View Full Version : Paladin Conversion Released

03-19-2005, 12:06 AM

The paladin conversion has been released!

The paladin conversion is an opportunity for players who had warrior or cleric characters, on or before November 20, 2004, to convert to the new paladin profession. This conversion is a permanent profession change to the character.

If you choose to convert, enter the Character Manager and select option 20. After confirming your selection, you will proceed to the screen where you are prompted to set your stats.

This is the only time you can set your stats. If you have any questions or concerns about stats, join the discussion in the Paladin folder on the GemStone IV Forums or roll up a Paladin to play and test first. There are no stat reallocations after this step.

After setting up the character stats, you can either set up your skills in the text-based Character Manager or exit the Character Manager and set your skills by typing GOALS in the command prompt.

Upon conversion, all guild affiliations and skills as well as any previously learned combat maneuver skills will be lost. Society and deity selections, however, will be retained.

For 30 days following the conversion, all skills will migrate at an accelerated rate, so feel free to play around with skills during that time to become comfortable with how you'd like to train your character. After the 30 days, your character will migrate skills at the normal rate. Each time you log in, you will receive a notice with how many days are remaining at your accelerated skill migration rate.

03-19-2005, 05:07 PM
Anyone think the paladins are overpowerful?

03-19-2005, 05:58 PM