View Full Version : Price Check: 5x T5 Ensorc T3 unlocked Parasite Morning Star

09-29-2019, 03:07 PM
Looking to get a price check on a 5x T5 Ensorc T3 unlocked Parasite Morning Star (Max Light). Might consider selling down the road but am curious what everyone feels is an accurate price for this.

09-30-2019, 11:48 PM
Well lets see.... the weapon it self OTS is 10k script, t0-t1 is 5k, t1- t2 is 35k, and t2-t3 is 75 for a total of 125k blood script. 125k bloodscript is approximately worth $625 (@$5/p).
The 4x-5x enchant is about 7 mill average(due to bone being a harder enchant) so 7mX$5=$35
The T5 ensorcell would be approximately 25m @2.5mill/p. 25mX$5=$125
Add that all up you get....:thinking: $625+$35+$125=$785 OR $785 divided by $5/p=157 million coins BUT....
Then you got to add in your "Ohh i have this super wicked awesome weapon that you badly want that is upgraded and ready to go" surcharge..... which on something like that you be able to get another 20-25% markup if you find the right person that wants what you got and wants it now and not have to wait....
So your new approximate value on your parasite morning star is....... $785 + 20%=$942 or in coins... $942 divided by 5/p=188.4mill...

So if all that math is close to correct :fingers: that would be my approximate value on this weapon.
Now I am slightly on the :drink: side of things and i didnt double check everything above BUT you got a really nice weapon and all in all its worth a fair chunk of vacationing money!
:goodluck: If you put it up for sale!

10-01-2019, 11:19 AM

10-01-2019, 11:47 AM
Yeah, you don't get out what you put into weapons most of the time - especially bloodscrip value and ensorcell.

You have to compare it to similar weapons with similar abilities. OTS T3 parasite is hard to move, and goes for maybe 75-80mil, then add in the extra enchant and ensorcell, and I concur that it's around 100mil estimated value.