View Full Version : Self Ammo x 2

01-31-2020, 02:53 AM
a sleek ebonwood quiver
- Defender Item (+15 AS/+17 DS)
- It creates its own arrows, when you pull one another appears.
>get arrow
As you remove a shadowy ebonwood arrow with a sharp rolaren broadhead from your ebonwood quiver, another appears in its place.
>drop arrow
As you release the arrow, it disintegrates before your eyes.
- Quiver is 2lbs, non-functional so you can still wear 3 beltworns.
- Arrow description is a shadowy ebonwood arrow with a sharp rolaren broadhead.
- The arrow is the actual defender item. You can add more defender enchants to it at a merchant.
- 450MM

a matte black wyrwood light crossbow carved with low relief black widows
- Crossbow is nearly 6x and it creates randomly enchanted and damage-weighted missiles.
- Works on undead.
- 260MM

- Prefer in game currency however $ conversion rate available upon request.

02-01-2020, 02:32 AM
Its 2x M's in the self ammo 2x thread

Ill give you 100 M&Ms for either piece

02-03-2020, 07:22 PM
Melt in yo mouf not in your hand?! These arrows kinda do that. You drop them and they disappear...

02-03-2020, 07:25 PM
Quiver sold by the way...

But crossbow still available! Don't forget with crossbows you can kneel for more AS.


02-04-2020, 01:43 PM
Its 2x M's in the self ammo 2x thread

Ill give you 100 M&Ms for either piece

MM = million million, which means the quiver sold for 450 trillion and he wants 260 trillion for the crossbow.

02-04-2020, 02:19 PM
A trillionaire like Methais knows!

02-04-2020, 03:09 PM
A trillionaire like Methais knows!

I'm a quintillionaire.


02-10-2020, 11:08 AM
When I'm at work and I'm about to open a link by methais i always remember "no. Wait until you go home" just in case.

02-10-2020, 11:12 AM
When I'm at work and I'm about to open a link by methais i always remember "no. Wait until you go home" just in case.

I didn't post a link to anything though.

Besides, my links are sfw, because I'm usually posting them from work.

2005 was a wild time on the PC.

02-10-2020, 09:55 PM
Watch out for posts from/about* GSIV rogue at work, I kind of got burned by that one time in 2019

*excluding this post

02-10-2020, 10:20 PM
Isn't that what new Scintillion goes by? GSIV Rogue? Is there a connection between him and GSIV Rogue at work?

02-11-2020, 10:20 AM
Watch out for posts from/about* GSIV rogue at work, I kind of got burned by that one time in 2019

*excluding this post

Was it his girlfriend's giant red anus?

Isn't that what new Scintillion goes by? GSIV Rogue? Is there a connection between him and GSIV Rogue at work?

He means while you're at work, beware of GSIV Rogue posts. There is no account called "GSIV Rogue at work"