View Full Version : Droughtman bottomless humidor and pet hedgehog

10-06-2019, 09:47 AM
Just starting back up and need to generate some coins - so two of my past winnings are going up on the auction block. This will likely go pretty quick -

#1 - Bottomless humidor - I won this back in 2011 (I think). Never will run out of matches or cigars. Cigars also seem to last a LONG time. Sold

Description is: a gold-edged pale mistwood humidor with a brass lockplate.

Parchment inside reads:

In the Common language, it reads:
To the lucky winner of this humidor, allow me to extend my congratulations!

These cigars will never run out, nor will the matches. I only ask that you use them in the spirit of generosity, and not seek to be a nuisance with my Finest Reserves. I will be most displeased if I hear of someone leaving thousands of my cigars strewn across a town.


R>look in humidor
In the pale mistwood humidor you see a square of creamy vellum parchment, an azure-banded thin white cigar and a small red-tipped match.

>look at my cigar
A thick silver band is wrapped around the cigar between a pair of azure bands. Embossed on its circular seal is a maze of green and the phrase, "Droughtman's Reserve".

>light match
You light the match by flicking it against your thumb.
>light cigar with match
You inhale deeply on the cigar. The area fills with a vanilla and bourbon smoke.
>wave match
You wave your burning match around.
The burning match goes out, disappearing in a small puff of smoke.
>puff cigar
As you draw from your cigar, the vanilla and bourbon flavor rolls lazily over your tongue, lingering on your palate.
Parting your lips in a taut oval, you blow the vanilla and bourbon smoke out in a steady stream that floats up to hang in a cloud before you.
Moving your left hand around idly, you leave a wavy line of vanilla and bourbon scented smoke in the air.
Parting your lips in a taut oval, you sculpt the smoke in your mouth with your tongue, and blow a pair of interlinked smoke rings into the air.
Holding the cigar poised between your fingers, you use your thumb to tilt the tip of it up toward you, inspecting it for a moment.

#2 - Pet hedgehog - This was an EG win from a long time ago - hopefully will find a good home with someone. SOLD to 15m to Yesnomaybe

You glance down to see a midnight-hued sack in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>analyze sack
You analyze your midnight-hued sack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
\\\\\ /////
\\\\\\\__o .__///////

The midnight-hued sack is a container that can only hold a pet hedgehog. It can be freely altered with either a long description or a show, as long as it makes sense as a small item that holds a hedgehog.

UNWRAP the midnight-hued sack to let the hedgehog out.

>unwrap sack
You remove your dark grey hedgehog from in your midnight-hued sack.
You glance down to see a white-striped dark grey hedgehog in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>analyze hedgehog
You analyze your dark grey hedgehog and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
\\\\\ /////
\\\\\\\__o .__///////

This is a live pet hedgehog. It can be freely altered, but it has to be natural-looking. No hot pink hedgehogs! It can have a show description if you choose, but it cannot have a long description.

As the owner, you sense you could hug, touch, rub, tap, poke, kiss, tickle, smell, and roll the hedgehog. You can WRAP it to put it away and make it sleep. If you set it on the ground, no one else can get it. Do not leave it behind, because the janitor loves pet hedgehogs.

10-06-2019, 01:42 PM
MB Humidor.

10-06-2019, 02:40 PM
MB hedgehog

10-06-2019, 03:23 PM
6m hedgehog

10-06-2019, 04:42 PM
And we're updated - GOING ONCE>

10-06-2019, 07:11 PM
7m hedgehog

10-06-2019, 08:17 PM
$20M on humidor and $10M on hedgehog

10-06-2019, 09:17 PM
The hedgehog is worth it for the ASCII art alone.

10-07-2019, 12:10 PM
25M Humidor.

10-07-2019, 12:39 PM
30M on humidor

10-07-2019, 12:48 PM
35M on humidor.

10-07-2019, 01:16 PM
$40M on humidor

10-07-2019, 03:38 PM
9m Hedgehog

10-07-2019, 04:36 PM
12m hedgie

10-07-2019, 08:19 PM
updated - going once

10-07-2019, 10:28 PM
50M Humidor

10-08-2019, 07:59 AM

10-08-2019, 05:52 PM
13m hedgehog

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-08-2019, 09:15 PM

10-09-2019, 03:00 AM
15m hedgie

10-09-2019, 07:46 AM
Updated - bummed this to going twice. Sold tonight if no more bids