View Full Version : Gemstone 5: The Renaissance

Dighn Darkbeam
09-17-2003, 11:16 AM
With all the recent uproar over the upcoming major changes I find myself thinking Gemstone could use a Renaissance. Once the dust of GS4 settles, I believe the focus should turn to expanding the world of Elanthia in ways adding mostly to RP over mechanics.

Artisan skills are to me the most under appreciated area of expansion this game currently has to offer. Think of all the different Artisan skills that could be developed, allowing in-depth personalization of your characters and experience earning activities outside hunting.

Here are some suggested Artisan skills I would like to see.

Scroll books - The combining of several scrolls into book or tome for ease of use. Spells could be organized by circle, number, type or purpose, or the player’s personal preference. The materials for this activity should be both store bought, player created, or treasure found. Materials could include ink, paper, runes (see sorcerer spell 714) and writing utensils. Recharging and maintenance of these books could be a sorcerer exclusive skill, giving the profession a much needed utility to provide to their fellow adventurers.

Alchemy - The creation of substances for offensive, defensive, medicinal and other uses. This artisan skill has limitless potential. Imagine making a powder or cream that could be applied to even high enchant weapons that add a flare or poison damage? Imagine creating an explosive substance that when properly prepared could be used in combat as a devastating splash-damage weapon. The inclusion of rituals or spells that can be utilized only by using concocted components prepared using the Alchemy skill for any number of uses.

Healing arts - Wounds are not all the same. I believe the wound system in this game is primitive in that there could be so many different types of wounds and ways to treat them. A severe burn injury must be treated with salves to promote healing. Wounds must be cleaned and dressed properly or infection could set in. This may sound like a hassle to some, but if done properly would add an increased challenge to empaths while providing more than the basic herb system for players steadfast in treating their own injuries.

Assessment of player's/creatures - As it stands now players can learn a persons gender, race, and culture all in one glance. I believe such skills should be seen as both rare and valuable. A person would need to rely on their perception, their knowledge of different cultures, and a keen sense of observation to detect the subtle differences of each race. In combat, one could find specific weaknesses or injuries on differing creatures, gaining a valuable advantage over your opponent. The skill of an opponent could be hastily assessed to judge their particular fighting skill or characteristics. Much of what we take for granted now could be made into a skill where with careful studying could garner more detailed information relating to each character or creature.

Languages – As a player I have always wanted to roleplay my characters as scholars. Being able to understand, speak, and possibly even read and write in a foreign language would be a mark of one who would call themselves as such. This Artisan skill could be used to at first IDENTIFY which language you are hearing. (How could a dwarf tell if an elf is speaking sylvan or dark elvish if he couldn’t even tell them apart?) After this skill is mastered one could pick a language to study. Starting their education with the pronunciation of their name and other common words, learning gradually until they can understand full conversations. After understanding a foreign, next would be learning to speak the language. A human may have only small difficulty learning common elvish, but a hobbit would have a very difficult time trying to pronounce anything in the guttural speak of the giantmen. Once the language of choice is mastered in a verbal fashion, one can begin to read and write in that language. This useful skill could allow the drafting of documents to be read only by those of the intended race or especially well learned. The final advancement in this field would be the mastering of the universal scholars tongue. A language known only by the highly educated, one could sustain spirited debates free from eavesdropping of the common rabble.

Monster Dueling - (Edited in) This artisan skill has the potential to be huge. I will outline the idea in three portions.

1. Trapping. The art of trapping is involved. For less intelligent creatures, food could be used as bait to lure the animal into a cage of the player's construction. As one wishes to capture more intelligent or powerful monsters, the difficulty and personal risk increases. Sentient creatures would need to be cornered and subdued using nets, snares, and other restraining devices. The creature may need to be weakened enough be contained within these devices. One would have to be as careful as possible not to cause harm to their future pet/fighter. Finally for the most dangerous and aggressive creatures multiple devices, both mundane and magical must be employed, along with the use of extensive man power to overwhelm the creature and finally subdue until the time of release for fighting or possible training.

2. Monster Maintenance. Capturing a monster is difficult enough, maintaining the creature is no simple task either. If the creature is to be kept for any extended amount of time for any reason, it must be kept in prime fighting condition.
A. Feeding. Your animals nutritional needs must be met. Creatures diets will vary from simple vegetation, to fresh meat, finally to live prey. Serious trainers will provide specially made meals to bring their creatures to the edge of their abilities and ensure peak health. Being able to secure such resources is essential in keeping your monster alive and battle-ready.
B. Healing. Weather during capture, during training, or during dueling your creature will be damaged. As empaths' skill in healing extend only to the realm of their humanoid counterparts, all injuries will be addressed by the handler. One must remember that different creatures will need differing types of care. A rolton may be able to be healed using simple herbs, though an injured Fire Golem may require extensive magical arts to repair damage. Using a combination of herbs, first aid, magical skill, and the healing arts characters will treat all of their beasts injuries to ensure the monster is ready for their next match.

3. Monster Training. Any amateur can release a fresh-caught Roa'ter into the ring and prey for the best, but an expert handler will send a fully armed Troll King bristling with spells, energy, and a powerful desire to please its master into battle. Using the knowledge gained from extensive knowledge of their creature (Assessment, Dueling experience), specially prepared dietary and supplements (Culinary Arts, Alchemy), and well practiced techniques (Dueling ranks) A handler can transform even the most pathetic Lesser Orc into a well honed killing machine.
Providing fresh caught creatures for your main fighter to practice against to hone existing skills and possibly learn new ones. Gaining your creatures trust enough to spar in mock battles will increase its will to fight. Providing armor and weaponry specially made for your particular monster to help protect or aid in it battle giving you the edge over your competition. Finally, the most skilled of handlers can train their beast team tactics allowing several of their kind, and eventually differing species of creatures to fight together. Only the true masters of their arts can command their beasts to ignore their hatred for each other and work cohesively as a deadly fighting unit.

I have but touched the surface of this possible Artisan addition. Monster battling would be a major effort to code, though consider the rewards. Imagine watching your Trollish horde engaged in an all-out battle with a full contingent of Krolvin fighters with your creatures lives and millions of silver hanging in the balance. Now imagine stepping into the ring to fight these creatures yourself. Unlimited potential.

Culinary arts, tanning & sewing, painting, dancing …So many other areas could be studied and mastered to help add depth to a game that revolves solely around killing other creatures.

Racial, cultural, and professional based bonuses and disadvantages could be added and applied to each skill. Your characters base stats, training, and even your background information data could all be factors in the learning of specific skills. The implementation of new artisan skills can range from simple to highly involved depending on how ambitious a particular group of GM’s are and time and resource restraints.

These Artisan skills could all utilize the old system of guild repetitions, or could each be unique in their learning. If at all possible, multiple methods of advancement could be used, some involving the help of others, or alone if one does not care to seek out fellow students of the arts. The gaining of experience could be applied to activities relating to Artisan skills. Special consideration must be given however to avoid scripting of these activities. A possible idea is only a set amount of experience per level could be gained from Artisan skills. Perhaps Artisan experience could be made separate from hunting experience to add to realism and keep people from getting too powerful from (relatively) danger free activates. Above all one must keep in mind that even hunting is scriptable. Nothing should be limited because of a few who choose to abuse possible mechanics gains.

All thoughts, questions and comments are welcome, especially considering the informal nature of these particular boards.

Dighn Darkbeam and Player

[Edited on 9-17-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]

[Edited on 9-17-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]

09-17-2003, 11:57 AM
Wow.. several excellent ideas that I see no reason why they shouldn't be implimented. Though a few I can see the staff opposing to, the rest would definatly make 32.95 more worth it.

09-17-2003, 03:39 PM
*Smacks lips*

I love the ideas! How do we make you a GM?:grin:

09-17-2003, 03:41 PM
He would need to lose some IQ and bend over a little more. :D

Seriously though, those are all great. They really should give back rewards of some kind for the artisan skills. At first they were a hit but the benefits weren't worth the work, time and money to invest in it.

09-17-2003, 11:50 PM
You have some outstanding ideas that would benefit the game enormously. Some of them are similar to other ideas that have been rejected in the past. Others are new, at least to me.

For now, though, I doubt you could get any attention for them, since GSIV plans are being implemented as we speak. The PTB are not going to be amenable to adding more changes to the platter right now.

Kudos to you for some really fine ideas!


09-17-2003, 11:58 PM
Scroll books, alchemy, and making salves and potions were already discussed, ad nauseum, several years ago back when Romulus had a Sorcerer's committee to flesh out skills for the Sorcerer's guild. All three had the kabosh put on them because a Sr. GM decided that wizards should have them too, and then there was that huge let-down that none of the guilds except for rogues and warriors would ever get skills.

Then there was some group - ALAE maybe? Who was supposedly going to pick all those things up for artisan skills. I thought they were already being worked on, since this was discussed in great detail years ago, with a ton of support from players and staff.

Considering that many other games already have this kind of thing, I don't see why Simu wouldn't include it. Except, that their code is so difficult to work with that they can't figure out how to implement it, or possibly that their staff just isn't capable enough to create it. Or maybe it's the turnover - staff members coming up with excellent code, then leaving or getting fired, and the projects dropped until someone else comes up with the idea.

Pity too. These concepts work great in other games and really add a lot to roleplay and diversity, offering more ways for characters to be truly unique. If someone can manage to convince the powers that be to do this, I'd be thrilled to hear about it!

09-18-2003, 08:25 AM
He would need to lose some IQ and bend over a little more.


09-18-2003, 11:00 AM
You have wonderful ideas. I speak from experience. Do NOT post those on the official boards, because you'll get flamed by Carabele and Landrion.

Dighn Darkbeam
09-18-2003, 12:55 PM
I thought about putting them on the official boards, though figured many of these ideas were already discussed.

The best way to implement some of these skills would be to make a semi-guild, a pure-guild, and a square-guild. Some could cross over to other professions if training reflects differently, though people speak for diversity, this would allow for it.

09-18-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
You have wonderful ideas. I speak from experience. Do NOT post those on the official boards, because you'll get flamed by Carabele and Landrion.

Why would you say that? Im rather fond of artisan skills. I think the monster trainer one is exceptional actually.

09-18-2003, 01:22 PM
Agreed Izalude. The official boards are pretty much reserved for the ass-kissers these days.

09-18-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Agreed Izalude. The official boards are pretty much reserved for the ass-kissers these days.

So I guess Ive disagreed with you and Izalude both lately on the officials?

09-18-2003, 01:39 PM
I don't bother to post on those boards other than Marketplace. Reading them is laughable though.

09-18-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I don't bother to post on those boards other than Marketplace. Reading them is laughable though.

Happy to provide entertainment. ;-)

Dighn Darkbeam
09-18-2003, 03:49 PM
Scroll reading - I can see someone who ones the god item that combines scrolls already not liking this skill. I suggest his item should still work and not require any training.

Alchemy - Perhaps some might dislike any changes it might have on existing mechanics, though this would depend on how its implemented.

Healing arts - Would draw some backlash if the healing system became more involved/dangerous. Having many types of wounds and different methods of treating them might be viewed as a hassle rather than a fun new game mechanic. Some empaths may not like any changes to the wound/healing system, especially if not in their direct favor.

Assessment - Would most likely create the most complaints. Any changes that involve taking things players can do now for free and making them earn the ability will not be popular, even if improvements are offered. It might affect the roleplay of people who like to make throwaway characters simply for Rping and have no time put into them.

Language - I see little for people to get upset about in the way I outlined the skill. Some might feel their cultures or racial differences might be affected by others being able to learn their language. Others might scorn the possible elitism of the older being able to use a scholars language young people or little played characters wouldnt have access to.

Monster Dueling - As long as no one is forced to do this or combat mechanics are affected in a way where normal hunting is changed I see no problems. This skill could only add to the game.

Thoughts, additional artisan skill suggestions?

09-18-2003, 09:25 PM
I'm not a big fan of the monster trapping stuff. I'd rather that be given to bards, rangers and savants (via a Song of Charming, a trapping-taming skill, and a Mind Control spell, respectively)
