View Full Version : Wavedancer Stateroom Merchants

03-21-2005, 02:49 AM
For your consideration and or information, figured I would post this

Greetings Stateroom Ticket Holder,

The crew of the Wavedancer bids you all welcome.

As you know, your stateroom ticket entitles you to 10 private merchant
services during your voyage.

These visits to your stateroom will take place on Saturday, March 26th, and
Sunday, March 27th.

While the crew of the Wavedancer wishes that there were no rules attending
these services, they regret to inform you that there are a few, small, rules
that must be followed in order to ensure premium service and satisfaction.

Without further adieu, here are the specifications for service:

1.Merchants will visit your staterooms on Saturday and Sunday only.

2.Merchants will be scheduled to arrive on a certain day, at a specified
time. We expect them to arrive punctually, at the start of their scheduled

3.You must choose, by responding to this missive, which merchants you would
like to see.

4.You are allowed one service only per merchant, until you reach a total of
10. For example, you can not have the same merchant provide 2 or more
private services for you at any time during the voyage, back to back, or on
different days. This does NOT prohibit you from getting additional service
from them in the course of their public service on the vessel.

5.If you are a double ticket holder, who has not yet selected a traveling
partner, please pass this message to the person you choose to attend with
you, and have them respond to it.

6.Merchants will charge you for their services. Please keep in mind that
some services will be more expensive then others. In no event will the
merchant charge you more then they would charge the general public for the
services they provide. The charges will be determined at the time of
service, and will be reasonable for the service provided.

Please study the merchant schedule below, and respond by choosing 10
merchants that you would like see during your visit. Please select by
merchant name and day.

For example, if you want to choose Zanbec, then say so, along with the date
you wish Zanbec to visit your stateroom.

As you can see, some merchants are scheduled to provide services at the same
time, on the same day. This does not matter in terms of your selections. If
you choose to see, for example, Zanbec, who will do services at 8am on
Saturday, and Mulentin, who also does services at 8am on Saturday, you may
indeed select both, and they will provide you with services in an orderly
fashion at that time.

Please note, some merchants are only working on items from their shops. If
you choose such a merchant, you will need to have an item that they sold for
them to work on.

All times are Elven times.

Keep in mind that you must be available when they visit your stateroom.
Failure to be available at the stated time for the merchant visit will result
in a loss of that service.

Your name and stateroom number will be passed along to the specific
merchants, and they will be showing up at the stated time to do work for you,
and anyone else who has chosen them during that time slot.

Thank you,

GM Carraig




Zartusha/Signature verbs/8am/8pm/

Ishora/Pocket Adding/9am/9pm/

Baliehai/Deepening and lightening/4pm/4pm/

Mykhael/Customization of magical gloves from his shop/11pm/11pm/

Cridet/Tattoo Customization (Please already have one)/6pm/6pm/

Tinnoc/Weapon alterations/8am/8am/

Aieslyn/Feature alterations/1pm/

Jemia/ Bejeweling on headwear purchased from her shop/11am/11am/

Pandiqa/Customize items from written expressions shop/9am/8pm/

Dhelgrim/General alterations/noon/2pm/

Cedrique/Special locket portraits/midnight/midnight/

Mavikia/Alters clothing from her shop/1pm/1pm/

Turaco/Wearable feather art/6pm/6pm/

Naphine/Companion Grooming, tattooing, pet alterations/noon/5pm/

Idle/Wavedancer keepsake engraving from her shop/2pm/10pm/

Orkys/Tailoring services/3pm/3pm/


Kyrril/Recharges spirit based items/8pm/8pm/

Heimer/Runestaff script adding and runesstaff alters/9am/9am/

Darynth/Clothing Alterations/10pm/10pm/

Dartoc/Signal-bonded wedding rings/6pm/6pm/

Joroch/Jewelry alterations/5pm/7pm/

Glamo/Shield alterations, tattoos and features/8pm/10pm/


03-21-2005, 03:37 AM
Thanks for the info Ardwen. It seems the people who predicted crit weighting merchants or greater elemental flares for those in the staterooms may have missed the mark.

03-21-2005, 03:49 AM
Signature verbs and magical gloves look vaguely interesting.

03-21-2005, 03:49 AM
Signatures verbs aren't worth it.

Owner of a signature verb

03-21-2005, 03:51 AM
Is a signature verb where your character gets his own verb? If so, what do you have Tijay?

03-21-2005, 04:03 AM
It replaces an existing verb, and you activate it by using signature verb. You only get 1 form of the verb. So like mine is gaze so I can't do just signature gaze I have to signature gaze person.

signature {option} {target if required}
{option} - one of the signature options
available to your character
{target} - target object or player's name,
if the option allows for a target

Valid Options for this character

03-21-2005, 05:03 AM
Well, we got ripped. O well. Can't change that now.

Lets add to that, the fact that merchants are schedlued over the top of when the events will be run.

To semi-quote Augie, our stateroom services suck!

I was actually getting excited about the signature verb, until Tijay spoke up. Now I am not so sure.



03-21-2005, 05:20 AM
They might be good for some people if you can work them into your like constant everyday use. I also might have done a bad job explaining them. But basically it doesn't replace a verb but it gives you another version of it. I can still gaze or gaze at people. But if I want to use my signature gaze I only get the gaze at function and it only works on people. It wasn't quite what I excepted to get.

03-21-2005, 05:50 AM
So out of curiosity Tijay, what do you see, and what do others see when you use your signature gaze verb?



03-21-2005, 05:54 AM

I see:

>signature gaze xxxxx
You focus your eyes on xxxxx, slowly moving your gaze from head to toe. After finishing your leisurely perusal, you meet xxxxx's eyes with an appreciative smile and a teasing wink.

They see:

Tijay focuses his eyes on you, slowly moving his gaze from head to toe. After finishing his leisurely perusal, he meets your eyes with an appreciative smile and a teasing wink.

PS: I'm also slightly bitter because it took like 2 months for me to get mine after I won it.

[Edited on 3-21-2005 by Tijay]

03-21-2005, 06:39 AM
That seems really cool. And if you played a big flirt, I can see it being used all the time.

Curious though, why did it take so long? I mean were you at the merchant, they did it, but before it could be implemented, it had to go through QC?



03-21-2005, 06:46 AM
Eh I won the token at the festival and it took forever for them to get through QC and to gather everyones ideas. It was the 1st time the process was done I'm sure its refined now and if they are meeting with you 1 on 1 in your staterooms you'll probably get them that day.

03-21-2005, 06:49 AM

03-21-2005, 07:06 AM
Sounds like a hassle to me. But, as you said, prehaps it will be less of an ordeal.



03-21-2005, 07:28 AM
Signature verbs aren't too bad, depends if you value your character more than an alter I guess. I know thats what would be in my ten selected.

The rest doesn't seem very special to me. In fact I bet I get one item or piece of work from each of those on the first run, and I'm only first class.

03-21-2005, 09:12 AM
It is indeed a shame they are not giving the Stateroom holders padding, enchanting, and high level flares. Perhaps there will be a surprise visit.

Still, the experience of the Stateroom setting should be amazing in itself..these events aren't JUST about the services. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves.

03-21-2005, 09:14 AM
I hope dinner with the Captain is worth it, heh. But you have to be pretty naive to think any enchanters above 7x or any padders above somewhat would show up.

[Edited on 21-3-05 by StrayRogue]

03-21-2005, 09:57 AM
The information is appreciated, thanks Ardwen.

03-21-2005, 10:19 AM
2 months? One of mine took better then 5 months, the other is still yet to be done, GM that ran the merchant left so had to start over, had about 8 ideas rejected in both attempts. All in all the verbs werent worth the effort or the hype.


03-21-2005, 10:20 AM
My spell prep phrase is still in QC. Its been so long that I'd forgotten about it and dropped all my spells, heh.

03-21-2005, 11:34 AM
I'd have trouble picking 10 from that list. Hope it turns out better than it sounds.

03-21-2005, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
My spell prep phrase is still in QC. Its been so long that I'd forgotten about it and dropped all my spells, heh.

I had a much different experience with my spell prep and custom script.

Hunterleigh had my scrpted item and my first idea was accepted and she got it done before she was canned.

Andraste had my spell prep and it took longer just because I couldn't come up with something good.

She and I sat in her lounge one night and hashed one out.

She gave me a week to try it out before it was added permenantly and even then it has a toggle so if I change my mind I can get rid of it.

Mine were all done by July but the delay was my fault.

Those two Gm's are great and were the best at getting this done fast.


[Edited on 3-21-2005 by Amaron]

03-21-2005, 12:01 PM
After seeing what other folks got and what got rejected, I wasn't able to come up with something that would work that I actually wanted. Maybe I'll get it if I return to GS someday.

03-21-2005, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Tijay

I see:

>signature gaze xxxxx
You focus your eyes on xxxxx, slowly moving your gaze from head to toe. After finishing your leisurely perusal, you meet xxxxx's eyes with an appreciative smile and a teasing wink.

They see:

Tijay focuses his eyes on you, slowly moving his gaze from head to toe. After finishing his leisurely perusal, he meets your eyes with an appreciative smile and a teasing wink.

PS: I'm also slightly bitter because it took like 2 months for me to get mine after I won it.

[Edited on 3-21-2005 by Tijay]

That was one of the reasons I left Gemstone. Tijay was making Falgrin very uncomfortable.

03-21-2005, 12:23 PM
If you would have taken his rejections better you woulda been fine PB


03-21-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Ardwen
If you would have taken his rejections better you woulda been fine PB


03-21-2005, 01:23 PM
The fact that you saved that picture is in and of itself very disturbing PB.


03-21-2005, 01:27 PM
Yeah, not a whole lot to choose from on that list.

03-21-2005, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Ardwen
The fact that you saved that picture is in and of itself very disturbing PB.


It's come in very handy when responding to some posts.. like yours.


03-21-2005, 01:34 PM
Back on topic now...

The list does look a little light.. taking into account the very expensive ticket price vs services offered. I certainly was expecting a high end enchanter, a padder, a zester, a crit adder...

03-21-2005, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Well, we got ripped. O well. Can't change that now.

i dont see how you got ripped at all. you are getting what was said to be included in your ticket. 10 merchants to visit your room for merchant services. if you had high hopes to get padding, weighting, flares, or some other extreme service, shame on you. just goes to show that people will always find something to bitch about

p.s. my rogue would LOVE a signature verb. something that makes him play with his mullet

03-21-2005, 01:41 PM
Yes. I also fail to remember where anyone said their'd be high end stuff for the stateroom only. As I've said, I think its a bit naive to think that would be the reality.

03-21-2005, 01:49 PM
I would have loved the stateroom but there was only a single left when I saw it. Just would have been nice to rp with a merchant and get what I wanted in peace and quiet.

I am happy with my first class and cannot wait to see these merchants and just have fun with friends.

I would go for the verb too...


03-21-2005, 02:01 PM
I don't remember the exact comparison's, but a GM posted on the boards that third class would be akin to Ebon's, second class would be akin to the Dhu, first class would "better than ever". One assumes stateroom would be well above that, no, considering 2x the price of first class?

On the Dhu 5x enchants were raffled and spun, a mage rechargeable orb that held 3 different spells were sold, poison hilts were added to weapons, siegery were modified with custom scripts, flares were had, padding was done (I got light padding), custom portraits were made, and Shadowdeathe weapons were sold.

Give the price, I'd expect to get a considerable chance at each one of those, or better services (6x+ enchant etc) if that were the Wavedancer. I guess the big problem is that so far the Wavedancer just isn't holding a candle to the Dhu.:down:

03-21-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner

Originally posted by FinisWolf
Well, we got ripped. O well. Can't change that now.

i dont see how you got ripped at all. you are getting what was said to be included in your ticket. 10 merchants to visit your room for merchant services. if you had high hopes to get padding, weighting, flares, or some other extreme service, shame on you. just goes to show that people will always find something to bitch about

p.s. my rogue would LOVE a signature verb. something that makes him play with his mullet

In case you don't read all the web pages, and the officials, they constantly go something like, "... and wait till you see what we have in store for you ...", so yes, we can get our hopes up, that added to the ticket price.



03-21-2005, 02:13 PM
Anyone who doesn't want their ticket...... I don't mind those choices!!

03-21-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by MPTBPPTBM
I don't remember the exact comparison's, but a GM posted on the boards that third class would be akin to Ebon's, second class would be akin to the Dhu, first class would "better than ever". One assumes stateroom would be well above that, no, considering 2x the price of first class?

On the Dhu 5x enchants were raffled and spun, a mage rechargeable orb that held 3 different spells were sold, poison hilts were added to weapons, siegery were modified with custom scripts, flares were had, padding was done (I got light padding), custom portraits were made, and Shadowdeathe weapons were sold.

Give the price, I'd expect to get a considerable chance at each one of those, or better services (6x+ enchant etc) if that were the Wavedancer. I guess the big problem is that so far the Wavedancer just isn't holding a candle to the Dhu.:down:

So do us all a favor (the ones that seem to care), and post this on the officials, where it counts.



03-21-2005, 02:58 PM
Well, if you follow the wavedancer folder on the official boards, you would have noticed that the GM's over there said that there most likely will 'not' be greater infusion flares, padding or higher enchanting. I'm truly sorry that it didn't happen, because I personally feel you all deserve a bit more then this for the money you paid. However, not having to hassle with the lines, getting picked, etc. combined with "knowing" you will get those 10 who come to you, guaranteed, along with the other availability of services the rest of us will get, is a good deal in my opinion.

I'm more irritated by the fact that First Class was only sposed to be a set # of tickets, ensuring less lines, and more availability for merchants, and that Simu screwed up, sold too many and now there IS no Second class and it's all First class. I mean, we were told that they have decided to put all Second Class merchants in with First class ones to occomodate for the screw up and increase in 1st class tickets but..who knows. I know I would not have paid the money Stun and I paid for 1st class service if we had known that the ticket #'s would be doubled by a fluke with Simu. I sincerely hope that they make it worth it for those of us on the 1st run by doing as they said and increasing the merchants to make it comparable to what we would have been dealing with had they not fucked up.

03-21-2005, 03:16 PM
khaladon skipped the QC stage on my verb

>prep 907
Your eyes glaze over with ice momentarily as a ball of frost spins into existence above your palm.
Your spell is ready.

03-21-2005, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Well, if you follow the wavedancer folder on the official boards, you would have noticed that the GM's over there said that there most likely will 'not' be greater infusion flares, padding or higher enchanting. I'm truly sorry that it didn't happen, because I personally feel you all deserve a bit more then this for the money you paid. However, not having to hassle with the lines, getting picked, etc. combined with "knowing" you will get those 10 who come to you, guaranteed, along with the other availability of services the rest of us will get, is a good deal in my opinion.

I'm more irritated by the fact that First Class was only sposed to be a set # of tickets, ensuring less lines, and more availability for merchants, and that Simu screwed up, sold too many and now there IS no Second class and it's all First class. I mean, we were told that they have decided to put all Second Class merchants in with First class ones to occomodate for the screw up and increase in 1st class tickets but..who knows. I know I would not have paid the money Stun and I paid for 1st class service if we had known that the ticket #'s would be doubled by a fluke with Simu. I sincerely hope that they make it worth it for those of us on the 1st run by doing as they said and increasing the merchants to make it comparable to what we would have been dealing with had they not fucked up.

I am not set on ANY kind of service, simply SOME kind of high caliber service is due.

On the note of the screw up, that also effects the stateroom ticket holds as it means longer lines for us (as it does you), thus reducing potial alter count. [Not that I care about regualr alters, I am seriously so bored with them.]

And I DOUBT that we will see a difference. On a literally point, we can't possibly see a difference, as we have nothing to compare it to. Also, they only have X amount of merchants, and those merchants can only work X amount of hours (For some reason GM's think they need a life beyond GS).

Anyway, I am sure the quests will be great, and I am getting MARRIED finally! There is a nice little teaser on the officials.



03-21-2005, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by crazymage
khaladon skipped the QC stage on my verb

>prep 907
Your eyes glaze over with ice momentarily as a ball of frost spins into existence above your palm.
Your spell is ready.

Thats a cool little verb.



03-21-2005, 04:10 PM
Well no, there is nothing to compare it to. But when you are told that say, 50 tickets only will be sold for first class, and say 15 tickets for Stateroom and that 1st class and Stateroom will only have acess to those merchants for that area,and then you increase the # of 1st class tickets to say..120, you definately do need to compensate the original ticket holders somehow. I am going to have faith that it will go smoothly and that the merchants being increased will help that process that we expected with only 50 tickets before.

03-21-2005, 04:15 PM
I'd be pissed if those were the private merchanting services that were offered.

But that's because I value padding, good flares, higher enchants, etc. among other things vs. the other things..

Not that I had any intention of paying more then 50$ for an event, but now I am even less inclined to in the future.

03-21-2005, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Well no, there is nothing to compare it to. But when you are told that say, 50 tickets only will be sold for first class, and say 15 tickets for Stateroom and that 1st class and Stateroom will only have acess to those merchants for that area,and then you increase the # of 1st class tickets to say..120, you definately do need to compensate the original ticket holders somehow. I am going to have faith that it will go smoothly and that the merchants being increased will help that process that we expected with only 50 tickets before.

... O ME of little faith ...

Keep that chin up hun, you are part of what makes GS great!



03-21-2005, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf

Originally posted by hectomaner

Originally posted by FinisWolf
Well, we got ripped. O well. Can't change that now.

i dont see how you got ripped at all. you are getting what was said to be included in your ticket. 10 merchants to visit your room for merchant services. if you had high hopes to get padding, weighting, flares, or some other extreme service, shame on you. just goes to show that people will always find something to bitch about

p.s. my rogue would LOVE a signature verb. something that makes him play with his mullet

In case you don't read all the web pages, and the officials, they constantly go something like, "... and wait till you see what we have in store for you ...", so yes, we can get our hopes up, that added to the ticket price.



here is whats in store for you, 10 MERCHANTS IN YOUR ROOM, NO waiting, NO hoping to get spun, or make a morphing list. quick and painless.

signature verb. again. awesome, whatever people say, i do understand the issues of time going into this, and delays, they do suck, but still, i would LOVE this. again, my rogue likes to play with his mullet while picking boxes.

the gloves, another neat thing. deepening, awesome, my pinworn that holds large amount can always use more space. and not having to wait in line, and be guarunteed, very nice.

thats 3 right there off the top of my head that would make me very please. again, thats just my take on it.

and afaik, considering that the signature verbs have been raffled only so far, being given one is a nice little extra. especially if you like to RP

03-21-2005, 05:00 PM
Yeah, to be honest. I would LOVE to have the chance to get a signature verb. I have only seen them raffled off in the last year or more. Also, if the feature alterations offered were those that aren't normally done, then it would kick ass too. Like for instance, the ability to alter your character's figure, or frame, or something else that isn't done anylonger.

03-21-2005, 05:02 PM
Yep, not only do you get all of what Hectomancer said, but you get the same chance to get anything that a First, Second or Third class passenger can get as well.

03-21-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
Well, we got ripped. O well. Can't change that now.

Excuse me? Exactly who is getting ripped off here? This coming from the guy who thought that anything below first class is "beneath" him? From the guy who decided to keep the Stateroom ticket when he knew someone else (namely, me) had lost it due to a billing snafu that was Simu's fault?

You're lucky you got on the boat in the first place, and you're complaining that you're getting ripped off?

Dude, I don't think that boat can handle an ego the size of yours. Might as well just step off and let someone who would actually appreciate it have a crack at it.



03-21-2005, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Yeah, to be honest. I would LOVE to have the chance to get a signature verb. I have only seen them raffled off in the last year or more. Also, if the feature alterations offered were those that aren't normally done, then it would kick ass too. Like for instance, the ability to alter your character's figure, or frame, or something else that isn't done anylonger.

Actually.. they will alter your figure (or at least some of them will) IF you already have one. I just got one of my characters waists turned into a petite figure accented by a slender waist, what I was told is "I can alter anything you already have, so if you have a waist I can alter it".

03-21-2005, 06:06 PM
Yeah, I was kind of assuming that it would only apply to those that don't already have them. :)

03-21-2005, 06:08 PM
I think a signature verb is pretty cool; I think feature alterations are pretty cool; I think deepening is pretty decent...

I would not pay cash for any or all of them though...

I think with the money the people spent to go on that ridiculous voyage... THEY DESERVE SOMETHING TOPNOTCH.

Not a guarenteed flare, or padding, or weighting because those shouldn't be given away...

but A +2 to any item or something should be offered.

I would feel VERY rippd off had I bought a ticket.

[Edited on 3-21-2005 by Sylph]

03-21-2005, 06:21 PM

Sorry...but anyone who was willing to shell out $200 without knowing anything more than 10 merchants will show up in your room in a matter of minutes after the tickets were offered deserve to be shafted.

I was willing to shell out the $75 for Phoen's Promise back in '97 because they said you were guarenteed an auction quality item. I luckily did not get shafted as some folks did, but if I had been, I would have taken it like a man and kept the caterpillar, not gone on whine patrol.

03-21-2005, 06:37 PM
Well, at least your not bitter :flamewar:

It's a bummer that your CC got rejected, no doubt, but you might want to give more thought to the situation before lashing out.

Obviously some people have problems with this person but I still think the complaint is valid, regardless of who is making it. I understand that some people who hate lines and can never get alters might think this list is great, but if they're unwilling or unable to put in the effort to get twice as many in third class I doubt they'd be willing to pay $200 bucks for it either. The simple fact is that the comparisons in levels of service were made and that list pales to what it should be under those circumstances in way of services.

Now, I'm guessing that Simu is probably counting the rooms and the dinner with the owner as a large part of that "service" but let's be honest that's not the major reason most people go to pay events.

Actually respectfully,
"Goth, does that help you?" - Prince Julian

Originally posted by Nilandia

Originally posted by FinisWolf
Well, we got ripped. O well. Can't change that now.

Excuse me? Exactly who is getting ripped off here? This coming from the guy who thought that anything below first class is "beneath" him? From the guy who decided to keep the Stateroom ticket when he knew someone else (namely, me) had lost it due to a billing snafu that was Simu's fault?

You're lucky you got on the boat in the first place, and you're complaining that you're getting ripped off?

Dude, I don't think that boat can handle an ego the size of yours. Might as well just step off and let someone who would actually appreciate it have a crack at it.



03-21-2005, 06:48 PM
Usually the merchants (GMs) are eager to make sure folks are happy, so I imagine that you'll all be quite pleased with your services - even if they aren't drool worthy. Some folks like my buddy Ardwen have so many awesome things that it's hard to top the top, you know what I mean?

Frankly, one of the best merchants will be the tuned wedding bands from Dartoc. That merchant is really agreeable, will make pin worn - in case you don't like the "band" and that's something you get similiar to the cathedral wedding, just not quite as fancy verbage with the wedding bands. And will likely agree to make a set for someone else, in case you want to give a set to someone.

I suspect that some of the newer merchants like the magical gloves might be really desirable and to get them altered, even more so.

I would like to have seen a recharger there for enhancives. The gift box items, that would be a highly desired service.

It's not padding and enchanting - but I imagine that you'll all be pleased in the end.

03-21-2005, 07:23 PM
Dartoc's rings do rock, my wife and I have a set. FYI if you're wanting to make a set for others though, the other people at least have to be in game so he can attune the rings to them (so he said). I had to bring my wife's character in myself to surprise her.

03-21-2005, 08:01 PM
< I suspect that some of the newer merchants like the magical gloves might be really desirable and to get them altered, even more so. >

I'm hoping he raffles/auctions a self-charger or own mana set of gloves. My Wizard would go apeshit using those. :yes:

03-22-2005, 12:23 AM
i was mistaken he didnt skip QC, bad me for assumptions!

03-22-2005, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Nilandia

Originally posted by FinisWolf
Well, we got ripped. O well. Can't change that now.

Excuse me? Exactly who is getting ripped off here? This coming from the guy who thought that anything below first class is "beneath" him? From the guy who decided to keep the Stateroom ticket when he knew someone else (namely, me) had lost it due to a billing snafu that was Simu's fault?

You're lucky you got on the boat in the first place, and you're complaining that you're getting ripped off?

Dude, I don't think that boat can handle an ego the size of yours. Might as well just step off and let someone who would actually appreciate it have a crack at it.




I am very proud of you. You, like me can talk on more then one board. You blew it. Sorry, but you did. I goy LUCKY, and got your ticket. I am very happy with my ticket! Very HAPPY!

So for the gazillionth time, I listed some concerns that others talked to me about, and that I happened to agree with.

I don't EXPECT anything, but I do expect a little more BANG.

So please, again, back off. You are just sore cause I got the ticket. If it was someone else, you would be sore with them.

If you gotta be sore, and you can't place the blame where it belongs (with you - then SIMU), then sure, you can heap it on my shoulders. OF course... in no way am I to blame for you not being in a stateroom, but if it makes you happy...



~Do have a GREAT Day!

03-22-2005, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by faiyth

Originally posted by Jolena
Yeah, to be honest. I would LOVE to have the chance to get a signature verb. I have only seen them raffled off in the last year or more. Also, if the feature alterations offered were those that aren't normally done, then it would kick ass too. Like for instance, the ability to alter your character's figure, or frame, or something else that isn't done anylonger.

Actually.. they will alter your figure (or at least some of them will) IF you already have one. I just got one of my characters waists turned into a petite figure accented by a slender waist, what I was told is "I can alter anything you already have, so if you have a waist I can alter it".

So how will Finis look?

You see Finiswolf, with a nice ass?


All good things, all good things!



03-22-2005, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Usually the merchants (GMs) are eager to make sure folks are happy, so I imagine that you'll all be quite pleased with your services - even if they aren't drool worthy. Some folks like my buddy Ardwen have so many awesome things that it's hard to top the top, you know what I mean?

Frankly, one of the best merchants will be the tuned wedding bands from Dartoc. That merchant is really agreeable, will make pin worn - in case you don't like the "band" and that's something you get similiar to the cathedral wedding, just not quite as fancy verbage with the wedding bands. And will likely agree to make a set for someone else, in case you want to give a set to someone.

I suspect that some of the newer merchants like the magical gloves might be really desirable and to get them altered, even more so.

I would like to have seen a recharger there for enhancives. The gift box items, that would be a highly desired service.

It's not padding and enchanting - but I imagine that you'll all be pleased in the end.

I agree wholehartedly Roselady! I am sure things will be GREAT! I am just getting the brunt of this because I raised some concerns. No biggie. I can't wait!

Something that I have not seen anyone offer the rest of the folks that either chose not to board or just can't attend, is my willingness to pick up items for folks, I am attending both cruises. Though my second trip is... second class - Ocean View. So if you want something from first class, let me know.

My Respect,


03-22-2005, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by MPTBPPTBM
Dartoc's rings do rock, my wife and I have a set. FYI if you're wanting to make a set for others though, the other people at least have to be in game so he can attune the rings to them (so he said). I had to bring my wife's character in myself to surprise her.

O Damn!

I am way excited, cited, cited! Please o please tell me he does a SET, and not just one. I SOOOoooo want these for Belle and I!

My Respect,


03-22-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by FinisWolf
You blew it. Sorry, but you did. I goy LUCKY, and got your ticket.

So please, again, back off. You are just sore cause I got the ticket. If it was someone else, you would be sore with them.

If you gotta be sore, and you can't place the blame where it belongs (with you - then SIMU), then sure, you can heap it on my shoulders. OF course... in no way am I to blame for you not being in a stateroom, but if it makes you happy...

Nice of you to assume things, Finiswolf. Allow me to correct your wayward thinking. Everything that happened regarding my Stateroom happened because Simu decided that they couldn't check their e-mail during Thanksgiving, but their automatic billing for the cruise would go on anyway. I knew what was happening and took steps to amend it, but all I could do was watch as not only the Stateroom ticket, but the first class I held on the second run (purchased by mistake) were taken away from me.

You tell me what I did wrong.

And I'm certain that you'll love to know that I have friends who helped me get into first class on the first run for free.

Not to mention that you said that you weren't lucky on the official boards. You just bought the ticket. Now you're saying you're lucky here? Sorry, I'm not buying it. :P

Do I envy or want your ticket? Not particularly. I've got friends and a good time to look forward to. Why do I want to be cooped up in a Stateroom waiting for merchants when I can be out shopping with friends and having a good time?

Sides, I can do that later. ;)

Nice try, Finiswolf. This isn't envy you're seeing. You're seeing Nilandia genuinely pissed off at someone who can't even be grateful for a ticket that they shouldn't have had in the first place. I'm ecstatic at what I have. Or maybe you feel like you're just that good to get it. Didn't make you any friends, though.

Have fun on the ship. You'll be on it alone. :D


03-22-2005, 08:50 PM
Well, the wise words for Arkans are as follows:

For fuck's sake! Less drama over an overpriced merchant! Yeesh!

- Arkans

03-22-2005, 09:00 PM


03-22-2005, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Arkans

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-22-2005, 10:11 PM
It's isn't the drama, it's the pompous ass who posts all over the place bitching and moaning like a little girl with her first period.

I hope the ship has a method for keel hauling, because goddamn I'm tired of reading his simultaneous ass kissing, begging, insulting and pathetic cries for attention on this board and the officials.

Respectfully. Ha.

03-23-2005, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
bitching and moaning like a little girl with her first period.

It doesn't stop at the first period. :cry: