View Full Version : Man Slaps Female Reporter's Behind on Live TV

12-11-2019, 11:33 AM

Predictably, he has been identified. But here's the important question. If he had been a famous teevee star, would she have complained? We all know of a Certain People who say that women will let you do anything if you're a star.

The runner who slapped a TV reporter’s behind is a local youth minister who claims he wants to “correct the situation” — while the journalist on the receiving end of his hand says he “hurt me, both physically and emotionally.”

More... (https://nypost.com/2019/12/10/runner-who-slapped-reporters-butt-on-live-tv-identified-as-youth-minister/)

“He helped himself to a part of my body,” she added, saying it left her in “disbelief” and “inundated with some female guilt” because of some of the harsh online comments suggesting she was at fault.

“It’s not OK to help yourself to a woman’s body just because you feel like it. It’s not playful. He hurt me, both physically and emotionally,” Bozarjian said.

“I think what is most important here is he took my power, and I’m trying to take that back,” she said. “I want to take my time with that.”

Savannah police did not immediately return requests for comment.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-11-2019, 11:34 AM
SealioningFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Sealioning (also spelled sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll) or harassment which consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity.[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-Poland2016-1)[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-2)[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-3)[4] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-4) It may take the form of "incessant, bad-faith (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_faith) invitations to engage in debate".[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-5)


1Description (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#Description)
2Origins and history (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#Origins_and_history)
3See also (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#See_also)
4References (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#References)
5External links (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#External_links)

Description[edit (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sealioning&action=edit&section=1)]The troll feigns ignorance and politeness, so that if the target is provoked into making an angry response, the troll can then act as the aggrieved party.[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-6)[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-7) Sealioning can be performed by a single troll or by multiple ones acting in concert.[8] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-forbes-8) The technique of sealioning has been compared to the Gish gallop (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop) and metaphorically described as a denial-of-service attack (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack) targeted at human beings.[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-Johnson-9)
An essay in the collection Perspectives on Harmful Speech Online, published by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkman_Klein_Center_for_Internet_%26_Society) at Harvard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard), noted:

Rhetorically, sealioning fuses persistent questioning—often about basic information, information easily found elsewhere, or unrelated or tangential points—with a loudly-insisted-upon commitment to reasonable debate. It disguises itself as a sincere attempt to learn and communicate. Sealioning thus works both to exhaust a target's patience, attention, and communicative effort, and to portray the target as unreasonable. While the questions of the "sea lion" may seem innocent, they're intended maliciously and have harmful consequences.
— Amy Johnson, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkman_Klein_Center_for_Internet_%26_Society) (May 2019)[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-Johnson-9)
Origins and history[edit (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sealioning&action=edit&section=2)]The term originated with a 2014 strip of the webcomic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webcomic) Wondermark (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wondermark) by David Malki,[10] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-10) where a character expresses a dislike of sea lions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_lion) and a sea lion intrudes to repeatedly ask the character to explain.[11] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-11) "Sea lion" was quickly verbed (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verbing), the term gained popularity as a way to describe online trolling, and it was used to describe some of the behavior of those participating in the Gamergate controversy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_controversy).[12] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-12)[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-13)
In a 2016 study published in First Monday (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Monday_(journal)) focusing on users of the controversial Gamergate subreddit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subreddit) /r/KotakuInAction (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KotakuInAction), participants were surveyed about what they believed constituted "harassment." Participants were quoted claiming that "expressions of sincere disagreement" were considered harassment by opponents of the forum and that the term was used to silence legitimate requests for proof.[14] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_note-KiA-14)
See also[edit (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sealioning&action=edit&section=3)]

Argumentum ad nauseam (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_nauseam) – a more general term for an argument that has continued past the point of value
Internet troll (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll)
Griefer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griefer)

References[edit (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sealioning&action=edit&section=4)]

^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-Poland2016_1-0) Poland, Bailey (November 2016). Haters: Harassment, Abuse, and Violence Online (https://books.google.com/books?id=Jd4nDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA145). University of Nebraska Press (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Nebraska_Press). pp. 144–145. ISBN (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number) 978-1-61234-766-0 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/978-1-61234-766-0).
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-2) Sarkeesian, Anita (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anita_Sarkeesian) (20 February 2015). "Anita Sarkeesian's Guide to Internetting While Female" (https://web.archive.org/web/20190802082936/https://www.marieclaire.com/culture/news/a13403/online-harassment-terms-fight-back/). Marie Claire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Claire). Archived from the original (https://www.marieclaire.com/culture/news/a13403/online-harassment-terms-fight-back/) on 2 August 2019. Retrieved 2 August 2019.
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-3) Chandler, Daniel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Chandler); Munday, Rod (3 March 2016). A Dictionary of Social Media (http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780191803093.001.0001/acref-9780191803093-e-1257). Oxford University Press (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_University_Press). ISBN (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number) 9780192518521 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/9780192518521). OCLC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCLC) 952388585 (https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/952388585).
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-4) Bloomfield, Robert (2018). "The LAAPs that foster productive conversations and the crebit that undermines them". Accounting, Organizations and Society (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accounting,_Organizations_and_Society). 68–69: 125–142. doi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_object_identifier):10.1016/j.aos.2018.06.004 (https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.aos.2018.06.004). Consider a website that seeks to provide a venue for productive conversations among those who own and love cats. Their conversations are likely to be undermined by those who want to foster a preference for dogs (haters), as well as those who simply enjoy undermining conversations for its own sake (trolls). They can expect these haters and trolls to raise faulty arguments about the evils of cats faster than they can be rebutted (the Gish Gallop); to pretend sincerity in asking repeatedly for evidence on the benefits of cats (sealioning)...
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-5) Sullivan, E.; Sondag, M.; Rutter, I.; Meulemans, W.; Cunningham, S.; Speckmann, B.; Alfano, M. "Can Real Social Epistemic Networks Deliver the Wisdom of Crowds?" (https://philarchive.org/archive/SULCRS) (pdf). p. 21. Retrieved 28 January 2019 – via The PhilPapers Foundation.
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-6) Lindsay, Jessica (5 July 2018). "Sealioning is the new thing to worry about in relationships and online" (https://metro.co.uk/2018/07/05/sealioning-new-thing-worry-relationships-online-7680577/). Metro.co.uk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro.co.uk). Retrieved 13 September 2018.
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-7) Stokel-Walker, Chris (18 August 2018). "How to handle a troll ... and neuter a sea lion" (https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/aug/18/how-to-handle-a-troll-and-neuter-a-sea-lion-dealing-with-online-attacks-astroturfine-trolljacking). The Guardian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guardian). Retrieved 13 September 2018.
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-forbes_8-0) J. Marshall Shepherd (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Marshall_Shepherd) (17 March 2019). "'Sealioning' Is A Common Trolling Tactic On Social Media—What Is It?" (https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2019/03/07/sealioning-is-a-common-trolling-tactic-on-social-media-what-is-it/#22201c2d7a41). Forbes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbes_(magazine)). Retrieved 16 June 2019.
^ Jump up to:a (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-Johnson_9-0) b (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-Johnson_9-1) Johnson, Amy (2017). Gasser, Urs (ed.). "The Multiple Harms of Sea Lions" (https://cyber.harvard.edu/sites/cyber.harvard.edu/files/2017-08_harmfulspeech.pdf) (PDF). Perspectives on Harmful Speech Online. Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkman_Klein_Center_for_Internet_%26_Society). p. 14. Retrieved 16 September 2018.
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-10) "Wondermark #1062" (https://wondermark.com/1k62/). 19 September 2014. Retrieved 3 March 2019.
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-11) Maxwell, Kerry (6 October 2015). "Definition of Sea lion" (https://www.macmillandictionary.com/buzzword/entries/sea-lion.html). Macmillan Dictionary (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macmillan_Publishers). Retrieved 10 January 2018.
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-12) Jhaver, Shagun; Ghoshal, Sucheta; Bruckman, Amy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_S._Bruckman); Gilbert, Eric. "Online Harassment and Content Moderation: The Case of Blocklists". ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACM_Transactions_on_Computer-Human_Interaction). 25 (2): 12. doi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_object_identifier):10.1145/3185593 (https://doi.org/10.1145%2F3185593).
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-13) Massanari, Adrienne L. (2016). "'Damseling for Dollars': Toxic Technocultures and Geek Masculinity". In Lind, Rebecca Ann (ed.). Race and Gender in Electronic Media: Content, Context, Culture. Routledge (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Routledge). ISBN (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Book_Number) 9781317266129 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BookSources/9781317266129). OCLC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCLC) 948090024 (https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/948090024). For supporters [of Gamergate], however, the hashtag became an effective way to swarm the mentions of users perceived as not sharing their views, which became known colloquially as 'sea lioning' (Malki, 2014).
^ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning#cite_ref-KiA_14-0) Jhaver, Shagun; Chan, Larry; Bruckman, Amy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_S._Bruckman) (5 February 2018). "The view from the other side: The border between controversial speech and harassment on Kotaku in Action" (https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/8232). First Monday. 23 (2). arXiv (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArXiv):1712.05851 (https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05851). doi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_object_identifier):10.5210/fm.v23i2.8232 (https://doi.org/10.5210%2Ffm.v23i2.8232). Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20190321060337/https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/8232) from the original on 21 March 2019. Retrieved 21 March 2019.

External links[edit (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sealioning&action=edit&section=5)]

The Terrible Sea Lion (https://wondermark.com/1k62/), the Wondermark (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wondermark) comic strip that inspired the term
Wondermark Errata (https://wondermark.com/2014-errata/) defending the cartoon against accusations of classism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_discrimination) and speciesism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciesism).

12-11-2019, 11:40 AM


Actualité Transports

Les commerçants de la 1re Avenue les plus touchés par le tramway



Photo courtoisie, Ville de Québec

Stéphanie Martin
Mercredi, 11 décembre 2019 09:40
MISE À JOUR Mercredi, 11 décembre 2019 11:38
Les commerçants de la 1re Avenue, dans Limoilou, seront les plus touchés par le passage du tramway et sont inquiets. Le maire promet de les rencontrer en premier, au début de l’année.
• À lire aussi: Tramway de Québec: des bouleversements en vue pendant la construction
Régis Labeaume a passé deux heures mardi soir avec les commerçants de la 1re Avenue, afin de leur parler de ce qui s’en vient dans ce secteur, en prévision d’une rencontre plus complète et détaillée en début d’année 2020. Avec le passage du tramway dans ce milieu étroit, la rue deviendra sens unique en direction sud à partir de la 18e Rue et deux voies de tramway circuleront sur l’artère.

«C’est eux qu’on va aller voir en premier, parce que ce sont eux qui sont les plus impactés et ce sont eux qui sont les plus inquiets», a fait savoir le maire de Québec mercredi matin, en comité plénier.
Ils se demandent si leurs clients vont pouvoir venir, si ce sera compliqué pour la livraison, s’il y aura possibilité de tourner à gauche, etc. «Ce sont des questions légitimes», a soumis M. Labeaume.
La mise en place du comité de voisinage, en début d’année, permettra de répondre à ces questions, a-t-il dit, rappelant que le canal de communication est ouvert et direct entre les commerçants, la conseillère Suzanne Verreault et lui-même.
Les marchands auront à ce moment-là des détails et même des présentations visuelles pour mieux comprendre comment leur environnement sera modifié.
Le maire a manifesté son soutien aux gens d’affaires qui ont pignon sur rue. «On va faire ce qui est nécessaire pour que leur chiffre d’affaires ne soit pas touché. Oui, il y aura des travaux. On leur a réexpliqué le plan de compensation et ça a apaisé des choses. Quand tu investis toute ta vie dans ton commerce, c’est normal d’être inquiet. On va travailler avec eux.»
M. Labeaume a souligné que tout le plan de circulation du secteur serait revu. «Tout va être repensé pour que les commerces soient bien desservis.»
«Ils [les commerçants] ont compris, à la fin de la rencontre, qu’il y avait un avantage en entier. Une 1re Avenue reconstruite au complet. Ils ont compris que leur patrimoine allait prendre de la valeur.»

Les stations et le tunnel
D’autre part, les responsables du bureau de projet ont expliqué mercredi que la distance moyenne entre les 35 stations du tramway a été fixée à 680 mètres. Le choix de l’emplacement précis des stations est généralement déterminé par la densité de la population qui peut être desservie, a-t-on expliqué.
La semaine dernière, les occupants d’une résidence pour personnes âgées du quartier Saint-Sacrement ont exprimé leur inquiétude devant la possible perte de leur station de bus habituelle, sur le boulevard René-Lévesque, lors de l’avènement du tramway.
Interrogé par ailleurs sur le tunnel de 2,6 kilomètres qui doit relier les quartiers Saint-Roch et Montcalm, Daniel Genest, directeur de projet du réseau structurant, a laissé entendre qu’il restait beaucoup de travail à faire. «On en est à optimiser et à raffiner le tracé du tunnel, a-t-il indiqué. La façon de construire le tunnel appartient au consortium qui sera retenu. Ce n’est pas la responsabilité de la Ville, de dicter la façon de creuser le tunnel.»
Cela dit, l’utilisation d’un tunnelier, pour creuser ce tunnel, est «peu probable» à cause de l’existence de courbes prononcées, a ajouté M. Genest.
Côte d'Abraham
Répondant à une question de l’opposition, M. Genest et le maire Labeaume ont confirmé que la côte d’Abraham ne serait pas fermée à la circulation routière durant les travaux en souterrain.
«Elle ne sera pas fermée, elle va être ouverte avec une capacité de mobilité réduite», a expliqué M. Genest.
Le maire est revenu sur la coupe d'arbres, particulièrement sur René-Lévesque, qui est une «fatalité». «Il n'y a personne qui a le goût de voir un arbre mature abattu. Ça va nous faire mal au cœur à quelques places. Mais il va falloir qu’on ait de la perspective et qu’on voie plusieurs années en avant», a-t-il souligné, rappelant que la Ville s'efforcerait de limiter le plus possible l'abattage. Il a donné l'exemple de la promenade Samuel-De Champlain, où de grands arbres ont été abattus et où l'on a replanté. Dans les premières années, la canopée est moins fournie, mais à long terme, on sera gagnant, a-t-il dit. «Ça va prendre un brin de patience.»

Évoquant le pôle d’échanges du Phare, à Sainte-Foy, Régis Labeaume a rappelé que l’interconnexion avec Lévis est du ressort du ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ). Le coût de cette interconnexion demeure à déterminer, mais il ne fera assurément pas partie des 3,3 milliards $ du Réseau structurant, a-t-il ajouté.
Revenant sur le retard de deux ans pour la construction du Phare, le maire a signalé «qu’il y aurait eu bien moins de bus (au pôle d’échanges du Phare) s’il n’y avait pas (l’interconnexion avec) Lévis».
Visite surprise

Photo Taïeb Moalla
Mercredi en fin de matinée, des bénévoles de la Guignolée Saint-Vincent-de-Paul – avec le député solidaire Sol Zanetti à leur tête – sont arrivés à l’hôtel de Ville, en plein comité plénier, pour amasser de l’argent en faveur des plus démunis. M Zanetti a salué la générosité des élus et des employés présents à la salle du conseil municipal.
– Avec la collaboration de Taïeb Moalla


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Morena Baccarin

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Morena Baccarin

Morena Baccarin by Gage Skidmore 3.jpg
Baccarin at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con

Morena Silva de Vaz Setta Baccarin
June 2, 1979 (age 40)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Brazil ·
United States

Juilliard School (BFA)


Years active


Austin Chick
(m. 2011; div. 2016)

Ben McKenzie (m. 2017)


Morena Baccarin (/məˈreɪnə ˈbækərɪn/;[1] Portuguese: [moˈɾenɐ ˈbakaɾĩ]; born June 2, 1979)[2][3] is a Brazilian-American actress known for portraying Inara Serra in the sci-fi series Firefly and the follow-up film Serenity, Vanessa in the superhero comedy film Deadpool and its sequel Deadpool 2; Jessica Brody in the Showtime series Homeland, for which she received a Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2013; and Dr. Leslie Thompkins in the Fox series Gotham.

Contents [hide]
1 Early life
2 Career
3 Social engagement
4 Personal life
5 Filmography 5.1 Film
5.2 Television
5.3 Video games

6 Awards and Nominations
7 References
8 External links

Early life[edit]

Baccarin was born in Rio de Janeiro, the daughter of actress Vera Setta and Fernando Baccarin, a journalist.[4][5] She is of Italian descent.[6] Her name, "Morena", means "brunette" or "tanned" in several languages, including Portuguese and Spanish.[7] When she was seven, she moved with her family to Greenwich Village, New York, as her father was transferred to work as an editor at Globo TV's headquarters.[8] Baccarin attended Public School 41 and New York City Lab School for Collaborative Studies, where she and her future Homeland co-star Claire Danes were classmates.[9][10] She later attended the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts before she entered the theater program at the Juilliard School, where she was in the Drama Division's Group 29 (1996–2000).[11]


Baccarin landed her first film role in the improvised fashion-world comedy Perfume (2001). This was followed by a lead role in Way Off Broadway (2001).[12]

Baccarin at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International
She served as Natalie Portman's understudy in the Central Park production of The Seagull.[4] The science-fiction drama Firefly (2002) as Inara Serra was Baccarin's first television series,[13] and she reprised her role in the 2005 film Serenity.

In February 2005, Baccarin provided the voice for Black Canary in multiple episodes of the animated series Justice League Unlimited. She also guest starred in three episodes of the television series The O.C. in 2006. Baccarin also appeared in the unaired pilot episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, playing a transgender woman Carmen.[4] It was announced in April 2006 that Baccarin would be playing the adult version of recurring villain Adria in the tenth season of Stargate SG-1. She first appeared in season 10 episode "Counterstrike" as adult Adria (the younger versions of Adria were previously played by other actresses). Baccarin reprised her role in the movie Stargate: The Ark of Truth.

In May 2009, Baccarin made her Off-Broadway debut in Theresa Rebeck's television satire Our House at Playwrights Horizons in New York City.[14] She landed the lead role of Anna, the leader of the alien Visitors, in ABC's 2009–2011 series V,[15] a remake of the 1984 series.[16] In May 2011, shortly following the airing of the show's second-season finale, it was announced that the show would not return for a third season. That same month, Baccarin joined the cast of the Showtime television drama Homeland,[17] for which she received praise for her role as the conflicted wife of a former prisoner of war.[18] On July 18, 2013, she was nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series at the 2013 Primetime Emmy awards for her performance.

Baccarin appeared alongside Melissa McCarthy in the 2015 action-comedy Spy as agent Karen Walker. In 2016, Baccarin appeared alongside Ryan Reynolds in the hit movie Deadpool as Vanessa Carlysle.[19] She reprised her role in the 2018 sequel Deadpool 2.[20]

In 2015, Baccarin began a leading role as Dr. Leslie Thompkins in the Fox show Gotham.[21] She portrayed the character in all five seasons of the show. In 2019, she played a psychologist on Brazilian TV series Sessão de Terapia (Therapy Session), her first role on a production in her homeland.

Social engagement[edit]

Baccarin works with the International Rescue Committee on behalf of refugees.[22] In January 2019 she wrote an article in the Newsweek magazine describing her experiences. She was interviewing refugees from Venezuela during a trip to Colombia. Back then she warned of an evolving situation, which could lead to an increase of refugees asking for asylum in the US.[23]

In 2019 she, together with other artists, lawyers, advocates and refugees took part in the Flores Exhibits project. She read a protocol of a statement by a migrant.[24][25]

Personal life[edit]

Baccarin married American film producer and director Austin Chick in November 2011.[26] Their son was born in October 2013.[27] Chick filed for divorce in July 2015, citing irreconcilable differences.[28] On March 18, 2016, Baccarin and Chick's divorce became official.[29]

In September 2015, Baccarin said that after her divorce was finalized, she planned to marry her Gotham co-star, Ben McKenzie, adding that she was pregnant with their child.[30] The couple has a daughter, born in March 2016.[31] Baccarin and McKenzie announced their engagement in November 2016.[32] They were married in Brooklyn, New York, on June 2, 2017, on Baccarin's 38th birthday.[2][33]



Baccarin at the 69th Golden Globe Awards on January 15, 2012





2001 Perfume Monica
Way Off Broadway Rebecca
2002 Roger Dodger Girl in Bar
2005 Serenity Inara Serra
2008 Death in Love Beautiful Woman
Stargate: The Ark of Truth Adria
2009 Stolen Rose Montgomery
2014 Back in the Day Lori
Son of Batman Talia al Ghul Voice role
2015 Spy Karen Walker
2016 Batman: Bad Blood Talia al Ghul Voice role
Deadpool Vanessa
2017 Malevolent Gamemaster Voice role
2018 Deadpool 2 Vanessa
2019 Framing John DeLorean Cristina Ferrare
Ode to Joy Francesca
2020 Waldo Lorena Nascimento Post-production
TBA Greenland TBA Post-production
TBA The Good House Rebecca McAllister Post-production






2002–2003 Firefly Inara Serra 14 episodes
Main role (Season 1)
2003–2004 Still Life Maggie Jones 6 episodes
Main role (Season 1)
2005 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Carmen Episode: "It's Always Sunny on TV" (unaired pilot)[4]
2005–2006 Justice League Unlimited Dinah Laurel Lance / Black Canary (voice) 3 episodes
Guest role (Seasons 2-3)
2006 The O.C. Maya Griffin 3 episodes
Guest role (Season 3)
How I Met Your Mother Chloe Episode: "Swarley"
Justice Lisa Cruz Episode: "Christmas Party"
Kitchen Confidential Gia Episode: "An Affair to Remember"
2006–2007 Stargate SG-1 Adria 5 episodes
Guest role (Season 10)
2007 Las Vegas Sara Samari Episode: "The Burning Bedouin"
Heartland Nurse Jessica Kivala 9 episodes
Guest role (Season 1)
Sands of Oblivion Alice Carter Television film
2008 Dirt Claire Leland Episode: "And the Winner Is"
Numb3rs Lynn Potter Episode: "Blowback"
2009 Medium Brooke Hoyt Episode: "All in the Family"
2009–2011 V Anna 22 episodes
Main role (Seasons 1-2)
2010 The Deep End Beth Bancroft Episode: "Unaired Pilot"
2011 Batman: The Brave and the Bold Cheetah (voice) Episode: "Triumvirate of Terror!"
Look Again Allison Television film
2011–2014 The Mentalist Erica Flynn 3 episodes
Guest role (Seasons 3-4, 7)
2011–2013 Homeland Jessica Brody 36 episodes
Main role (Seasons 1-3)
2012–2013 The Good Wife Isobel Swift Episodes: "Long Way Home", "The Wheels of Justice"
2014 Warriors Tory Unsold TV pilot
2014–2019 The Flash Gideon
(voice) 19 episodes
Recurring role (Seasons 1-2, 4-5)
2014 The Red Tent Rachel Miniseries
2015–2019 Gotham Leslie Thompkins 82 episodes
Recurring role (Season 1)
Main role (Seasons 2-5)
2019 A Series of Unfortunate Events Beatrice Baudelaire Episodes: "Penultimate Peril: Part 2", "The End"
2019 Sessão de Terapia Dr. Sofia Callas 5 episodes
Guest role (Season 4)

Video games[edit]



Voice role


2017 Destiny 2 Sagira Curse of Osiris DLC

Awards and Nominations[edit]




Nominated work



2001 Wine Country Film Festival Best Actress Way Off Broadway Won [citation needed]
2010 Saturn Award Best Supporting Actress on Television V Nominated
Scream Awards Breakout Performance - Female V Nominated
NewNowNext Awards Brink of Fame: Actor V Nominated [34]
2011 Saturn Award Best Supporting Actress on Television V Nominated
2013 Primetime Emmy Award Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Homeland Nominated
Screen Actors Guild Award Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series Homeland Nominated
2016 MTV Movie Awards Best Female Performance Deadpool Nominated [35]
Best Kiss (with Ryan Reynolds) Deadpool Nominated [35]
Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Actress: Action Deadpool Nominated [36]


1.^ "Photoshoot for LA Confidential Magazine - Morena Baccarin" on YouTube
2.^ Jump up to: a b Rodriguez, Karla (September 20, 2017). "Ben McKenzie: Why Morena and I Married on Her Birthday". Us Weekly. Retrieved May 27, 2018. "[Morena and Ben McKenzie] got married on June 2, which also happens to be the Deadpool star’s birthday. 'I just got hitched,' the actor revealed, showing off his wedding ring. 'We wanted to get married at the Botanic Gardens in Brooklyn.... When we wanted to book it, which was over a year in advance in our defense, the only date available was my wife’s birthday.'"
3.^ "Morena Baccarin"Actress (1979–)". www.Biography.com. A&E Networks. Archived from the original on May 16, 2018.
4.^ Jump up to: a b c d "Morena Baccarin Biography". TVGuide.com. Archived from the original on March 22, 2009. Retrieved September 24, 2015. "Birth Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil." Note: Source gives date of birth January 2, 1979.
5.^ Britto, Thaís (January 19, 2013). "No ar em 'Homeland', Morena Baccarin diz que tem orgulho de ser brasileira / On the air in 'Homeland', Morena Baccarin says she is proud to be Brazilian". O Globo. Archived from the original on October 27, 2017. "Aos 7 anos, Morena saiu do Rio de Janeiro rumo a Nova York com os irmãos, a mãe, a atriz Vera Setta, e o pai, o jornalista Fernando Baccarin, que havia sido transferido para lá. / At age 7, Morena left Rio de Janeiro for New York with her brothers, mother, actress Vera Setta, and her father, the journalist Fernando Baccarin, who had been transferred there."
6.^ Massarella, Linda (April 20, 2012). "Pare, Baccarin successful roomies". QMI Agency. Archived from the original on November 3, 2016. Retrieved August 19, 2013 – via Canoe.com. "Baccarin was born in Brazil to Italian parents."
7.^ "morena - Translation into English - examples Portuguese | Reverso Context". Context.Reverso.net. Retrieved January 1, 2018.
8.^ Interview with Morena Baccarin. Programa do Jô. Globo TV. April 30, 2010.
9.^ "Morena Baccarin Leaving 'V' & Her Short Haircut Behind For 'Homeland'". Access Hollywood. August 4, 2011. Archived from the original on December 24, 2015. Retrieved March 13, 2012.
10.^ "It's Evening in America". Vanity Fair. May 2012. Page 154.
11.^ "Alumni News". Juilliard School. September 2007. Archived from the original on November 11, 2011.
12.^ Kuhn, Sarah (March 26, 2005). "Morena Baccarin - 'Way Off Broadway' Movie - Reuters.com Interview". Retrieved June 5, 2013.
13.^ Hernandez, Lee (July 15, 2012). "'Firefly' Alum Morena Baccarin on the Show's 10th Anniversary, Comic-Con and Diversity (EXCLUSIVE)". The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 12, 2013.
14.^ Isherwood, Charles (June 10, 2009). "Snarling, Murderous Reality (Now, That's Entertainment!)". The New York Times. Retrieved June 5, 2013.
15.^ Mitovich, Matt (March 9, 2009). "Pilot News: V Catches Firefly Star, and More ABC Castings". TV Guide. Retrieved March 9, 2009.
16.^ "Morena Baccarin V Interview". BSkyB. April 22, 2010. Archived from the original on May 1, 2010. Retrieved August 11, 2010.
17.^ Andreeva, Nellie (May 31, 2011). "'V' Star Morena Baccarin Joins Showtime Drama Series 'Homeland' As Regular". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved May 31, 2011.
18.^ Fretts, Bruce. "Cheers & Jeers". TV Guide. October 17, 2011. page 68.
19.^ "'Deadpool': Morena Baccarin on Sex Montages, Improv, and Keeping Up with Ryan Reynolds". Collider. November 25, 2015. Retrieved October 30, 2016.
20.^ Russian, Ale (May 16, 2018). "Morena Baccarin Compares Kissing Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 2 to 'Kissing a Giant Latex Condom'". People.
21.^ "Morena Baccarin on Joining 'Gotham': It's a "Different World"". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 27, 2019.
22.^ Morena Baccarin. "IRC Voices - Morena Baccarin". www.rescue.org. Retrieved June 22, 2019.
23.^ Morena Baccarin (January 24, 2019). "The Venezuela crisis could produce more refugees than Syria. Here is how the U.S. can prepare - opinion". www.newsweek.com. Retrieved June 22, 2019.
24.^ "THE FLORES EXHIBITS". www.flores-exhibits.org. September 19, 2019. Retrieved September 19, 2019.
25.^ "Waterwell & Broadway Advocacy Coalition Launch THE FLORES EXHIBITS". www.broadwayworld.com. September 18, 2019. Retrieved September 19, 2019.
26.^ Leon, Anya; Jordan, Julie (May 14, 2013). "Morena Baccarin Expecting First Child". People. Archived from the original on October 26, 2018. Retrieved May 28, 2018.
27.^ Leon, Anya; Jordan, Julie (October 24, 2013). "Morena Baccarin Welcomes Son". People. Archived from [Morena Baccarin Welcomes Son Julius the original] Check |url= value (help) on March 17, 2018. Retrieved October 2, 2019.
28.^ Rayford Rubenstein, Janine (July 6, 2015). "Homeland Actress Morena Baccarin's Husband Files for Divorce". People. Retrieved October 2, 2019.
29.^ "Morena Baccarin Officially Divorced". E! News. March 18, 2016. Retrieved March 20, 2016.
30.^ Gomez, Patrick (September 21, 2015). "Gotham's Morena Baccarin and Benjamin McKenzie Dating". People. Retrieved October 2, 2019.
31.^ Mandell, Andrea (March 11, 2016). "Exclusive: Morena Baccarin, Ben McKenzie welcome baby girl". USA Today. Archived from the original on March 12, 2016.
32.^ Webber, Stephanie (November 29, 2016). "Ben McKenzie, Morena Baccarin Are Officially Engaged: See Her Ring!". Us Weekly.
33.^ Jordan, Julie (June 7, 2017). "Morena Baccarin and Ben McKenzie Are Married!". People.
34.^ "Your Complete Guide To This Year's NewNowNext Awards 'Brink of Fame: Actor' Nominees". NewNowNext.com (Logo TV). Archived from the original on December 31, 2017. Retrieved October 30, 2016.
35.^ Jump up to: a b Lovett, Jamie (March 8, 2016). "Deadpool, Avengers, And Star Wars Nominated For MTV Movie Awards". ComicBook.com.
36.^ "Teen Choice Awards: Complete List of Nominees". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 27, 2019.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Morena Baccarin.
Morena Baccarin on Twitter
Morena Baccarin on IMDb
"Morena Baccarin interview". TheSciFiWorld.net. April 13, 2007.

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12-11-2019, 11:46 AM
Fuck that guy in the goat ass.

12-11-2019, 11:46 AM
Canadiens de Montréal
«Ils jouent du hockey plate» - Mario Lemieux
TVA Sports
Publié aujourd'hui à 08h25 | Mis à jour aujourd'hui à 08h37

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À l’époque où Mario Lemieux faisait la pluie et le beau temps avec les Jaromir Jagr et Ron Francis, les Penguins de Pittsburgh formaient une équipe spectaculaire qui écrasait l’autre équipe avec son talent.
C’est sans doute pour cette raison que «le Magnifique» appelle un chat un chat lorsqu’il observe les Canadiens de Montréal, une équipe qui grappille des points grâce à un effort collectif.
À LIRE AUSSI: Que se passe-t-il avec Alexis Lafrenière?
À LIRE AUSSI: «Pas grand-chose sur le marché des transactions, sauf des problèmes»
«Ils jouent du hockey plate. Ils ont toujours joué comme ça», a dit Lemieux au journaliste de The Athletic Rob Rossi, mardi soir, lors de la deuxième période du match entre le CH et les Penguins.

Lemieux, précise Rossi, n’était pas pour autant amer, lui qui «avait presque l'air impressionné». Dans le milieu, le hockey plate est synonyme de discipline, de sacrifice au bénéfice du groupe. Il est en soi valorisé.
Le «hockey plate» a d’ailleurs souri aux Canadiens, qui ont quitté le PPG Paints Arena avec une victoire de 4-1. Il s’agissait d’un troisième gain en quatre matchs pour les hommes de Claude Julien, qui avaient besoin de resserrer le jeu, sachant qu’ils avaient accordé quantité de buts lors de leur moribonde séquence de huit défaites.
«Quand tu vois que le match s’en va dans cette direction, tu dois simplifier les choses, a indiqué le défenseur Kristopher Letang après la défaite des siens. Peut-être que ce sera un match plate, mais tu ne dois pas déroger du plan. Peut-être qu’on a essayé de trop en faire et on s’est fait piéger.»
Durant sa récente glissade, le CH a encaissé quatre buts ou plus à six reprises (4,25 par match). Or, lors de ses quatre dernières sorties, il a accordé un total de sept buts seulement (1,75 par rencontre).
Bref, tout porte à croire que le Tricolore continuera de jouer du hockey plate si c’est ce qui peut l’amener en séries.

Recommandé pour vous

Que se passe-t-il avec Alexis Lafrenière?

Canadiens de Montréal
«Pas grand chose sur le marché des transactions, sauf des problèmes»

Canadiens de Montréal
Une curieuse tendance chez Price et le CH

Ailleurs sur le web

Céline porte un kit fou et une bague immense

Le surdoué de neuf ans Laurent Simons quitte l'université

Devrais-je opter pour une garantie prolongée avec le Toyota RAV4 hybride 2020?

Vox pop REER: est-ce que les jeunes connaissent bien l'épargne retraite?

Sur le meme sujet

Canadiens de Montréal
Une explosion de buts

Partager / hier à 21h48

Canadiens de Montréal
Molson se range derrière Bergevin

Partager / hier à 16h09


Kim Clavel présente son «nouveau chum»
09 décembre

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Applications mobiles
TVA Sports est devenue la chaîne incontournable pour les amateurs de sports avec une offre de nombreuses propriétés de prestige. TVA Sports est le diffuseur francophone exclusif de la Ligue nationale de hockey (LNH) au Canada jusqu’en 2026 et le diffuseur francophone exclusif de l’Impact de Montréal et diffuseur officiel de la MLS jusqu’en 2022. La chaîne a conclu des ententes avec la WWE pour RAW, la Ligue majeure de baseball (MLB), les Blue Jays de Toronto, le football universitaire du RSEQ et du U Sports incluant la Coupe Vanier, la Coupe Rogers, le tennis de la WTA, la LHJMQ, la LCH, GYM, Eye of the Tiger Management, l'Euro 2020, les Grands Prix Cyclistes de Québec et de Montréal et le Red Bull Crashed Ice.
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12-11-2019, 11:50 AM
Canadiens de Montréal
«Ils jouent du hockey plate» - Mario Lemieux
TVA Sports
Publié aujourd'hui à 08h25 | Mis à jour aujourd'hui à 08h37

0 Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter
À l’époque où Mario Lemieux faisait la pluie et le beau temps avec les Jaromir Jagr et Ron Francis, les Penguins de Pittsburgh formaient une équipe spectaculaire qui écrasait l’autre équipe avec son talent.
C’est sans doute pour cette raison que «le Magnifique» appelle un chat un chat lorsqu’il observe les Canadiens de Montréal, une équipe qui grappille des points grâce à un effort collectif.
À LIRE AUSSI: Que se passe-t-il avec Alexis Lafrenière?
À LIRE AUSSI: «Pas grand-chose sur le marché des transactions, sauf des problèmes»
«Ils jouent du hockey plate. Ils ont toujours joué comme ça», a dit Lemieux au journaliste de The Athletic Rob Rossi, mardi soir, lors de la deuxième période du match entre le CH et les Penguins.

Lemieux, précise Rossi, n’était pas pour autant amer, lui qui «avait presque l'air impressionné». Dans le milieu, le hockey plate est synonyme de discipline, de sacrifice au bénéfice du groupe. Il est en soi valorisé.
Le «hockey plate» a d’ailleurs souri aux Canadiens, qui ont quitté le PPG Paints Arena avec une victoire de 4-1. Il s’agissait d’un troisième gain en quatre matchs pour les hommes de Claude Julien, qui avaient besoin de resserrer le jeu, sachant qu’ils avaient accordé quantité de buts lors de leur moribonde séquence de huit défaites.
«Quand tu vois que le match s’en va dans cette direction, tu dois simplifier les choses, a indiqué le défenseur Kristopher Letang après la défaite des siens. Peut-être que ce sera un match plate, mais tu ne dois pas déroger du plan. Peut-être qu’on a essayé de trop en faire et on s’est fait piéger.»
Durant sa récente glissade, le CH a encaissé quatre buts ou plus à six reprises (4,25 par match). Or, lors de ses quatre dernières sorties, il a accordé un total de sept buts seulement (1,75 par rencontre).
Bref, tout porte à croire que le Tricolore continuera de jouer du hockey plate si c’est ce qui peut l’amener en séries.

Recommandé pour vous

Que se passe-t-il avec Alexis Lafrenière?

Canadiens de Montréal
«Pas grand chose sur le marché des transactions, sauf des problèmes»

Canadiens de Montréal
Une curieuse tendance chez Price et le CH

Ailleurs sur le web

Céline porte un kit fou et une bague immense

Le surdoué de neuf ans Laurent Simons quitte l'université

Devrais-je opter pour une garantie prolongée avec le Toyota RAV4 hybride 2020?

Vox pop REER: est-ce que les jeunes connaissent bien l'épargne retraite?

Sur le meme sujet

Canadiens de Montréal
Une explosion de buts

Partager / hier à 21h48

Canadiens de Montréal
Molson se range derrière Bergevin

Partager / hier à 16h09


Kim Clavel présente son «nouveau chum»
09 décembre

Nous suivre




Applications mobiles
TVA Sports est devenue la chaîne incontournable pour les amateurs de sports avec une offre de nombreuses propriétés de prestige. TVA Sports est le diffuseur francophone exclusif de la Ligue nationale de hockey (LNH) au Canada jusqu’en 2026 et le diffuseur francophone exclusif de l’Impact de Montréal et diffuseur officiel de la MLS jusqu’en 2022. La chaîne a conclu des ententes avec la WWE pour RAW, la Ligue majeure de baseball (MLB), les Blue Jays de Toronto, le football universitaire du RSEQ et du U Sports incluant la Coupe Vanier, la Coupe Rogers, le tennis de la WTA, la LHJMQ, la LCH, GYM, Eye of the Tiger Management, l'Euro 2020, les Grands Prix Cyclistes de Québec et de Montréal et le Red Bull Crashed Ice.
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12-11-2019, 12:07 PM

Predictably, he has been identified. But here's the important question. If he had been a famous teevee star, would she have complained? We all know of a Certain People who say that women will let you do anything if you're a star.


12-11-2019, 01:20 PM

Predictably, he has been identified. But here's the important question. If he had been a famous teevee star, would she have complained? We all know of a Certain People who say that women will let you do anything if you're a star.

2 Girls 1 Cup
2 Girls 1 Cup is the unofficial nickname of the trailer for Hungry Bitches, a 2007 Brazilian scat-fetish pornographic film produced by MFX Media. The trailer features two women defecating into a cup, taking turns in what appears to be consuming the excrement, and vomiting into each other's mouths.[1] "Lovers Theme" by Hervé Roy plays throughout the video.[2]

Hungry Bitches
Hungry bitches.jpg
DVD cover
Directed by
Marco Antônio Fiorito (as Marco Villanova)
Produced by
MFX Media
Karla, Latifa
Music by
Hervé Roy
Roger Wu
MFX Video
Distributed by
Marco Fiorito
Release date
5 January 2007
Running time
62 minutes
The video went viral and became one of the best known shock videos in itself and for the reactions its graphic content elicited from viewers who had not seen it before.[3][4] Around mid-October 2007, video-sharing sites including YouTube were flooded with videos of the reactions of first-time viewers.[5]


Viewers often speculate that the apparent feces are actually food substances such as refried beans, ice cream, or peanut butter.[6] Some speculate that the vomit is real, but was regurgitated before reaching the stomach and does not contain any gastric acids. In the video, the majority of the vomit does not enter the mouths.[7] Fiorito unsuccessfully argued in court that the excrement was actually chocolate ice cream.[8]


The video originated from a Brazilian distributor and pornographer Marco Antônio Fiorito (born 1 July 1971, in Sao Paulo),[9] who describes himself as a "compulsive fetishist".[1] Fiorito started having interest producing films in 1994, and in 1996, with his wife, Joelma Brito, using her artistic name Letícia Miller, he began a fetish film business[9] and soon moved on to coprophagia. The film was produced by MFX Video, one of several companies owned by Fiorito.[1]

Authorities in the United States have branded some of Fiorito's films as obscene and filed charges against Danilo Croce, a Brazilian lawyer living in Florida, listed as an officer of a company distributing Fiorito's films in the United States. Fiorito explained that had he known that selling his films in the U.S. was illegal, he would have stopped. In his declaration he stated "I would have stopped because the money is not the main reason that I make these films." He then added, "I have already made fetish movies with scat/feces using chocolate instead of feces. Many actors make scat films but they don't agree to eat feces."[1]

The first few seconds of the 2 Girls 1 Cup video contain the text "MFX 1209" (the production code for Hungry Bitches) and the URL mfxvideo.com, the website of Fiorito's MFX Video, leading some in the media to incorrectly believe the video is one of the many Croce had to surrender to the Department of Justice but was somehow leaked in the process.[10][11]

Reaction videos

File:U.S. Marines watch "2 Girls, 1 Cup".webmPlay media
U.S. Marines in 2008 reacting to the video
The popularity of 2 Girls 1 Cup was aided by a series of reaction videos, that is, videos depicting people reacting to watching it.[12] Many videos exist on YouTube of users showing the original video (off-camera) to their friends and filming their reactions, although some may be staged.[3][4][12] Even Joe Rogan, host of Fear Factor, a show notorious for the disgusting things its contestants are dared to eat, had to turn away in a reaction video posted to his blog.[13] A reaction video starring a Kermit the Frog puppet proved very popular on the community-based website Digg.[14]

In January 2008, Slate documented the reaction video phenomenon with a slideshow featuring various reactions.[15] Violet Blue, an author, described this website as becoming "the new 'tubgirl' and goatse all in one disgusting moment of choco-poo-love" in a San Francisco Chronicle article.[16]

Veteran porn star Ron Jeremy walked off while watching the video on The Playhouse.[17] On the same program, singer Wyclef Jean sat through the whole thing without looking away or showing any apparent reaction, all while eating corn on the cob.[18] Ace Frehley, formerly of Kiss, was shown the video on The Opie and Anthony Show in July 2009, and was unfazed, declaring, "Crazier things than that have happened on the road."[19] "Genuine Nerd" Toby Radloff was so disgusted by the clip that he had to immediately watch it again.[20]


The video has led to many parodies and other shock videos with similar content. One of the most popular "sequels" is 4 Girls Fingerpaint, which consists of four women conducting themselves in similar scat-fetishistic activities.[21] The title has also contributed to the titles and nicknames of other shock videos, including 2 Girls 1 Finger, 8 Girls No Cup, 1 Guy 1 Jar, 1 Guy 1 Screwdriver, 3 Orangutans 1 Blender, and 1 Girl 1 Cake, the nickname for the 2008 viral shock video Cake Farts.[21] A short film by guitarist John Mayer to his blog entitled 2 Guys 1 Cup where Mayer and Best Week Ever correspondent Sherrod Small enjoy Pinkberry frozen yogurt in the same manner that the women in the original consumed the feces.[22][23] Comedian Conan O'Brien created a parody called One Guy, Two Bowls starring Andy Richter, which shows Andy eating two bowls of soup. This video was created for O'Brien's comedic website, Conan.XXX.[24] Filmmakers Justin Roiland and Christian Le Guilloux made a five-minute series called 2 Girls, 1 Cup: The Show for the short film competition site Channel 101. It debuted in first place on 27 January 2008.[25] Brandon Hardesty posted a video called 1 guy 1 lunchable, in which he eats the "taco filling" from a Mini-Taco Lunchable.[26] Canadian comedian Jon Lajoie also made a song named "2 Girls 1 Cup song", which described the activities in the video as if the two women were expressing their love for each other. The music video gained over 10 million views on YouTube.[27]

In 2013, German company MediaMarkt marketed a cupcake maker dubbed "2 Girls 1 Cup-Cake Maker". The product's slogan was that it made cupcakes "So good that it's impossible to film."[28]

The video was referenced in the British comedy series The Inbetweeners, in the series 2 episode A Night Out in London, with Jay bringing it up on his new laptop and Will reacting by saying "that can't be real, that's got to be chocolate!".[29] It is explained by a filmmaker to two women in the first episode of Inside Amy Schumer.

Media recognition

In the media the video has been used as an example of the poor content quality of YouTube and similar video-sharing websites, and their tendency towards deliberately shocking content.[3][4][30] Esquire magazine showed the video to actor George Clooney during an interview, prompting him to compare it to a rodeo, saying the point of the video was to see "how long you can last".[31] In an episode of Tosh.0, the entire audience is filmed reacting to this video. Host Daniel Tosh called it the World's Largest Reaction Video in terms of number of people being filmed.[32] The cast of Avenue Q, responding to The Muppets' version of "Bohemian Rhapsody", made a video of "We Will Rock You"/"We Are the Champions" (known as "We Will Rock Q"), ending with Nicky surfing the internet, finding 2 Girls 1 Cup (indicated by the soundtrack), and vomiting as the screen fades to black.[33]

The site was featured in a Dr Pepper Facebook promotion open to minors,[34] which resulted in The Coca-Cola Company terminating its relationship with the digital marketing agency responsible.[35] Jim Edwards of BNET said that Coca-Cola has full responsibility for allowing the situation to occur, arguing that Coca-Cola selected an advertising agency that openly advertised "profane" advertising campaigns and that the Coca-Cola executive who approved the 2 Girls 1 Cup line failed to do research on what the name meant.[36]


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^ a b Duthel, Heinz (November 12, 2010). The Complete Internet Pornography Encyclopedia. ePublications. ISBN 978-0-557-65507-6. Archived from the original on December 23, 2014. Retrieved December 4, 2014.
^ Conoley, Ben (November 8, 2007). "John Mayer Enters Food Porn World With "2 Guys 1 Cup"". Chart Attack. Archived from the original on January 16, 2010. Retrieved December 8, 2007.
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^ "One Guy, Two Bowls: CONAN.XXX". teamcoco.com. Archived from the original on December 29, 2017. Retrieved May 1, 2018.
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^ "2 Girls 1 Cup-Cake Maker Is Not What You Think". The Huffington Post. March 13, 2013. Archived from the original on December 23, 2014. Retrieved December 2, 2014.
^ The Inbetweeners (March 25, 2015). "2 Girls 1 Cup Reaction - The Inbetweeners". Archived from the original on September 23, 2017. Retrieved May 1, 2018 – via YouTube.
^ Crosbie, Lynn (March 10, 2008). "Unleashing our inner demons, site by sickening site". Globe and Mail. Canada. Archived from the original on May 22, 2008. Retrieved March 16, 2008.
^ "George Clooney Watches 2 Girls 1 Cup". Esquire. Archived from the original on 15 April 2009.
^ "Tosh.0". Comedy Central. Archived from the original on 6 January 2010.
^ "Avenue Q Rocks Muppets/Queen Video Parody". Playbill. May 5, 2010. Archived from the original on February 3, 2011. Retrieved September 24, 2010.
^ Dodd, Vikram (18 July 2010). "Coca-Cola forced to pull Facebook promotion after porn references". The Guardian. Archived from the original on 28 March 2017. Retrieved 25 August 2010.
^ Shearman, Sarah (27 July 2010). "Coca-Cola and Lean Mean split after Facebook gaffe". Marketing Magazine. Archived from the original on 31 July 2010. Retrieved 25 August 2010.
^ Edwards, Jim (21 July 2010). "Why Coke Should Have Known Its "2 Girls 1 Cup" Campaign for Dr Pepper Was a Disaster Waiting to Happen". BNET. Archived from the original on 17 August 2010. Retrieved 27 August 2010.
External links

Hungry Bitches on IMDb
Hungry Bitches at the Internet Adult Film Database