View Full Version : +8 perception bonus scripted boots

10-15-2019, 06:15 AM
some argent satin boots

EG trove win I don’t have a good use for. +8 perception bonus, pocketed and scripted to hold a dagger, has an inscription. More than giantman charges remaining, persists.

>put knife in boots
You discreetly slip your knife into your boots.
>get knife from boots
You quickly and quietly slip your crooked vaalorn knife out of your satin boots.
>read boots
In the Elven language, it reads:
Property of the United Bank of City-States

Taking silver, bloodscrip, and trade offers via PM.

10-15-2019, 05:18 PM
Can you check to see if they are rechargeable at the adventurer's guild?

10-19-2019, 11:15 AM
Boots sold.