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View Full Version : Kalna/Allynia/Shylia and Zhelas

05-25-2005, 02:41 AM
Wow... just wow.

I go to Solhaven and a Dark Elf named Kalna suddenly starts saying "Go away." I say I'm on vacation from Teras and more go aways. .. I ask if I know her and she starts talking, out loud, about her other character who is Shylia.

For those of you who don't know Shylia, Allynia, or her new character Kalna, I envy you. All I have to say is that this bitch makes Teeoncy look cuddly.

Please, if you ever are unfortunate enough to witness her OOC behavior, you just have to take it at face value and nothing more, which is almost impossible to do because she she misspells almost every five or less word sentence that flies out of her mouth and has the histrionic habbit of "I knwo u r but what a mI?"

She has recently claimed that her RL husband is the player of Zhelas, which I find extremely doubtful because she's been in several IG relationships attempted to turn marriage before people wisen up to her shit.

Zhelas whispered a fucking plethora of OOG bullshit into my ear, which was nothing compared to how much more Kalna was spewing.

If anyone ever sees this cunt please, please slap the shit out of her.


[Edited on 5-25-2005 by Stanley Burrell]

05-25-2005, 02:57 AM
Wow, they must be something spechul if an easy-going guy like you hates them.

05-25-2005, 02:58 AM
Kalna is a stupid lil bitch and Zhelas isnt the brightest either.

05-25-2005, 03:03 AM
Shylia does not equal Shadya.

Might wanna alter the title of your thread. Unless Shadya is all the said characters.

05-25-2005, 03:10 AM
that was extremely Freudian and I will edit it. Heh.

05-25-2005, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Wow, they must be something spechul if an easy-going guy like you hates them.

I'm mostly angry because of the fact that I hardly have a bank account in Sol Haven to support her necessary murder..

..And yeah, she's something spechul alright :spaz:

05-25-2005, 03:24 AM
What level is she?

05-25-2005, 03:26 AM
Shylia is probably not 50 yet, and judging from Kalna's attire, I would say maybe just titled.

05-25-2005, 06:20 AM
Haha, Tell her she has to...

05-25-2005, 08:27 AM
Interesting post. being an outside witness to this event. I don't see any details. You claim that kalna and Shylia are one and the same person. You claim that Zhelas who doesn't know you said a bunch of out of game insults to you. People call him an idot since he spells people up to hunt. Since he lives in Solhaven and helps deaders. Interesting. Where are the posts? Before you spue hate, like c...t back up your claim. What i saw were a bunch of dark elves. Speaking in Dark elvish. You were a Giant. You stayed hidden so they could not send a warning of harassment. The only thing Zhelas said was to ask you to stop since he was her husband. You come out walk towad Kalna and belch in her face then hide again. I was asked to see if you left. I sunburst the room twice to see that you were still there. Instead of leaving you stayed. Yawning and laughing in the shadows. You must have whispered stuff in their ear and stayed hidden. If she pissed you off that much and what you said is true about Zhelas that he spewed hatred to someone who stayed hidden why do you associate with them? I was asked to see if you were here still there, you threatened me a low level ranger to kill me with a morning star to the head. Nice hey Hammerrhead nice post...Nice to pick on younger characters. Now you want to kill her...and possibly Zhelas that you attacked though he warded off your spell. Not once did he lay a finger on you or cast a spell. Oh when you did leave the game. I understand that they reported you for harassment.

Elvish Ranger

05-25-2005, 08:30 AM
Theres never an excuse to talk about your other characters in public no matter the circumstances.

05-25-2005, 08:38 AM
Umm, Tanfar, paragraphs and proper grammar please?
Good god I hate translating this early in the morning.

My character killed a snert in Mule for running her mouth the other day. I think it was only a 46k fine. Peh. Need some silver, Stanley? I'll spot ya! Some people just need to be taught lessons. :yes:

05-25-2005, 08:41 AM
Or just use one of the many ways to kill people without getting a fine!

- Arkans

05-25-2005, 08:46 AM
Allynia is a twat. No dispute. The end.

05-25-2005, 09:53 AM
Sorry about any typos etc...was missing my coffee when I typed my response this morning. Obviously there is some bad blood. It is obvious that there is a hateful relationship between everyone with Ayllina and Shylia. I was just trying to express my views. From witnessing the events of lastnight, it appeared to me that the fight was going on between both parties.

05-25-2005, 09:55 AM
Allynia is a nark. She started on my little ranger when she was little, for no apparent (at least not to me) reason.

05-25-2005, 11:52 AM
Having spoke with Shylia and her player IG and OOG (Shylia was Dhe'nar and wanted to learn the Way...before I was finally able to convince her otherwise and she changed Shylia to Faendryl), I must agree with the original post.

Her player is the one you're dealing with, it's no specific character. Her player takes everything IG personally. It's rather sad actually. I almost feel bad for her. almost.

05-25-2005, 12:48 PM
There is NO excuse for someone to start listing their older characters and how their going to come in-game to kill someone. THAT is why I was backing Stanley up. I can understand the wanting to kill Hammerrhead for his annoyance IN-GAME. But when you cross characters because the issue has grown out of control, you need to learn to keep your mouth shut.

05-25-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
There is NO excuse for someone to start listing their older characters and how their going to come in-game to kill someone. THAT is why I was backing Stanley up. I can understand the wanting to kill Hammerrhead for his annoyance IN-GAME. But when you cross characters because the issue has grown out of control, you need to learn to keep your mouth shut.

Agreed. I've NEVER reported anyone for anything in game, except ONCE for cross RP. That's really the only thing you can do in game that will upset me. Kill my char? I don't care. But if you Cross RP on him, that really bothers me.

05-25-2005, 12:58 PM
The sad part is, I had to read "him" at the end of Xandalf's post twice. I still keep thinking he's a weird looking girl.

- Arkans

05-25-2005, 12:58 PM
I'll agree, unless your separate characters have some sort of relationship, there's no reason in game to talk about them.

05-25-2005, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
The sad part is, I had to read "him" at the end of Xandalf's post twice. I still keep thinking he's a weird looking girl.

- Arkans

Haha! I kept getting people whispering Xand in game about being a teenage fat girl.

Heh. I still owe Dson a good payback for that one. He got me good (That pic on Toy's site had over 400 hits in less than 24 hours!)

05-25-2005, 03:29 PM
Wait.. Who is Hammerrhead?

Hammerrhead is a guy that seven years ago was harrassing/scamming people and, when confronted, quit after he was bound.

Unless that name was deleted and someone just happened to grab the new one (I've seen it happen, but the name is a bit.. unique), that sounds like a pretty OOC thing to do.

05-25-2005, 03:31 PM
The only person I can think of who could confirm the above is bullshit would probably be Shinkasitsu, I think he plays Iwqual now, if still.

Edited to add: And that's nine and a half years to you, mister!

[Edited on 5-25-2005 by Stanley Burrell]

05-25-2005, 03:32 PM
Want to bet? Maybe the kobold village will help ring any bells. Like I said, maybe it wasn't you, but if you did play Hammerrhead seven years ago.. then complaining about someone's OOC behavior isn't exactly.. well, you know.

05-25-2005, 03:33 PM
I admit to hunting the kobold village..


05-25-2005, 03:36 PM
I can see you still have the same attitude, then. I don't really care if you take what I say serious, because it makes me laugh on the inside.

oh and, edit: if any mod wants to delete the posts regarding this feel free. It's purpose wasn't to fight for anyone's side since I'm talking about something in the distant past, and it was enough for me to confirm it for myself. Even if most people here weren't around at the time to witness said behavior.

[Edited on 5-25-2005 by Fowl]

05-25-2005, 03:42 PM
I am sure I acted like a douche on the AOL days, I was like 12 :shrug:

05-25-2005, 03:43 PM
That's the way I was hoping you'd look at it. We all were ;)

05-25-2005, 04:17 PM

Anyway, yeah, if I acted tri-somi 21, I got killed and rightfully. The same thing should be done to Kalna/Allynia/Shylia and Zhelas for good measure.

05-25-2005, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell

Anyway, yeah, if I acted tri-somi 21, I got killed and rightfully. The same thing should be done to Kalna/Allynia/Shylia and Zhelas for good measure.

Okay this has been an interesting thread. As an outside witness to these events, you want to have Kalna/Allynia/Shylia killed since there was ooc or oog interaction between all three characters of her characters and that there are some skeletons in her closet. Zhelas is to be killed since he is associated with Kalna by say that she was his wife. And he supposedly spewed hateful OOG info to you while you were hidden. So whispering to you was impossible. This nasty stuff would have been said out loud in common since you are a giant and you would not have understood Dark Elvish.

Just trying to understand the facts.

Elvish Ranger

05-25-2005, 05:57 PM
Why would anyone even be OOC like that? Theres no reason to whisper it or say it otherwise.

"My totally ubar other character is coming to SMITE U!"


05-25-2005, 06:31 PM
No suprise, when I said the next ranger who casted sunburst was going to get a faceful of morning star, it meant you, Silwyk, Elvish Ranger.

I don't even understand how you can comment on the situation, at all, considering your only visible actions were repeatedly sunbursting.

If there had even been an iota of roleplaying on both Kalna or Zhelas' part, I could have at least made it clear to them that the next time they drivelled in my ear, it would accomodated with much pointy golvern spikes.

And yes, Zhelas was whispering retardedly OOG comments, including one while I was unhidden, after you kept sunbursting like a fucking corpus cavernosa, to stop hiding so that I could avoid a warning.

05-25-2005, 06:36 PM
Hey i just came back to the lands and just wanted to know? I was gone for a while. If I am to be a target for asking a question so be it....If the statement above was not directed to me then call me ignorant and stupid moron etc..I can live with that too. I was just trying to relearn the edicate.

Elvish Ranger

05-25-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell

And yes, Zhelas was whispering retardedly OOG comments, including one while I was unhidden, after you kept sunbursting like a fucking corpus cavernosa, to stop hiding so that I could avoid a warning.

Wait, you don't like the interaction you had with someone, they don't want to interact with you, they want to make it official and warn you, so you keep hiding to avoid that?

I agree with anyone that thinks warn is stupid, but if you don't like the person, why do you give a shit?

05-25-2005, 06:38 PM
I was asked...okay i am an idiot...I can live with that.

05-25-2005, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer

Originally posted by Stanley Burrell

And yes, Zhelas was whispering retardedly OOG comments, including one while I was unhidden, after you kept sunbursting like a fucking corpus cavernosa, to stop hiding so that I could avoid a warning.

Wait, you don't like the interaction you had with someone, they don't want to interact with you, they want to make it official and warn you, so you keep hiding to avoid that?

I agree with anyone that thinks warn is stupid, but if you don't like the person, why do you give a shit?

Because, like what has been mentioned already, what it all boils down to is a situation that was perpetuated because of the fact that OOC and OOG comments had been made.

Kalna/Shylia/Allynia and Zhelas could have been polite and courteous for all I care. Those kind of comments are some that I just don't tolerate.

05-25-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell

And yes, Zhelas was whispering retardedly OOG comments, including one while I was unhidden, after you kept sunbursting like a fucking corpus cavernosa, to stop hiding so that I could avoid a warning.

So you can whisper to someone even when they are hidden? Wow that has changed since GS3...

Learning something new everyday :-)


[Edited on 5-25-2005 by Tanfar]

05-25-2005, 07:07 PM
Hiding is a nice way of not having out of character comments whispered to you, Tanfar. I have warned one person and it was when I was being a little bitch in the manner you, Kalna/Allynia/Shylia or Zhelas were. I don't warn anymore, period. I deal with problems through other methods of IG mechanics. Before Zhelas or Kalna/Allynia/Shylia could even institute said warning after you sunbursted, they made sure to whisper lots of colorful things to me with respect to it.

05-25-2005, 07:12 PM
Oh, joy.

Posts: 0 (0% of total posts.)

05-25-2005, 07:23 PM

Someone told me where these message boards were and told me that I was part of this conversation.

I see that you are a regular here and I can respect that. I am new to this format since i rarely post. Therefore, take my comments as you see fit.

First of all I did not know who you were when you arrived. I have seen you come in occasionally to Solhaven and ask if the stand is open and I told you that it was closed. I did not know the history between you and Shylia/Alynia/Kalna until halfway through the conversation. When Shylia and Alynia appeared. Before that, I thought there was roleplaying involved. Therefore since Kalna is my IG wife, I moved in to protect her. In real life if someone threatened my family I would lay my life down to protect them.

We switched to Dark Elvish. And you seemed to disappear. I thought you had left. So i asked the elf to sunburst to see if we were alone. We were not. When I kissed Kalna you whispered a warning to me saying that I needed to becareful with that one. Refering to Kalna. I Kalna and another Dark Elf continued to speak Dark Elvish...I can not remember her name but it began with an E. We were discussing how she could not find a mate and it had to deal with the hairy leggings she was wearing. I looked and saw that you were gone. Hoping that we were alone again I asked the ranger to sunburst. You were still there. Things moved quickly. I told you that Kalna was my wife. You whispered to me that I needed to get a divorce quickly. I mentioned to you that this was becoming harassment.

Enough said it got out of hand. And fast. If I have offended you...then I am sorry. If you or someone needs to kill me? Then I accept the fate. Nothing like coming back to the Lands after being gone for 5 years only to come back and be in the middle of dispute. I am willing to make amends. My hand is open do what you must.



05-25-2005, 07:38 PM
I was going to write something extremely elaborate, but shortened it up:

The first words of butchered English that escaped your wife's lips were in regard to her other character. If that was halfway through the conversation then you need to rethink what happened chronologically.

You can accept the fate of not being killed by having you, and especially your wife, not whisper things to me, or make OOC comments directed towards me if you're within my vicinity again.

05-25-2005, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
I was going to write something extremely elaborate, but shortened it up:

The first words of butchered English that escaped your wife's lips were in regard to her other character. If that was halfway through the conversation then you need to rethink what happened chronologically.

You can accept the fate of not being killed by having you, and especially your wife, not whisper things to me, or make OOC comments directed towards me if you're within my vicinity again.


I may have put somethings out of order concerning the mentioning of Aylia and Shylia. Please forgive this, it was almost 2 in the morning and it was getting late. And I have not saved the transcripts of last nights events. Though this is no excuse. And I make no excuses for what happened last night. It got out of hand. I hope time will heal old wounds. and if one day...I bump into you that you will accept an ale with a smile.

If hostility will be the only action between us then I will respect your space and privacy.



[Edited on 5-25-2005 by zhelas]

05-25-2005, 08:28 PM

Check your U2Us.

05-26-2005, 10:08 AM
Sunburst always annoys me. There are specific room that that spell, imo, shouldn't be used to play with. One would be the picking well in Mule. I almost killed someone for playing around with Sunburst there while I was resting.

Really, Zhelas, if you wanted to be alone with your wife, go somewhere else. He wanted to be left alone, but sunbursting was aggravating the situation, it seems.

Disclaimer: My opinion on the situation is only from what I've read here

05-26-2005, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
Sunburst always annoys me. There are specific room that that spell, imo, shouldn't be used to play with. One would be the picking well in Mule. I almost killed someone for playing around with Sunburst there while I was resting.

Really, Zhelas, if you wanted to be alone with your wife, go somewhere else. He wanted to be left alone, but sunbursting was aggravating the situation, it seems.

Disclaimer: My opinion on the situation is only from what I've read here

No problem...a situtation happened that night that escalated far beyond what was necessary with all parties concerned.

Thanks for the input.



Miss X
05-26-2005, 12:55 PM
Refreshing to see a new poster turn up in a thread about them and not be a total asshole. Yay. Welcome to our forums Zhelas, I hope you will stick around and post more! :)