View Full Version : 120m poker prize pool

03-14-2005, 07:13 PM
Okay, will just post this in two categories so hopefully those interested can see. Anyone who opens an account with partypoker.com and uses bonus code "eagle" to do so will be eligible. There will be two tournaments in April, on sunday nights. The first will be for play money players with a prize pool of 20m, we will use private tables to run the tourneys, first place 10m, second 5, third 3, and fourth 2m. Tournament FREE to enter.
Second tournament will be for players who make a deposit at partypoker, any deposit- which when you use "eagle" to first sign up will give you 20% bonus PLUS 7 freerolls PLUS entry into their $5000 tournament. A good deal for anyone who likes poker anyway.
This tournament will be a 100m silver prize pool, I anticipate about 30-40 players, tournament is free to enter. First Place is 60m silver. 2nd-20m, 3rd 8m, 4th 6m, 5th 3m, 6th-8th 1m silver each. After you signup please send me a private mail letting me know but more info will be posted as we progress. I plan on having a few surprise silver tournaments once a week beforehand. The first one will be this weekend! I will invite people directly on partypoker!

03-15-2005, 11:03 PM
Update: We are currently at 4 people.