View Full Version : Selling a 68 Train Dwarf Warrior w/Conversion

03-20-2005, 01:08 PM
As the topic states, I'm selling a 68 train warrior whom I had originally planned on converting to Paladin. However, since my new job is pretty much taking over my life. I no longer have the time to play Gemstone.

He's currently set up as a thw user, however if you plan on converting all his stats and skills are pretty moot at this point. So I won't bother to post them. Forgot to mention, he's also a COL Master with a reset still I believe.

He comes with plenty of gear, including a 4x Heavily crit weighted altered and lightened battle axe, a 4x eonake adze (battle axe), some +22 imflass full plate, and plenty of V'tullian alters. He's currently the only character on the account so taking over is alot easier. Has about 3mil in his bank, scattered about 2.2mil or so in the Landing, and the rest in Illistim.

I'm open for offers right now as it stands somewhere in the range of 300-500 dollars.

Also, if purchased I can easily give the buyer some good stat placement and skill training if he decides to convert, since I was one of the more respectable Paladins in game. Feel free to reply here, U2U me or AIM me if I'm on. I prefer paypal of course, but will accept other payments if needed, thanks

[Edited on 3-20-2005 by Gizmo]

03-21-2005, 12:54 PM
Current Offer = 250 bucks

03-22-2005, 09:17 AM