View Full Version : PPs, enchanting essence, solhaven shop & a couple weapons

11-22-2019, 10:35 AM
Accepting silvers on anything except PPs.
Paypal f/f only

Any questions, please ask.

Premium Points - 5700 SOLD, please look here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?123031-Premium-Points-5700


Wizard essence - +41
250 silver / essence
$.0015 / essence

Taking something from +25 to +30 requires 48,000 essence
Cost in silvers = 12mil
Cost in $ = $72

Level 83 wizard - 91 Wiz ranks

Couple of examples:
No issue taking a 7x/T1, flaring, 5 CER weapon higher.
(The underlying patterns of essence within the zorchar short-sword indicate that it has been enchanted and you notice your own enchanter's mark on it. You recognize the vibrant violet aura surrounding it as indicating a strong level of enchantment.
You sense that the zorchar short-sword already bears an enchantment and that you can only fail to enchant it if you are horribly unlucky.)

Has a 75%+ chance to continue taking his translucent vultite-alloy quarterstaff above +25
(The underlying patterns of essence within the vultite-alloy quarterstaff indicate that it has been enchanted and you notice your own enchanter's mark on it. You recognize the vibrant blue aura surrounding it as indicating a strong level of enchantment.
You sense that the vultite-alloy quarterstaff already bears an enchantment and that you are that the odds are on your side to successfully complete the enchantment.) (75% to succeed)

Sorry, no parasitic/bone weapons from this wizard, they're a bit outside of his current capabilities.


Solhaven shop 1 room
$75 or 18mil

Must have Solhaven citizenship.


a perfect maoral-hafted gornar maul
7x/T2, max light at 4lbs, earth/vibe flares
$75 or 18mil


TWC set, comes with:
a skull-buckled dark leather swordbelt (TWC belt, only holds OHE weapons)
7x/T1 (+35) perfect rhimar short-sword (DDW, 7 CER), max light at 2lbs
7x/T1 (+35) perfect zochar short-sword (SWDW, 5 CER), max light at 2lbs
$100 or 25mil

11-22-2019, 01:59 PM
If you still have the points after another month's subscription hit me up. I need 5638

11-22-2019, 03:49 PM
That's pretty cheap for that many PPs

11-25-2019, 08:18 AM
Pulled PPs for now. See info in original post.

01-04-2020, 08:44 PM
bump to top - PPs are back, but moved to High End folder: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?123031-Premium-Points-5700