View Full Version : Really Old Items Sale - To Best Buyout!

11-01-2019, 07:07 PM
Hi everyone! Here's a list of really old items my characters from AOL through the early post-AOL days have. I'm looking to sell them all as a buyout to get it done in one swoop, so the best offer takes all, no individual sales. Cash only, please.

I've tried to order the items from the ones I most remember being all the rage back in the day, down to other stuff. Yes, I was in on the spidersilk fad back before spidersilk was common! Note that all items, even ones with long names, are entirely highlighted/underlined and do not adhere to current name and other alter rules. Some items are wearable in places they wouldn't be today.

Please post (or drop me a PM if you prefer / want anonymity) with your BO offer on this set of great old school stuff! I'll call it once I hit what I feel is a satisfactory offer for me. Enjoy the nostalgia, and please let me know if something is a current item I've just forgotten. I'll knock it off the list.

Private buyout offers welcome. Looking more to the hundreds given age of the items/quantity/parting with a lot of sentiment, just to warn, but we'll see where it goes!

Current Offer: SOLD to Nightwolfz

* a jet black spidersilk cloak edged with silver trim (shoulder worn, holds significant amount, scripted)
-- This is one of the old spider cloaks. When you first wear it, the spiders weave a web around you, with actual brief webbed effect. Messaging also has the spiders open and close the cloak, weaving as appropriate when you do so. IT also has a removal message about the spiders removing the web bound around you.
* a translucent spidersilk backpack (holds exceptional amount)
* a white spidersilk backpack (back worn, holds significant amount)
* a silver spidersilk satchel (across shoulders/back, holds medium amount)
* a white spidersilk sporran (attaches to belt, holds small amount)
* a black spidersilk cloak (shoulder worn, holds significant amount)
* some elegant spidersilk pants (leg worn, holds small amount)
*a black spidersilk vest (worn anywhere, holds very small amount) (2 available)
* a white spidersilk vest (worn anywhere, holds very small amount)
* some grey spidersilk gloves (worn anywhere, holds very small amount)

* a jagged orcish vultite cutlass (4x, heavily damage weighted)
* a silver dwarven wand belt (waist worn, holds small amount)
* a pair of wire-framed spectacles (wearable anywhere)
* a rune-etched black Faendryl robe (opens/closes, holds significant amount)
* a long black beard (worn anywhere, messages as attaching to chin, adds 'X has a long black beard' to description)
* some white veniom-threaded boots (foot worn, holds very small amount)
* an onyx-studded silver charm bracelet (includes a pink topax orchid charm, a green beryl Imaera charm, a jet aivren charm)
* a butterfly charm (2 available)
* a veniom-plated Ilyan Cloud charm
* a gold-trimmed veniom scabbard (belt worn, holds somewhat small amount)
* a gold-capped black fel cane (some zests)
* a pair of soot-hued suede boots (foot worn, very small amount)
* an oilskin miner's pack (back worn, holds significant amount)
* a shadowy black leather tool pouch (attaches to belt, holds medium amount)
* an opalescent vaalin lockpick earring (ear worn, functions as lockpick, piercing not required)
* an onyx-studded dagger harness (worn anywhere, stores medium amount, poke harness to sheathe daggers and pull to unsheathe, scripted messages with either and wear/remove)

* a billowing crushed velvet cloak (shoulder worn, fairly large amount) - Show: You see a beautiful cloak made of ruby colored crushed velvet and trimmed with silvery gold veniom. Embroidered into the breast of the cloak in pure silver thread is the holy symbol used by the Balmkrist monks. (Note: been around since many, many years before monks were a profession!)
* a woven veniom headband (head worn) - Show: The headband is made of many threads of fine veniom each coated in a slight amount of imflass, letting it shimmer slightly with a pale black light. The word "Master" is inscribed onto its surface with perfect crimson mithril thread.
* a golden symbol of Cholen pendant suspended from a long mithril chain (neck worn)
* a pair of eonake-plated cuff links
* some silver-scaled gauntlets (holds very small amount)
* a golden coiled serpent bracelet with bright sapphire eyes (wrist worn)
* a silver coiled serpent earring (hangs from ear, does not require modern piercing)
* a crimson-edged dagger embossed prayerbook (belt worn, holds small amount)
* a tiny latched silver cigar case (ankle worn, holds somewhat small amount, zests)
* an antique silver cloak clasp (worn anywhere)
* a slender carved ironwood staff harness (shoulders/back, fairly large amount)
* some mithril-linked brigandine (2x, crit padding - fairly crit padded, 3pts against critical)

11-02-2019, 01:32 PM
Bump! Looking to sell soon, as I've a cash need, so please send any offers along if you like to collect old stuff! :)

11-02-2019, 06:55 PM
Getting several inquiries but they've been for specific items. To emphasize the subject and my terms, I'm trying to sell all of these old items together to an interested user (or collector!) for cash. The best buyout wins all, and my line for victory honestly isn't very high. Try me. I need to meet my goal and nothing more.

So, apologies to those wanting to buy just one item. Unless you're paying quite the large amount, I prefer to sell it all together in order to preserve the whole bundle's buyout value! Thanks!

11-02-2019, 06:57 PM
50 usd

11-02-2019, 09:15 PM

11-03-2019, 12:28 AM
* some mithril-linked brigandine (2x, crit padding - can't recall how much) '

whats the padding?

11-03-2019, 11:37 AM
* some mithril-linked brigandine (2x, crit padding - can't recall how much) '

whats the padding?

I had it warrior assessed for you. It's fairly crit padded, 3 points toward, zero services used. :) That wasn't bad for back then.

The pack's still up for sale, all!

11-03-2019, 07:54 PM
Bumping this up once more, to note that I'm going to probably conclude it within the next day or two and give the pack of items to the leading offer. If you want to enter a higher offer, this is the time to do it.

11-04-2019, 01:11 PM
Bump! I'll be doing once, twice, thrice, sold over the next few days. Today is $100 to Nightwolfz going once.

I may be adding more items to the list, waiting to comb through more of my ancient characters. If more gets added to the list and you offer a buyout, you'll still get any new stuff!

11-05-2019, 10:57 AM
Sale is now going twice to Nightwolfz for the current offer of $100. Get those offers in soon if you'd like to propose a higher buyout! :)

11-05-2019, 05:45 PM
Going thrice! Last chance to make a higher offer than the current one. I believe my decision will be made either before I go offline tonight or after I wake up. Get in your last minute bids if you want these great old collectibles!

11-05-2019, 09:55 PM
Bump and last chance notice! I will be calling it around noon EST tomorrow unless any higher bids come in. Happy collecting. :)

11-06-2019, 12:20 PM
With no other offers to counter his, I declare Nightwolfz the lucky winner of this pack of old collectibles. Thanks for bidding, and thanks to all who PM'd expressing how they enjoyed the nostalgia of seeing these items again!