View Full Version : Lockpicking stat collector

11-01-2019, 07:21 AM
Is there a Lich script that tracks box opening data?

11-01-2019, 07:26 AM
If you use tpick it keeps track of stats.

11-01-2019, 11:15 AM
I will have to give that a try. What kind of data does it capture if you happen to know?

11-01-2019, 06:46 PM
All trap information
Scarab 6120 (14.52%)
Needle 1480 (3.51%)
Jaws 885 (2.1%)
Sphere 922 (2.19%)
Crystal 186 (0.44%)
Scales 897 (2.13%)
Sulphur 1352 (3.21%)
Cloud 580 (1.38%)
Acid Vial 1302 (3.09%)
Springs 305 (0.72%)
Fire Vial 971 (2.3%)
Spores 1075 (2.55%)
Plate 1308 (3.1%)
Glyph 897 (2.13%)
Rods 1340 (3.18%)
Boomer 1123 (2.66%)
No Trap 21399 (50.78%)
Total Trap 42142.0

Total boxes picked: 39393
Total time picking: 148888.1 seconds
Average time per box: 3.78 seconds

Boxes remaining: 15
Estimated time remaining: 56.7 seconds

just that as far as i know...

11-01-2019, 06:51 PM
I had totally forgotten that ;tpick tracks trap information. I sometimes surprise myself.