View Full Version : fully unlocked nebular short sword

02-21-2020, 10:49 PM
As title says

02-25-2020, 12:29 AM
bump bump bumpy bump. T3 will work too, but prefer t4 (full unlocked) nebular short sword.

02-25-2020, 07:00 PM
a silver suede-wrapped black vultite short sword Off the shelf description. Still looking. Would prefer a T3 or T4 version.

02-25-2020, 07:18 PM
I don't think many T4s have gone out period. And I have two of them I'm afraid (not short swords). I think that leaves maybe 4 total certs, and I don't even know if they sold out last run

Might be a tough hunt, but I wish you the best.

02-25-2020, 09:50 PM
If I get one, great, if not.. figure next time I'll just get it and the certs and then *hopefully* get a sanctifying cert on it so it stays "holy" and hits undead. I honestly wish the nebular weapons weren't cold/ice damage since so many things are immune to it. It should be plasma at least. Idk though. It's more for fun / RP purpose and another choice to use if I dont like the current setting of my realm flaring eonake wakizashi. I might go ahead and settle for a T2 nebular but really want a T3 at the least. :-) Thanks for the wishes

02-25-2020, 10:10 PM
If I get one, great, if not.. figure next time I'll just get it and the certs and then *hopefully* get a sanctifying cert on it so it stays "holy" and hits undead.

Sorry for the bad news! But it has been stated previously this shop was on its final run. It isn't supposed to return.

Perhaps the creator releases it in another event by raffle or something though?

02-25-2020, 10:15 PM
ewwww. Well.. here's knocking on wood for some nebular short sword then despite the tier.. and hopefully.. hopefuly.. be able to tier it up. Maybe Xerriah. Been dealing with other stuff so I wasn't paying attention as of late so didn't know or I woulda gotten what I could a few days ago :(

02-25-2020, 10:39 PM
Won't be Xerria either, she can only unlock fluff scripts not combat/mechanical like this one.

But maybe a player has one from before..

02-25-2020, 10:48 PM
:( Hope so. It's more for RP, but I wish I knew it was the last chance but it's my own fault for taking a semi break minus the mentoring :-/

02-29-2020, 09:35 PM
Bump bump bumpy bump. Still looking for a Nebular short sword. Higher tier, the better.