View Full Version : Monk vs Cleric vs Paladin

06-17-2003, 09:17 AM
What is the difference between the three? I know a Paladin will be more of a semi type than the cleric, but who will be able to raise the dead? Just the cleric?

And monks.. I understand they will mostly go towards brawling type skills.. anyone know much about them?

I quickly used my last reallocation with my cleric and moved him away from blunt weapons to fully singled in brawling. I heard the GMs will allow those who show a training in brawling to reallocate to become monks and didn't want to be cornered in as a cleric just in case.

Anyone that has a good grasp of these 3 different professions? Give us some advice on their strengths/weaknesses.


06-19-2003, 07:00 AM
Warden has said you will need at least 1.5x brawling to reallocate into a monk. So basically pures will not be monks.

06-19-2003, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by Zanagodly
Warden has said you will need at least 1.5x brawling to reallocate into a monk. So basically pures will not be monks.

Crap! Oh well.. it does help his open hand repelling.

06-19-2003, 12:24 PM
Paladins can raise the dead, but only once per day and the spell is in a 40th level slot.

07-05-2004, 06:52 PM
Paladins where shitloads of armor

07-05-2004, 07:39 PM
The implementation of these professions is going to be fun to watch. They will either do them half-assed, or they will neuter them from the start for fear of the people whining about how powerful they are.

07-05-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Zanagodly
Warden has said you will need at least 1.5x brawling to reallocate into a monk. So basically pures will not be monks.

Crap! Oh well.. it does help his open hand repelling.

Clerics can only 1x brawling currently I thought...

07-06-2004, 03:39 PM
Nothing was ever stated that clerics should be able to become monks, just paladins.