View Full Version : Horde 31+ quests
Seriously, WTF? I'm having a piss ass hard time questing at this level. Any quest that I get is either red or places just arn't giving me quests (Desolace), where in the hell should I be?
I've already went to Shimmering Flats and did all the quests there. STV and TM are Gank Central am I really just stuck with grinding? The very idea of that makes me cry!
- Arkans
PS: Alliance places are prettier than Horde places!
05-25-2005, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Seriously, WTF? I'm having a piss ass hard time questing at this level. Any quest that I get is either red or places just arn't giving me quests (Desolace), where in the hell should I be?
I've already went to Shimmering Flats and did all the quests there. STV and TM are Gank Central am I really just stuck with grinding? The very idea of that makes me cry!
- Arkans
PS: Alliance places are prettier than Horde places!
Being a rogue simply fucking rocks. I did 2 quests in TM last night... right in the midst of Gankfest 2005.
# deaths last night due to Alliance members? ZERO
# Alliance kills last night? Two.. but they initiated it. One was a hunter who obviously had stealth tracking on.. because that bitch was all over me last night. He paid dearly for being curious. The other was a mage that thought he could gank me solo at 25. Dear Mage.. don't fuck with a rogue when you are wearing nothing but a burlap bag as protection.
In Summary:
Stealth rocks.
Vanish rocks.
Cheapshot rocks.
Sap rocks.
Sooo I should remake my character into a rogue??
- Arkans
05-25-2005, 09:00 AM
30-40 is admittedly tough. However, Scarlet Monastery, is your saving grace, from about 32-45, between the Library, Armory, and Cathedral instances. (NE of Brill, outside UC.. or E from UC to the first left trail, right at the small camp, follow road til it forks, go right, and up the hill.)
You can also still run Razorfen Kraul (RFK) in the Barrens, all the way south on the Gold Road, it's on your right just before the Great Lift and Thousand Needles.
Instances will become your mainstay, if you're on a PvP server.
There are quests for all the instances. thottbott lists them, if you type in an instance name, along with quest start/end NPC and maps of where to find them.
Edit: No clue what your character is. I love my druid, though. When I'm questing solo in contested zones, I go cat form with my 'radar' up, and can stealth. Doesn't mean I never get ganked, but, it reduces some of the headache.
[Edited on 5-25-2005 by Jennaen]
05-25-2005, 09:07 AM
I went from Hillsbrad to the Shimmering Flats to Desolace, to STV, to Badlands, to Dustwallow. I'd do any quest that was within two levels of me, even if it meant travelling around alot.
Troll Shaman here and I love him. I'm having a ton of fun being able to do a little bit of everything, but the fact that getting into an instance run is so difficult it turns me off. Most people leave midway or are just idiots that aggro 329047209472 mobs and get us all killed. Anything non instance?
- Arkans
05-25-2005, 09:09 AM
No matter how I try to avoid it, I might as well do it. That's life though. Thanks for the heads up!
- Arkans
05-25-2005, 09:16 AM
The key to instances is /friend'ing those that DO play their classes well, and then building your own groups. You won't learn that if you don't group up.. and instances are fast xp, with good drops and coin.. imperative for selling/auctioning, if you want a mount at 40.
Run 'em with the idiots, so you know what to expect, then lead your own group. Lay down the pulling and loot rules up front, and don't be afraid to remove the idiots from the group and replace them.. particularly if that many people are waiting for a chance to go along. Scarlet Monastery is gravy, a straightforward set of instances, with one path in and out of each, rather than mazes like Wailing Caverns.
The unfortunate part is that Dunemaul is a low pop server and finding members for instances can be quite difficult.
- Arkans
05-25-2005, 09:21 AM
Desolace is good too...head out through Sunrock Retreat and take a left.
I cant remember where I was at 31 last time around...though I will be soon heading that way.
Heading to 1k needles tonight...especially as Stabbed left me and did them all on his own...fucker.
Stabbed did you do the Ravenholdt Manor quest yet?
1k Needles is right, just "red quests" are the name of the game for me right now. I'm going to give TM a shot tonight and then head on over and try to get more quests in Desolace. At least I have the flight path to get there now.
- Arkans
05-25-2005, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
The unfortunate part is that Dunemaul is a low pop server and finding members for instances can be quite difficult.
- Arkans
Me and Stabbed did a WC run on Sunday and started off with th two of us a druid and a shaman. While I was getting the mage to the group, the druid and shaman were fucking about and wouldnt come to meet up with us so we ended up hoofing the shaman from the group before we started. Managed to persuade Sinax to come and take his place which was a bit cheeky but it worked well.
Inside the instance, the druid kept rushing ahead, couldnt tell the difference between and cat and a bear and by the time he ninja'd a chest, was removed from the group. As he was waiting to get hearthed, he aggrod a load of critters on purpose to try and get us all killed but he failed.
So we did the rest of the instance with the four of us, and waltzed it. The mage was new but willing to learn/listen and we did the best WC run I have ever done.
Was absolutely blinding.
05-25-2005, 09:29 AM
I play on Spirestone, also a low pop server. Trust me, I feel the pain of trying to fill a group, at times. However, find what groups you can, and begin building your own. Once you do, and folks your level learn you are willing to lead, they're more willing to join you, and bring their friends/guildies along for the ride. You're far from the only person your level having a tough time. It's a tough level range!
/who *class* ##-## or just /who ##-##
i.e. /who priest 31-35
I also play some on Stormreaver, a high pop PvP server, and getting groups together on the low pop is much easier.
I need to be around more, I miss all the fun!
- Arkans
05-25-2005, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Stabbed did you do the Ravenholdt Manor quest yet?
Why bother? There is absolutely no reward, exp, or anything given for turning in the symbols for the Ravenholdt quest. It seems broken, Blizzard said it's working as intended.
05-25-2005, 09:34 AM
Its going to be a future area for quests. Plus you learn detect traps there.
05-25-2005, 09:38 AM
I learned detect traps from the rogue trainer in Org
05-25-2005, 09:46 AM
Arathi is a good place for 31ish I think. Just north of Durnholde keep in TM
05-25-2005, 09:46 AM
I also agree. Rogues PWN!. My level 51 rogue is just amazing. I love him.
05-25-2005, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
I learned detect traps from the rogue trainer in Org
The only quest you actually get there, is the pickpocket 40 (or 60?) Syndicate badges. That's what I assumed you were referring to.
The Korean
05-25-2005, 01:33 PM
I'm an awesome priest. Did BFD a few days ago, and at the last part before the 3 headed dragon/lizard, when you light the candles, the rogue decided to light two at a time, and everyone was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We barely lived. at the end of the fight, everyone was at 50% health 'cept me at 10%, and I was completely out of mana. By all rights we should have died there.
So I guess it's off to SM and RFK for me.
What time are you thinking of hitting up RFK?
- Arkans
The Korean
05-25-2005, 01:36 PM
I'd love to do it tonight sometime. I'll just have to run around and get the 3 stupid quests that are available to us. we can do without the blueleaf tubers, since it'll be grey to us, so really only 2 quests we can do there according to thottbot.
I'll be in tonight for sure then. Do we both need to get the quests or are they shareable?
- Arkans
05-25-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I went from Hillsbrad to the Shimmering Flats to Desolace, to STV, to Badlands, to Dustwallow. I'd do any quest that was within two levels of me, even if it meant travelling around alot.
after Shimmering flats you should have some quests that lead to Dustwallow. Do those quests in Dustwallow involving insurgents and one guy having you get 3 items. one item has to be made by Bayne. After you do those 3 quests dont do any red dragonkin quests but move to Badlands. Do the quests involving rock elementals and the quest from Shimmering flats about irudium flakes.
one you get those done ask again
05-25-2005, 03:48 PM
i'll do rfk, what time?
05-25-2005, 03:48 PM
Which Way is Dustwallow? I am doing ok in Desolace am diving for crab meat currently and killing those fish guys. I need to do the centaur cave for one and so far haven't gotten near it and I have a few deliveries in Booty Bay which is a bit hard to survive in.
Would love to join the RFK group but I don't think I can be around long enough this evening. If you decide to move it to the weekend let me know?
100% Wool
05-25-2005, 03:56 PM
lvl 30+ horde quests? Did you try TM,Tanaris, or Arathi? I think those areas would be perfect.
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