View Full Version : +50 arcane symbols enhancive kit

11-10-2019, 08:22 PM
This is a great kit for making your spells last longer when you spell up using scrolls. Put on all the items, invoke the scrolls until you are spelled up, and then take off all the items until next time you need to spellup. The gswiki has information on how much duration +50 arcane symbols will give you, its quite a bit.

All items are crumbly, but have enough charges to last for a very long time as long as you only use the kit when invoking scrolls (and of course you can recharge the items at the adventure's guild quite inexpensively so long as you do it before reaching last charge)

3m takes it, delivery to landing/solhaven/icemule.

Note the level requirements on the higher bonus items. Everything besides those two requires only level 20. I can substitute so the entire kit only requires level 20, let me know if that is needed.

Sterling silver headband - +8 arcane symbols, +3 max mana, lot of charges (level 48 requirement)

Ora torc - +5 arcane symbols bonus, lot of charges
Gold neckchain - +6 arcane symbols bonus, +2 physical fitness bonus, lot of charges (level 28 requirement)

Studded gold armband - +4 arcane symbols, +5 max mana, +1 SMC bonus, +4 first aid bonus, quite a few charges

Platinum band - + 4 arcane symbols bonus, +4 demonology lore bonus, +3 health recovery, quite a few charges

ora brooch - +4 arcane symbols bonus, +4 dodging bonus, lot of charges
sterling silver barrette - +4 arcane symbols bonus, lot of charges
imflass barette - +4 arcane symbols bonus, lot of charges
ruby stickpin - +4 arcane symbols, 4 arcane symbols bonus, lot of charges
copper buckle, +4 arcane symbols bonus, crumbly, lot of charges
gold alloy buckle - +3 AS bonus, giantman charges


11-12-2019, 02:40 AM
Here is an example of substitutions to bring the level requirement down to 20. You just put all this shit in an armoire, take it out when you are ready to spell up with your kit of infused scrolls, spell up for long duration due to the +50 AS bonus enhancives, then use the armoire again. With this type of usage I'd be very surprised if anything needed recharging after 1 year of usage.

(replace for +6 AS bonus neckworn)
Mithril alloy torc, +3 arcane symbols bonus, persists, lot of charges
Imflass medallion - +3 arcane symbols bonus, persists

(replace for +8 AS bonus headworn)
Golden topaz band, +3 arcane symbols bonus, crumbly, giantman charges
Inset copper headband - +4 arcane symbols bonus, +1 harness power bonus, crumbly, lot of charges
Star ruby pin - +2 arcane symbols bonus, persists, giantman charges

11-16-2019, 04:00 PM
I can sell you a max light armoire for 1.5m too (I got the bounty points right now) if you do not have an extra, so then you can easily put this kit on and off before and after spelling up