View Full Version : Buying Ethereal unlocks

01-26-2020, 11:02 AM
Looking to buy ethereal defensive tier 3,4, and 5.

01-26-2020, 09:37 PM
Wow I got a ton of responses and I had no idea that Reim scrip was so expensive. I will have to farm it myself. Thank you all for the quotes.

01-27-2020, 09:51 AM
That's what I thought as well until I realized it was going to take me years to farm it.

01-27-2020, 10:37 PM
Yeah it is a lot of runs

01-28-2020, 03:55 AM
best bet is RFD, you can get just over 1k per 30 minutes if you are able to successfully defend the fortress. 250k reim scrip would take you 125 hours and 160 usd in orbs at normal simucoin price buying at 1k usd rate. You'd be valuing your time at a bit over 0.72 cents per hour, assuming no down time or failures at the event, using 1k = 1usd as the buying it from someone point. If you had the foresight to buy a bunch of orbs during the recent sale at half off it'd be 80 usd in orbs for 250k, and your time would be valued at a bit over 1.36 usd per hour.

Alternatively, just run reim (or RFD, as above) every single day for 250 days, and you are there, assuming premie sub! This gives your time a value of around 2.00 dollars per hour, assuming you are doing RFD each time.

Just saying, Reim scrip prices may seem high, but it's next to nothing compared to what most folks value their time at.