View Full Version : a tiny bit of DR enhancives

03-04-2020, 02:08 PM
I haven't sung to half my DR shit so far but I need to get rid of some of this stuff I have no use for, listing everything for flat prices. Can contact me on lnet as Zaoloo for faster delivery.

1. gone

2. elegant blue starstone torc, +2 ranged ranks, +4 strength stat crumbly, 250k

3. gone

4. gone

5. garnet-set silver bracer, +3 fire lore bonus, +4 air lore bonus crumbly, 750k

6. gone

7. lapis-inlaid imflass brooch, +2 thw bonus, +4 armor use bonus crumbly, 750k

8. chiseled white starstone stickpin, +4 strength stat crumbly, 1mil

9. gone

10. enruned copper pin, +5 int stat, +5 agi stat crumbly, 1mil

11. gone

12. jade and pink tourmaline buckle, +3 stam recovery, +2 strength stat crumbly, 750k

13. onyx studded silver crown, +5 polearm bonus, +4 dex stat crumbly, 750k sold pending delivery

14. gone

15. gone

16. heart-cut white sunstone neckchain, +6 thrown weapon bonus, +2 ohe bonus crumbly, 500k

17. etched mithril bracer, +6 survival bonus, +4 ohe bonus crumbly, 750k

18. dreamstone inset pewter bracelet, +4 AS bonus, +3 inf bonus, +4 fire lore bonus, +2 water lore bonus crumbly, 750k

19. gone

20. gold and star emerald tiara, +2 sorc lore demon bonus, +4 dodging bonus, +1 spell aim bonus persists, 500k

21. etched gold bracer, +1 dex bonus, +2 strength bonus crumbly, 750k

22. gone

23. tooled gold earring, +1 con bonus, +6 ambush bonus crumbly, 500k

24. onyx-inlaid pewter armband, +7 stalking hiding bonus, +4 climbing bonus crumbly, 500k

25. gone

26. onyx-inlaid copper ring, +2 dex bonus crumbly, 750k

27. garnet-set mithril clasp, +1 strength bonus crumbly, 250k

28. polished red dreamstone crown, +5 ohb bonus, +5 air lore bonus crumbly, 750k

29. gone

30. gone

31. a razor-sharp gornar dagger, 1x earth flares, +3 strength bonus lvl 17, +5 mana recovery lvl 30, +4 health recovery lvl 20, 1.5mil

32. gone

33. a lily-white imflass butcher knife, +12 enchant and +6 defensive bonus, enchantable, +3 dex bonus lvl 13, +6 mental lore manipulation bonus lvl 21, +2 wisdom bonus lvl 11, 1mil

34. gone

35. gone

36. garnet-set imflass torc, +4 Intuition bonus, +4 ranged bonus, +3 hiding stalking bonus, +1 strength bonus crumbly, 1.5mil

37. elegant pewter earcuff, +4 OHB bonus crumbly, 500k

38. gone

39. an etched ora talisman, +6 agility stat crumbly, 1mil

40. an onyx-inlaid silver earring, +10 first aid bonus crumbly, 1mil

41. gone

42. gone

43. lapis-inlaid mithril torc, +6 OHB bonus, +2 cm bonus, +4 polearm bonus crumbly, 1.5mil

44. star-cut pink dreamstone necklace, +1 telepathy lore bonus, +3 transformation lore bonus, +3 agility bonus, +4 AS bonus crumbly, 750k

45. coral inset silver medallion, +7 shield use bonus, +9 physical fitness bonus crumbly, 1mil

46. sapphire-set sterling silver talisman, +3 mana recovery, +4 HP bonus crumbly, 750k

47. gone

48. gone

49. gone

50. enruned platinum medallion, +3 thw ranks, +5 strength stat crumbly, 500k

51. gold and ruby band, +3 disc stat, +7 int stat crumbly, 750k

52. gone

53. gone

54. gone

55. gone

56. flame-cut white starstone armband, +2 strength bonus, +3 spirit lore blessing bonus crumbly, 750k

57. gone

58. emerald-set platinum pin, +5 ohe bonus crumbly, 1mil sold pending delivery

59. delicate sterling silver earring, +7 disarm trap bonus, +6 dodging bonus crumbly, 2mil

60. engraved copper tiara, +5 max stam, +4 polearm bonus crumbly, 750k

61. +9 max mana, +2 aura bonus, +3 logic bonus, +5 influence bonus mithril greathelm, 6mil

62. +18 physical fitness bonus(lvl 69), +9 smc bonus, +2 max mana mithril helm, 6mil

63. gone

64. gone

65. gone

66. gone

67. simple ruby earring, +5 fire lore bonus, +3 water lore bonus crumbly, 750k

68. cushion-cut peridot torc, +7 int stat, +2 mana recovery crumbly, 750k

69. gone

70. tear-cut amethyst stickpin, +2 agility bonus crumbly, 750k

71. gone

72. malachite-set silver necklace, +8 first aid bonus crumbly, 500k

73. fine imflass necklace, +7 emc bonus, +1 mana recovery crumbly, 750k sold pending delivery

74. beryl-inset gold medallion, +5 ohe bonus crumbly, 1mil

75. rune-etched gold alloy neckchain, +3 polearm bonus persists, 1mil

76. gone

77. princess-cut pink sapphire barrette, +4 spirit lore summon bonus, +3 influence bonus, +2 hp bonus, +1 AS bonus crumbly, 750k

78. gone

79. glyph-etched imflass buckle, +2 agility bonus crumbly, 750k

80. elegant pink sapphire earcuff, +2 agility bonus, +1 wisdom bonus crumbly, 750k

81. elegant golden topaz torc, +6 agility stat, 750k

82. gone

83. ruby-inset platinum torc, +5 dodging bonus, +2 ambush bonus crumbly, 750k

84. gone

85. gone

86. onyx-inlaid pewter earcuff, +7 HP bonus, +6 Int stat, +5 picking lock bonus, +5 first aid bonus crumbly, 1mil

87. sappphire-set platinum earcuff, +4 sorc lore demon bonus, +3 picking lock bonus, +2 mana recovery crumbly, 500k

88. diamond-set mithril earcuff, +2 agility bonus crumbly, 500k

89. mithril and star emerald headband, +5 cm bonus, +4 shield use bonus crumbly, 750k

90. jade-inlaid mithril headband, +5 cm bonus crumbly, 750k

91. elegant mithril headband, +8 inf stat, +5 water lore bonus, +4 pickpocketing bonus crumbly, 750k

92. hammered imflass necklace, +6 pickpocketing bonus, +5 ohe bonus, +3 max health crumbly, 1mil

93. elegant imflass brooch, +3 ohb bonus, +1 aura stat persists, 1mil

94. star-cut pink sapphire earring, +6 shield use bonus, +3 pickpocket bonus, +2 max stam, +1 agi bonus crumbly, 1mil

95. glittering bloodjewel earring, +7 ohe bonus crumbly, 5mil

96. star-cute white starstone earring, +6 first aid bonus, +5 mental lore manipulation bonus, +3 mental lore telepathy bonus, +2 spirit lore blessing bonus crumbly, 500k

97. etched silver earring, +4 aura stat, +1 necro lore ranks crumbly, 500k

98. opal and pink tourmaline ring, +7 survival bonus, +5 first aid bonus crumbly, 750k

99. gone

100. gone

101. topaz-inset mithril pin, +1 dex bonus, +1 logic bonus persists, 750k

102. gone

103. bloodjewel inset gold headband, +8 stalking hiding bonus, +4 ohe bonus, +1 aura bonus crumbly, 1.5mil

104. gone

105. gone

106. dreamstone studded bronze pendant, +6 max stamina, +5 dex stat, +5 survival bonus crumbly, 750k

107. gone

108. gone

109. polished fire opal torc, +5 agility stat crumbly, 750k

110. black opal inset silver necklace, +7 survival bonus, +6 smc bonus, +4 dodging bonus crumbly, 1mil

111. onyx-inlaid gold necklace, +3 aura stat crumbly, 750k


113. gone

114. rune-etched golden topaz medallion, +7 logic stat, +6 survival bonus, +3 ohb bonus crumbly, 1.5mil

115. beveled red dreamstone ring, +4 polearm bonus persists, 2mil

116. gone

117. gone

118. red garnet inset eonake stickpin, +3 water lore bonus, +3 HP bonus crumbly, 500k

119. round-cut white starstone stickpin, +7 max stamina, +7 survival bonus, +1 health recovery crumbly, 1mil

120. enruned gold stickpin, +8 swim bonus, +5 first aid bonus, +2 con bonus persists, 1mil

121. gone

122. enruned ruby stickpin, +5 max mana, +3 pf bonus crumbly, 750k

123. opal-inset gold neckchain, +3 con bonus, +2 dex bonus crumbly, 1mil

124. simple beryl talisman, +8 max health, +2 strength bonus, +1 con bonus, +1 mana recovery crumbly, 1mil

125. filigreed gold earring, +4 polearm bonus, +4 ohe bonus crumbly, 1mil

126. engraved gold earring, +7 picking locks bonus crumbly, 1mil

127. gone

128. glittering peridot neckchain, +6 con stat, +3 aura stat, +2 strength stat crumbly, 1.5mil

129. gone

130. gone

131. gone

132. gone

133. engraved copper earring, +5 perception bonus, +3 str stat crumbly, 500k

134. gone

135. gone

136. gone

137. garnet-set pewter ring, +6 emc bonus, +4 inf bonus, +3 fire lore bonus, +2 con bonus crumbly, 1mil

138. green garnet inset copper bracelet, +3 agility bonus crumbly, 1mil

139. step-cut white starstone stickpin, +6 emc bonus, +2 mana recovery crumbly, 750k sold pending delivery

140. trilliant-cut blue sapphire stickpin, +5 climb bonus, +2 agi bonus crumbly, 500k

141. gone

142. fire opal inset mithril pin, +5 perception bonus, +3 demon lore bonus, +1 wisdom bonus, crumbly, 500k

143. glittering mithril crown, +3 int bonus, +2 str bonus crumbly, 750k

144. square-cut star ruby crown, +4 ohe bonus, +4 max mana crumbly, 750k

145. square-cut red sunstone bracer, +7 shield use bonus, +7 max mana, +3 spirit lore summon bonus crumbly, 750k

146. lapis-inlaid copper crown, +3 ambush bonus, +3 health recovery, +2 str bonus, +1 brawling bonus crumbly, 750k

147. radiant-cut pink topaz bracer, +4 emc bonus, +3 shield use bonus, +2 mana recovery, +2 AS bonus crumbly, 1mil

148. ivory-inlaid gold talisman, +6 agi stat, +5 max health crumbly, 1mil

149. beveled amethyst torc, +6 logic stat, +3 spirit lore blessing bonus crumbly, 1mil

150. trilliant-cut blue dreamstone torc, +5 ohe bonus persists, 2.5mil

151. square-cut alexandrite torc, +6 pf bonus, +4 thrown weapon bonus crumbly, 750k

152. marquise-cut star sapphire bracelet, +5 shield use bonus, +4 max stam, +3 logic bonus crumbly, 1.5mil

153. coral inset eonake band, +6 inf stat, +3 polearm bonus, +3 mana recovery crumbly, 1.5mil

154. sparkling amber band, +3 int bonus crumbly, 1mil

155. green garnet studded pewter necklace, +4 ohb bonus crumbly, 750k

156. opal and golden topaz earring, +8 survival bonus, +7 inf stat crumbly, 1mil

157. square-cut green garnet earring, +12 swim bonus, +4 demon lore bonus, +4 emc bonus crumbly, 1.5mil

158. gone

159. snake-etched sterling silver stickpin, +7 ohb bonus, +5 thw bonus, +1 HP bonus crumbly, 5mil

160. gone

161. beryl-inset gold earcuff, +4 moc bonus crumbly, 1mil

162. gold and aquamarine crown, +3 aura bonus, +1 agi bonus, +4 dodging bonus crumbly, 3mil

03-04-2020, 02:21 PM
i take # 1

03-04-2020, 06:14 PM
added some other items like 5x sancted lightning flaring naginata, +3 strength bonus, +2 wisdom bonus greathelm, couple enhancive daggers and more

03-04-2020, 10:50 PM
I'll take those

03-04-2020, 10:51 PM
also 57

03-04-2020, 10:59 PM
all yours, catch me on lnet as Zaoloo for delivery

03-04-2020, 11:55 PM
I'll take #52

03-05-2020, 12:11 PM
I'll take #3 please

03-05-2020, 12:28 PM
lotsa stuff gone, lots still left and adding more as I find it

03-05-2020, 12:33 PM
750K on 30

03-05-2020, 02:39 PM
added about 15 more enhancives

03-05-2020, 02:52 PM
9, 49, 54, 63

03-05-2020, 02:59 PM
yours, catch me on lnet as Zaoloo for delivery

03-05-2020, 10:16 PM
added even more! will it ever stop?!?!

03-05-2020, 11:26 PM
I will take 65 and 78

03-06-2020, 12:00 AM
I'll take
71. lapis-inlaid mithril crown, +7 logic stat, +1 max mana crumbly, 750k
76. topaz-inset ora brooch, +6 logic stat crumbly, 1.5mil


03-06-2020, 12:17 AM
all yours, Zaoloo on lnet for fastest delivery

03-06-2020, 11:47 AM
added tons including a couple +7 logic stat/+3 logic bonus items

03-06-2020, 02:17 PM
added even more, it's an enhancive bonanza

03-07-2020, 02:48 PM
#69 and #117 please

03-08-2020, 02:46 PM
contact me on lnet as Zaoloo for fastest delivery, lots gone and lots still left! adding more as I loresing the rest

03-09-2020, 12:01 AM
48. elegant platinum buckle, +2 ambush bonus, +6 OHB bonus, +5 disarm trap bonus crumbly, 1.5mil

I will take this

andrew wiggin
03-10-2020, 05:23 AM
I'll buy: 135. etched platinum torc, +3 str stat, +2 dex stat persists, 500k

05-09-2020, 12:58 PM
added some things and cleaned up a bit, lots still available

05-09-2020, 01:33 PM
Ill take 13.

05-09-2020, 01:37 PM
I'll take 160.

05-09-2020, 01:51 PM
34 as well.

05-09-2020, 08:11 PM
I'll take this:

158. chrysoberyl inset copper medallion, +5 stalking/hiding bonus, +4 pf bonus, +2 ambush bonus persists, 1mil

And if this persists I will take it as well

38. onyx-inlaid golden topaz earcuff, +7 agility stat, 2mil

05-10-2020, 09:43 AM

05-24-2020, 12:07 PM
6m for a PF helmet? 1m for a swimming stickpin?

If you want to wear expensive garbage, I have some corroded earrings I can sell for half-price. PM me!