4 at least, your point?

04-26-2020, 05:37 PM
Like you said it goes both ways. So, you’re definitely not a newb around here so the first thing you should’ve thought was ,”OK what the fuck is wrong with this thing.” But I’m almost certain you were thinking ,” Heh this moron selling this for 10 mil, I’ll buy it get at least to 4x with my wiz then sel it for 50 mil a year later. hehhhehhehee gimme gimme!!!!!”

The nerve of him buying an item, making it better via his own time and resources, then selling it at a markup.

Who ever heard of such a thing?

04-26-2020, 05:38 PM
wow someone FINALLY sees it for what it is and not what other people want to see it as!

Yeah, what it really is, is you had an axe that you knew was gimped, so you thought, how can I make a quick buck by fucking someone over? Oh, I know! I'll list it, but not disclose that it's gimped. Brilliant! Some idiot will snap it up.

Not exactly rocket science, I just gave you the benefit of the doubt initially, since you claimed at first you didn't know.

04-26-2020, 05:38 PM
I thought of actually doing like 5-6x and probably T4 at least, your point?

Exactly. Your greed blinded you. Period. The end. Fin.

Besides 10 mil is a fair price for a weapon of this nature. You made your bed...

04-26-2020, 05:40 PM
The nerve of him buying an item, making it better via his own time and resources, then selling it at a markup.

Who ever heard of such a thing?

tgo01, did you finally get that Trump penis you wanted to shove down your throat yet? Damn I thought Amazon had same day delivery for Prime customers???!

04-26-2020, 05:47 PM
Exactly. Your greed blinded you. Period. The end. Fin.

Besides 10 mil is a fair price for a weapon of this nature. You made your bed...

Do you have a list of pre-approved items people are allowed to purchase and work on and then re-sell? I'd like to be clear for the future

04-26-2020, 05:49 PM
You MORON! if that's what i wanted to do i wouldn't of sold it for 10 mill! HAHA your such a looser! If i wanted to really scam somone I would of went all the way with it and sold it for 50/75 or 100 mill said it was enchantable taken the money and logged.... Why try and scam someone for 10 mill on a item that "potentially" be worth hundreds of millions! Think about it dumb ass! Your statement is invalid!

04-26-2020, 05:53 PM
You MORON! if that's what i wanted to do i wouldn't of sold it for 10 mill! HAHA your such a looser! If i wanted to really scam somone I would of went all the way with it and sold it for 50/75 or 100 mill said it was enchantable taken the money and logged.... Why try and scam someone for 10 mill on a item that "potentially" be worth hundreds of millions! Think about it dumb ass! Your statement is invalid!


04-26-2020, 05:54 PM
Weapons and armor are getting diluted like crazy lately, mcw isn't what it used to be, let alone a non-perfect one. I assumed this was either a locker cleaning or one of those custom drops that supposedly have hit the feeder recently, with a lackluster metal and difficult enchant. Not that it should matter, but nothing about it really stood out. Then again, I don't normally deal with THW.

04-26-2020, 05:57 PM

I know you cant Zaoloo. Are you asking for a chance to get up on this splintered driftwood epeen based with dark strands of seaweed? :ohshit:

04-26-2020, 05:58 PM
I know you cant Zaoloo. Are you asking for a chance to get up on this splintered driftwood epeen based with dark strands of seaweed? :ohshit:


04-26-2020, 05:58 PM
HAHA your such a looser!

So much irony in such a short statement.

04-26-2020, 05:59 PM
You sing:

"This is the post that doesnt end.....
Yes it goes on and on my friend....
Some people started commenting not knowing what it was.
And they'll continue commenting forever just because..
This is the post that doesnt end..."

04-26-2020, 06:01 PM
You MORON! if that's what i wanted to do i wouldn't of sold it for 10 mill! HAHA your such a looser! If i wanted to really scam somone I would of went all the way with it and sold it for 50/75 or 100 mill said it was enchantable taken the money and logged.... Why try and scam someone for 10 mill on a item that "potentially" be worth hundreds of millions! Think about it dumb ass! Your statement is invalid!

You keep incriminating yourself the more you post.

04-26-2020, 06:12 PM
You keep incriminating yourself the more you post.

Does it even matter? You all have already made up your mind in Mexican law... Guilty until proven innocent. I dont care. Big deal i got 6 people upset with me. I dont even know who the hell you are Fortybox. At this point Im just trying to get the longest for sale post in PC forums history that isnt even selling anything! You all are doing a good job so far keep it up! I was going to try and squash this but screw it lets keep going! ON TO PAGE 12!

04-26-2020, 06:17 PM
I sold the damn axe at a slight loss but it's worth it just for the entertainment value this thread has provided. Most traders would've disclosed everything, and if they didn't, would've said something like "hey, my bad, I didn't know [even if you knew], I can make it right later, let's work something out", but no, you double down every time instead. Blame anything and everything. By your own words you've already admitted you knew it was gimped when you chose not to disclose it, so what else is there to add.

04-26-2020, 06:19 PM
I sold the damn axe at a slight loss but it's worth it just for the entertainment value this thread has provided. Most traders would've disclosed everything, and if they didn't, would've said something like "hey, my bad, I didn't know [even if you knew], I can make it right later, let's work something out", but no, you double down every time instead. Blame anything and everything. By your own words you've already admitted you knew it was gimped when you chose not to disclose it, so what else is there to add.

Ondreian's comments that Coase was fired due to the coraesine enchanting gang and the subsequent bailout from Wyrom. That's a huge thing to discuss here.

04-26-2020, 06:20 PM
Ondreian's comments that Coase was fired due to the coraesine enchanting gang and the subsequent bailout from Wyrom. That's a huge thing to discuss here.

It sounds like Coase was a one-man roadblock to any kind of meaningful dev progress so I'm just glad he's gone, if there's more juicy drama behind it then that's just icing on the cake

04-26-2020, 06:23 PM
Can we also get rid of the GM that's responsible for the latest crackdown that caused us to lose Warclaidh?

04-26-2020, 06:26 PM
Can we also get rid of the GM that's responsible for the latest crackdown that caused us to lose Warclaidh?

Maybe drauz can put a word in

04-26-2020, 06:27 PM
I sold the damn axe at a slight loss but it's worth it just for the entertainment value this thread has provided. Most traders would've disclosed everything, and if they didn't, would've said something like "hey, my bad, I didn't know [even if you knew], I can make it right later, let's work something out", but no, you double down every time instead. Blame anything and everything. By your own words you've already admitted you knew it was gimped when you chose not to disclose it, so what else is there to add.

whats you sell it for 8 mill? 7 mill? want a couple mill back to soak up your tears? Got to promise to keep this thread keeps going though! PROMISE! It requires legendary status I demand! Ill tell you what you go buy it back from the person you sold it to sell it back to me for 12 mill and ill sell it to the guy that PM'd me and wanted to buy it for more than i sold it to you for... Deal?

04-26-2020, 06:39 PM
Can we also get rid of the GM that's responsible for the latest crackdown that caused us to lose Warclaidh?

You mean the latest crackdown that was immediately reversed because it was stupid?

04-26-2020, 06:45 PM
Oh was it? I've been away lately.

04-26-2020, 06:45 PM
whats you sell it for 8 mill? 7 mill? want a couple mill back to soak up your tears? Got to promise to keep this thread keeps going though! PROMISE! It requires legendary status I demand! Ill tell you what you go buy it back from the person you sold it to sell it back to me for 12 mill and ill sell it to the guy that PM'd me and wanted to buy it for more than i sold it to you for... Deal?

Thought you were done like 10 posts ago? You’re just making yourself look worse and worse. With how small the GS community is, you should probably stop being a cuntwaffle. But I guess I shouldn’t expect you to be something other than what you naturally are.

04-26-2020, 06:50 PM
whats you sell it for 8 mill? 7 mill? want a couple mill back to soak up your tears? Got to promise to keep this thread keeps going though! PROMISE! It requires legendary status I demand! Ill tell you what you go buy it back from the person you sold it to sell it back to me for 12 mill and ill sell it to the guy that PM'd me and wanted to buy it for more than i sold it to you for... Deal?

LOL, you really think this is about a few mil silvers? I'm not the one who kept it going. As I said initially, I was gonna stay out of it until you started bashing me a few dozen posts back. It was just a really sketchy sale, and your post sale demeanor didn't help anything either.

04-26-2020, 07:02 PM
Hey... I never bought from Aar, but he seems to be on the up and up. I HAVE dealt with Ryjex and I know him to be solid. So what are the odds this is just a big misunderstanding? *ducks the popcorn and runs*

04-26-2020, 07:05 PM
Hey... I never bought from Aar, but he seems to be on the up and up. I HAVE dealt with Ryjex and I know him to be solid. So what are the odds this is just a big misunderstanding? *ducks the popcorn and runs*

Did seriously just take our fucking popcorn? I’m going to find out where you live, and work, and destroy your life.

04-26-2020, 07:13 PM
just saying i'm offering 15mil for the drama axe

04-26-2020, 07:28 PM
so what happened with Warclaidh?

04-26-2020, 07:35 PM
Some GM busted him for dropping off gems. Which takes literally like 5 seconds, so they had to have sat there waiting.

04-26-2020, 07:36 PM
dropping off gems.

What is that exactly?

04-26-2020, 07:37 PM
Every 40 min or w/e you drop off your gems to complete a bounty.

04-26-2020, 07:41 PM
Every 40 min or w/e you drop off your gems to complete a bounty.

Was he afk?

04-26-2020, 07:48 PM
Yeah, but it's one of those things like... just why. It's not a disruptive activity, he wasn't script hunting silvers somewhere 24/7. Technically you're not supposed to go2 between landing/en either, or run sloot while afk, but everyone does anyway. Or forging. Or other stuff like that. There was this wave of crackdowns for a few weeks recently where a bunch of people got checked for random stuff. Not sure if it actually stopped.

04-26-2020, 07:51 PM
Yeah, but it's one of those things like... just why. It's not a disruptive activity, he wasn't script hunting silvers somewhere 24/7. Technically you're not supposed to go2 between landing/en either, or run sloot while afk, but everyone does anyway. Or forging. Or other stuff like that. There was this wave of crackdowns for a few weeks recently where a bunch of people got checked for random stuff. Not sure if it actually stopped.

Scripting shit that gives you exp has always been more enforced than go2 while afk etc

04-26-2020, 07:54 PM
Scripting shit that gives you exp has always been more enforced than go2 while afk etc

Yeah, but technically if you set out to do it you could bust 60% of the player base probably. I just don't see why there was a need to.

04-26-2020, 08:00 PM
Yeah, but technically if you set out to do it you could bust 60% of the player base probably.

Someone probably reported him and they finally came down on him tbh

04-26-2020, 08:13 PM
Can we also get rid of the GM that's responsible for the latest crackdown that caused us to lose Warclaidh?

Wait- Warclaidh is gone?

04-26-2020, 08:20 PM
Yeah. Who's gonna step up and overpay at auctions now? Well, we do have a few people but still.

04-26-2020, 08:29 PM
Yeah. Who's gonna step up and overpay at auctions now? Well, we do have a few people but still.

He'll be back for DR

04-26-2020, 09:08 PM
I didn't read the whole thread but I'm just here to mention that Neimanz has sold me billions of coins worth of items and scammed me on every single sale. I wholeheartedly agree, watch out for this guy

04-26-2020, 09:14 PM
Yeah that Neimanz guy is a New Yorker and as every Bostonian could tell you, you can't trust them at all!

04-26-2020, 09:27 PM
I didn't read the whole thread but I'm just here to mention that Neimanz has sold me billions of coins worth of items and scammed me on every single sale. I wholeheartedly agree, watch out for this guy

please give me a chance to atone for my years of shadiness? I will buy back every single item for 2x the price i sold it to you for?

04-26-2020, 09:29 PM

04-26-2020, 10:56 PM
please give me a chance to atone for my years of shadiness? I will buy back every single item for 2x the price i sold it to you for?

No i think i made out in the end. Took years to outdo your scamming!

05-04-2020, 01:34 PM
You're a huge whiner. Everyone in GS has owned that weapon and knows it's anti-magic. Cut farts into your own face.

Ah yes, the turd whose only claim to relevance is being an obnoxious piece of shit. Crawl back into your hole and die already.

05-04-2020, 02:02 PM
Ah yes, the turd whose only claim to relevance is being an obnoxious piece of shit. Crawl back into your hole and die already.


05-04-2020, 04:06 PM
Some GM busted him for dropping off gems. Which takes literally like 5 seconds, so they had to have sat there waiting.

This is inaccurate. The issue was how he was using shimmering yellow orbs, not how he was turning in gem bounties.

05-04-2020, 04:08 PM
This is inaccurate. The issue was how he was using shimmering yellow orbs, not how he was turning in gem bounties.

What are shimmering yellow orbs?

05-04-2020, 04:17 PM
What are shimmering yellow orbs?

An item that gives a level 4 flat experience rpa. 1,000 field experience into your bucket.

05-04-2020, 04:28 PM
An item that gives a level 4 flat experience rpa. 1,000 field experience into your bucket.

How would one use these in an abusive way that would result in being warned or whatever happened here?

05-04-2020, 04:37 PM
How would one use these in an abusive way that would result in being warned or whatever happened here?

they made a cooldown on using one so probably rubbing them while afk

05-04-2020, 04:58 PM

05-04-2020, 05:01 PM
How would one use these in an abusive way that would result in being warned or whatever happened here?

he had a script to rub one every 30 minutes

05-04-2020, 05:08 PM
he had a script to rub one every 30 minutes

I've had days like that.

05-16-2020, 05:11 PM


05-16-2020, 06:27 PM


Oh snap. Weapon of dissing becomes suddenly a bargain purchase :)

05-16-2020, 06:47 PM


Now everyone is a little more drauz, now we just gotta get them to remove warnings from purchased characters for the common man

05-16-2020, 06:50 PM
Now if they would just review their really lame list of benefits that their magic resistant metals provide...