View Full Version : tier 4 max lighten eisenruck for 8 mil

10-25-2019, 02:02 PM
brass framed eisenruck with maroon cuirbouilli panels

anal eisen
You analyze your brass framed eisenruck and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Looking over the eisenruck and inspecting its finer details, you realize that it will always need to be "a/n (whatever)/(whatever)/eisenruck". So, the item's article and adjective CAN be changed, but "eisenruck" cannot.

To insert a gem into the eisenruck, you must be wearing the eisenruck and holding a gem in one hand, then PUSH eisenruck.

Note 1: The eisenruck must be worn continuously for a minimum of one day before any of its gem-eating abilities will function.

Note 2: When you LOOK at your eisenruck, if a socket is described as "open," then it is ready to have a gem inserted into it. If a socket is described as "closed," then it is in cooldown.

Note 3: Although it is not required by the script, this eisenruck is designed to interact with the Gnomish Repair System, which enables the wearer of a scripted Gnomish Repair Belt to alter this eisenruck's appearance to any of several "damaged" descriptions which are pre-stored in the eisenruck's extra text fields. Please keep that in mind if you request an alteration for this item. The "damaged" description texts may also need to be changed by the merchant in order to reflect the changes of your alteration.

If you were to play with the brass framed eisenruck, then you'd find that you can analyze, wear, remove, pinch, poke, and push it. PUSH won't do anything if the eisenruck has no gem sockets "unlocked" or added.

This is a fully unlocked, Tier 4 eisenruck. This eisenruck is sold OTS with no tier unlocked.

SCRIPT NAME: Gem-eater Eisenruck

This eisenruck cannot be lightened further.

You're holding a brass framed eisenruck with maroon cuirbouilli panels, which appears to be a rigid-sided, back-worn container similar to a backpack. Despite its sturdy, utilitarian design, gaps between its panels provide a glimpse of clockwork enhancements, and small louvered vents are set into several of the eisenruck's flat surfaces.

The eisenruck's left strap bears a bronze plate with:
One diamond socket, which is open.
One ruby socket, which is open.
One sapphire socket, which is open.
One pearl socket, which is open.

10-25-2019, 10:42 PM
I'll take it.