View Full Version : Lance

02-24-2020, 02:23 PM
This will be available until Duskruin closes. It will take a very large offer to purchase it.

a sleek elven framea with a radiant glow

8x (+40)
Tier 5 Ensorcell
Perfect Forging
Bubble Flares (20 CER)
Lesser Moods

Here's an example cost of what it would take to create, minus the WPS costs/time:

A white permabless cloth will cost 300000 Duskruin Arena bloodscrip to purchase.
An opaque bubble flare debenture will cost 100000 Duskruin Arena bloodscrip to purchase.
An opalescent bubble-shaped document will cost 25000 Duskruin Arena bloodscrip to purchase. (x5)