View Full Version : Rare Reim gems (High- and Low-end)

10-01-2019, 06:08 PM
I am looking for particular Reim gems (in Prime) for Reasons.

I am ONLY looking for unadulterated gems (that is, gems that are as they were found, not sung to, chiseled, run through a gem cutter or lapidary box, or modified in any other fashion).

I am offering 30k silvers or 3x the gem shop appraisal, whichever is greater (feel free to drag along whoever has the highest trading/citizenship/racial bonus) for each of the following:

an ice blue diamond
a nebulous emerald
an ethereal blue gem
a jelly opal
a haloed Reim ruby
a pallid sapphire

I am offering 5000 silvers each for the following:

a chunk of bronzite
a cluster of sky blue crystal
a spear of lavender-grey iolite
a piece of jet-flecked ivory
a pebble of orbicular jasper
a cone of mahogany obsidian
a shard of pink petalite
a snow quartz

Thank you!