View Full Version : Maelstrom - Tempest Shift

03-18-2005, 05:05 AM
Maelstrom is an excellent spell, though I believe with a few minor modifications, it could be even better. The spell's primary drawback is the length of time needed before the damage takes effect. I understand that this hindrance is in place to balance the spell's power. However, this balance seems more often than not too uneven to justify the casting of the spell. I believe if we could utilize a single focused Tempest upon more than one creature, the spell would receive far more use while maintaining a fair Cost/Danger ratio.

The idea of the Tempest Shift is a simple one. After a focused Maelstrom is formed, the spell will attack a monster until it is dead. Instead of dissipating, the Tempest will remain upon the foe until such a time as the creature decays, or the storm's charges are depleted. Should the sorcerer choose, he can take the time to SHIFT his formed Maelstrom from one creature to another. In short, shifting a Maelstrom would move a fully formed tempest from one foe to another, saving both time and mana needed in forming an entirely new storm.

The act of shifting a Maelstrom should cause 3 seconds of soft round time. The Tempest should take one of the spell's normal rounds to shift to it's new target, and lose one to three charges in the act of shifting. There should be a minimal chance of failure when shifting a Maelstrom, and all skill checks should be based upon the Sorcerer's Spell Aiming skill, and known ranks in the Sorcerer circle.


As with all my ideas, I like to further develop my thoughts by including some suggestions that would truly empower a spell, though be far more difficult to code. One such suggestion would be to give sorcerers the ability to MERGE two separate Maelstrom's into one over a target. While not nearly as useful, I still believe this would be a fun and interesting spell effect for those that frequently bring call forth their sorcerous storms.

Another idea is to allow differing Elemental Lores to play a part in the spell of Maelstrom. Sorcerers that choose to train in a specific element will see an increased amount of attacks from that damage type, distinctive messaging, and greater power granted to that particular manner of strike. Finally, the amount of Elemental Lore ranks a Sorcerer has should gradually decrease the amount of time needed to form a Tempest, much like Summoning Lore's effect upon Call Lightning.

As always, any commentary given is more than welcome.

Evarin and his Mis'ri

03-18-2005, 06:25 AM
Did you post that on the Official boards?
There really is no point posting excellent Ideas like that here.

Also I've had an idea for a change to phase. It's simple...
Make it so you can phase anyone you choose out of existance forever.
You Like?

03-18-2005, 07:41 AM
I don't like it. Not only can you cast that spell and then turtle and watch what happens you now want to be able to kill/stun/injure multiple targets for the same mana and the only penalty being forced to guarded stance for 3 seconds?

03-18-2005, 07:42 AM
I agree. It balanced enough as it is. I wish I had an ability where I kill something from a stance I have no risk of dying in.

03-18-2005, 07:44 AM
You want to make that spell(and sandstorm) more fun? Make it drop your stance down every round. That would maybe make your heart beat alittle faster while hunting using such a spell.

03-18-2005, 07:50 AM
It doesn't really matter what stance the sorcerer is in if he is up against a maneuver type attack.
Waiting for the storm to effect can be fatal.

But . .
before you point it out , I'll do it for you :
Empaths don't bone-shatter creatures with no bones.
Sorcerors shoudn't hunt beings who can nail them in a second with a maneuver attack.. Like Atreau , for example.

03-18-2005, 07:51 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Sorcerers have a slew of stunning/incapacitating spells?

03-18-2005, 07:57 AM

But still, It's been known the SECOND the stun wears off that a creature can instantly perform a maneuver / maneuver spell , whatever.

Take Illoke for example.

Stun - Ewave - Maelstrom - ::wait :: - Creature breaks stun and INSTANTLY murders sorcerer who was in guarded.

Just at least understand , my only point here is that stance guarded can mean shit. And sometimes waiting for maelstrom to take effect, even if incapacitated. . the creature still has time to murder the sorcerer.

That's all. I agree with your point.

[Edited on 3-18-2005 by Drayal]

03-18-2005, 08:00 AM
Yeah. To me 710 is an intermediate spell that loses its use after level 30 or so. But by then you can pretty much hunt with 720 anyway. Sort of like you can hunt the first 20 or so levels as a swinger without stancing, but good luck doing that after that level.

03-18-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Drayal
It doesn't really matter what stance the sorcerer is in if he is up against a maneuver type attack.
Waiting for the storm to effect can be fatal.

Good. It should be. If the creature has maneuver attacks you're worried about don't use a spell that takes forever to kill it. If you have the exact same tactic for every creature you should be getting smoked like weed at a hippy political rally.

Maneuvers kill me as well, and I still don't think it's any type of argument worth mentioning.

03-18-2005, 11:07 AM
Shush and go enchant my leathers to 6x.


03-18-2005, 01:13 PM
If you want me enchanting something you care about to 6x you're either a brave soul or you've never seen my skill set. You give me an item I'll give you a blackened version back.

03-18-2005, 02:48 PM
Good. It should be. If the creature has maneuver attacks you're worried about don't use a spell that takes forever to kill it. If you have the exact same tactic for every creature you should be getting smoked like weed at a hippy political rally.

Maneuvers kill me as well, and I still don't think it's any type of argument worth mentioning. >>

I am failing to see where you would have a problem with this spell. It actually will increase the time a Sorcerer is just STANDING in front of some creature that could kick the shit out of him. Not all creatures stun, so incapitation is never a sure-fire option.

Basically, the sorcerer will be using a less mana intensive way of killing a creature at the risk of ADDITIONAL time in front of the monster. Sure, the sorcerer could just put another Maelstrom onto the creature, but as you say, that option is simply not feasable at later levels.

This spell would entice sorcerers to try to take on swarms of creatures at once. You walk into a room, there are three creatures. You E-wave, maelstrom the third, stun the second, and start attacking the first. You finish off the first, the Maelstrom fully forms, and you start working on the second. Maelstrom kills the third, you shift it over to the second to finish the job, or onto another creature that enters the room. EXCEPT The stun on the second creature wears off, and he gets a maneuver attack in before the Maelstrom can stun it again.

Dead sorcerer, Pure haters rejoice.

Stance has nothing to do with anything. The only spell that forces you into a prolonged offensive stance is Torment, and I am sure you would claim that spell is overpowered anyway.

03-18-2005, 02:50 PM
Did you post that on the Official boards?
There really is no point posting excellent Ideas like that here. >>

I post it here because I know it will be picked apart by those that are less than Sorcerer friendly. This way I can get a realistic look at how the idea should be altered for game balance.

03-18-2005, 11:40 PM
Personally I would find it useful even if the shift cost another 10 mana.

03-18-2005, 11:53 PM
Finally, the amount of Elemental Lore ranks a Sorcerer has should gradually decrease the amount of time needed to form a Tempest, much like Summoning Lore's effect upon Call Lightning.

I don't like this idea. What does elemental lore have to to with quickening a sorcerer's spell?

03-19-2005, 02:44 PM
I could give you a big lengthy description as to why, but why bother? See Dark Cat.

03-19-2005, 05:45 PM
719's spell description explains that elemental and spiritual energy is ripped from the target. So... it's to connect elemental lore to 719.

710's spell description says nothing abouit elemental energy. It says it summons dark energy. Let's say the spell did cause elemental damage, I could easily see elemental lore increasing the damage. But I don't see why elemental lore should quicken this spell either way.

03-19-2005, 09:15 PM
As someone who plays a sorcerer I can say that I think it's a nice idea. The chances of it being implemented are nil.

As a side note I absolutely never, ever use maelstorm while hunting.

Same here. Except I don't like the idea of having elemental lore determine how much faster the spell works.

03-21-2005, 12:43 AM
It was just a secondary idea. The Shift would be the clinching factor of making the spell more useful.